Lessons - The Computer Guy, LLC

Microsoft Word 2010
The Computer Guy, LLC
Lesson 1:
To make a word selection:
Move your insertion point over the word you wish to select and double left click.
Practical Use:
Let us talk about a practical use of this application of making a word selection. Let’s say
you have typed up a quick note and after re-reading this note, you notice that a
particular word does not fit. So you would double click on the word and then change
the word. Let us try that right now.
Please read the following sentence. Note that there is a word that is misused. The word
“now” should be “know”. Please locate this word, and double click on it, and retype the
word correctly.
You may also double click on the word and then either:
 Retype the word
 Or use the arrow keys to move your insertion point to the beginning of “now”
and then just add a “k”.
Hello Betty –
This is just a quick note to let you now that I am doing fine. Thank you for
Joseph Schoen
Microsoft Word 2010
The Computer Guy, LLC
Lesson 2:
To make a sentence selection:
Move your insertion point over a word in the sentence you wish to select. Left
click once while holding down the “Ctrl” key.
Practical Use:
Let us talk about a practical use of this application of making a sentence selection. Let’s
say you have typed up a quick note and after re-reading this note, you notice that a
sentence just does not fit. So you would need to find the “Ctrl” key on your keyboard
and hold it down. Now locate the sentence and you will left click once to highlight it. Let
us try it now.
Please read the following sentence. Let us say that we are going to remove the very first
sentence. Like always, we have 2 choices at this time. We can:
 Left click in front of the first sentence and hold down the mouse and drag your
mouse to the end of the sentence.
 OR you can simply move your mouse someplace over the sentence that you
wish to select, find the “Ctrl” key on the keyboard and hold it down. Now left
click the mouse button. You have made a selection of the first sentence.
A technology that assists in gathering information about a person or organization
without their knowledge. On the Internet, "Spyware is programming that is put in
someone's computer to secretly gather information about the user and relay it to
advertisers or other interested parties." As such, Spyware is cause for public concern
about privacy on the Internet.
Lesson 3:
To make a multiple word selection:
Move your insertion point over a word in the sentence you wish to select.
Double left click on that word. Now hold down the Ctrl key and double click on each
other word that you would also like to select. Let us try that now by selecting the
words do, not and trying.
I do not understand what he is trying to say.
Joseph Schoen
Microsoft Word 2010
The Computer Guy, LLC
Lesson 4:
To make a paragraph selection:
Move your insertion point over a word in the paragraph that you wish to select.
Left click three times quickly.
Practical Use:
This is not done all that often unless you are writing some kind of novel. In either case,
you can simply left click three times over a paragraph and then it will become selected.
You can either delete the paragraph or you can cut the paragraph.
Please read the following sentence. Let us say that we are going to remove the
paragraph. Like always, we have 2 choices at this time. We can:
 Left click in front of the first sentence and hold down the mouse and drag your
mouse to the end of the paragraph.
 OR you can simply move your mouse someplace over the paragraph and then
click 3 times quickly.
Just for your knowledge, according to the computer a paragraph is separated by the
“enter” key. To see the end of every paragraph, move your mouse over the paragraph
symbol which is located right next to the zoom icon.
We will use the same paragraph as before.
A technology that assists in gathering information about a person or organization
without their knowledge. On the Internet, "Spyware is programming that is put in
someone's computer to secretly gather information about the user and relay it to
advertisers or other interested parties." As such, Spyware is cause for public concern
about privacy on the Internet.
Joseph Schoen
Microsoft Word 2010
The Computer Guy, LLC
Lesson 5:
To make a document selection:
Hold down the “Ctrl” key and the “A” key at the same time. Try this now.
Practical Use:
This is usually done when you want to combine word documents. It is usually followed
up by a copy and then a paste. We will just highlight this entire document, open a new
document and then paste it.
Lesson 6:
To cut an item out of the sentence:
Move your insertion point over the word, sentence or paragraph that you wish to
cut out. Make your selection by following the above directions. Once you have
made your selection, move your mouse over the “Home” tab and single left click
on the scissors.
Practical Use:
You can use the cut feature for a couple of simple tasks;
To remove a word, sentence or paragraph for either the purpose of deleting or
moving it to a different location. This would require an additional task which
would be “paste”.
Let us cut the first sentence out of the following paragraph.
A technology that assists in gathering information about a person or organization
without their knowledge. On the Internet, "Spyware is programming that is put in
someone's computer to secretly gather information about the user and relay it to
advertisers or other interested parties."
Joseph Schoen
Microsoft Word 2010
The Computer Guy, LLC
Lesson 7:
To paste an item into a sentence:
Move your insertion point to the place you wish to paste the sentence you have
just cut and single left click. Move your mouse over the “Edit” menu and single
left click. Now move your mouse over the word “Paste” and single left click. Now
the item that was placed on your clipboard is now in your document.
Practical Use:
You can use the paste feature in the following ways;
 To add a word, sentence or paragraph from another place to a new location.
Let us paste the first sentence of the previous paragraph at the end of the below
On the Internet, "Spyware is programming that is put in someone's computer to secretly
gather information about the user and relay it to advertisers or other interested parties."
As such, Spyware is cause for public concern about privacy on the Internet.
Copy will work the same way as cut. The only difference being that copy will make a
duplicate and cut removes.
Lesson 8:
To delete an item out of the sentence:
Move your insertion point over the word, sentence or paragraph that you wish to
cut out. Make your selection by following the above directions. Once you have
made your selection, tap the “Delete” key on your keyboard.
Practical Use:
You can use the delete feature in the following ways;
 To remove the word, sentence or paragraph from a document
Let us remove the entire paragraph. Remember to make a selection first!
On the Internet, "Spyware is programming that is put in someone's computer to secretly
gather information about the user and relay it to advertisers or other interested parties."
As such, Spyware is cause for public concern about privacy on the Internet.
Joseph Schoen
Microsoft Word 2010
The Computer Guy, LLC
Lesson 9: Bold, Italics & Underline
To use this feature, you will first need to make a selection of a word, sentence or
paragraph and then choose either or all (Bold, Italics & Underline). These buttons are
located in the Ribbon under the “Home” tab.
Practical Use:
You use these features to make words stand out from the rest just like I have done with
“Practical Use”. It all depends on the type of document you are trying to type up.
Let us highlight the word “Spyware” and bold that. We can also italicize the word
“someone’s”. We can also underline the words “public concern”.
On the Internet, "Spyware is programming that is put in someone's computer to secretly
gather information about the user and relay it to advertisers or other interested parties."
As such, Spyware is cause for public concern about privacy on the Internet.
Lesson 10: Changing Colors and highlights
For the same reason that you would bold, italics or underline would be the same reason
that you would change colors and highlights.
Practical Use:
This feature is used the same way as an actual highlighter is used.
Let us highlight the word “Spyware” with the color yellow.
On the Internet, "Spyware is programming that is put in someone's computer to secretly
gather information about the user and relay it to advertisers or other interested parties."
As such, Spyware is cause for public concern about privacy on the Internet.
Joseph Schoen
Microsoft Word 2010
The Computer Guy, LLC
Lesson 11: Changing the Font
Changing the font is yet another way to express words or to express yourself.
Practical Use:
This feature is used in everyday applications.
Let us highlight the paragraph and change the font style. Just pick a different one or
On the Internet, "Spyware is programming that is put in someone's computer to secretly
gather information about the user and relay it to advertisers or other interested parties."
As such, Spyware is cause for public concern about privacy on the Internet.
Lesson 12: Changing Size
Changing the font size is yet another way to express words or to express yourself.
Practical Use:
This feature is used in everyday applications. A normal font size is going to be 12.
However you can change it to have a different effect, depending on your application.
Titles (as the title on the first page is done) is done in a much larger font size.
Experiment with the word below.
Word Class
Joseph Schoen
Microsoft Word 2010
The Computer Guy, LLC
Lesson 13: Using Bullet Points & Numbering
When you have a list of items you can bullet point or number them.
Let us try bullet pointing this group of items.
Now use the numbering system. Remember you click on the small down arrow to
choose a different style of bullet or numbering.
If you were to use the multilevel list, each time you hit tab, your bullet or number will
change accordingly. Click the multilevel list down arrow to see some examples.
Lesson 14: Increase & Decrease Indent
You can increase or decrease your indent by using the Increase or Decrease indent
buttons on the home ribbon. Make sure your insertion point is in the right spot before
clicking the button.
Click in front of the below paragraph, than left click once on the increase indent tool on
the home ribbon.
On the Internet, "Spyware is programming that is put in someone's computer to secretly
gather information about the user and relay it to advertisers or other interested parties."
As such, Spyware is cause for public concern about privacy on the Internet.
Joseph Schoen
Microsoft Word 2010
The Computer Guy, LLC
Lesson 15: Alignment Keys
You can choose the type of alignment of any word, sentence or paragraph by making a
selection, than clicking one of the alignment keys found on the home ribbon in the
Paragraph section. You have 4 alignment tools to choose from. They include (from left
to right):
Left Alignment
Center Alignment
Right Alignment
Total Justify which will space out letters to make them stretch across the column so you
get a perfect left and perfect right.
Here are a couple more examples (center align):
You can choose the type of alignment of any word, sentence or paragraph by making a
selection, than clicking one of the alignment keys found on the home ribbon in the
Paragraph section. You have 4 alignment tools to choose from. They include (from left
to right): LEFT ALIGN
You can choose the type of alignment of any word, sentence or paragraph by making a
selection, than clicking one of the alignment keys found on the home ribbon in the
Paragraph section. You have 4 alignment tools to choose from. They include (from left
to right): CENTER ALIGN
You can choose the type of alignment of any word, sentence or paragraph by making a
selection, than clicking one of the alignment keys found on the home ribbon in the
Paragraph section. You have 4 alignment tools to choose from. They include (from left
to right): RIGHT ALIGN
You can choose the type of alignment of any word, sentence or paragraph by making a
selection, than clicking one of the alignment keys found on the home ribbon in the
alignment tools to choose from. They include (from left to right): JUSTIFY
Joseph Schoen
Microsoft Word 2010
The Computer Guy, LLC
Lesson 16: Line Spacing
Normally you have single line spacing unless you are doing something that requires
correction (like reports for school). To change the spacing:
Make a selection of the paragraph, than choose the desired line spacing from the home
ribbon, paragraph section. Try this with the below paragraph.
You can choose the type of alignment of any word, sentence or paragraph by making a
selection, than clicking one of the alignment keys found on the home ribbon in the
Paragraph section. You have 4 alignment tools to choose from. They include (from left
You can choose the type of alignment of any word, sentence or paragraph by making a
selection, than clicking one of the alignment keys found on the home ribbon in the
Paragraph section. You have 4 alignment tools to choose from. They include (from left
to right): 1.5 LINE SPACING
You can choose the type of alignment of any word, sentence or paragraph by making a
selection, than clicking one of the alignment keys found on the home ribbon in the
Paragraph section. You have 4 alignment tools to choose from. They include (from left
to right): 2 LINE SPACING
Lesson 17: Shading
You can also change the background color per line.
You will need to make a selection of the sentence first. Than just click on the shadow
icon and choose a color. Try this with the below sentence:
We are now going to shade this sentence a random color.
Joseph Schoen
Microsoft Word 2010
The Computer Guy, LLC
Lesson 18: Borders
You may place a border around any sentence or paragraph.
You will need to make a selection of the sentence or paragraph first. Than just click on
the down arrow next to the boder icon and choose the type of border. Try this with the
below sentence:
We are now going to shade this sentence a random color.
Joseph Schoen