Week 4 Microsoft Word Version


Week 4 Day 1 – Excel Practice


Content Objective

-Behavior: Students will enter data in Excel and convert the information into simple charts or graphs

-Conditions: by modeling the teachers demonstration

-Criteria: making fewer than 4 mistakes throughout the class period

SIOP Language Objective: Students will read, write, speak and listen to demonstrate knowledge of the content objective.

Essential Question: How do we use spreadsheet software like Microsoft Excel?

Activities/ Procedures

Procedures : Class will begin with students being surveyed about their favorite type of candy being given a list of 6 popular types of candy. They will raise their hands to vote and the votes will be recorded on the board. Then, the instructor will help the students work through the Excel practice worksheet to learn how to enter data and graph it in Excel. After the worksheet is completed, students will create an Excel document that displays their class’s candy preferences.

The students will play with different types of charts and graphs and pick the one they feel works best to convey the information. Finally, the teacher will display a few of the best examples for the class to see.

Accommodations: Individualized and small group instruction. Extra time as needed

Assessment: Question and answer, student Excel documents


Excel Practice worksheet

Week 4 Day 2 – Bridge Strength to Weight Ratio Calculations


Content Objective

-Behavior: Students will calculate and graph the strength to weight ratio of the classes’ bridges

-Conditions: given their previously recorded data

-Criteria: with 90% or better accuracy

SIOP Language Objective: Students will read, write, speak and listen to demonstrate knowledge of the content objective.

Essential Question: How do we use spreadsheet software like Microsoft Excel?

Activities/ Procedures

Procedures: In the beginning of class, students will calculate the strength to weight ratio of their individual bridge. Then, we will discuss what these numbers mean in relation to the bridge project. Afterward, students will enter the weight of everyone’s bridge and the weight each bridge held into Excel. Then, we will very briefly discuss formulas in Excel and the instructor will show students how to let Excel determine the strength to weight ratios of all bridges.

Finally, if time allows students will create graphs out of the data they created

Accommodations: Individualized and small group instruction. Extra time as needed

Assessment: question and answer, Evaluation of student Excel documents


Bridge Recording Sheet

Week 4 Day 3 – Rocket Introduction


Content Objective

-Behavior: Students will be able to describe how a rocket flies

-Conditions: After viewing the rocket PowerPoint

-Criteria: by writing a paragraph correctly explaining Newton’s Third Law and Rocket flight

SIOP Language Objective: Students will read, write, speak and listen to demonstrate knowledge of the content objective.

Essential Question: How does a rocket fly and what are the components of a rocket?

Activities/ Procedures

Procedures: Students will view the Rocket Flight PowerPoint and we will discuss Newton’s

Third law. Then, we will have two students sit in rolling chairs and have one push the other.

Students will predict what will happen to each of the two students. Next we will repeat the test with a small student and a large student or the teacher to see how the results change. Finally, we will address any questions the students still have about rocket flight before they write a paragraph summarizing in their own words Newton’s Third Law and how it relates to rocket flight.

Accommodations: Individualized and small group instruction. Extra time as needed

Assessment: question and answer, student paragraphs


Rolling chairs

Rocket Flight PowerPoint

Week 4 Day 4 – Rocket Fuselage Construction


Content Objective

-Behavior: Students will fabricate a rocket fuselage

-Conditions: given gummed tape and a mold

-Criteria: that is accurately wound to within ¼” of specifications

SIOP Language Objective: Students will read, write, speak and listen to demonstrate knowledge of the content objective.

Essential Question: How does a rocket fly and what are the components of a rocket?

Activities/ Procedures

Procedures: At the beginning of class, students will discuss what they think is the purpose of a rocket fuselage. Then, they will make predictions as to how the length and width of the fuselage affects flight patterns. The instruction will help guide students to the correct answers. Students will take a sheet of paper and wind it around a mold for the fuselage of the rocket. Then, they will place a piece of gummed tape vertically over the rocket. Next, they will wind a longer piece of gummed tape around the rocket at a 45 degree angle. Finally, they will determine how long they think their rocket should be to achieve the best flight and cut the rocket to its final size.

Accommodations: Individualized and small group instruction. Extra time as needed

Assessment: question and answer, Evaluation of student fuselages


Computer paper

Gummed Tape

Fuselage molds


Week 4 Day 5 – Rocket Fin Construction


Content Objective

-Behavior: Students will create fins for their rocket

-Conditions: given think posterboard

-Criteria: that match each other within 1/8”

SIOP Language Objective: Students will read, write, speak and listen to demonstrate knowledge of the content objective.

Essential Question: How does a rocket fly and what are the components of a rocket?

Activities/ Procedures

Procedures: Students will begin class by trying to determine what the purpose of fins on a rocket might be. They will be reminded about how a rocket cuts through the air and that steering to stabilize flight is important. Then, the will design a few fins and cut out their best design.

They will use this as a pattern and cut out between 3 and 5 fins. They will try and determine which amount they feel will give the best flight. Finally, the students will attach the fins to their fuselage with hot glue.

Accommodations: Individualized and small group instruction. Extra time as needed

Assessment: Question and answer, Evaluation of fins and attachment to fuselage


Thick poster board

Hot glue
