Agenda Item No. 5BP (12/52) BOARD REPORT ___________________________________________________________________ DATE OF BOARD MEETING: 29 October 2012 TITLE OF REPORT: Chief Executive’s Business Report PURPOSE OF REPORT: To provide a résumé of key issues of Trust business and items that impact on the Trust and its services. KEY POINTS/TEAM BRIEF: ACCOUNTABLE DIRECTOR: Simon Barber Chief Executive RECOMMENDATION TO THE BOARD: The Board is asked to note the contents of this report. 12/52 Chief Executive’s Business Report Lifestory Network NHS Programme Manager of the Year House of Lords visit Appointment at NHS North Good Citizen Award for Fairhaven Staff Page 1 of 5 Agenda Item No. 5BP (12/52) IMPLICATIONS AND LINKS FOR TRUST GOVERNANCE Corporate Objectives (√ the objective(s) the report supports, or to which it is linked) Service Quality & Patient Experience: During 2012/13 we will be able 1. to demonstrate that we have improved the effectiveness, experience, quality and safety of our services 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. √ Effective & Efficient Organisation: During 2012/13 we will work to ensure services are provided in the most economic, efficient, effective and equitable manner Clinical Leadership & Service Improvement: During 2012/13 we will support our clinical leaders to deliver service improvement across the organisation ensuring we deliver high quality services Engagement & Partnership Working: During 2012/13 we will become better at working in partnerships. We will explore opportunities for partnering in order to develop innovative solutions for improving health outcomes for the people we serve. Well Governed: During 2012/13 we will maintain sound governance arrangements that will ensure we continue to hold our CQC registration status and FT authorisation. Financial Viability: During 2012/13 we will meet our statutory financial duties and maintain a robust five year financial plan. Organisational Development: During 2012/13 we will deliver organisational improvement through our key themes of:- Employee and Organisational Health & Wellbeing, Employee Engagement and our Values and Organisational Culture Workforce Management & Experience: During 2012/13 we will continue to plan for, attract and develop our people so that they are able to deliver a high quality service. NHS Regulatory Framework (√ the standard domain(s) the report supports, or to which it is linked. Add text as required) Essential Standards of Quality and Safety 1. Involvement and information 2. Personalised care, treatment and support 3. Safeguarding and safety 4. Suitability of staffing 5. Quality and management 6. Suitability of Management Other 7. Quality of financial management 8. National priorities and existing commitments 12/52 Chief Executive’s Business Report Page 2 of 5 Agenda Item No. 5BP (12/52) IMPACT ASSESSMENT Patient and Public Involvement N/A Equality, Diversity and Human Rights N/A Communications N/A Risk Assessment N/A No in Risk Register Legal Implications N/A 12/52 Chief Executive’s Business Report Page 3 of 5 Agenda Item No. 5BP (12/52) Report to Trust Board 29 October 2012 Chief Executive’s Business Report 1. LIFESTORY NETWORK As sponsors of the Lifestory Network, we have been invited to a celebration event at the House of Lords on 12 November 2012. The event will be hosted by Baroness Greengross (crossbench House of Lords peer with specialist interest in older people, human rights and dementia). The event will include a session to hear the voices of those who have participated in Lifestory Network courses from organisations, professions, and carers. Since March this year, we have supported over 30 staff to access the training, and Lifestory work is now a further intervention available to support our service users and carers who are experiencing the effects of dementia. 2. PROGRAMME MANAGER OF THE YEAR – NHS GRADUATE MANAGEMENT TRAINING SCHEME Another Trust employee was in receipt of a national award this month. Vanessa Trimble, Assistant Director of Organisational Learning and Development was awarded the Programme Manager of the Year for 2008 NHS National Graduate Management Training Scheme. This award recognises the guidance through coaching which was received by Mike Roscoe, our 2008 General Management Trainee and is further confirmation of the reputation the Trust has developed for providing graduate trainees with an excellent learning experience at the Trust. 3. HOUSE OF LORDS VISIT On 22 October Therese Patten and Peter Dowd attended the House of Lords for the launch of a document produced by the Mental Health Providers Forum, a not for profit organisation representing voluntary sector mental health service providers across England. The document, ‘an introductory compendium of some of the most commonly used legislation in mental health’, was co-authored by Peter and the foreword thanks the Trust for its involvement in this work. 4. APPOINTMENT AT NHS NORTH With the appointment of Ian Dalton to the post of Chief Operating Officer of the National Commissioning Board, Dr Stephen Singleton the medical Director of the NHS North has been appointed as Interim Chief Executive of NHS North. He has recently written to all Chief Executives in the North to explain that during the next six months Ian remains the accountable officer for all aspects 12/52 Chief Executive’s Business Report Page 4 of 5 Agenda Item No. 5BP (12/52) of performance for PCTs and Trusts. He was very clear that any conversations on these matters should be discussed with him directly. In the transition to the new NHS architecture for 2013/14 he will be supported by Richard Barker who is the Regional Operations Director for the North. Richard’s role will be to oversee the planning for next year including the transition and appointments to the new organisations. 5. GOOD CITIZEN AWARD FOR FAIRHAVEN STAFF Staff at Fairhaven have been recognised for their outstanding actions by the local police for their support of young people. They attended the Police Basic Command Unit awards ceremony at the Stobart Stadium in Widnes on 17 October and received a Good Citizen award. Fairhaven staff were in the local community supporting one of their young service users and required assistance from the police who in turn were impressed by their management and level of support to the young person at a difficult time. This award is reflective of the team’s dedication, passion and commitment to working with young people. 5. RECOMMENDATION That the Board notes the contents of this report. Simon Barber Chief Executive 12/52 Chief Executive’s Business Report Page 5 of 5