Focus of the Week-Third Grade October 26, 2015 Take a peek at the upcoming week… Reading This week we will focus on finding story elements while we are reading (characters, setting, plot). We will learn how thinking about these elements can help us understand what we are reading. Spelling We are focusing on adding -ed to VC, VCe, VCC, and VVC words. Examples: VC= grab-grabbed VCe= wave-waved VCC= help-helped VVC= mail, mailed *Reminder: We do a spelling “QUICK CHECK” each Thursday to show if students understand the pattern of the week. We also have the students learn 5 of their high frequency words off their list. Students will need to correctly spell and use these 5 words in sentences on Friday. Writing This week we are continuing to write the rough draft of our personal narrative. We will make our writing stronger by describing our feelings and using powerful word choice. We’ll do some revising to add voice and vary our sentences. Social Studies This week, students will be learning about the 4 types of community services, the importance of voting, and community leaders. We will be doing a variety of Kids Vote activities to get them excited and informed about the upcoming elections. Math In math, we will be classifying quadrilaterals that we have been learning about. We will review lines, perimeter, and quadrilaterals and take our Unit 2 test this week. We will then focus on addition and subtraction word problems. *We encourage you to help your child become more fluent with their basic facts by doing Xtra math (Log in information was sent home last week and each child has a label on the front of their student planner) on the computer or flashcards at home. HOMEWORK Just a reminder that each Monday your child will be bringing home a blue reading homework sheet and a yellow spelling sheet. Both items will be due by THURSDAY each week. Students are also expected to read 15 minutes each night. Please be sure to ask your child and check their planner to see if they have any daily math homework. Math homework is always due the following day. THANK YOU! Dates to Remember Monday, Nov. 2-Conference letters sent home Tuesday, Nov. 3-Election Day! Wednesday, Nov. 4-Picture retakes! Thursday, Nov. 5-Intervention Family Night from 5:30-7 (Blue Jay cluster) Monday, November 9th- No School Thursday, Nov. 12- 3rd Grade Music Program @ 7:00PM **Fri., Nov. 6 is the end of the quarter! Remember to keep reading each night to meet our goal! Mrs. Theis Attendance line 952-496-5953