Algonquin College of Applied Arts and Technology COURSE SECTION INFORMATION School of Hospitality and Tourism Food Practical III Culinary Management Professor’s Name: Mario Ramsay Email: Phone: 613 727-4723 Ext 5434 Academic Year: 2010/2011 Office: H208 Term: Winter 2011 Out of Class Assistance: By appointment Academic Level: 03 Course Number: Course Section: FOD2246 Section Specific Learning Resources On Cooking by Labensky Canadian Fourth Edition, Pearson Professional Cooking For Canadian Chefs: W. Gisslen, 6th Edition, Wiley Culinary Artistry, Dornenburg & Page, Wiley Introduction to the Pastry Shop: Christoph Rutishauser Plated Desserts Manual: Christoph Rutishauser Le Repertoire de la Cuisine (English Version) On-Line Resource Centre, etc. Learning Schedule Evaluation The following will provide evidence of your learning achievement: Homework (Recipe Journal, Coloured Plate Design & Typed Timeline) Practical Evaluation Breakdown Tests - Written (Minimum of 2) week #1 & TBA Project (Chef of the Day) 10% 30% 10% 20% See Attached Annex III & IV Sanitation Final Exam (no exemption) 10% 20% 3 courses for 2 people (Soups, Main Course, Desserts) Allotted time 3 hours Total 100% 1 FOD 2246 Algonquin College of Applied Arts and Technology Mid Term: Discussion based on weekly performance/test(s) and learning outcomes. Practical Evaluation Breakdown Categories Weights/Values The Student Will Be Able To: Skills 20% Perform and Demonstrate Organization 20% Leadership Taste 20% Assess Presentation 20% Appraise Speed 20% Perform Outcome Knife Handling Technique Equipment Handling People Interaction Cooking Culinary Terminology Time Management Team Participation Direction Service/Plate Presentation Seasonings Texture Doneness Temperature Flavour Color Structure Height Plate Management Plate Cleanliness Mise en Place Show Plate Service Knife Handling Cooking Total 100% Attendance Each time a student is: Late, he/she will loose 2.5 points of the student’s final earned graded point average. Absent, he/she will loose 2.5 points for a mise en place class and 5 points for service of the student’s final earned graded point average If a student is absent for more than 12 hours of total class time: 4 mise en place classes 4 mise X 3 hours = 12 hours or 2 service classes 2 x 6 hours = 12 hours or Combination of both for a total of 12 hours 2 FOD 2246 Algonquin College of Applied Arts and Technology MENU TO BUILD AS PER THE FOLLOWING 2 APPETIZERS - ONE HOT AND ONE COLD 2 SOUPS - CLEAR—THICK 1 SALAD 4 ENTREES AS PER GUIDELINE VEGETABLES STARCHES (3) 2 DESSERTS 2 BREADS 3 FOD 2246 Algonquin College of Applied Arts and Technology ANNEX III PROJECT DUE DATES NOTE: Modification could happen in the schedule due to special events. Food Practical III FOD2246 - Protein Schedule Winter 2011 Wk # Thu,13-Jan, 11 1 Thu,20-Jan, 11 2 Thu,27-Jan, 11 Fish Poultry/game Meat/Game Stock Stock Stock A la carte Red Snapper Whole Duck Breast Barbary Veal Striploin Blakley, Sabrina 3 A la carte Small Artic Char Quail Pork Tenderloin Raymond, Ricardo Thu,03-Feb, 11 4 Banquet set menu 100+ Thu,10-Feb, 11 5 A la carte Pickerel Whole Pheasant Whole Beef Prime Rib Thu,17-Feb, 11 6 Banquet / Celiac 100+ Halibut Whole Guinea Fowl Veal Inside Round Service style Banquet / fundraiser Dining "au noir" Morris, Debra-Ann STUDY BREAK Thu,24-Feb, 11 Thu,03-Mar, 11 7 A la carte Tuna Loin Turkey Breast Venison Leg Thu,10-Mar, 11 8 Banquet dinner 100+ Whole Artic Char Rabbit Whole Beef Tenderloin Thu,17-Mar, 11 9 A la carte Mahi - mahi Chicken Breast Supreme Mixed Grill Thu,24-Mar, 11 10 Reception canapé 150+ Turbot Fillet Duck Breast, Muscovy Cdn/ Lamb Leg Bone In Thu,31-Mar, 11 11 A la carte Pacific Salmon Rabbit Whole Pork Loin Bone In Thu,07-Apr, 11 12 A la carte Trout Whole Cornish Hen Wild Boar Leg Bone In Thu,14-Apr, 11 13 A la carte Ocean Perch Chicken Breast Bone In Lamb Rack Thu,21-Apr, 11 14 A la carte Catfish Duck Leg Beef Striploin Thu,28-Apr, 11 15 Final Exam 4 FOD 2246 Bednarz, Michael Algonquin College of Applied Arts and Technology ANNEX IV CHEF OF THE DAY RESPONSIBILITIES POINTS STUDENT’S MARK RESPONSIBILITIES 10 Prepare menu. Menu to be presented to the Chef Instructor before costing, writing requisition and plate drawings. Menu to be prepared as per course outline. 15 Recipe’s costing * Budget $10.00 per person. (4 course meal) 10 Food requisition. 5 Plate drawing & Timeline to be handed in on mise en place day as per the schedule. 2.5 Check reservations several times the week prior and the week of the function. 2.5 Mis en place day, check food trolley - 15 minutes prior to the start of the class. Check for missing items , spoilage, etc. 10 Mis en place day, you are a working Chef. Over-see the kitchen and help out station(s) that require help. 5 Ensure that mise en place is set for next day. Items are neatly organized in fridge. Kitchen is clean and in order - 15 minutes prior to the end of the class. 5 Function day, come in 15 minutes prior to the start of the function. Check reservation and trolley. 10 All show plates must be ready by 5:00 p.m. sharp. 1 point per minute late. 5 Dishes explained to the service staff. 10 During service: Aboyeur, check plate quality. Control noise. Problem solving. 10 Evening’s recap at 8:45 p.m. 1 point per minute late. 100 Student’s Name: 5 FOD 2246 Algonquin College of Applied Arts and Technology Student’s Name: Dish Name:______________________ Prepared By: _______________Score: ___/20 Mis en Place (food only no quantity) Equipment /5 __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ Garnish: /5 __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ /3 ______________________________ Drawing Reference Number /5 1) ___________________________ 2)___________________________ 3)___________________________ 4)___________________________ 5)___________________________ 6)___________________________ Special Note: /2 _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ 6 FOD 2246 Algonquin College of Applied Arts and Technology Timeline Note: Time indicates what you all have accomplished by that time This form must be typed Date: Recipe Name: Mis en Place Day 3:00 3:15 3:30 3:45 4:00 4:15 4:30 4:45 5:00 5:15 5:30 5:45 Function Day 3:00 3:15 3:30 3:45 4:00 4:15 4:30 4:45 5:00 5:15 5:30 5:45 6:00 6:15 6:30 6:45 7:00 7:15 7:30 7:45 8:00 8:15 8:30 8:45 Student’s Name: ___________________________________ 7 FOD 2246 Algonquin College of Applied Arts and Technology Other Important Information A student will be dismissed from class if disruptive of disrespectful as per College directive E27. Project due at the beginning of the class. 1 grade mark will be deducted for each day late including weekends as per school of hospitality & tourism 8 FOD 2246