Artifact - Jenelle Fiori

Jenelle Fiori
Dellicarpini/ Arbelaez
ESC 506
Lesson Plans
Step 1: The Students
Child 1: Students is a 3rd grade immigrant student from Puerto Rico who has dyslexia.
Though he has low levels of reading, he has high levels of communication. He enjoys
playing soccer and listening to music. He is very well behaved in class, though he
becomes embarrassed when reading aloud. He is very good in math and science, though
he struggles with reading. He tends to be a very social child outside of the classroom
Child 2: Student is a 3rd grade immigrant student from China. She is a great artist and
loves hands on activities. She is very timid and has a low level of oral communication
skills. Reading out loud is difficult for her and she tends to struggle through
embarrassment; however, she excels at written reading comprehension. She is a very
good student and tries her best in all activities.
Child 3: Student is a 3rd grade bilingual student with ADHD, who understands both
English and Spanish- speaking both proficiently. He likes to watch cartoons and read
comic books. He has a low writing and reading comprehension, though he excels in
recalling facts from science and history lessons. Often times, he loses focus in class and
zones out. When he loses focus, this student tends to act out or fool around. Student tends
to be most engaged in hands on activities.
Step 2-5: The Lesson Plan
*Lesson Plans Based off of the SIOP model.
Lesson 1; 3rd Grade Science
Standards: Reading Standard for Grade 3 students (pg 21)
4. Determine the meaning of general academic and domain-specific words and phrases in a text
relevant to a grade 3 topics or subject area of science.
9. Compare and Contrast the most important points and key details presented in two texts of the
same topic… that being science
Theme: Systems of the Human Anatomy
Lesson Topic: The Skeletal and Muscular Systems in reference to form and function
Language: SWBAT state the purpose of the skeletal and muscular system using the key
vocabulary listed below.
Content: SWBAT demonstrate comprehension of the function of the skeletal and
muscular systems by indicating the purposes of both..
SWBAT compare and contrast the two systems.
SWBAT categorize characteristics of each system.
Learning Strategies: Students will be able to compare and contrast the skeletal and muscular
systems through the use of Venn Diagrams. Students will be utilizing their kinesthetic and visual
senses to relate to these topics.
Key Academic Vocabulary: Skeletal, Muscular, Joint, Bone, Tissue, Ligaments, Tendons,
Skeletal Muscle, Smooth Muscle, and Cardiac Muscle.
These words are to be defined though a series of word maps. These are premade worksheets in
which the word is placed in the center, branching out to answer essential questions in relation to
that word (see attached).
large roll of paper
Building Prior Knowledge:
After a brief demonstration by the teacher, in heterogeneous pairs, students will trace each others’
bodies on the large paper provided by the teacher. Students will individually write down
anything they may know (ie facts, structural words, myths, etc) about the skeletal and on the
Presentation: Language and Content objective are to be written on the board and read aloud by
the teacher before class begins. The teacher will allow time for his/herself to walk through the
classroom for guidance and comprehensible input/ feedback while in pairs. Oral interaction
between the students is encouraged. When students complete this assignment, have the students
present a few of their prior information from the activity. This activity is based on many
assumptions, predictions and myths that the children may have. As the students present their
“body”, the teacher will determine if their information is a fact/ true or a myth/ false.
Practice and Application:
On the Smartboard, the teacher will create a Venn diagram, labeling one side as “The
Characteristics of the Skeletal System” and the other as “The Characteristics of the Muscular
System”. The middle will be labeled “Similarities or Shared Characteristics of the Muscular and
Skeletal System”. (See Attached Venn Diagram) Students are to become the “experts” and share
their information from the prior information activity with the teacher as she writes it down.
Students are encouraged to take notes, along with the teacher’s notes. The teacher will give
additive information regarding the above vocabulary list and overall function of the skeletal and
muscular systems. As a class, students will utilize their kinesthetic motions to determine the
comparisons and recognize the realistic functions of these systems. For example, when the
teachers will say, “Joints are like door hinges that allow you to bend. Joints can be found in the
hips, knees and elbows. Everyone swing your legs back and forth using your joints.”
Review and Assessment:
Students will write a journal entry with the following prompts…
1) My bones are important to me because… If I did not have my bone, I would probably…
2) My muscles are important to me because… If I did not have my muscles, I would probably…
3) Questions I still have/ Things I want to know more about:
*This will assess the students’ ability to differentiate between the two systems learned in class
and its importance to the overall human anatomy. The third prompt will allow the teacher to
assess the child’s individual area of struggle and determine the next approach towards learning.
See attached homework.
This lesson will be followed up during our lab experimentation during lesson 3 of this lesson
Word Map:
Venn Diagram:
Label at least 10 parts of the skeletal system on the body below:
After labeling 10 parts, write their function/ importance to the body
Prediction: How does our body feed our muscles?
Lesson 2; 3rd Grade Science
Standards: Reading Standard for Grade 3 students (pg 21)
4. Determine the meaning of general academic and domain-specific words and phrases in a text
relevant to a grade 3 topic or subject area of science.
9. Compare and Contrast the most important points and key details presented in two texts of the
same topic… that being science
Theme: Systems of the Human Anatomy
Lesson Topic: The Respiratory and Circulatory Systems in reference to form and function
Language: SWBAT comprehend the use of the listed vocabulary terms based on the
Powerpoint presentation and the explanation given by the teacher.
Content: SWBAT comprehend how the respiratory system and circulatory system work
together to pump blood and oxygen throughout the human body.
Learning Strategies: visualization of the circulatory and respiratory system as provided below
Key Vocabulary: Circulatory, Respiratory, respiration, circulate/circulation, pulse, cardiac,
oxygen, carbon dioxide, oxidized blood, diffusion, left/right valve etc.
Timer (1 for each building background activity group)
power point
red and blue crayons
Building Background Knowledge: Students will break up into groups of three. One at a time,
students will take their pulses, or heartbeat (to explain to the class), three times, as demonstrated
by the teacher. (Place your index and middle finger on the bottom side, or palm side, of your
wrist. If you prefer, you can take a pulse on the neck, using the same two fingers. Place both
fingers on the bottom portion of the neck, just on the side of the windpipe. Looking at a clock or
stopwatch, count the number of pulses or beats you feel in a 10-second time frame. Take that
number and multiply it by 6 to give you the number of beats per minute.) Each student will have
a job, one being the timer, the second being the recorder and the third completing the task called
for. Jobs will rotate. The first time students will take their pulse at resting position, writing it
down in their notebooks. Next, the students will run in place for one minute, followed by the
student taking his/her pulse. After the students will rest for another minute and take their pulse.
After this activity, the students will answer the following questions.
1) When did your pulse rise? When did it fall?
2) Did your breathing quicken? When? Did it slow down? When?
3) Why do you think this change happened?
Presentation: Prior to the lesson, the language and content objectives are to be written on the
board using kid-friendly vocabulary. The teacher will read the objectives out loud. The teacher
will collect the above mentioned activities for later assessment. The teacher will then explain that
the heart is a muscle that works hard to keep the body moving. Following the pre made
PowerPoint with notes and visuals, the teacher will explain that as you breathe in and out, blood
gets pumped through the heart and around the body. The teacher will also explain how the lungs
expand and contract with every breath. Students will receive a copy of the PowerPoint slides and
will take notes alongside the presentation. Students are encouraged to ask questions throughout
the presentation and share any prior information.
Practice and Application: Students will complete the worksheet below. To understand the
concept of circulation, a tennis ball will be passed around the classroom. Upon receiving the ball,
the students will squeeze the ball 10 times before passing it along.
Review and Assessment: Students will write a 4-5 line poem or song using the following
“My heart is…”; “My lungs…”; etc.
This lesson will be followed up during our lab experimentation during lesson 3 of this lesson
Color the pathways of the blood as it goes throughout your body. Color the unoxidized blood
pathways blue and oxidized blood pathways red.
In your own words and using the above picture, explain the circulatory and respiratory systems
work together.
Lesson 3; 3rd Grade Science
Standards: Reading Standard for Grade 3 students (pg 21)
4. Determine the meaning of general academic and domain-specific words and phrases in a text
relevant to a grade 3 topic or subject area of science.
9. Compare and Contrast the most important points and key details presented in two texts of the
same topic… that being science
Theme: Systems of the Human Anatomy
Lesson Topic: The Application of Skeletal System, the Muscular System, the Circulatory
System and the Respiratory System through experimentation.
Language: SWBAT listen and comprehend the directions orally given by the teacher, as
well as written within the station.
Content: SWBAT apply their prior knowledge of the four afore mentioned systems
though experimentation.
Learning Strategies: Students will utilize their recall skills through hands on activities.
Key Vocabulary: Respiratory, Circulatory, Skeletal, Muscular, expand, contract, joint, bone,
tissue, ligaments, tendons, density, expand, contract
 PVC pipes
 A jar of honey
 Door Hinges
 A jar of Molasses
 Play dough
 Paper Towels and wipes
 Water Toy Course/ Track
 Lung Model (Made of the top half of
a large soda bottle, a balloon, a
 Toy Sail Boat
plastic sheet and rubber bands)
 A bottle of water
 Stethoscopes
Building Background Knowledge: Students will complete the system map provided below to
review the functions of the Respiratory, Circulatory, Skeletal, and Muscular systems.
Presentation: Teacher will explain and demonstrate each experimentation station, as explained
below. These instructions are provided at each station. Before beginning the following task,
students are encouraged to ask questions for clarification.
Practice and Application: The students will be broken up into 4 heterogeneous groups. Desks
will be moved to create tables accordingly; each table will act as a station for the experiment.
Each group will remain at the stations for approximately 10 minutes (though time may be
extended or shortened based on actual pace of students) , after which the groups will rotate
around each station. As the students rotate throughout each class, they will complete the
experimentation packet below. Explanations of the 4 stations are as follows.
Station 1: A recreation of the skeletal and muscular systems.
Using the PVC pipes, door hinges and play dough, the students will recreate the concept of
bones (the PVC pipe) as they are connected together by joints (the door hinges) and as
muscles (the play dough) are stacked on it. The students will answer questions from their
packet in the section marked “Station 1: A recreation of the skeletal and muscular systems”.
Station 2: A recreation of the circulatory system.
Set up the water toy course/track on the desk, with paper towels and wipes close at hand. The
students are to pour the water over the course to move toy sail boat through the course, just
as blood runs through the veins. They are to do the same and repeat the processes two more
times, with the honey and molasses. This change in substance is used to see the amount of
density/ thickness blood has. The students will answer questions from their packet in the
section marked “Station 2: A recreation of the circulatory system”.
Station 3: A recreation of the respiratory system
At this station, the balloon represents the lung and the plastic sheet across the bottom of the
bottle represents the diaphragm muscle. As students pull the tab down, the diaphragm
contracts and inflate the lung. As students push the tab back up, the diaphragm relaxes and
the lung deflates. The students will answer questions from their packet in the section marked
“Station 3: A recreation of the respiratory system”.
Section 4: Taking Pulses and Heartbeats
At this station, students will take their pulses and to their heartbeats. As demonstrated by the
teacher, place your index and middle finger on the bottom side, or palm side, of your wrist. If
you prefer, you can take a pulse on the neck, using the same two fingers. Place both fingers
on the bottom portion of the neck, just on the side of the windpipe. Looking at a clock or
stopwatch, count the number of pulses or beats you feel in a 10-second time frame. Take that
number and multiply it by 6 to give you the number of beats per minute. Each student will
have a job, one being the timer, the second being the recorder and the third completing the
task called for. Jobs will rotate. The first time students will take their pulse at resting position,
writing it down in their notebooks. Next, the students will run in place for one minute,
followed by the student taking his/her pulse. After the students will rest for another minute
and take their pulse during this recovery period. Students will do the same process using the
stethoscope, listening to the “lub-dub” sound of his/her heart. The students will answer
questions and complete the chart from their packet in the section marked “Station 1: A
recreation of the respiratory system”.
Review and Assessment: The teacher will collect the experimentation packet for assessment.
The students will write a review or a “critique” of the day using the following prompts.
1) I enjoyed ___________ activity the best because…
2) I did not enjoy ____________ activity because…
3) My group and I (worked well together/ did not work together well) because…
For homework, students will write a creative journal story (about 1-2 pages in length) about why
humans need the Respiratory, Circulatory, Skeletal, or Muscular. Stories can be fictional or non
fictional. For students who have a lower level of writing skills, drawings are acceptable with a
brief description. They will predict how these systems may relate to other systems of the body,
such as endocrine, nervous, and digestive system. These systems will be taught in the following
System Map:
Experimentation Packet
Answer the following questions in complete sentences and according to each experiment.
Station 1: A recreation of the skeletal and muscular systems
1) Describe the characteristics of the “bone” or PVC pipe.
2) Describe the characteristics of the “muscle” or play dough.
3) How are the door hinges like the joints of the body?
4) What parts of the body would you see bones, muscles and joints in the way the model is
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Station 2: A recreation of the circulatory system
1) What did you notice about the pace/ speed of the boat when you poured the water?
2) What did you notice about the pace/speed of the boat when you poured the honey? Why do
you think this happened?
3) What did you notice about the pace/speed of the boat when you poured the molasses? Why do
you think this happened?
4) Density is the amount of thickness a liquid or substance has. This affects the pace or speed of
circulation. Blood is a relatively slow moving substance. From our experiment, which of the
three substances (water, honey or molasses) would represent blood circulating through our veins?
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Station 3: A recreation of the respiratory system
1) What happened when you pulled the plastic sheet down?
2) What happened when you let the plastic sheet relax?
3) Place your hand bellow your rib cage. Breathe in deep and exhale. What do you notice about
this process?
4) How do you think the lungs and the heart work together? (Hint: think back to our lesson on
the respiratory and circulatory system).
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Section 4: Taking Pulses and Heartbeats
Taking your Pulse
Listening to your heartbeat
through a stethoscope
At rest
After exercise
At recovery
1) Describe the rate or speed of your pulse at resting position. Was this the same at recovery?
2) Describe the rate or speed of your pulse after exercise.
3) How was taking your pulse different from listening to your heartbeat through the stethoscope.
4) What are some ways you could keep your body healthy and improve your heart rate?
Step 4. K(Co-Teaching and Collaboration)
Type of Co-Teaching: Alternative Teaching with the mainstream/content teacher and special
education teacher/ resource room teacher.
Pre-Lesson Meeting Task
With content teacher:
1) Review content objectives
2) Assess areas in which the specified students may struggle within the lessons
With special education/resource room teacher:
1) Review content objectives
2) Establish modifications specifically geared towards afore mentioned students,
including study strategies, hand-on activities, drawing, and visual
During-Lesson Unit:
*no formal meeting, though teachers must follow guidelines to teaching afore mentioned
Post-Lesson Meeting Task
With content teacher:
1) Assess students strength, weaknesses and progress within the lesson.
2) Create a plan for follow-up.
3) Establish modifications to improve struggles for future lessons.
With special education/resource room teacher:
1) Assess student strengths, weaknesses and progress within the lesson.
2) Assess success level of lesson modifications.
3) Make plans for follow-up.
Step 6: De-Briefing (Individual/Team)
A. The teachers, the ESL teacher, mainstream teacher and special education teacher, will debrief
and evaluate outcomes of the lessons in the mainstream teacher’s classroom twice a week (once
before the lesson and once after). Evaluation will be based on student conduct and engagement in
the lesson, in addition to the in-class assignments, lab work and homework.
B. From these lessons, the class will learn the scientific unit of the human anatomy, more
specifically on the skeletal, muscular, circulatory and respiratory system in terms of form and
function. The afore mentioned students will learn better study habits, content based vocabulary
oral communication/ interaction and will be engaged through hands on activities.
C. With this content, I realize that I am drawn to hands-on activities for better student
engagement. Though I am not a science person, as an ESL teacher, I can break down each unit to
allow students to absorb the basic building blocks of the lesson, especially with more content
specific vocabulary that may be more difficult for ELLs to learn in a mainstream classroom.
Perhaps instead of cramming these lessons into three short days, I would extend these lessons
based on each system, through all four are interrelated. In terms of collaboration, I am most
proud of the variety of teaching strategies that can be shared by all teachers within their area of
focus all related to the unit.