Performance Review Form

Performance Review Form
Business Area:
Period Covered:
Employee Skill
Review provided by:
Relationship to
• Does the work match the employee skill? Stretch, Match or Overkill indicates the level of
challenge that the objective or work target represents to the employee. Factors to consider
include prior experience, project phase or technology, level of support and guidance
needed/available. Please indicate above by striking through Stretch/Match/Overkill those
which do not apply. Use Practical Guidance at Appendix 1.
Key Results (Objectives/Other)
Objective/work target
Performance Factors
Select the appropriate rating of the employee’s performance factors:
1 – Outstanding/Far Exceeds Expectations
2 – Consistently Exceeds Expectations
4 February 2014
Performance Review Form
3 – Meets/Occasionally Exceeds Expectations
4 - Partially Meets Expectations
5 – Below Expectations
Please add a rating using the factors set out above. Please provide supporting comments in the area provided for all ratings with the
exception of 3 – Meets/Occasionally Exceeds Expectations
1. Quality of work output
The quality of deliverables and services produced (in
terms of errors, rework required to meet standards and
waste), not considering other things like timeliness or
2. Timeliness of Delivery
Timeliness of deliverables and services (in terms of
schedules, deadlines, delivery goals and target)
without regard to other factors like quality and
3. Quantity of work output
Quantity or amount of work produced personally (on
assignments, tasks, projects, products or services),
without regard to other factors like quality or timeliness
of the work.
4. Use of resources
The efficient use of time, money, materials and people
to produce the required deliverables and services
without considering factors like timeliness or quality.
5. Customer Impact / Value Added
The extent to which the deliverables and services
produced meet the expectations or internal and / or
external customers.
6. Independent work ability
The amount and intensity of supervision and
unplanned support necessary to perform up to
7. Team contribution
Consider, unrelated to personal performance, whether
the employee was helpful to others on the team or in
the organisation in terms of helping to get work out
directly, sharing knowledge and setting a tone of
teamwork and cooperation within the unit.
4 February 2014
Performance Review Form
Please add a rating using the factors set out above. Please provide supporting comments in the area provided for all ratings with the
exception of 3 – Meets/Occasionally Exceeds Expectations
8. Work habits
Consider whether the employee’s overall work style is
effective and productive in terms of time management,
setting objectives and priorities, adhering to standards
and guidelines, and following up on commitments
across a variety of work challenges.
9. Adding Skills and Capabilities
Consider whether the employee added (learned)
additional capabilities to his/her personal portfolio of
skills, attitudes and knowledge to get work done and
out on time and be prepared for future
Considering the employees Key Result Areas and description of performance my overall evaluation of the employees performance
for this work period is as follows (select appropriate rating):
Comments required for all ratings except “Meets/Occasionally Exceeds Expectations”.
1 – Outstanding/Far Exceeds Expectations
2 – Consistently Exceeds Expectations
3 – Meets/Occasionally Exceeds Expectations
4 - Partially Meets Expectations
5 – Below Expectations
Overall Rating
Further Comments
Please add any further relevant comments you feel
should be known
4 February 2014
Performance Review Form
Appendix 1
Employee Skill Match
Practical Guidance
1. Employee Skill Match (Stretch, Match or Overkill) indicates the level of challenge that
the work represents to the employee. Factors to consider include prior experience with
the customer, project phase or technology, level of support and guidance available.
2. To determine Employee Skill Match, many factors are taken into consideration
such as:
- Challenge of the work undertaken*
- Prior experience with this type of work
- Previous experience with this customer if applicable
- Amount of guidance/support the employee will be given/required
3. *Assignment Challenge (this is the challenge of the assignment as perceived by
IHTSDO). Is it:
High: Very Challenging and typically high risk, numerous extenuating
circumstances: high degree of independence and decision making required, critical
Medium: Challenge and risk levels are moderate and typical for our business (there
are several challenges, but nothing out of the ordinary)
Low: Challenge and risk level are low
4. When determining Employee Skill Match, you will need to take a judgment based
on :
- Assignment size
- Complexity
- Environment
- Budget/time
These are the three skill match value descriptions:
4 February 2014
Performance Review Form
Overkill - minimal alignment of the employee's functional competencies and the roles
and responsibilities of the assignment. Based on functional competencies listed it is
apparent that this individual has much more experience that that required for the
Stretch - From the competencies required for the role, it is apparent that the employee
has not done this type and level of work before
Match - good alignment of the employee's functional competencies and the roles and
responsibilities of the assignment
Overall Skill Match - taking the various factors into account you should ask yourself: "Based
upon how challenging this assignment is overall, how well does the employee's skill set meet the
requirements of the role?"
5. Ratings - Decisions must be made to ensure consistency i.e.
Overkill - it is not appropriate to give an individual on 'overkill' a '2' or '1' rating as their
performance needs to be weighted to take into account their high level of competence in
a low challenge role. The expected rating would be 'meets'. You might also expect this
individual to complete additional activities if the role is not going to take up time or
challenge sufficiently.
Stretch – this assignment requires the employee to “step up” to the challenge. It is
therefore appropriate to consider rating someone who achieves “meets/occasionally
exceeds expectations” higher, e.g. at consistently exceeds expectations rating.
On a general note it is appropriate to provide comments in the overall rating section.
4 February 2014