Chapter 12 Notes Packet

Chapter 12: The Old South & Slavery, 1830-1860
Section 1: King Cotton (pg. 339-342)
Focus Question: How did the rise of cotton cultivation affect the society and economy of the old South?
1. What had Nat Turner and six other slaves do on the morning of August 22nd, 1831?
2. What factors led to Turner uprising against his master?
3. Which states was the Upper South? Lower South?
4. Where was the “Cotton Kingdom” located?
5. If you lived in the Lower South, which crop would you want to grow: Sugar or Cotton? Why?
6. Why had growing corn and cotton become the “best of both worlds”?
7. What are the FOUR ties between the Lower and Upper South?
8. How were southern factories different from northern factories?
9. Why was industry less appealing to southerners?
10. What was the southern view on education? Educating slaves?
Questions & Answers:
 Create TWO questions & answers from section 1
Upper South
Lower South
Chapter 12: The Old South & Slavery, 1830-1860
Section 2: The White Social Groups of the White South 9pg. 343-348)
Focus Question: What major social divisions segmented the white south?
1. About how many southern farmers had more than twenty slaves on their plantation?
2. What were the four social groups in the south?
3. What was plantation agriculture?
4. How did wealthy planters show their value? How did planters and Alabama & Mississippi?
5. What did planters do to counteract the fluctuating cotton prices?
6. How did plantation wives contribute to their husband’s plantation?
7. What were the two different kids of small slaveholder groups?
8. How was success measured in the view of a small farmer?
9. What type(s) of farming did Yeomen practice?
10. What was the major believe of Yeomen when coming to wealth and success?
11. How did Yeomen make profit from their crops?
12. How did the people of the pine barrens live?
13. Which two words would describe the people of the pine barrens?
14. How was the group of people viewed by Northerners?
Chapter 12: The Old South & Slavery, 1830-1860
Section 3: Social Relations in the White South (348-353)
Focus Question: Why did nonslaveholding whites feel their futures were tied to the survival of slavery?
1. Despite class inequality, which opportunity did the south offer most of its people?
2. Which political group did planters and yeomen side with?
3. What issue had both Northern and Southern constitutions both agree upon?
4. Who did planters and Whigs find major opposition from on banking issues in the south?
5. What major problem was created between 1830-1860?
6. Southerners supported Congress on which piece of legislation dealing with slavery?
7. What did Hinton R. Helper ask non slaveholders to do in his publication?
8. What are the THREE major reasons why the majority of southern whites did not resist slavery?
9. How did southerners and religious members defend the institution of slavery?
10. What were some examples of violence in the south?
11. What was the southern code of honor?
12. Who were the subordinate groups according to Evangelicals?
Questions & Answers:
 Create one question & answer from section 3
 Planters sided with Whigs who supported banks/land
 Yeomen-sided with Democrats
 Planters were legislatures
 All whites voted
 Non-slaveholders had most control over banking= Demo Yeomen
 1830-1860--% slaveholders declined, not enough slaves
 Southerners wanted Congress to reopen slave trade
 VA Emancipation Legislation 1831-1832, slaveholders believed this was an
example of how non-slaveholders did not have allegiance with the South.
 The Impending Crisis of the South 1857, Hinton Helper
 Why didn’t they fight against slavery?
o Nonslaveholders wanted to be slaveholders
o Whites need to be above blacks (status)
o Where would slaves go? Crime?
 1830-1860—Southerners used the bible to support evidence that civilized
cultures used slavery.
 George Fitzhugh—claimed the North had wage laborers that get tossed when
they couldn’t work
o South provides food, shelter, and “medicine” for slaves
o Compared slave-master relationship as a father-child
o 1790’s Protestants condemned slavery, by 1830 supported b/c planters
gave money to churches.
 Murder rate 10x’s higher: eye gouging & ear biting.
 Upper class believed in Southern Code of Honor where society’s views on
you place you in society.
 Duels—brought by French & British
Chapter 12: The Old South & Slavery, 1830-1860
Section 4: Life Under Slavery (354-361)
Focus Question: What were the distinctive features of the African-American society and culture in the
1. What determined a slave experience?
2. Who was in charge of plantation discipline and why did they feel it was necessary?
3. How did slaves gain advancement?
4. What was the incentive for a master to encourage slaves to marry?
5. What challenges faced slave families keeping connected or together?
6. Explain “fictive” kin networks among slave families.
7. Why were slaves in the United States living longer than other countries? (4 reasons)
8. Why did most free blacks or slaves find jobs in the Old South versus the North?
9. In 1860, ________ of the free blacks in the Upper South and more than ________ in the Lower South
were urban.
10. How did the South respond to free blacks after the Nat Turner rebellion in 1831?
11. Briefly describe the following revolts:
 Nat Turner—
Gabriel Prosser—
Denmark Vesey—
Why weren’t there more slave revolts in the South considering the large population of slaves
located in regions like South Carolina?
12. What were examples of alternatives to violent rebellions?
Chapter 12: The Old South & Slavery, 1830-1860
Section 5: Emergence of African-American Culture (361-364)
Focus Question: What were the distinctive features of the African-American society and culture in the
1. What was “pidgin”?
2. What were the beliefs of many African religions?
3. If an African village suffered a drought, who might they pray towards?
4. Why didn’t African slaves use religion to rise up against slavery?
5. Which religious groups attracted African slaves? Why?
6. What was the purpose of converting slaves to Christianity?
7. Why had slave holders been worried about their slaves being converted?
8. How were church going situations different among rural and urban blacks?
9. Which group of people discussed in the bible did slaves compare themselves?
10. How did feel God viewed slavery for slaves and masters?
11. How did African-Americans express music and dance?
12. Why did slaveholders encourage singing in the field?
Questions & Answers:
 Create one question & answer from section 3