Haemostasis part3 DIC Lab: - fibrinogen - platelet - PT - aPTT - fibrin degradation product acute DIC: - prolongation of aPTT, PT and TT - reduction of platelets, AT III and protein C - decreased fibrinogen - elevated fibrin degradation products chronic DIC: - aPTT and PT may be within normal ranges - slightly decreased platelets - elevated fibrin degradation products and D-dimer Platelet Functional Abnormalities congenital 1 1. Bernard-Soulier syndrome • • • defect in platelet adhesion autosomal recessive defect in platelet membrane glycoprotein (GP Ib) 2 2. thrombasthenia • • • • • defect in platelet aggregation autosomal recessive defect in platelet membrane glycoprotein (GP IIb & IIIa) no fibrinogen linking of platelets easy bleeding and no clot retraction Platelet Functional Abnormalities acquired 1. aspirin • • inhibits cyclooxygenase suppression of TXA2 synthesis effect lasts for 72 hours 2. thrombocythemia • • • platelet : >3,000,000/ml functionally abnormal platelets occasionally seen in myeloproliferative disorders Approach to the diagnosis of bleeding disorder Clinical Evaluation History Physical Examination Family history Laboratory Evaluation Screening test Specific test Clinical Features of Bleeding Disorders Platelet disorders Coagulation disorders Site of bleeding tissues Skin Deep in soft (epistaxis, gum, vaginal, GI tract) Mucous membranes, joints, muscles) Petechiae Yes No Ecchymoses (“bruises”) Small, superficial Large, deep Hemarthrosis / muscle bleeding Extremely rare Common Bleeding after cuts & scratches Yes No Bleeding after surgery or trauma Immediate, Delayed (1-2 days), usually mild often severe Platelet Petechiae, Purpura Coagulation Hematoma, Joint bl. Tests for Primary Hemostasis • Bleeding time platelet & vascular phases • PFA – 100 system Platelet function • Platelet count Quantification of platelets • Blood smear Quantitative & morphological abnormalities of platelets , Detection of underlying haemotological disorder PLATELET COUNT NORMAL 150,000 - 400,000 CELLS/MM3 < 100,000 Thrombocytopenia 50,000 - 100,000 Mild Thrombocytopenia < 50,000 Sev Thrombocytopenia BLEEDING TIME PROVIDES ASSESSMENT OF PLATELET COUNT AND FUNCTION NORMAL VALUE 2-8 MINUTES Laboratory diagnosis of the coagulopathies Contact activation INTRINSIC Tissue thromboplastin (TF) EXTRINSIC XII VII XI IX Blood coagulation time VIII X APTI COMMON V II I Fibrin Prothrombin INR INR: International normalized ratio -was established by the WHO and the International Committee on Thrombosis and Hemostasis for reporting the results of prothrombin tests -All PT results are standardized by this calculation: INR= ( Patient PT / Control PT) ISI ISI= International sensitivity index - Given by the manufacturer for each particular thromboplastin reagent and instrument combination ACTIVATED THROMBOPLASTIN TIME Measures Effectiveness of the Intrinsic Pathway & common pathway NORMAL VALUE 25-40 SECS APTT prolongs.. 1. Intrinsic pathway factor deficiencies (FXII, XI,VIII, IX, HMWK, prekallikrein ) - Inherited or acquired - Consumption (DIC) - PIVKA factors in cumarin therapy 2. Specific inhibitors against FXII, XI, VIII, IX, HMWK, prekallikrein 3. Lupus anticoagulant 4. Non-fractionated heparin therapy THROMBIN TIME Time for Thrombin To Convert Fibrinogen Fibrin A Measure of Fibrinolytic Pathway NORMAL VALUE 9-13 SECS TT Prolongs.. 1. Hypo- afibrinogenaemia 2. Dysfibrinogenaemia 3. Non fractionated heparin 4. Fibrinogen/ fibrin degradation product s 5. Chronic liver disease Diagnosis of bleeding disorders by the screening tests Platelet count Bleeding APTI time Prothrom- Presumptive bin diagnosis Decreased Prolonged Norm. Norm. Thrombocytopenia Norm. Prolonged Prolonged Norm. von Willebrand’s disease Norm./ increased Prolonged Norm. Norm. Thrombocytopathia Norm. Norm. Prolonged Norm. „intrinsic” pathway abnormality (FVIII. IX. XI. XII) Norm. Norm. Norm. Prolonged „extrinsic”pathway abnormality (FVII) Norm. Norm. Prolonged Prolonged „common” pathway abnorm. (FI. II. V. X.) Norm. Norm. Norm. Norm. - /FXIII deficiency/ milde bleeding disorder ANTICOAGULATION & FIBRINOLYSIS Vascular Wall Anti-Coagulation Factors Fibrinolytic Factors ANTICOAGULATION & FIBRINOLYSIS Vascular Wall • Endothelial Cell • • • • prostacyclin (PGl2) heparan sulfate thrombomodulin tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) • Muscle • muscular dilation Protein C • vit K dependent zymogen • produced in liver • inactivates Va and VIIIa XII XI IX VIII VII X V Protein S • vit K dependent binding protein • co-factor for protein C • binds C4b-binding protein II I XIII Stable clot Anticoagulation Heparin • Heparin activates Antithrombin III (AT III) • AT III inactivates Thrombin and Factor Xa • rapid onset of action XII XI IX VIII Laboratory monitoring: • aPTT : ~1.5X – 2.5X normal mean • heparin level : 0.2 – 0.4 U/mL by protamine titration 0.35 – 0.70 by Factor Xa inactivation assay VII X V II I XIII Stable clot Anticoagulation Heparin AT AT I I AT I I AT I I AT I I AT I I AT I I Coumadin (Warfarin) Anticoagulants •inhibits hepatic synthesis of vit K-dependent clotting factors (II, VII, IX, X) •competitive inhibition of gcarboxylation inactivate “acarboxy” forms synthesized •onset delayed 3 to 5 days •also inhibits synthesis of protein C & S XII XI IX VIII VII X V II I XIII Stable clot Coagulation Tests 1. Bleeding Time : in vivo test measures adequacy of plt function normal : <6 min. 2. Platelet Count normal : >200,000/mL 3. aPTT : intrinsic pathway (XII, XI, IX, VIII, X, V) used to guide heparin therapy 4. 50/50 mixing study pt’s plasma + nl. plasma if mixing correct aPTT = Pt is deficient in intrinsic factor(s) no correction = circulating anticoagulants or inhibitors 5. Prothrombin Time (PT) : extrinsic pathway (II, VII, V, X) monitoring warfarin/coumadin effects Coagulation Tests 6. Fibrinogen Level normal : 200 – 500 mg/dL 7. ADP platelet aggregation 8. Ristocetin aggregation test • test for presence or activity of vWF 9. Thrombin Time (TT) normal : 20 – 30 sec • measures 3rd stage of coagulation • prolonged if • def or abnormality of fibrinogen • presence of fibrin split products • presence of heparin History & Physical Exam are most important most sensitive most specific Tests of Hemostasis Antithrombin III (AT III) • naturally-occuring anticoagulant • binds to factors IXa, Xa, XIa, XIIa (slow) • accelerated by heparin manyfold Implication: Heparin has almost NO anticoagulant action without AT III Coagulation Factors FACTORS PLASMA t ½ (hrs) Fibrinogen (I) 72-120 Prothrombin (II) 60-70 V 12-16 VII 3-6 VIII 8-12 FACTORS PLASMA t ½ (hrs) XI 52 XII 60 Protein C 6 Protein S (total) 42 Tissue factor -- IX 18-24 Thrombomodulin -- X 30-40 antithrombin 72 Roberts HR, et al. Current Concepts for Hemostasis. Anesthesiology 2004;100:3. 722-30. Fibrinolysis • Plasminogen → plasmin • Release of tPA by the endothelium • Lysis of clot→ FDPs or FSPs • Reopening of blood vessel Laboratory Monitoring Prothrombin Time (PT) • test of extrinsic pathway activity • measures vitamin K - dependent factors activity (factors II, VII, IX, X) • thromboplastin + Ca+2 to plasma = clotting time • normal values: 12-14 seconds • International Normalized Ratio (INR) ▪ standardizes PT reporting • normal values: 0.8 -1.2 seconds Laboratory Monitoring Prothrombin Time (PT) • monitors coumadin therapy • most sensitive to alteration in F VII levels • prolonged: 55 % ↓ of normal F VII activity • antithrombotic activity: reduction of factor II and factor X activity (after several days) Laboratory Monitoring Activated Partial Prothrombin Time (aPTT) • test for intrinsic and common pathways • dependent on activity of all coagulation factors, except VII and XIII • normal values: 25 -35 seconds • monitors heparin tx & screen for hemophilia Laboratory Monitoring Activated Prothrombin Time (aPTT) • prolonged: heparin, thrombin inhibitors, fibrin degradation products (FDP) • citrated plasma + surface activators + phospholipid • prolonged only if coagulation factors reduced to < 30 % of normal Laboratory Monitoring Activated Clotting Time (ACT) • monitors heparin anticoagulation in the OR (cardiac and vascular surgeries) • normal values: 90 - 120 seconds Laboratory Monitoring Thrombin Clotting Time (TCT) • reflects abnormalities in fibrinogen → fibrin • plasma + excessive amount of thrombin • prolonged: heparin, thrombin inhibitors, low fibrinogen, dysfibrinogenemia • monitors hirudin, bivalirudin, LMWH tx • INR & PT may be normal or ↑ • TCT prolonged with adequate therapeutic levels Laboratory Monitoring Thromboelastography (TEG) • continuous profiles during all phases of clot formation • provides more accurate picture of in vivo coagulation process • to evaluate: • hypo / hypercoagulable state • hemophilia • dilutional coagulopathy • rare coagulation disorders anticoagulation tx • coagulation problems with liver transplantation Thromboelastogram (TEG) Bleeding time • monitors platelet function • not specific indicator of platelet function • not very reliable • very operator - dependent • variable from each institution Bleeding time • other factors: degree of venostasis, depth and direction of incision • no evidence as • a predictor of risk of hemorrhage • useful indicator of efficacy of antiplatelet therapy • insensitive to mild platelet defects LABORATORY TEST Bleeding time COMPONENTS MEASURED platelet function NORMAL VALUES 3 - 10 mins vascular integrity PT I, II, V, VII, IX, X 12 - 14 secs PTT I, II, V, VIII, IX, X, XI, XII 24 - 35 secs Thrombin time I, II 12 - 20 secs Drugs affecting Coagulation HEMOSTATIC PROCESS AFFECTED CLASS OF DRUGS SPECIFIC DRUGS 1º platelet plug formation inhibition antiplatelet drugs reversible: NSAID irreversible: ASA coagulation cascade IV anticoagulants standard and LMW heparins warfarin oral anticoagulants fibrinolysis fibrinolytic agents Streptokinase Urokinase t-PA Prostaglandin Synthesis arachidonic acid cyclooxygenase prostaglandin G2 peroxidase prostaglandin H2 prostacyclin synthetase prostacyclin PG F1a thromboxane synthetase thromboxane A2 thromboxane B2 Mechanism of Action ASPIRIN arachidonic acid ASPIRIN cyclooxygenase prostaglandin G2 peroxidase prostaglandin H2 prostacyclin synthetase prostacyclin PG F1a thromboxane synthetase thromboxane A2 thromboxane B2 Mechanism of Action ASPIRIN and NSAIDS arachidonic acid ASPIRIN cyclooxygenase prostaglandin G2 NSAIDS peroxidase prostaglandin H2 prostacyclin synthetase prostacyclin PG F1a thromboxane synthetase thromboxane A2 thromboxane B2 Diagnosis of bleeding disorders by the screening tests Platelet count Bleeding APTI time Prothrom- Presumptive bin diagnosis Decreased Prolonged Norm. Norm. Thrombocytopenia Norm. Prolonged Prolonged Norm. von Willebrand’s disease Norm./ increased Prolonged Norm. Norm. Thrombocytopathia Norm. Norm. Prolonged Norm. „intrinsic” pathway abnormality (FVIII. IX. XI. XII) Norm. Norm. Norm. Prolonged „extrinsic”pathway abnormality (FVII) Norm. Norm. Prolonged Prolonged „common” pathway abnorm. (FI. II. V. X.) Norm. Norm. Norm. Norm. - /FXIII deficiency/ milde bleeding disorder Antiplatelet Medications DRUG SITE OF ACTION PLASMA METABOLISM ROUTE t 1/2 Ø PRIOR PROCEDURE ↑ PT / PTT ANTI – DOTE Aspirin COX 1 and 2 oral 20 min hepatic 7 days No/No none Dipyridamole adenosine oral 40 min hepatic 24 hrs No/No none Clopidogrel ADP oral 7 hrs hepatic 5 days No/No none ADP oral 4 days hepatic 10 days No/No none GPIIb-IIIa IV 30 min renal 72 hrs No/No none Eptifibatide GPIIb-IIIa IV 2.5 hrs renal 24 hrs No/No none Tiroban GPIIb-IIIa IV 2 hrs renal 24 hrs No/No hemodialysis (Plavix) Ticlodipine (Ticlid) Abciximab (ReoPro) Roberts HR, et al. Current Concepts for Hemostasis. Anesthesiology 2004;100:3. 722-30. Non-steroidal Anti-inflammatory Medications DRUG SITE OF ACTION PLASMA METABOLISM ROUTE t 1/2 Ø PRIOR PROCEDURE ↑ PT / PTT ANTI – DOTE Piroxicam COX 1 & 2 oral 50 hrs hepatic 10 days No/No none Indome – thacin COX 1 & 2 oral/ supp 5 hrs hepatic 48 hrs No/No none Ketorolac COX 1 & 2 oral / IV 5-7 hrs hepatic 48 hrs No/No none Ibuprofen COX 1 & 2 oral 2 hrs hepatic 24 hrs No/No none naproxen COX 1 & 2 oral 13 hrs hepatic 48 hrs No/No none Diclofenac COX 1 & 2 oral 2 hrs hepatic 24 hrs No/No none Celecoxib COX 2 oral 10-17 hrs hepatic none No/No none Roberts HR, et al. Current Concepts for Hemostasis. Anesthesiology 2004;100:3. 722-30. Anticoagulants & Thrombolytics DRUG SITE OF ACTION Unfractionated heparin IIa/Xa LMWHs Xa IIIa ↑ PT / ANTI – PTT DOTE ROUTE PLASMA t 1/2 EXCRETION Ø PRIOR PROCEDURE IV/SC 1.5 hrs hepatic 6 hrs No/ Yes protamine SC 4.5 hrs renal 12-24 hrs No/No protamine (partial) Strepto kinase plasmi – nogen IV 23 mins hepatic 3 hrs Yes/ Yes antifibrinolytics t-PA plasmi – nogen IV <5 min hepatic 1 hr Yes/ Yes antifibrinolytics vit-K dep. factors Oral 2-4days hepatic Oral Anticoagulants Roberts HR, et al. Current Concepts for Hemostasis. Anesthesiology 2004;100:3. 722-30. 2-4 days Yes/No Vit. K, rFVIIa Plasma, Prothrom. complex conc. Other Anticoagulants DRUG SITE PLASMA METAOF BOLISM ROUTE t 1/2 ACTION Ø PRIOR PROCEDURE ↑ PT/ PTT ANTI – DOTE Pentasaccharide Xa IV 14-17 hrs renal 4 days No/No rFVIIa? Bivalirudin IIa IV 25 min hepatic 2-3 hrs Yes/ Yes None Argatroban IIa IV 45 min hepatic 4-6hrs* Yes/ Yes None Hirudin IIa IV 1.5 hr renal 8 hrs* Yes/ Yes PMMA dialysis Va/ VIIIa IV 2 hrs hepatic 12 hrs No/Yes none IIa IV 3 hrs renal 24 hrs Yes/ Yes none Activated Protein C (APC) Ximelagatran PMMA= polymethyl-methyl acrylate *Argatroban &lepirudin may ↑ the normal PT 4-5 secs Roberts HR, et al. Current Concepts for Hemostasis. Anesthesiology 2004;100:3. 722-30. Bleeding time • Measure of efficiency of vascular or platelet phases. • Do not discriminate between vascular defects , thrombocytopenia or platelets dysfunction. • Not reproducible. • Not a screening test . • normal bleeding time do not exclude a bleeding disorder- american society of clinical pathologists. Platelets function assays • Platelets aggregation using platelets rich plasma.standard method. • Nephelometric or photometric measurements. • ADP- produce platelets aggregation directly irrespective of release of ADP from platelets. • RISTOCETIN- antibiotic that induce platelets aggregation in presence of von Willebrand factor. • Collagen, epinephrin, thrombin- cause platelet aggregation by release reaction. D-DIMERS and FDP: • FDP results from proteolytic cleavage of fibrin by plasmin. • Increased in DIC and fibrinolysis. • RA factor or residual fibringen may yield false positive results. • D-DIMER- specific fibrin degradation product. • DDE- TRIMER. • UN POLYMERISED FIBRIN MONOMER. • UREA CLOT LYSIS ASSAY: • • • • FACTOR XIII assay. XIII Stabilises fibrin. Deficiency leads to premature clot lysis. Screening test. Abnormal results should be confirmed by quantitative measurements of XIII. FIVE DRUGS THAT INTERFERE WITH HEMOSTASIS l ASPIRIN l ANTICOAGULANTS l ANTIBIOTICS l ALCOHOL l ANTICANCER Laboratory Evaluation of the Coagulation Pathways Prothrombin time (PT) Partial Thromboplastin Time (PTT) Thromboplastin Tissue factor Phospholipid Calcium Surface activating agent (Ellagic acid, kaolin) Phospholipid Calcium Extrinsic pathway Intrinsic pathway Thrombin time Common pathway Thrombin Fibrin clot Clot Fibrin Initial Evaluation of a Bleeding Patient - 1 Normal PT Normal PTT Abnormal Urea solubility Factor XIII deficiency Normal Consider evaluating for: Mild factor deficiency Abnormal fibrinolysis (a2 anti-plasmin def) Elevated FDPs Monoclonal gammopathy Platelet disorder Vascular disorder Initial Evaluation of a Bleeding Patient - 2 Normal PT Abnormal PTT Repeat with 50:50 mix 50:50 mix is abnormal Test for inhibitor activity: Specific factors: VIII,IX, XI Non-specific (anti-phospholipid Ab) 50:50 mix is normal Test for factor deficiency: Isolated deficiency in intrinsic pathway (factors VIII, IX, XI) Multiple factor deficiencies (rare) Initial Evaluation of a Bleeding Patient - 3 Abnormal PT Normal PTT Repeat with 50:50 mix 50:50 mix is abnormal Test for inhibitor activity: Specific: Factor VII (rare) Non-specific: Anti-phospholipid (rare) 50:50 mix is normal Test for factor deficiency: Isolated deficiency of factor VII (rare) Multiple factor deficiencies (common) (Liver disease, vitamin K deficiency, warfarin, DIC) Initial Evaluation of a Bleeding Patient - 4 Abnormal PT Abnormal PTT Repeat with 50:50 mix 50:50 mix is abnormal Test for inhibitor activity: Specific : Factors V, X, Prothrombin, fibrinogen (rare) Non-specific: anti-phospholipid (common) 50:50 mix is normal Test for factor deficiency: Isolated deficiency in common pathway: Factors V, X, Prothrombin, Fibrinogen Multiple factor deficiencies (common) (Liver disease, vitamin K deficiency, warfarin, Laboratory Evaluation of Bleeding Overview CBC and smear Platelet count RBC and platelet morphology Thrombocytopenia TTP, DIC, etc. Coagulation Prothrombin time Partial thromboplastin time Coagulation factor assays 50:50 mix Fibrinogen assay Thrombin time Extrinsic/common pathways Intrinsic/common pathways Specific factor deficiencies Inhibitors (e.g., antibodies) Decreased fibrinogen Qualitative/quantitative fibrinogen defects Fibrinolysis (DIC) FDPs or D-dimer Platelet function von Willebrand factor Bleeding time Platelet function analyzer (PFA) Platelet function tests vWD In vivo test (non-specific) Qualitative platelet disorders and vWD Qualitative platelet disorders Liver Disease Decreased synthesis of II, VII, IX, X, XI, and fibrinogen Prolongation of PT, aPTT and Thrombin Time Often complicated by Gastritis, esophageal varices, DIC Lab Results in Hemophilia, VWD and Vit K Def Haemophilia V W Disease Vit K Deficiency Bleeding Time Normal Increased Normal PT Normal Normal Increased APTT Increased + Increased ± Increased V111 levels Decreased ++ Decreased Normal vWF levels Normal Decreased Normal Hemophilia A Hemophilia B Von Willebrand Disease Inheritance X linked X linked Autosomal dominant Factor deficiency VIII IV VWF Bleeding site(s) Muscle,joint Surgical Muscle ,joint Mucous Skin Prothrombin time Normal Normal Normal Activated PTT Prolonged Prolonged Prolonged Bleeding time Normal Normal Prolonged or normal Factor VIII Low Normal Normal VWF Normal Normal Low Factor IX Normal Low Normal Normal Normal Platelet aggregation Normal Summary Symptom Petechiae Sites Time Ecchymoses /Hematomas Platelet Yes Coagulation No Skin & Mucosa Immediate Deep Tissue Yes Yes Delayed Summary Hemostatic Disorders BT - Vascular Dis Plt PT PTT - - - - - - PLT Disorder - Factor 8/9 *Congenital - - - Vit K / Liver *Acquired - - - - Combined (DIC) Case scenario-1 2 year old boy had a fall from chair. He developed swelling of right shoulder and upper arm. On examination at a hospital the boy had a hematoma of the right shoulder. There was no previous h/o surgeries, trauma or medication. Following aspiration of hematoma the patient developed profuse bleeding. His mother said that the boy’s cousin had a similar bleeding problem. Investigations : • Hb- 8 gms • Hematocrit- 26% • Platelets- 2 lakhs. • Bleeding time- normal • Coagulation profile: • PT- 12 sec • aPTT- 60 sec • Thrombin time- normal questions 1.Does the lab data support a diagnosis of bleeding disorder? 2.The tests done shows what type of disorder? 3.What confirmatory test should be done ? Case scenario-1 Answers: 1. it’s a coagulation defect. 2. normal platelets, bleeding time. APTT prolonged, with normal PT, THROMBIN TIME. indicate a intrinsic pathway defect with normal common pathway. There is a defect in factor VIII, IX, XI, XII. 3.Specific factor assay, factor substitution testing.If factor 8 activity < 1% Diagnosis- hemophilia A CASE SCENARIO-2 21 yr man was admitted for hernia surgery. No h/o of any medical illness, bleeding , or drug intake. Family history ? Investigations: Hb-15 gms Hematocrit-44% platelet count –normal bleeding time-10 mins PT- NORMAL APTT- 55 seconds Repeat APTT was also prolonged. Surgery was postponed for him. Questions: • 1.What coagulation disorder likely to be present? • 2.what are the other investigations required? • 3.what is the diagnosis if the patient has low normal factor 8 levels and defective ristosetin induced platelet aggregation? Answers-2 1.Normal PT, prolonged APTT suggest a deficiency of VIII, IX, XI, XII deficiency. Since deficiency of XI, XII are rare, this can be due to def of VIII, or XI. 2. factor substitution study. Specific factor assay. 3. in this factor VIII assay showed 30% activity (n- 50150%). This finding and lack of bleeding history show he may not have classic factor viii deficiency. Further tests showed Answer-2 • • • • Bleeding time prolonged. Platelets aggregation decreased. Factor VIII/ VWF decreased. the lab findings support a diagnosis of von willebrand disease Case scenario-3 62 year old with abnormal bleeding was admitted for dental surgery. His brother had died of traumatic bleeding following a car accident. I- AT 7 YEARS following a lymph node resection. II- at 30 years the pt had 3 weeks of bleeding following dental extraction. At 31 years the pt received blood transfusion before appendicectomy. At 59 years the pt developed gi bleeding following surgery for hiatus hernia. He received blood transfusions -4 units. Lab data: Hb-7 gms Hematocrit-23% Platelet count- 4.98 lakhs Bleeding time-2mins Clotting time-188 mins. APTT- 53 sec( control- 35 sec) PT- 13.8 SEC( control-13 sec). Specific assay for factor VIII, IX Showed factor IX level less than 5% questions • 1.what is the diagnosis? • 2. can the patient safely undergo surgery? Answers-3 1. hemophilia –B 2.yes. He should receive factor IX concentrate rather than whole blood/. Case scenario-4 • 22 year female was being evaluated for menorrhagia. Her menses lasted for 8-12 days. The patient also had several nose bleeds which needed cautery. She also reported that her mother and 2 sisters also had long menstrual periods, and her brother needed transfusion following an appendicectomy. • On examination the patient was pale and had large bruises in the extremities. Lab data: • Hb-10 gms • Hematocrit-27% • platelet count – 2.5 lakh/cumm. • Bleeding time-7 mins( n- 1to 3 mins) • PT- 11 SEC (control-12 sec) • APTT- 29 sec( control-34 sec) questions 1.What is the likely abnormality? 2.What are the further tests required? 3. what is the most likely diagnosis if the patient has defective platelet aggregation? Answers-4 1.Thrombasthenia 2. Platelet function studies 3. the patient had deficient platelet aggregation. A diagnosis of Glanzmann’s thrombasthenia was made. Autosmal recessive disorder. Platelet concentrate is needed during surgeries. Case-5 • A woman was admitted in labour in an obstetric ward. Pt had no significant history and examination was normal. The patient had irregular contractions. • In the delivery room she developed profuse bleeding. Lab data: • • • • • • • • • Hb-10 gms Hematocrit-27% Platelet count -75000 Bleeding time-10 mins PT-19 SECONDS- ( control-13 sec). APTT- 65 sec( control-35 sec) Thrombin time-30 sec( n- 18-22 sec) Fibrinogen- 90 mg/dl (200-400 mg/dl) Fibrin split product- positive 1. what is the probable diagnosis? 2. what is the probable etiology? 3. will whole blood transfusion repress the bleeding? Answers-5 1. the diagnosis is DIC. 2. may be due to release of placental tissue in to maternal circulation triggering the coagulation mechanism. There is evidence of fibrinolysis. 3. transfusions may temporarily help. Heparin may be useful Condition Partial Prothrombi thromboplastin n time time Bleeding time Platelet count Von Willebrand disease unaffected prolonged prolonged unaffected Vitamin K deficiency or Warfarin prolonged prolonged unaffected unaffected Uremia unaffected unaffected prolonged Haemophilia unaffected prolonged unaffected unaffected Factor V deficiency prolonged prolonged unaffected unaffected Aspirin unaffected unaffected prolonged unaffected Thrombocytopenia unaffected unaffected prolonged decreased End-stage Liver failure prolonged prolonged prolonged decreased Disseminated intravascular coagulation prolonged prolonged prolonged decreased Bernard-Soulier syndrome unaffected unaffected prolonged decreased unaffected Functions of the Liver Most clotting Factors are produced in the liver Microsoft clipart Factor Name Roman Numeral Source Fibrinogen I Liver Prothrombin II Liver * Tissue Factor III Damages cells Calcium IV Gut and bone Preaccelerin V Liver and platelet Proconvertin VII Liver * * Antihemophilic Factor VIII Platelets and endothelium Christmas Factor IX Liver * * Stuart-Prower Factor X Liver * * Plasma thromboplastin antecedent XI Liver Hageman Factor XII Liver Fibrin-stabilizing Factor XIII Liver * * Dependent on vitamin K for synthesis in liver Nowak, T.J., Handford, G. A. (2004). Pathophysiology: Concepts and Applications for Health Care Professionals. (3rd Ed). McGraw-Hill. NY * What happens if the Liver is Damaged? Which of these Factors is not synthesized in the liver? Click on the correct response: a) Prothrombin (Factor II) b) Antihemophilic Factor (Factor VIII) X Incorrect Correct Source: Platelets and endothelium c) Hageman Factor (Factor XII) X No d) Stuart-Prower Factor (Factor X) X Try Again So the well equipped guy comes PLATELETS • They have receptors • They provide a phospholipid surface… • They contain granules Dense - serotonin , ADP , Ca++ Alpha - coagulation factors , vWF , PDGF Endothelial damage: Platelet plug formation • Endothelial damage exposure to collagen: – Promotes platelet adherence and activation – Activated platelets secrete ADP and TxA2 • ADP promotes platelet recruitment • TxA2 promotes platelet aggregation – Result: formation of platelet plug (white clot) No one can hide the insults from them…… • ADHESION – [vWF] • S EC R E T I O N - [ Tx A 2 , A D P ] • A G G R E G AT I O N L e a d s t o P R I M A R Y H E M O S TA S I S Leads to…. PRIMARY HEMOSTASIS • Occurs within SECONDS The balancing act • PG E2 • PG I2 • NO …….. all these oppose TxA2 & ADP In need of…. FIBRIN • The linking of platelets in the primary plug, by fibrin, converts it into a definitive clot. This requires the participation of the Coagulation Cascade. This process is known as SECONDARY HEMOSTASIS In need of…. FIBRIN • The linking of platelets in the primary plug, by fibrin, converts it into a definitive clot. This requires the participation of the Coagulation Cascade. This process is known as SECONDARY HEMOSTASIS Thrombin generation to fibrinplatelet clot formation • Thrombin generation: the pivotal point of the coagulation process • Thrombin actions: – Activates FXI, amplifying thrombin generation – Converts fibrinogen to fibrin – Activates FXIII – Activates platelets • Result: RED CLOT Cascade vs. cell-based model Cell-based model • Tissue factor bearing cells Hemostasis represented as: 1. Initiation • Occurring on two cell surfaces • Tissue factor bearing cells • Platelets • Three overlapping phases: IIa • Initiation (TF bearing cells) • Amplification (platelets) • Propagation (platelets) • • The coagulation cascades are still important, but are cell-based • The extrinsic pathway works on the surface of the tissue factor bearing cells • The intrinsic pathway works on the surface of platelets Routine coagulation tests do not represent the cell-based model of hemostasis. 2. Amplification Platelets 3. Propagation Activated platelets IIa Clot: The end product of hemostasis