SBE_Technology Plan 2012-2013 VISION: Technology will be seamlessly integrated into the educational process and provide the means for learning, communicating and collaborating. MISSION: Our mission is to provide a technology-rich environment, along with professional development on effective integration and both administrative and instructional support, which facilitates the development of 21st century skills and provides access to learning for all students. Technology empowers teachers to engage students and provide opportunities for communication and collaboration that can maximize the instructional process. C2 Readiness College Ready – Students as Learners The job market of the 21st century will require employees to successfully complete some post-secondary education. As a result, we are committed to giving all SBES students access to coursework and experiences that will guarantee their readiness for all post-secondary options. Career Ready – Students as Employees Many of the jobs for our graduates have yet to be created. To prepare for a future that is unpredictable requires a focus on skills and experiences to be a successful employee no matter what career pathway they choose. All SBES students will complete the fifth grade with an understanding of the requirements for success at the Middle School level and beyond. Overview: Sawgrass Bay Elementary School is well equipped with a range of available technology designed to enhance the process of teaching and learning. Each classroom is equipped with a ceiling-mounted LCD projector, a voice enhancement system, 4-5 student computers, a teacher computer, and a document camera. Some classrooms have SMART boards and SMART document cameras; others have SMART Response Systems, while others have some form of Student Response System. Each grade level has a set of five iPod Touch for student use. Several teachers have iPads, and use various applications in the delivery of instruction. The school is also equipped with several laptop carts and two fully functioning computer labs. As of December 19, 2012, the school’s network connectivity has been upgraded from T1 to Fiber Optics. GOALS: 1. Provide a safe, flexible, and effective learning environment for all students. 2. Engage students in meaningful curricular content through the purposeful and effective use of technology. 3. Provide students with opportunities to apply technology effectively to gain knowledge, develop skills, and create and distribute artifacts that reflect their understandings. 4. Provide students with access to authentic and appropriate tools to gain knowledge, develop skills, and create and disseminate artifacts that demonstrate their understandings. 5. Use technology to support a culture of data-driven decisionmaking that relies upon data to evaluate and improve teaching and learning. School Objectives Objective Strategies to Meet Objectives 1.1 Deliver appropriate and challenging curricula through face-to-face, blended, and virtual learning environments. 1. Continue to explore and Ongoing support online subscriptions and software that support instruction. 2.2 Actualize the ability of technology to individualize learning and provide equitable opportunities for all learners. 1. Maintain classrooms and labs Ongoing with equipment that is within benchmark. 2.3 Facilitate the implementation of high quality internet safety programs at SBES 1. Provide internet safety training to staff and students once per year. 3.1 Provide and support professional development that increases the capacity of teachers to design and facilitate Timeline 2. Purchase new and replace old technology equipment to enhance delivery of instruction. 2. Purchase and demonstrate new technologies for staff and students Ongoing 2. Maintain up-to-date Acceptable Use Policy for all network users. Throughout 2012-2013 Concentrating on the meaningful learning experiences, thereby encouraging students to create, problemsolve, communicate, collaborate, and use real- world skills by applying technology purposefully. 1. Model lessons for small groups in the lab or classroom that incorporate the use of a technology skill and content material. SMARTboard, SMART Response System, SMART Document Camera iPad/iPod Touch Ongoing 3.2 Ensure that students, teachers and administrators have a high degree of technological literacy. 1. Increase the number of teachers who participate technology training offered by the ILS Team. 2012 – 2013 2. Assess student technology skills annually through grade project based assessments. Ongoing 4.1 Provide resources and support to ensure that every student has access to a personal computing device. 1. Maintain classrooms with equipment that is within current standards. Ongoing 2. Purchase new and replace old technology equipment to enhance delivery of instruction. 3. Maintain computer labs for small group and whole group learning. 4.2 Work with IT to provide technical and pedagogical support to ensure that students, teachers, and administrators can effectively access and use the technology tools. 1. Maintain ideal classrooms with equipment that is within benchmark. 4.3 Identify and disseminate information and resources that assist teachers in selecting authentic and appropriate tools for all grade levels and curricular areas. 4.3 Model lessons for small groups in the lab or classroom that incorporate the use of a technology skill or tool and content material. Ongoing 2. Purchase new and replace old technology equipment to enhance data gathering and delivery of instruction. 3. Maintain computer labs for small group and whole group learning. Ongoing Digital Storytelling This is an initiative for grades 3-5 that would consist of sessions (number and duration to be determined by ILS Team) that will focus on the production of digital stories. While developing digital stories, students combine their writing skills and visual literacy skills to produce powerful stories. These workshops will include an overview of the seven elements of a digital story, the types of digital stories that can be written, and the steps necessary to build a digital story using tools such as Flip cameras and basic video editing software. Sample K5 grade level technology curriculum Kindergarten Kindergarten lessons focus on the development of basic technology skills and the development of letter-sound and counting skills. Students are logged on and off using the teacher's county approved password. Students learn to use a mouse, keyboard, and select productive software and internet websites such as Touch Math, Raz Kids, and Starfall. The Software and internet websites let the children practice a variety of curriculum skills such as counting up 1 to 20, adding with objects, letter sounds, alphabet, reading, and comprehension. The ESE rooms are equipped with Leap Frog devices. These devices help with reading, comprehension, fluency, and writing. First Grade In First Grade, we use technology to support the curriculum in each subject area. First grade lessons continue the development of basic technology skills through numerous curricular lessons. Social studies activities such as All about Me, and Needs and Wants use BrainPOP Jr., MyonReader, My World Person interactive DVDs and Safari Montage to develop these concepts with students. Language arts skills such as alphabetical order, phonemic awareness, word chunk sorting, and sequencing are developed through the use of Starfall, Head-sprout, BrainPOP Jr., Think Central developed by SBE staff members. In math we use ipad apps to assist in the understanding of adding, subtracting, and tens and ones, skills such as Base Ten Blocks, patterns, and telling time are also developed using interactive computer activities such as FASTT Math, cool math, GoMath. Rosetta Stone software is used for students whose primary language is not English. Headsprout and Earobics software are used for RtI and for students struggling in phonics. In reading iPad and iPod Touch apps are used in some classrooms to reinforce phonic during centers and literacy skills. All students benefit from the use of the InterWrite pad and the dot cam in all subjects. Projectors are used to project textbooks and textbook support software onto the screen. Second Grade Second grades’ goal is to continue basic technology skills while allowing students to use the acquired skills in project based learning. We have integrated science and social studies into our reading block and have students conduct research on the computer. Students are required to type paragraphs periodically to practice typing skills. Our students use FASTT Math, AR, and during centers for remediation and enrichment. During whole group instruction, our teachers are use their InterWrite pads for visuals and accommodations. Our ESE classrooms use iPads almost daily during small group instruction for phonics and fluency practice. We are continuing to implement more technology into our lessons through collaboration and mini lessons taught by our Tech cons and team leader. Third Grade Third Grade Lessons consists of multiple technology uses. We teach basic technology skills of typing, printing, PowerPoint, and the use of iPads/iPod touch. We use computer based programs or testing on a daily basis. We use the internet/computers for research based projects. We use the computer for math/science instruction with Aha Math/Science and Harcourt manipulatives or intervention. We use the iPads for instructional purposes such as Daily Language Review with notability, Doceri for instructions with whole group, and other apps for instruction. Laptops are used for power point, safari montage, BrainPOP, Pearson science, and many other programs. Fourth Grade Fourth grade lessons continue the development of basic technology skills through numerous curricular lessons for grade four students. Social studies activities such as Webquests and online research projects help students to develop computer skills as well as the researched topic. Language arts skills such as our school wide book project allowed students to write type and publish a page of a book. Math skills such as fractions, multiplication, and place value enhanced by both online activities and iPod applications. Fourth graders also use technology in reading on programs such as FCAT explorer and Accelerated Reader. Fifth Grade Fifth Grade primarily focuses on research and presentational technology skills. Some skills include reliable and non-reliable sources for research. Presenting learned information through word or PowerPoint usually follows. We will continue to reiterate basic skills such as typing extended answers, copying, cutting, pasting text and pictures, etc. Fifth grade practices taking online assessments, from LBAs to mini-benchmark assessments to practice for the math FCAT which will be online this year. Minimizing and scrolling are vital skills that we continue to review. Students use multiple math online resources to practice basic skills, such as FASTT math, ThinkCentral, AHA math, etc. FCAT explorer is used for reading, science, and math review. BrainPOP dictionaries, etc. are downloaded onto the iPad touches and can be utilized for small group activities or centers. iPads are used in centers for remediation or acceleration as well. Resources: Accessed from the Internet 8/7/2012