TED 690 Domain B Artifact 1

Daniel Medrano
Lesson Plan #2: Vocabulary
September 23, 2012
National University
TED 621B: Reading and Language Arts Methods for Elementary Schools
Submitted to Dr. Sam Marandos
11255 North Torrey Pines Road, La Jolla, CA 92037-1011 • Phone (858) 642-8320 •
Fax (858) 642-8724 • www.nu.edu
Lesson Plan Design: Vocabulary: Word Origins and Derived Roots
Grade: 5th
1. Introduction: (Identify Grade Level K12 Academic Content Standard(s),
rationale, focus learner, create bridges from past learning, behavior expectations)
California Academic Standards:
The first 5th Grade English language
● 1.2 Use word origins to determine the meaning
content standard focuses on word
of unknown words.
analysis, fluency, and systematic
vocabulary development. This
● 1.4 Know abstract, derived roots and affixes
lesson focuses on word origins and
from Greek and Latin and use this
derived roots to promote
knowledge to analyze the meaning of
vocabulary and concept
complex words (e.g., controversial).
development. By building
vocabulary, students will develop as
Prior Learning
readers. Furthermore, students will
Students have already started to learn that words
be able to develop pattern
have different origins. Some students are able to
recognition in words and derive the
use their prior knowledge of Spanish and Tagalog
meaning of words by making
to guess the meaning of words with Latin roots.
connections to what they already
Students have been building their vocabulary
know. Students will constantly
throughout the year and have been getting better at
build their vocabulary for the rest of
using context clues to determine the meaning of
their lives. The more books that an
unknown words.
individual is exposed to, the more
likely that he/she will come across
Focus Learner/ Behavioral Expectations
words that they do not recognize.
Students in the class are very active and social.
By teaching origins of words,
Many of the students are involved in afterschool
students will be able to develop a
activities and are very good friends with one
better understanding of a book’s
another. It is easy for the class to get excited and
off task if proper classroom management is not
Target Student 1: Is advanced and
Target Student 1: Is a GATE student who is very
social and is cooperative. Student must be
challenged mentally and can be used as a tutor to
other students.
Target Student 2: Has low language skills and
reads at a second grade level. Student is very
passive and will be encouraged to participate
whenever possible.
will develop as a reader. Student
will be able to apply what he learns
during the lesson to his future
Target Student 2: Enjoys reading
and will also learn how to find the
meaning of words by recognizing
the roots and origins of words.
2. Learner Outcome(s)/Objective(s): (What will students learn from this lesson?
How will you measure mastery of the outcome?)
Students will be able to identify vocabulary words
by hearing their definitions at an accuracy rate of
90%. Students will learn the origin of the word and
its Latin root of either “ped” or “man”.
Mastery will be measured by conducting a short
quiz at the end of the week. I will read the
definitions of the words out-loud and students will
write down the word.
I will give informal quizzes to students throughout
the week to measure how much re-teaching must
take place before giving the end of week exam.
75% of the students in the class are
reading at grade level, 20% are
reading above grade level, and only
5% of the students are reading text
at below grade level. The classroom
is very diverse and students are able
to identify to different cultures
around the world. The objectives
for this lesson will allow students to
develop their language skills.
Students will learn and re-learn the
words and prefixes throughout the
week and allow students to move
information into their long-term
memory. All students will be able
to develop vocabulary skills
regardless of their personal reading
3. Pre-assessment Activity: (Determine students’ abilities to achieve the Learner
Outcome and prescribe instruction accordingly. Consider: linguistic background,
academic language abilities, content knowledge, cultural and health considerations,
interests and aspirations, physical development, social development, emotional
development. )
I have conducted several assignments where
students build vocabulary using derived roots and
origins of words. Students often tell me when they
come across words that they were able to figure
out using their knowledge of roots and origins.
1) Linguistic Background
9% of students are ELL and primary home
languages are either English or Chinese-Mandarin
2) Academic Language Abilities, Content
Knowledge and Skills
95% if students in the class are reading at grade
level or reading above grade level. 9% of students
have IEPs. Target Student # 2 has been diagnosed
with a learning disability.
3) Physical, Social, Emotional
Students are very active and social. 50% of
students are in after school programs.
4) Socioeconomic/Cultural
School is located in a middle/upper income
neighborhood. Only 2 students use the
free/reduced lunch program.
5) Health Considerations & Attendance
Target student # 2 has been diagnosed with
cerebral palsy and is often absent.
6) Interests, Motivations, & Extra
Developmentally appropriate interests. High
motivation to read.
Pre-assessment Activity
I will ask students what they remember from our
previous lesson when we learned the meaning of
“uni” and “bi”. I will use “equity-sticks” to help
me spot check and assess how much I will have to
reteach. I will ask for the importance of knowing
the origin or root of a word.
I will be reintroducing the content
standards that the students are
familiar with while introducing new
objectives. By identifying what
students are able to recall from the
last assignment, I will be able to
identify what points I need to
reiterate or focus on. I will be able
to informally assess students’ prior
knowledge through questions and
the use of “equity sticks”.
4. Differentiation, Adaptation & Accommodation Strategies: (Based on the preassessments, modify Learning Activities based on learner characteristics to meet the
needs of ELL & special needs students, highly achieving students and low achieving
The class as a whole is very motivated when it
comes to reading. They enjoy learning new words
and enjoy being read to. This lesson allows all
students to learn a skill that can be used on a
regular basis regardless of their reading level.
Modifications for High Achievers:
Allow students to help classmates in their direct
vicinity. Ask student to write a short story using all
the words on the vocabulary list. Encourage
student to be creative and think about using
rhymes in his/her short story.
Modifications for students w/ special needs:
Allow student to work in groups. Modify rate of
speech. Use pictures when modeling. Check
student progress throughout lesson.
Modifications for Target Student #1
Student is a strong writer and I will ask student to
write a creative short story that he will be allowed
to read in front of the class if he feels like sharing.
The class as a whole would benefit from hearing
the words being used in a story.
Modifications for Target Student #2
One section of the assignment asks students to
draw, write sentences, and copy definitions. For
this section of the lesson, I will allow the student
to use a computer to complete the assignment to
accommodate for her cerebral palsy.
It is imperative that a teacher
provides differentiated learning to
fit the needs of all students in the
class. Not only is it important to
provide the necessary support for
ELLs and Special ed. students, but
challenging materials should also
be provided for more the advanced
students. Target student #2 is very
social and can become a distraction
to students if he finishes work early
or becomes bored. Target student
#1 has special needs and needs
extra support with reading. By
making modifications for all types
of learners, I can maximize what
can be learned during the lesson.
5. Resources: (Identify materials needed for this lesson accounting for varying
degrees of skill level)
5 printed vocabulary sheets of paper for
each student. (Only one side of each page
is printed. Each half page of paper has a
square with four quadrants and a circle in
the middle)
Document Camera
Computers (for students with special
Color Pencils
Creative Writing Journal
Develop free vocabulary test on
Equity Sticks
I will use the projector and a
document camera to model the
assignment for the student. I will
use the same tools for guided
practice. Instead of telling students
the answers, I can start them off on
their worksheets and allow them to
develop their vocabulary sheets.
Students will be use visuals to help
them learn the vocabulary words
and the objective.
6. Learning Activities: Explicit Teacher Instruction - (Explain, Model,
Demonstrate, Check for Understanding)
I’m going to ask my helpers from each group to
come up and get 5 vocabulary sheets for each
This part of the lesson will
person in your group. Today we are going to learn introduce the standards and
develop our vocabulary skills.
objectives for the course. By being
Read standards for the day:
explicit as to what is expected of
● 1.2 Use word origins to determine the meaning
the students, the students will know
of unknown words.
the purpose of their work. By
making the lesson meaningful and
● 1.4 Know abstract, derived roots and affixes
having a clear goal, students will be
from Greek and Latin and use this
able to make the necessary
knowledge to analyze the meaning of
connections to learn the material.
complex words (e.g., controversial).
The lesson includes technology and
visuals in an attempt to keep the
Read the lessons objectives:
interest of students while catering to
Today you will be able to identify and define a list students that learn in different
of 10 words by learning the origin of the word and ways. By modeling how to
complete a few vocab-sheets,
its Latin root of either “ped” or “man”.
Explain that “ped” mean foot, and “man” means
hand in Latin
Present List of words to students:
 Pedestrian, pedestal, pedometer, pedicure,
 Manicure, manacle, manuscript, manage,
Have each student copy down the words onto the
center circles of their vocabulary sheets.
Remind students that each quadrant has a purpose.
The first quadrant on the vocabulary sheet is where
students write down definition. The second is
where they write down the part of speech. The
third is where they are able to draw a picture that
will remind them of the meaning. Finally, the last
square will be used to allow students to practice
writing a sentence using the word.
I will model how to fill out the vocabulary-sheet
for the word “manicure”. Using the projector and
the camera, students will be able to copy what I
wrote on my vocabulary-sheet. Allow students to
develop their own drawing and sentence. Repeat
same process for “pedestrian”. I will allow
students to finish developing their vocab-sheets.
Students will be able to work in groups and help
one another as needed. I will actively walk around
the class and explain words and give details to
groups that have questions.
Check for Understanding:
While students are developing their sentences and
drawings I can go around the class and check
vocab-sheets. I will be able to work one-on-one
and reteach the concepts if I see that students are
not understanding the assignment.
students will be able relearn how to
complete the vocabulary-sheets. By
calling on students to help me fill
out the vocabulary-sheets, students
will teach other students parts of the
assignment process.
By having students look up the
definition of the words and writing
them down, the students will be
able to familiarize themselves with
the word and definition. By writing
down the part of speech, students
will learn how the word is used in a
sentence. Allowing students to
draw a sketch will further the
understanding of the vocabulary
word. Finally, by allowing students
to write a sentence using the word,
the student will be able to
internalize the word and link it to
something they know.
7. Learning Activities: Guided Practice/ Collaborative Practice (Check for
understanding and provide feedback and re-teaching)
Once I see that most students are finishing their
vocab-sheet, I will allow volunteers from each
group share their sentences with the class by using
the document-camera and reading their sentences
out-loud. Students will also be able to share what
they drew and explain the drawing and reasoning
behind it.
Check for Understanding:
Each student will be able to share some of the
work with the class. I will be able to see if students
understand the words and their definitions by what
they share with the class. I will give further
explanations/examples as needed.
Students will be able to share
sentences and drawings with the
class. Repetition allows students to
memorize new concepts. Students
will be able to see the new words in
different sentences and develop a
further understanding of standards.
Furthermore, students will be able
to coach each other on the
vocabulary words.
8. Independent Practice: (Provide practice that supports the learning outcome.
Note: Independent activities are assigned assuming that students understand the
concept well enough to work on their own.)
I will have students write a short story using all the
words on the vocabulary list. I will encourage
students to use rhymes in their story for extra
Check for Understanding:
By going over each short story, I will be able to
see if students are able to use their new vocabulary
correctly. Students that are not able to develop
sentences will be targeted for further practice. I
will have an online quiz on www.quizlet.com
available for students to practice for the end of
week quiz.
At this point, students have been
seen the words several times. This
independent practice allows
students to use their new
vocabulary words creatively. The
students are able to make their own
story and make the words their
9. Assessment and Evaluation: (Describe how you will assess and/or evaluate the
students’ learning. Describe differentiating assessment strategies you will use for
ELL, special needs students, highly achieving students and low achieving students.)
Formative Assessment:
By walking around the class and constantly asking
Individual Summative Assessment:
Individuals will be assessed twice. The first time
will be when they write a short story using all
words on the vocabulary list.
The second individual assessment will be an end
of week test. I will test their knowledge of the
vocabulary words and their understanding of their
meaning. I will read definitions out-loud to
students and they will write down the word.
Formative assessment allows me to
modify my lesson to fit the needs of
the students while the lesson is
taking place. By adapting the lesson
to the needs of the students, the
teacher is able to provide a lesson
that is beneficial to all students.
Individual summative assessment
will allow me to recognize what
aspects I need to focus on in future
lessons. If most students get a
specific question incorrect, it is
most likely that I didn’t teach the
Assessment for ELLs:
I will assess ELLs based on their individual level
material properly. I will also be able
of English. Students should be able to complete the to note what skills specific students
vocab-sheet but will have trouble with developing need to work on. A student may be
the story. I will assess ELL on the sentences they
great at defining a word but not
produce on their vocab-sheets.
great at using it in a sentence. I can
note down what students need to
work on, and take their specific
Assessment for Special Needs Students:
Depending on students IEPs,
needs into mind when making
future lesson plans.
Assessment for Highly Achieving Students:
High achieving students will be able to grasp the
material rather quickly. I will focus on their skills
as writers when assessing their short stories.
Target Student #1:
Will most likely complete the assignment rather
quickly. Will use this time to help develop his
skills as a writer.
Target Student #2:
Will probably have a difficult time writing a short
story using all the words. I will modify
requirements for this student. Allowing her to take
practice quizzes will allow her to be ready for the
end of week test.
10. Closure: (Describe how students will reflect on what they have learned.)
At the end of the quiz I will have students write a
reflection on what they learned about “ped” and
“man”. After collecting the quiz, I will lead the
class through discussion as to why it is important
to know the root and/or origin of a word. I will use
a few “ped” and “man” words, which were not on
the quiz, in sentences and allow students to
practice guessing the meaning of the words.
This closure activity will allow
students to think about what they
just learned and the importance
behind it. Furthermore, the students
will be able to practice their new
vocabulary skills.