Unit test – Prepare and Serve Espresso Coffee - VET-in-WSR

Western Sydney Region RTO
Assessment Package
Package Overview for Assessors
Package Title
/Elements to be
assessed by
this package:
Certificate II in Hospitality
Prepare and serve Espresso Coffee SITHFAB012A
1. Organise and prepare work areas. (Performance criteria 1.1 – 1.4)
2. Provide customer service and advise customers on espresso coffee. (Performance
criteria 2.1 – 2.2)
3. Select and grind coffee. (Performance criteria 3.1 – 3.2)
4. Extract coffee. ( Performance criteria 4.1-4.8)
5. Texture milk. ( Performance criteria 5.1- 5.5)
6. Serve and present espresso coffee. ( Performance criteria 6.1- 6.2)
7. Clean and maintain espresso machine. (Performance criteria 7.1- 7.5)
Evidence being
provided for;
contents and
information for
Other comments
Prepare and serve Espresso Coffee SITHFAB012A
Page 2
The Assessment Notice includes the activity description
and is
provided to students. The assessor should include the date(s) of the
assessment tasks
Page 3
Practical observation assessment check list
Page 4
Workplace Observation Checklist
Page 5-8
Page 9- 12
Unit Test - Students are given one period of 30 minutes during class time to
complete test. 80% pass mark is required towards competency
Unit Test – Teachers answers
Page 13
Third party evidence sheet
Page 14
Assessment feedback form
Copy of task for each student
Espresso coffee facilities
Holistic assessment with other units relevant to the industry sector, workplace and job role
is recommended, for example:
SITHFAB003A Serve food and beverage to customers
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Prepare and serve Espresso Coffee SITHFAB012A
Western Sydney Region
Vocational Education and Training
Assessment Notice
VET Framework: Hospitality
Assessor / Teacher:
Unit of competency: SITHFAB012A: Prepare and serve Espresso Coffee
Date Given :
Due Date:
Employability Skills are incorporated into this task.
Student Instructions
Task 1
Practical Observation
You will demonstrate your barista skills in class / café /work placement. Your assessment is to
demonstrate those skills and activities needed to prepare the work area and espresso coffee machine for
service, as well as prepare the coffees ordered by the customers /colleagues/students .You are also
required to prepare coffees as ordered by customers/colleagues/student throughout the service and to
clean and shut down the work area and espresso coffee machine. Throughout the observation you will
be observed by a Hospitality teacher who will mark off skills demonstrated satisfactorily on an Evidence
portfolio sheet. The evidence portfolio sheet will be on display in the classroom and café.
Task 2
Unit test
You will be provided with a worksheet which must be completed during class time. If you have trouble
understanding any of the questions please ask your teacher for assistance. The option of a verbal activity
is available if required.
Unit Test - Students are given one period of 30 minutes during class time to complete test. 80% pass
mark is required towards competency
Written activity date :
Task 3
Other Options
The option is available for students who work in establishments where espresso coffee is produced to
provide evidence through a third party evidence report or workplace observation checklist to be RPL for
the practical component of the assessment.
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Prepare and serve Espresso Coffee SITHFAB012A
Task 1 – Practical observation assessment check list
Candidate name:
Unit of competency
SITHFAB012A: Prepare and serve Espresso Coffee
Instructions for the Student
1. During nominated practical experiences demonstrate appropriate hygiene and safety
procedures and appropriate mise-en-place.
2. Your assessor will place their initials and date in a box to show that you completed each aspect
of the task to the standard expected in the enterprise.
Practical observation checklist
Did the candidate….
Organise and prepare work areas in accordance with
safety and hygiene practices.
Complete mise en place for coffee service and to store
commodities appropriately
Grind coffee and ensure correct dose for filter chosen
Follow the correct procedure for extracting coffee
Serve and present coffee as per customer requests
Clean all parts of the espresso coffee machine using
appropriate cleaning methods and products.
Shut down the espresso coffee machine following the
required occupational health and safety and enterprise
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Prepare and serve Espresso Coffee SITHFAB012A
Task 1 – Practical observation sheet
Workplace Observation Checklist
Training Package: SIT07 Tourism, Hospitality and Events
Candidate’s name
Assessors name
Work Activity
Extract and serve espresso coffee using the commercial
espresso coffee machine, including the storage, and
cleaning, care and maintenance of machinery.
Unit(s) of Competency
Prepare and serve espresso coffee
The candidate is required to demonstrate the extracting and serving of coffee over an entire
service period.
During the demonstration of skills, did the candidate:
Extract and present quality coffee
Demonstrate safe work practices in making espresso coffee
Meet customer requirements and expectations
Organise and prepare work areas in accordance with safety
and hygiene practices.
Complete the mise en place for coffee service and store
commodities appropriately
Clean all parts of the espresso coffee machine using
appropriate cleaning methods and products.
Shut down the espresso coffee machine following the
required occupational health and safety and enterprise
Assessor’s signature:
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Prepare and serve Espresso Coffee SITHFAB012A
Unit test – Prepare and Serve Espresso Coffee
1. Match the word to its definition:
30-35ml in 15-20 seconds, using 14g of coffee is the base of strong
15m I in 15-20 seconds, using 7g of coffee is the base of weak
25-30ml in 25-30 seconds, using 7g of coffee is the base of regular
2. Match the pictures to the different coffee styles:
A. Cappuccino
C. Macchiato
E. Iced Coffee
G. Flat White
I. Long Black
B. Espresso
D. Mocha
F. Affogato
H. Caffe latte
3. Espresso Coffee is brewed by ________ very hot, pressurised water through
coffee beans.
4. Boiling coffee brings out the rich chocolate flavours. TRUE or FALSE
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Prepare and serve Espresso Coffee SITHFAB012A
5. Coffee fruit is referred to as:
a) Cherry/drupe
b) Buds/flowers
c) Seeds
d) Grinds
6. The grind size for espresso coffee is _______________
7. If you tamp ground coffee in a coffee filter holder you:
a) Speed up water passing through grounds
b) Slow down water passing through grounds
c) Decrease extraction
d) Expose grounds to light
8. Over extraction will cause espresso to be:
a) Strong
b) Weak
c) Bitter
d) Sweet
9. To keep coffee fresh after brewing you should:
a) Let it cool then reheat to order
b) Keep it on a heating element
c) Transfer it to a thermal jug
d) Add hot water to it as needed
10. How often should you back flush the espresso machine?
a) After 1 hour of operation if machine is not used frequently
b) After 2 hours of operation if machine is used moderately
c) After each beverage during busy periods
d) After 1 day of service, or after busy periods
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Prepare and serve Espresso Coffee SITHFAB012A
11. How many grams of coffee should be used to produce a single
12. Moisture, heat and light can affect the flavour of coffee.
13. Milk should be boiled with a steam wand to produce a good foam.
14. Coffee crops account for a large part of many countries export trade.
15. Double filter baskets hold 18grams of coffee.
16. Coffee thermometers should be recalibrated daily to ensure correct coffee
temperature. TRUE orFALSE
17. .What is the recommended storage time for coffee beans in the hopper?
a) 2-3 hours
b) 3-4 hours
c) 1 day
d) 30 minutes
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Prepare and serve Espresso Coffee SITHFAB012A
18. Ristretto is used for a caffe latte.
19. 0nce a bag of coffee has been opened, how should it be stored?
a) In the bag, in the fridge
b) In an airtight container in the freezer
c) In an airtight container in the fridge
d) In an airtight container in the cupboard
20. Match the pictures to the different coffee methods:
A. Espresso machine
C. Plunger
E. Percolator
B. Mocha pot
D. Filter coffee maker
F. Instant coffee
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Prepare and serve Espresso Coffee SITHFAB012A
Unit test - Teachers Answers
1. Match the word to its definition:
30-35ml in 15-20 seconds, using 14g of coffee is the base of strong
15m I in 15-20 seconds, using 7g of coffee is the base of weak
25-30ml in 25-30 seconds, using 7g of coffee is the base of regular
2. Match the pictures to the different coffee styles:
A. Cappuccino
C. Macchiato
E. Iced Coffee
G. Flat White
I. Long Black
B. Espresso
D. Mocha
F. Affogato
H. Caffe latte
3. Espresso Coffee is brewed by _FORCING_ very hot, pressurised water
through coffee beans.
4. Boiling coffee brings out the rich chocolate flavours. TRUE or FALSE
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Prepare and serve Espresso Coffee SITHFAB012A
5. Coffee fruit is referred to as:
a) Cherry/drupe
b) Buds/flowers
c) Seeds
d) Grinds
6. The grind size for espresso coffee is _FINE_
7. If you tamp ground coffee in a coffee filter holder you:
a) Speed up water passing through grounds
b) Slow down water passing through grounds
c) Decrease extraction
d) Expose grounds to light
8. Over extraction will cause espresso to be:
a) Strong
b) Weak
c) Bitter
d) Sweet
9. To keep coffee fresh after brewing you should:
a) Let it cool then reheat to order
b) Keep it on a heating element
c) Transfer it to a thermal jug
d) Add hot water to it as needed
10. How often should you back flush the espresso machine?
a) After 1 hour of operation if machine is not used frequently
b) After 2 hours of operation if machine is used moderately
c) After each beverage during busy periods
d) After 1 day of service, or after busy periods
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Prepare and serve Espresso Coffee SITHFAB012A
11. How many grams of coffee should be used to produce a single
12. Moisture, heat and light can affect the flavour of coffee.
13. Milk should be boiled with a steam wand to produce a good foam.
14. Coffee crops account for a large part of many countries export trade.
15. Double filter baskets hold 18grams of coffee.
16. Coffee thermometers should be recalibrated daily to ensure correct coffee
temperature. TRUE or FALSE
17. .What is the recommended storage time for coffee beans in the hopper?
a) 2-3 hours
b) 3-4 hours
c) 1 day
d) 30 minutes
18. Ristretto is used for a caffe latte.
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Prepare and serve Espresso Coffee SITHFAB012A
19. 0nce a bag of coffee has been opened, how should it be stored?
a) In the bag, in the fridge
b) In an airtight container in the freezer
c) In an airtight container in the fridge
d) In an airtight container in the cupboard
20. Match the pictures to the different coffee methods:
A. Espresso machine
C. Plunger
E. Percolator
B. Mocha pot
D. Filter coffee maker
F. Instant coffee
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Prepare and serve Espresso Coffee SITHFAB012A
Task 3 – Third Party Evidence
Candidate’s name:
Third party evidence provided by:
Relationship to candidate:
Work Activity
Extract and serve espresso coffee using the commercial
espresso coffee machine, including the storage, and
cleaning, care and maintenance of machinery.
Unit(s) of Competency
Prepare and serve espresso coffee
As part of the assessment for the Unit(s) of Competency listed above, we are seeking evidence to
support a judgement about the candidate’s competence. As part of the process of gathering evidence
of competence, we are seeking reports from the supervisor and other people who work closely with the
We would like you to complete this report. We value your contribution and ask that you answer the
questions honestly.
Does the candidate consistently meet your enterprise’s performance
standards for:
Extracting and presenting quality coffee
Demonstrating safe work practices in making espresso coffee
Meeting customer requirements and expectations
Organising and preparing work areas in accordance with safety and
hygiene practices.
Completing the mise en place for coffee service and to store commodities
Cleaning all parts of the espresso coffee machine using appropriate
cleaning methods and products.
Shuting down the espresso coffee machine following the required
occupational health and safety and enterprise requirements
Signed by the
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Prepare and serve Espresso Coffee SITHFAB012A
Western Sydney Region RTO
Vocational Education and Training
Assessment Feedback
VET Framework: Hospitality
Assessor / Teacher:
Date Received:
Unit of competency: SITHFAB012A: Prepare and serve Espresso Coffee
Evidence provided for:
Unit Test /Practical Observation /Third Party Observation
Overall Result: Competent/Not Yet Competent
Competent/Not Yet
Unit Code
Elements of Competency
Prepare and
1.Organise and prepare work areas. (Performance criteria 1.1 – 1.4)
2. Provide customer service and advise customers on espresso coffee.
(Performance criteria 2.1 – 2.2
3. Select and grind coffee. (Performance criteria 3.1 – 3.2)
4. Extract coffee. (Performance criteria 4.1-4.8)
5. Texture milk. (Performance criteria 5.1- 5.5)
6. Serve and present espresso coffee. (Performance criteria 6.1- 6.2)
7. Clean and maintain espresso machine. (Performance criteria 7.1- 7.5)
Observation / Evidence sheet or RPL evidence
Unit Test
not yet satisfactory
not yet satisfactory
Assessor / Teacher Comment:
……………………………………………………………………….. Date: ……………….
Student Comment:
……………………………………………………………………….. Date: …………………
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Prepare and serve Espresso Coffee SITHFAB012A