Monthly Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 6, 2015 12 noon ET to 1 PM ET Outstanding Small Committee of the Year Conference Call No: 877-647-3411 Participation Pass code: 4690738617# International dial-in info at: To mute/unmute: * 6 1. Welcome/Call to Order (4 min.) A. Attendance - please email confirming your attendance. Gavin Galimi for today’s Legal Quick Hit: Government Subpoenas, Requests for Information, Oh My! and ACC Resource Training on Authorship Opportunities C. New attendees – introductions B. 2. ACC Annual Meeting (4 min.) Annual Meeting 2015 – October 18-21, 2015 (Boston) Tori Payne/Kenny Johnson/Todd Borow Health Law Track – Tuesday, October 20, 2015 8-8:45 Boston Tea Party - casual networking and breakfast (featuring Boston Crème Pie and a selection of teas paying tribute to the countries represented by attendees at the Annual Meeting, join us in the ACC booth on Tuesday morning) 9-10:30 511 - Health Care Reform Update: Latest Developments Under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Presented by the ACC Health Law Committee) 11-12:30 611 - Supreme Court of the United States Year In Review for Health Lawyers (Presented jointly by Venable LLP and the ACC Health Law Committee) 12:45-2:15 Health Law Committee Lunch 2:30-4 711 - Meet the Health Law Enforcers (Presented jointly by Foley & Lardner LLP & the ACC Health Law Committee) 4:30-6 811 - “24”, HIPAA Edition: A Day in the Life of a Breach (Presented by the ACC Health Law Committee) 7-10:30 A Perfect Alibi & Evening (join us in the Alibi Bar at the Liberty Hotel in Beacon Hill for the Health Law Committee’s evening reception sponsored by Foley & Lardner LLP, shuttles will be available) Monthly Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 6, 2015 Page 2 2014 Outstanding Small Committee of the Year 3. Health Law Committee News (3 min.) A. Take our survey B Featured Health Law Committee Resources 1. The Telehealth “Top Ten” for 2015 2. Compensation for Referrals C. Nearly 2,000 Committee Members Globally! Gavin Galimi Help surpass 2,000 – invite a friend to join the ACC Health Law Committee! 4. In Person Meetings (5 min.) Laura Woods A. Recent and Upcoming In Person Events New York (Ellis Island) – October 3 – Wills for Heroes Los Angeles – November 12 – Conservatorship Clinic with Bet Tzedek and ACC SoCal Chicago – November – member host and date to be determined B. Other Potential Locations Colorado San Francisco – in preliminary discussions now with potential member host C. To get involved, email Laura Woods at 5. Committee Sponsor Spotlight (1 min.) Gavin Galimi Foley & Lardner’s Health Law Blog - Health Care Law Today Recap: Health Care Investors Summit – Exploring the Impact and Opportunities from Health Care Convergence 6. Inside Health Law - Health Law Committee Blog (3 min.) K Royal A. Recent Posts Telehealth and Consumer Subscription Models, by Justin Stone, Nate Lacktman, M. Tileman What FTC v. Wyndham Means For You, by K Royal King v. Burwell and Its Impact on In-house Health Plan Counsel, by Michael Brody B. Interested in writing? Email K Royal at Monthly Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 6, 2015 Page 3 2014 Outstanding Small Committee of the Year 7. Monthly Call Schedule (4 min.) Kenny Johnson (dates and topics may change) Date Legal Quick Hit Topic Speakers ACC Resource Training 9/1/15 Telehealth Business Models and Contractual Arrangements Nathaniel Lacktman, Foley & Lardner LLP (Value challenge discussion moved to 11/3) 10/6/15 Government Subpoenas, Requests for Information, Oh My! Lori A. Rubin, Foley & Lardner LLP Tracy Ivers, Associate General Counsel, UnitedHealthcare Author Opportunities HEALTH LAW COMMITTEE BUSINESS LUNCH at the ACC Annual Meeting 12:45 PM ET – 2:15 PM ET Toll free dial-in: 877-647-3411 • Code: 4690738617 10/20/15 11/3/15 Tips, Tricks, and Traps for Keeping on Top of Latest Regulatory Developments Open discussion: How do you keep abreast of the latest regulatory developments? Share your favorite techniques ACC Value Challenge Initiative and Resources Speaking opportunities are available – please email Kenny Johnson at 8. ACC Resource Training (6 min.) Today’s Topic Author Opportunities Tori Payne/ACC Staff At the requests of our members, each monthly Health Law Committee call features a 5 minute lesson on a different ACC Resource. See the full schedule in the table above. 9. Today’s Legal Quick Hit (30 min.) Legal Quick Hit: Government Subpoenas, Requests for Information, Oh My! Lori A. Rubin, Foley & Lardner LLP Tracy Ivers, Associate General Counsel, UnitedHealthcare 10. Next Call Reminders Special Time and Date during the Annual Meeting in Boston Regular Monthly Call 1st Tuesday of the month, 12 noon ET Annual Meeting Committee Lunch Tuesday, October 20, 2015 12:45 PM ET – NOTE DIFFERENT TIME Toll free dial-in: 877-647-3411 • Code: 4690738617 Tuesday, November 3, 2015 12 noon ET (usual time) Toll free dial-in: 877-647-3411 • Code: 4690738617