Southeastern Vermont Economic Development Strategies FY 2013 Work Plan Approved: 7/19/2012 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS History of SeVEDS 3 SeVEDS TOP 30 Accomplishments in FY 2012 4 Officers and Board Terms 5 FY 2013 Work Plan 6-7 FY 2013 Budget 8 APPENDIX MATERIALS Windham Regional Commission Map showing SeVEDS Region 10 SeVEDS Strategies and Objectives 12-15 US Department of Commerce CEDS Requirements 16-17 Tentative Timeline and Scope for Windham Region CEDS Project 18 NEW Workforce Coordinator position work plan for FY 13 19 NEW Workforce Coordinator job description 20 Priorities for additional funding 21-24 Municipal fundraising schedule 25 2 SEVEDS HISTORY AND OVERVIEW SeVEDS exists to reverse the Windham Regions economic decline. We envision developing the Southern Vermont economy to generate long-term growth and prosperity, improve the regions quality of life and sustain its quality of place. Southeastern Vermont Economic Development Strategies, or SeVEDS, started in 2007 as a small group of people from across the region looking to improve broadband and cell service. After many meetings it became clear that the region’s problem wasn’t lack of broadband, it was lack of economic development. Understanding we couldn’t go it alone, professional assistance was sought from Fairpoint Communication and their strategic partner, Vital Economies. Beginning in 2010, Vital Economies worked with us on beginning to uncover and understand our underlying regional economic and demographic data and helped us lead a regional asset mapping discussion. This work led to the development of our initial five year goals and a strategy framework to begin to achieve those goals. These goals and strategies are primarily focused on the following: DECREASING POPULATION DECLINE INCREASING THE NUMBER OF GOOD PAYING JOBS IN THE AREA IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF THE REGIONAL WORKFORCE RAISING THE MEDIAN ANNUAL INCOME RELATIVE TO SURROUNDING AREAS The SeVEDS organization has also begun to develop as an entity. We are incorporated as a non-profit and legally affiliated with the Brattleboro Development Credit Corporation, a Vermont Regional Development Corporation serving the Windham Region. 3 SEVEDS TOP 30 FY ’12 ACCOMPLISHMENTS Organizational 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Established first Board of Directors Created Bylaws Created an Affiliation Agreement and an agreement with BDCC to provide staffing for its mission. SeVEDS board expanded to include Town Manager Rockingham/Bellows Falls, private business owner from Dover and Windham Workforce Investment Board coordinator. Created Additional Regional Task Forces: Workforce, Young Professionals, Communications, Innovation Indexing Research/Planning 6. Completed year and a half long phase 1 work with Vital Economies. 7. Created SeVEDS Strategies and Objectives Document: 8 goals, 6 objectives and 19 strategies for improving the Windham Region Economy 8. Completed Objective 5 – Plan for a Post VY Economy 9. Objective 1 – Create Operational and Fiscal Sustainability Plan for SeVEDS largely completed. 10. Post VY completed Windham County Post-VY Economic Mitigation and Growth report 11. Three board members attended training in Albany, NY by the International Economic Development Council on Economic Development Long Term Planning and Reporting. 12. Participated in Building a Better Brattleboro “Geek Group” discussions for bringing high tech jobs to downtowns Program Development 13. Drafted Sustainable So Vermont Marketing program in line with SeVEDS Strategies and Objectives for inclusion in Windham/Bennington County EDA Disaster Recovery Application. 14. Organizational work on Objective 2 has begun including development of ½ time Workforce Coordinator position Communication/Outreach 15. Presented findings at 10 different public meetings/events in the Windham Region 4 16. Multiple meetings with officials from FEMA and United States Department of Commerce – Economic Development Agency 17. Public Request for Windham Region to be declared Special Economic Development Zone 18. Testified to 2 Legislative Committees regarding the need for the Special Economic Development Zone 19. Testified to Senate Economic Development on SeVEDS progress 20. Participated and presented at joint Windham, Bennington & Berkshire County Regional Economic Development meeting on long term economic development and funding opportunities 21. Multiple meetings with officials from Vermont State Colleges regarding proposed joint campus in downtown Brattleboro 22. Met with Windham County Delegation in Montpelier to update them on SeVEDS work 23. Created and went live with a website 24. Created Facebook page for SeVEDS: AdvanceVT and Twitter feed: AdvanceVT 25. Created successful Windham County Young Professionals Group and held two well attended events in Brattleboro and Wilmington Fundraising/Grant applications 26. Secured an initial $50,000 appropriation from the State of Vermont and an additional $50,000 appropriation from the Brattleboro Development Credit Corporation (BDCC) 27. Submitted a grant application to the United States Economic Development Administration to create a Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy for the Windham Region 28. Secured a second 50,000 investment from the Vermont Agency of Commerce and Community Development for FY 13 29. Successfully requested first municipal support from Town of Brattleboro – 50K challenge grant from CDBG program income funds 30. Met or exceeded all FY ‘12 goals in Vermont Agency of Commerce and Community Development performance contract ORGANIZATION MAKE UP OFFICERS 2013 PRESIDENT Lisa Sullivan of Bartleby’s Books Wilmington VICE PRESIDENT Jenna Pugliese of Stratton Mountain Resort Stratton TREASURER Drew Richards of The Richards Group Brattleboro SECRETARY Julia Sorensen of The Brattleboro Retreat Brattleboro OFFICERS 2012 PRESIDENT Bob Stevens of Steven & Associates Brattleboro VICE PRESIDENT Lisa Sullivan of Bartleby’s Books Wilmington TREASURER Drew Richards of The Richards Group Brattleboro SECRETARY Jenna Pugliese of Stratton Mountain Resort Stratton BOARD MEMBERS AND TERMS Stephan Morse Bill Colvin Colby Dix David Alstadt Patrick Moreland Martin Langeveld Jeff Lewis Bob Stevens Dan Yates Julia Sorenson Scott Murphy Tim Cullenen Susan McMahon Barb Sondag Drew Richards Lisa Sullivan Jenna Pugliese 5 Resides Newfane Williamsville, MA Dover Brattleboro Marlboro Vernon Brattleboro Brattleboro Brattleboro Guilford Bennington Westminster Putney Brattleboro Newfane Wilmington Jamaica Works Retired Bennington Regional Commission Vermont Geeks Windham Workforce Investment Board Town of Brattleboro Strolling of the Heifers Brattleboro Development and Credit Corp Stevens and Associates Brattleboro Savings & Loan Brattleboro Retreat Town of Wilmington Town of Rockingham Village of Bellows Falls Windham Regional Commission Town of Brattleboro Richards Insurance Bartleby's Books Stratton Mountain Resort Term Ends 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 SEVEDS FY 2013 WORK PLAN 1. 2. 3. 6 SeVEDS will continue to expand and grow its newly formed regional task force efforts. Staffing of these Task Forces is contracted through Brattleboro Development Credit Corporation. Brief descriptions of the task forces include: a. WORKFORCE (meets monthly) INTERIM CHAIR STEPHAN MORSE – Working to Increase the Size and Quality of the Windham Region Work Force as outlined in SeVEDS Objective 2 b. WINDHAM REGION YOUNG PROFESSIONALS (meets every other month) CHAIR JENNA PUGLIESE Connecting young professionals, entrepreneurs and workforce across the region c. COMMUNICATIONS (meets monthly) CHAIR JULIA SORENSEN - Develop and execute plans to communicate internally about SeVEDS and externally about the Windham Region d. INNOVATION INDEXING (meets monthly) CHAIR PATRICK MORELAND - Creating and monitoring regional benchmarks using federally and state collected data points to measure progress e. POST VY (meeting quarterly)CHAIR STEPHAN MORSE - Monitor SeVEDS progress in achieving a number of mitigation strategies outlined in the Windham County Post-VY Economic Mitigation and Growth report f. DEVELOPMENT (meets monthly) – Advancing VY Mitigation Program Complete a Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy Document. A CEDS is required by the U.S. Economic Development Agency to qualify for a number of municipal and non-profit infrastructure and business development projects. (for example, sewer and water systems, power, business incubators) a. BDCC, on behalf of SeVEDS, has applied for an EDA technical planning grant to develop a CEDS. We have submitted follow up documents requested by EDA and expect a favorable decision – hopefully by July 1 2012. b. SeVEDS data and public input developed strategies and research work will feed into this document – because of the work of SeVEDS, the Windham Region is a little further ahead than many areas embarking on creating a CEDS c. The BDCC staff person assigned to SEVEDS is projected to spend at least half of their total time next year with the consultant(s) hired to develop and write the CEDS. Add regional workforce capacity and provide funding for the Windham Workforce Investment Board (WWIB) a. SeVEDS will invest in both the SeVEDS Workforce Coordinator Position and the WWIB. Priority for funding will be the SeVEDS Workforce Coordinator. b. Working to broaden the scope of its conversation to include more employers and education institutions. c. Expect to be a significant voice in expansion of college programming discussions with CCV and VTC. d. Working to ensure that the Windham Workforce Investment Board (WWIB – a federally recognized entity and authorized by Vermont Department of Labor to identify workforce education and training needs and to coordinate delivery of programs) and SeVEDS proposed half time positions work in tandem. Broadly speaking, the WWIB is focused on shorter term employer solutions and SeVEDS is working on longer term strategies which will connect all workforce assets and create sustainable funding for workforce development. SeVEDS does not currently have sufficient funds to fully fund the WWIB efforts outlined in this work plan. The SeVEDS Workforce Coordinator will assist in identifying and preparing applications for workforce capacity and WWIB funding. 4. 5. 7 Fundraising and Public Outreach a. Develop branding tools and consider organizational name change b. A municipal fundraising timeline is included and will be executed c. A private fundraising timeline will be developed by December 2012. d. Create a Development Committee for fundraising e. Plan and hold the first Public SeVEDS Annual Meeting in September 2013 f. Develop and execute plans to communicate with business owners, work force and tourists from outside the Windham Region g. Monitor Southern Vermont Sustainable Marketing project development if project is funded as part of US EDA disaster grant application. Create plan for measuring regional growth including identifying appropriate metrics to track. a. Innovation Indexing Task Force will provide input b. CEDS development will provide further input and guidance c. Consult with Colleges on what assistance they can provide in tracking d. Update current presentation data by August 1 6. Develop an action plan for utilizing multi-year VY closure mitigation funding by December 31, 2012 7. Continue to challenge the state to raise the priority level of a statewide economic development plan SEVEDS DRAFT FY '13 ORGANIZATIONAL BUDGET SeVEDS FY '13 Organizational Budget (Fiscal Year Ending June 30th, 2013) 2013 Budget 2012 Year End 2012 Budget ACCD performance contract 50,000.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 BDCC Funding 50,000.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 Windham Region Municipalities 40,000.00 Private Funding 10,000.00 INCOME 20,000.00 Indirect Public Support EDA Grant 0.00 25,000.00 473.00 0.00 75,000.00 0.00 75,000.00 ___________ 225,000.00 ___________ 100,473.00 ___________ 220,000.00 64,617.98 51,707.68 53,000.00 100,000.00 4,375.91 75,000.00 32,400.00 2,000.00 1,200.00 ___________ ___________ ___________ 199,517.98 58,083.59 129,200.00 $0.00 0.00 1,500.00 $500.00 15.00 4,000.00 Insurance $1,900.00 1,826.25 2,500.00 Office supplies $1,000.00 0.00 2,500.00 $75.00 40.47 2,000.00 ___________ ___________ ___________ Total Administrative $3,475.00 1,881.72 12,500.00 Meals and Travel $4,000.00 645.89 2,000.00 Total Income EXPENSE Salaries & Benefits Contracted w/BDCC CEDS contractor/staff WWIB Contribution Workforce Coordinator Total Salaries & Benefits 2,500.00 Administrative Accounting Legal Postage Marketing Education Printing and Advertising Total Marketing Total Expenses NET INCOME $2,500.00 1,921.55 $10,000.00 1,910.26 20,000.00 ___________ ___________ ___________ $16,500.00 4,477.70 22,000.00 219,492.98 ___________ 64,443.01 ___________ 163,700.00 5,507.02 36,029.99 56,300.00 Notes The 2012 projected surplus of $36,029.99 includes a $25,000 EDA Grant match obligation due July 1st, 2012. 8 APPENDIX 9 WRC MAP SHOWING TOWNS INCLUDED IN THE WINDHAM REGION PLANNING 10 SOUTHEASTERN VERMONT ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY GROUP Goals, Objectives and Strategies Outline Goals: 1. End Population Decline 2009 = 42,605 est. 2. 669 new jobs @$ 43,833 and 446 new jobs @$39,848 (NNE Average Wage) 3. Improvement of 4,464 jobs by $5,000/yr. 4. $69M new wages $141M in new GDP 5. Reach Regional GDP of $2.8B 6. Increase Median Annual Income for Associates/Some College from $26,855 to $32,000 7. Increase Median Annual Income for Bachelor’s Degree from $32,518 to $39,000 8. Improve the Ratio of Net Earned Income to Total Income from .566 to .65 Objective 1. Create Operational and Fiscal Sustainability Plan for SeVEDS by December 2011 1. Create Legal SeVEDS Entity a. Create Board of Directors – A board of directors was named at the September 22, 2011 Susan McMahon (Windham Regional Planning Commission), Bill Colvin (Town of Wilmington), Jeff Lewis (Brattleboro Development Credit Corporation), Patrick Moreland (Town of Brattleboro), Barb Sondag (Town of Brattleboro), Stephan Morse (Retired), Gregg Noble (Sovernet), Drew Richards (Richards Group), Bob Stevens (Stevens and Associates), Lisa Sullivan (Bartleby’s Books), Dan Yates (Brattleboro Savings & Loan), Jenna Pugliese (Stratton Mountain), Julia Sorenson (Brattleboro Retreat), Ex Officio Pat MoultonPowden (Vermont Agency of Commerce and Community Development). Subsequent additions to the board are: Tim Cullenen (Town of Rockingham), Colby Dix (Vermont Geeks), David Alstadt (Windham Workforce Investment Board) b. Incorporate SeVEDS as a Non-Profit - Incorporated as a 501 c(6) September 2011 c. Affiliation Agreement with BDCC – approved and signed December 1, 2011 2. Outline multiyear budget and fundraising needs a. Hire SeVEDS staff person to provide organizational and funder planning support. – BDCC provides staffing b. Prepare 3-year budget – FY 2012 budget approved on November 17th 2011 c. Develop and implement private fundraising campaign d. Develop and implement public fundraising campaign – Approved July 19th, 2012 11 3. Develop Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy for submission to EDA a. Complete EDA Technical Assistance Grant – completed b. Create Action teams to identify and support implementation of priorities and projects including VY closure, work force, redevelopment, and flood – in progress, partially developed c. Create CEDS plan – funding to create CEDS document will come from TA grant noted in 3a expected completion of CEDS is Summer 2011 Objective 2: Increase the Size and Quality of the Workforce (1-8) Update from WIB to SeVEDS – SeVEDS contribution to WIB’s Work Keys program - meeting with benefactor group to discuss wf needs and discuss expanding Work Keys program and work force coordination capacity. Work is being done to increase capacity in order to achieve Objective 2. The WIB currently employs a .2 FTE director 4. Develop a Workforce Center of Excellence Collaborative between providers and users of workforce development services that identifies and connects existing workforce development assets, defines future workforce requirements and gaps by September 2012 Key Metric: Recommend Preferred Workforce Development Collaborative Plan by December 2012 a. b. c. d. e. Map workforce development assets and define gaps to be filled Build strategic relationships between assets Define 3 to 5 Career Pathways that will meet the needs of the priority industries Identify workforce development Best Practices appropriate to the region Recommend Preferred Workforce Development Collaborative Plan by December 2012 5. Increase 20-44 age group employment by 20% in five years Key Metric: By January 2012 Define Top 3 – 5 Industry Clusters with the potential for increasing high-value jobs within the next five years a. By January 2012 Define Top 3 – 5 Industry Clusters with the potential for increasing high-value jobs within the next five years b. Create Action Teams in Q1-2012 around Clusters to identify Strengths (Assets), Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats and value chain gaps c. Prioritize at least 2 Clusters for Opportunity Analysis Research that will Action 3.2.D – define at least 2 Niche Markets per Cluster for implementation by October 2012 d. Develop Immigration Attraction Strategy by April 2012 focused on doubling the percentage of foreign born population in the region from 3.5% to 7% by 2016 e. Develop a Highly Skilled Professionals recruitment and retention strategy 6. Increase Associate Degrees/Some College and Technical Certificates Key Metric: 18-24 year old age bracket from 38% (1495 persons) to 47% (1884 persons) for net increase of 389 persons by 2016 12 a. 18-24 year old age bracket from 38% (1495 persons) to 47% (1884 persons) for net increase of 389 persons by 2016 b. Identify Industry Sectors with critical skill needs c. Work with Secondary, Post-Secondary and Vermont State College System and the broader region to develop education programs to meet industry needs d. Partner with UMass 7. Identify public and private resources to support a sustainable implementation of workforce development plan Objective 3: Increase population proportion of 24-44 year-olds from 23% to 28% of total population by 2017 (1) 8. KBE Strategy connecting the SeVEDS region to the NE Next Generation Knowledge Corridor –communication with Pioneer Valley Planning CEDS creators/ and John Mullin 9. Develop a Livable Communities Strategy by 2014 10. Leverage Tourism and Second Homeowner Assets to attract 1,000 young families 11. Develop a coordinated regional marketing plan to promote SE Vermont as the best place to live, place, and work. – Southern Vermont Disaster Recovery Grant is start place – funding pending a. Action Plans for Objective 4 Strategies will be developed during Phase II Objective 4: Create an Entrepreneurial Environment (1-8) BDCC Biz plan competition, SBDC biz counseling, growing understanding of need for economic development planning ex: BiTown, SeVEDS, Resilient Brattleboro 12. Define and implement an Innovation Ecosystem within 3 years a. In 2012, assess regional innovation and entrepreneurial climate based upon best practice criteria (Innovation Index): facilities, governance, business services, access to capital, business networks, culture, R&D capacities, etc. b. Convene an Action Team to use the Innovation Index for SeVEDS developed in 12.a to address complex regulatory and other concerns with State and Local jurisdictions. – started, on hold till CEDS development c. Assess business needs and set a goal to assist existing businesses and new or potential businesses each year. 13. Create a Young Professionals Group (YPG) to support and attract 20-44 year old professionals and workers – Windham Region Young Professionals Group holding quarterly events – started in March 2012 a. By Q4-2011 identify and evaluate strengths and weaknesses of existing young professional networks and social organizations 13 b. Engage a representative group of existing younger individuals (especially 18-35 yrs. old) in the community to assess interests and the role of young professions in the region’s economic future c. As a result of Action 13b recommend a set of activities and actions to be adopted supporting both the YPG and entrepreneurial climate of the regions, such as: business seminars, speakers, business plan competitions, investment forums, social events, etc. 14. Create a sustainable start – up funding program by March 2013 a. Define and implement a plan to benchmark and track new businesses looking for funding by December 2012 b. Define and implement a plan to benchmark and track new jobs created by December 2012 c. Create a mentor/investor network plan utilizing especially the services and assets of 44-75 year olds by December 2012 d. Take advantage of opportunities under the federal crowdfunding bill (if passed) e. Create marketing plan including social media to package and publicize local funding sources, mentor networks, incubator spaces, etc. Reach out to UMass/Amherst area via recruitment events, advertising, etc. f. Identify Incubator Space 15. Recognize and blend Quality of Place characteristics and concepts into the SEVEDS strategies a. Establish a group of relevant regional stakeholders to review Quality of Place concepts and index methodologies to craft a set of appropriate regional metrics b. Develop and conduct several community presentations describing the role and critical components of Quality of Place within the SeVEDS strategy c. Develop internal (within Windham Region) and external (out of Windham Region) marketing plan 16. Facilitate bringing challenged properties in the Windham Region back into purposeful use a. Aggregate relevant environmental, financial and land record information for qualified interest groups. b. Aiding qualified individuals and/or groups in purchase and rehab planning consistent with regional, economic, environmental and town planning. c. Create a mechanism to facilitate intermediary ownership if there are no other alternatives d. Identify and work with redevelopment efforts underway 17. Expand Percentage of the Regional Economy coming from the Global Economy by leveraging businesses w/global connections seeking higher skilled workers in high wage jobs. a. Create a database of businesses with international relationships b. Map international, linguistic, cultural, and technical knowledge assets c. Create a Global Marketing plan that links with International trade marketing tools and programs to expand markets and attract new business to leverage regional assets d. Define three (3) Global Niche Markets having value chain gaps that can be filled by regional assets e. Identify workforce skill gaps that might be filled by international workers coming to the region and create an worker recruitment plan f. Identify potential needs of international workers and develop a plan to meet those needs 14 Objective 5: Plan for a Post VY Economy (1-5) 18. Establish a sustained effort to cope with and recover from the closure of Vermont Yankee a. Build a broad based steering committee to guide planning and action on economic and social impacts. Created Daniel Yates (Brattleboro Savings & Loan), Martin Langeveld (Strolling of the Heifers), Andrea Livermore (Building a Better Brattleboro), Art Greenbaum, Barbara Sondag (Town of Brattleboro), Connie Snow (Windham Housing Trust), Ellen McCulloch-Lovell (Marlboro College), Jeff Lewis (Brattleboro Development Credit Corporation), Jesse Corum IV (Attorney) Lawrence Campany (Windham Regional Planning Commission), Mark Richards (Richards Group), Robert Stevens (Stevens and Associates), Robert Woodworth, Chad Simmons, Robert Oeser, Stephan Morse (retired) b. Conduct Substantial study of other nuclear plant closings and other plan shutdowns and find major learning’s - WRPC c. Establish Site decommissioning, deconstruction, clean up, restoration and reuse planning group: d. Identify potential impacts from VY closure – completed November 2011. Major categories include Jobs, GDP declines, Real Estate prices decline, Human Capital, Taxes e. Identify possible mitigation, barriers and means of overcoming barriers – Completed February 2012 Objective 6: Plan, Track and Participate (1-8) 19. Maintain list of issues and sectors for development of additional objectives and strategies a. Energy Prices, Broadband and Cell expansion, Disaster preparedness, Transportation Infrastructure, Railroads, Regional Plan 15 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATION COMPREHENSIVE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIES CEDS SUMMARY OF REQUIREMENTS Technical Requirements Pursuant to 13 C.F.R. § 303.7, a Planning Organization must include the following information in a CEDS submitted to EDA— 1. Background: The CEDS must contain a background of the economic development situation of the region that paints a realistic picture of the current condition of the region. This background must include a discussion of the economy, population, geography, workforce development and use, transportation access, resources, environment, and other pertinent information. 2. Analysis of Economic Development Problems and Opportunities: The CEDS must include an in-depth analysis of the economic development problems and opportunities that identifies strengths and weaknesses in the regional makeup of human and economic assets, and problems and opportunities posed by external and internal forces affecting the regional economy. This analysis must: • Incorporate relevant material from other government-sponsored or supported plans and demonstrate consistency with applicable State and local workforce investment strategies. • Identify past, present, and projected future economic development investments in the region. • Identify and analyze economic clusters within the region. 3. CEDS Goals and Objectives - Defining Regional Expectations: The CEDS must contain a section setting forth goals and objectives necessary to solve the economic problems, or capitalize on the resources, of the region. Any strategic project, program, or activity identified in the CEDS should work to fulfill these goals and objectives. • Goals are broad, primary regional expectations. • Objectives are more specific than goals, clearly measurable, and stated in realistic terms considering what can be accomplished over the five (5) year time frame of the CEDS. 4. Community and Private Sector Participation: The CEDS must include a section discussing the relationship between the communities in general and the private sector in the development and implementation of the CEDS. Public and private sector partnerships are critical to the implementation of the CEDS. 5. Strategic Projects, Programs and Activities: The CEDS must contain a section which identifies regional projects, programs and activities designed to implement the Goals and Objectives of the CEDS. This section should identify and describe: 16 Suggested Projects: o All suggested projects, programs and activities and the projected number of jobs to be created as a result. o Lead organizations responsibilities for execution of the projects. Vital Projects: o A prioritization of vital projects, programs, and activities that address the region's greatest needs or that will best enhance the region's competitiveness, including sources of funding for past and potential future investments. These can be overarching "themes" for regional economic development success and is expected to include components. o Funding sources should not be limited to EDA programs. COMPREHENSIVE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIES SUMMARY OF REQUIREMENTS, Page 2 of 2 6. CEDS Plan of Action: The plan of action, as described in the CEDS, implements the goals and objectives of the CEDS in a manner that: • Promotes economic development and opportunity; • Fosters effective transportation access; • Enhances and protects the environment; • Maximizes effective development and use of the workforce consistent with any applicable State or local workforce investment strategy; • Promotes the use of technology in economic development, including access to high-speed telecommunications; • Balances resources through sound management of physical development; and • Obtains and utilizes adequate funds and other resources. The CEDS must also contain a section that discusses the methodology for cooperating and integrating the CEDS with a State's economic development priorities. 7. Performance Measures: The CEDS must contain a section that lists the performance measures used to evaluate the Planning Organization's successful development and implementation of the CEDS, including but not limited to the: • Number of jobs created after implementation of the CEDS; • Number and types of investments undertaken in the region; • Number of jobs retained in the region; • Amount of private sector investment in the region after implementation of the CEDS; and • Changes in the economic environment of the region. These are not meant to be the only performance measures for the CEDS. Most Planning Organizations developing a CEDS will benefit from developing additional quantitative and qualitative measures that 17 TENTATIVE TIMELINE AND SCOPE OF WORK FOR WINDHAM REGION CEDS PROJECT Date* RFP issue date: August 1, 2012 Deadline for proposals: Notes on funding EDA decision 2012 September 1, 2012 plus 30 days October 1, 2012 plus 30 days Consultant Interviews: October 15, 2012 plus 2 weeks Consultant Selection: October 30, 2012 plus 2 weeks November 15, 2012 plus 2 weeks Review by SeVEDS: Start Date for consultant: Background Research: Analysis of Economic Development Problems and Opportunities: Status update BDCC, SeVEDS, WRC January 15, 2012 CEDS Goals and Objectives – Refine and further develop SeVEDS Goals and Objectives Community and Private Sector Participation: Status update BDCC, SeVEDS, WRC April 15, 2013 Identify Strategic Regional Projects, Programs and Activities: CEDS Plan of Action: Performance Measures: Draft Review SeVEDS, BDCC, WRC May 15, 2013 Draft for comments to EDA May 22, 2013 Final Presentation BDCC, SeVEDS, WRC: June 15, 2013 Submit CEDS to EDA June 30, 2013 * All dates are tentative and based on positive funding decision by US EDA prior to August 1 18 plus 7 months SEVEDS WORKFORCE COORDINATOR Calendar year 2013 Work Plan Major Projects 1. Develop Workforce Center of Excellence Objective: Pull together all workforce training and education programs existing in the Windham Region, identifying gaps and developing strategies and programs to bridge gaps. FY13–14 Activities: The SWC will: (1) identify and meet with the top 20 Employers in the Windham Region and congregate their needs (2) Identify and meet with all secondary, post-secondary, Adult Learning and training institutions and congregate their opportunities. (3) The SEVEDS Workforce Coordinator (SWC) will produce a list of needs, opportunities and training that exist and opportunities and training that do not exist 2. Work Closely with Windham Region CEDS project and WWIB Coordinator Objective: The SWC will be accumulating information critical for the CEDS project and for the WWIB, and vice versa including business cluster data and analysis and new training program opportunities. FY13–14 Activities: The SWC will meet jointly with the CEDS project staff and the WWIB coordinator monthly to share learning. 3. Professional retention and recruitment strategy development and implementation. Objective: To increase the size and quality of the workforce available in the Windham Region, to retain current professionals. FY2013–14 Activities: (1) The SWC will participate and collaborate with the Southern Vermont Marketing Project on developing business and employee recruitment strategies. (This project is being developed in conjunction with four Southern Vermont Chambers of Commerce and the Vermont Department of Tourism and Marketing.)(2) The SWC will attend all Windham Region Young Professionals Meetings(3) The SWC will provide staffing support for the SeVEDS Communications Task Force 4. Southern Vermont Internship Program Objective: To expand the size and quality of the workforce and increase the 24-44 year old workforce population FY2013–14 Activities: Working within the WWIB, Windham Region Young Professionals, Employer and Educational network the SWC will be developing, a draft plan for a Southern Vermont Internship will be created by June 30 2013. SeVEDS WF/Ed Coordinator Travel/Mileage Equipment and Supplies Marketing SeVEDS WF/ED Coordinator Total 3 Based on 39 weeks, 3 days per week with per diem +taxes: $200 19 0.6 23400 3000 3000 3000 32400 SEVEDS WORKFORCE COORDINATOR JOB DESCRIPTION This is a 39 week .6 position. It is possible the length of the time for the position could be extended. The Coordinator is responsible for managing all workforce activities of the Southeastern Vermont Economic Development Strategies Group including: Write the Workforce activities report and agenda for each monthly meeting of the SeVEDS Executive Committee. Work closely with the Windham Workforce Investment Board and with the Consultant for the Windham Region CEDS project. Produce marketing and outreach collateral, such as quarterly e-newsletter, brochure, business card, website, and Facebook page. Participate in regional groups and meetings to build working relationships with key stakeholders in business and industry, economic development, education, workforce development, and human services. Conduct significant outreach to employers, education providers and other stakeholders, via meetings, phone calls, e-mail, to gather input and develop long term workforce strategies. Develop a Southern Vermont Internship program proposal by June 30, 2013 Identify and prepare applications for grant funding Monitor and evaluate grant awards Position requirements: Travel throughout Windham region Strong writing and verbal skills Knowledge of workforce development programs, policies, funding, and best practices Commitment and perseverance Tentative timeline and scope of work for SeVEDS .5 Workforce project Date Notes Advertise position(s): August 1, 2012 Interview Applicants: August 15, 2012 plus 2 weeks 2nd Round Interviews: September 1, 2012 plus 2 weeks Hire SeVEDS wf staff : September 7, 2012 plus 1 week 20 PRIORITY PROGRAMS FOR ADDITIONAL FUNDING WINDHAM WORKFORCE INVESTMENT BOARD FY 2013–14 Two Year Work Plan Major Projects 1. Manufacturing Skills Development Background: In FY12, the Windham WIB partnered with the Windham Region Career Center and three local manufacturing companies to enroll incumbent workers in a six-month, distance-learning curriculum, called ToolingU, designed to enhance their knowledge and expertise in fields of machining, maintenance, and welding. Objective: The WIB seeks to expose employers to an industry-recognized training curriculum at a low-risk, low-cost level. The WIB envisions that employers will: (1) purchase their own license to ToolingU as a way to enhance their skills-building efforts, and (2) actively recruit and hire job applicants who have been trained on ToolingU. FY13–14 Activities: The WIB will: (1) support employers in completing a six-month program and sustaining their involvement; (2) engage an additional 3-5 employers in ToolingU; (3) offer ToolingU, in combination with hands-on training, to unemployed jobseekers to prepare them for potential jobs with local employers. WIB budget: Allocate resources to coordinate program delivery and to pay for an instructor to deliver hands-on training. 2. Job Readiness Assessment Background: In FY12, the Windham WIB partnered with Vermont Adult Learning, Vermont Department of Labor, and several local employers to adopt a battery of job readiness assessments, known as WorkKeys, to support hiring and job promotion decisions. Objective: The WIB seeks to evaluate WorkKeys as a tool for (1) helping employers select qualified candidates out of an applicant pool who have requisite “hard” and “soft” skills; (2) helping job seekers assess their strengths and weaknesses, remediate weaknesses, and be able to validate their readiness to work to employers; and (3) leverage aggregated test scores as a validation of the region’s skilled workforce, and a tool for economic development professionals to attract new businesses. FY13–14 Activities: The WIB will engage additional employers in the demonstration phase and, then, launch a region-wide marketing campaign to encourage additional employers to incorporate WorkKeys in hiring and job promotion decisions; the WIB also will collaborate with service agencies in programs designed to help job seekers raise their test scores. In addition, the WIB intends to use WorkKeys to screen for qualified, appropriate candidates for the manufacturing skills development and career prep programs. WIB budget: Allocate resources to defray testing costs and region-wide marketing campaign. 3. Career Prep–Health Care and Social Assistance Objective: The WIB intends to design and coordinate delivery of a comprehensive career prep course to develop qualified workers for the health care and social assistance sector. FY2013–14 Activities: The WIB will collaborate with key employers in the health care and social assistance sector to identify workforce challenges and critical skill needs for entry-level, career-path jobs. Concurrently, the WIB will coordinate the 21 designing of training curriculum, in conjunction with education and service providers, to comprise: (1) basic skills remediation, (2) soft skills development, with emphasis on customer service, teamwork, and work discipline (3) career exploration and counseling, (4) foundational training for preparation to enter sector and/or to enroll in advanced, occupation-specific training, (5) work experience, e.g. internship, job shadowing, (6) intensive case management, including work supports and job retention support, and (7) mentorship. WIB budget: Allocate resources for coordination, employer outreach, program development, and program costs. 4. Career Fair Objective: The WIB intends to coordinate a career fair to (1) help employers promote their businesses and identify potential candidates for current and potential job openings, (2) help job seekers, as well as high school youth, learn about career options, and (3) provide a platform for education institutions and employment services agencies to promote services to employers and jobseekers. The career fair also will enable the WIB to engage and support additional employers and job seekers and raise community awareness of workforce issues and WIB efforts. FY2013–14 Activities: The WIB, in partnership with Creative Workforce Solutions and Vermont Department of Labor, will develop and staff the career fair. WIB Budget: Allocate resources for coordination, outreach, facility costs 5. Employer Survey/Outreach Background: In FY12, the Windham WIB conducted a workforce assessment survey of members of three regional chambers of commerce. The survey inquired about their hiring plans, difficult-to-fill positions and reasons for difficulty, and training and recruitment efforts. Objective: The WIB seeks to follow up on the survey and better understand workforce challenges facing employers and help them resolve those challenges. FY2013–14: The WIB will conduct a survey on an annual basis and invest staff time to outreach to employers who complete the survey. This outreach may lead to development of other WIB programs. WIB Budget: Allocate resources for development of survey and employer outreach. 22 WWIB FY2013–14 BUDGET PROJECTED INCOME SOURCES Source FY13 FY14 Total Vermont Department of Labor $5,000 $5,000 $10,000 SeVEDS $625 (FY12 carryover) n/a $625 BDCC $2,000 (FY12 carryover) n/a $2,000 United Way of Windham County $5,000 n/a $5,000 Thompson Trust n/a $5,000 $5,000 Career Fair revenue $2,500 $6,500 $9,000 EDA grant if allowable $43,500 $43,500 $87,000 $58,625 $60,000 $118,625 * Projected Projected Expenses Item FY13 FY14 Total Contractor (coordinator hours) $34,500 $34,500 $69,000 Projects $14,763 $16,500 $31,263 Marketing $2,500 $2,500 $5,000 Equipment/Supplies $250 $250 $500 Travel $500 $500 $1,000 Administration $5,862 $6,000 $11,862 $58,625 $60,000 $118,625 Expense Breakdown Item Two-Year Totals Contractor (coordinator hours) Estimated 15–16 hours/week at ~$42–45/hr Projects Manufacturing: $8,263 (instructor fees); Job Readiness: $4,000 (testing fees and room supervisor wages); Career Prep: $15,000 (instructor fees); Fair: $4000 (facility rental) Marketing Job Readiness: $1500; Career Prep: $1500; Career Fair: $3,000; Survey: $1000; WIB communications: $1,000 Equipment/Supplies Meeting materials, etc: $500 Travel Travel throughout region, at $.50 per gallon: $1,000 Administration Fiscal oversight and reporting at the customary 10% allocation of total budget 23 WWIB COORDINATOR JOB DESCRIPTION The Coordinator is responsible for managing all activities of the Windham WIB, including: Identify and prepare applications for grant funding Monitor and evaluate grant awards Write the activities report and agenda for each monthly meeting of the WIB Executive Committee. Prepare quarterly progress reports to funders Produce marketing and outreach collateral, such as quarterly e-newsletter, brochure, business card, website, and Facebook page. Participate in regional groups and meetings to build working relationships with key stakeholders in business and industry, economic development, education, workforce development, and human services. This includes sitting on the board of directors of SeVEDS. Collect and/or analyze labor market information, such as annual employer survey and online job postings. Conduct outreach to employers and other stakeholders, via WIB-organized meetings, phone calls, e-mail, to gather input and forge collaboration on WIB projects. Organize working groups to design WIB projects, and take lead role in coordinating delivery of project (e.g. manufacturing skills development, job readiness assessment, career prep, career fair). Position requirements: 24 Travel throughout Windham region Strong writing and verbal skills Knowledge of workforce development programs, policies, funding, and best practices Commitment and perseverance 2013 MUNICIPAL FUNDRAISING PLAN 25 Action Date Notes SeVEDS Communication Task Force::2 Hour strategy sessions for outreach planning June 7th, 2012 July 5th, 2012 August 23rd, 2012 ongoing SeVEDS Public Annual Meeting mid - September 2012 What we accomplished in 2011/12; high level financials; what we are working on and fundraising pitch Mailing to all 27 selectboards with recap from public meeting and language for Town Meeting Warnings October 2012 Follow up visits with municipalities October and November 2012 Goal is 2 towns per week for a total of 16 in person asks At least 10 Towns pass funding measures Tuesday March 5th $50,000