1. February 2015 Revision Day

Revision Day February 2015
10-10.30 (30 min)
10.30-10.45 (15 min)
10.45-11.00 (15 min)
11.20-11.45 (25 min)
Finish Character mindmaps
“Marketplace” character mindmaps
Read exemplar essay Sec A uneven and discuss in group
Discuss and plan Sec A uneven essay: Write about some of the
ways Fitzgerald tells the story in Chapter 7
11.45-11.55 (10 min)
11.55-12.10 (15 min)
12.10- 12.30 (20 min)
Marketplace plans
Read exemplar essay Sec A even and discuss in group:
How do you respond to the view that it is very difficult for readers
to feel anything other than contempt for Tom Buchanan?
Discuss and plan Sec A even essay: How appropriate do you think
it is to describe The Great Gatsby as a tragedy?
12.30-1 (30 min)
1-1.50 (40 min)
1.50-2.05 (15 min)
2.05-2.35 (30 min)
2.35-2.45 (10 min)
2.45-3.05 (20 min)
3.05-3.20 (15 min)
3.20-3.35 (15 min)
3.35-4.30 (50 min)
Marketplace plans for Sec A even essays
Just a minute exercise
Read exemplar (speech) Sec B essay and annotate
Plan Sec B essay 1 together and write intro
Write one section each of Sec B essay 1
Mark other group’s essays. Hand essays to teacher.
Same again with new question
Select winning essays