Ontario Benthos Biomonitoring Network Participants’ Training Updated April 2006 Standard Report (OBBN Vision) Clear Lake Inflow, 22-May-2005 Longitude: -74.7° Latitude: 45.0° Sampled by: Jones & Dmytrow Summary Statistics Reference Sites (nref=15) Test Site* mean St. Dev. mean -0.84 0.43 0.09 CA1(abundance) CA2(abundance) Richness % Chironomidae % EPT -0.34 13 34 62 0.41 4.16 12.31 8.90 2.74 13 33 46 *values in bold typeface are beyond 2 st. dev. from the reference-site mean Hypothesis-test Results D F Pnon-central 7.52 94.31 0.03 Test Site Atypical Index Contributions* D F P CA1(abundance) 6.52 110.28 0.015 CA2(abundance) Richness % Chironomidae % EPT 3.38 1.53 5.04 4.22 100.73 2.3 65.81 6.4 0.014 0.177 0.038 *values in bold typeface are beyond 2 st. dev. from the reference-site mean 0.032 Stream reference sites with test-site like Index Contribution collection method, gear type, mesh size, collection season, and flow permanence were selected based on similarity (Euclidean distance) to the following test-site habitat features: dominant substrate, elevation, latitude, longitude, and catchment area. Euclidean distances for reference sites ranged from 5 to 72. Total Euclidean distance for 15 reference sites and 5 attributes was 494 Instructors Chris Jones, Ministry of Environment, Benthic Biomonitoring Scientist and OBBN coordinator (Lead Instructor) Nicole Dmytrow, Saugeen Conservation, OBBN Assistant Coordinator (Sampling, Benthos Identification) Ron Reid, Ministry of Environment, Benthos Scientist (Sampling, Benthos Identification) Michelle Bowman, University of Toronto (RCA bioassessment calculations: Test Site Analysis) Desired Outcome Participants understand the purpose and administration of the OBBN, and demonstrate competence with its methods. This course is part of OBBN’s quality assurance plan: certification is one way of protecting the credibility of the Network. The OBBN is part of the Canada-wide Canadian Aquatic Biomonitoring Network (CABIN). We are working on standard training and certification requirements for CABIN. Participants’ Certification • 2 types of certificates (Participant, Trainer) • To be certified, participants must: – Pass a general multiple-choice test – Correctly identify 40 of 44 benthos specimens to the coarse OBBN 27-group level • In addition to above, trainers must: – Assist with teaching the course – List at least 2 diagnostic characters for each specimen on the benthos identification test (without consulting references) Student Instructors Rebecca Crockford, District of Muskoka Lynette Dawson, Quinte Conservation Gerry Sullivan, Otonabee Region Conservation Authority Angela Wallace, Gartner Lee Biomonitoring Knowledge vs. Degree of OBBN Involvement Degree of Network involvement vs. OBBN Knowledgea 16 14 y = 1.3454x + 6.8247 R2 = 0.274 # of Answers 12 10 8 Correct 6 Don't Know 4 y = -1.2307x + 6.5219 2 2 R = 0.2557 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Ordinal Degree of involvement Equation C = 6.82 + 1.35(ODI) DK = 6.52 - 1.23(ODI) C = 10.5 + 0.072(MI) DK = 3.29 - 0.0716(MI) 2 R 0.27 0.26 0.11 0.12 Regression results (C = number of correct answers, DK = number of questions answered ‘Don’t Know’, ODI = ordinal degree of OBBN involvement; all listed comparisons are significant at the =0.05 level) Agenda: Day 1 Welcome to the Course Purpose Background (Need for Biomonitoring; Benthos as Indicators; Benthos facts; Complementarity of Stressor- and Effect-based Monitoring; OBBN Components, Principles, and Status Update) Chris Jones, Gerry Sullivan The Reference Condition Approach (RCA Overview; Definition of Reference Site; OBBN Reference Site Sampling Strategy; Criteria for minimally impacted; Spot the reference site; Example of RCA Bioassessment) Chris Jones, Angela Wallace Protocol Chris Jones, (Standardization vs. Flexibility, Collection Procedures For Lakes, Lisa Campbell Streams, Wetlands, Processing Methods, Archiving, Habitat Characterization) Sampling: Kennisis River and Lake of Bays (Student trainers as group leaders) Nicole Dmytrow, Chris Jones, Ron Reid, Gerry Sullivan, Angela Wallace, Lisa Campbell, Lynette Dawson, Rebecca Crockford Sieve Samples Nicole Dmytrow Agenda: Day 2 Benthos Picking (random sub-sampling to obtain ~100count sample) Nicole Dmytrow, Chris Jones, Ron Reid Gerry Sullivan, Angela Wallace, Lisa Campbell, Lynette Dawson, Rebecca Crockford Benthos Identification (OBBN 27-group Level) - Diagnostic features of each group (slide show) - Examples from the DESC reference collection (demonstration) - Practice using specimens collected yesterday (hands-on) Chris Jones, Nicole Dmytrow, Rebecca Crockford, Lynette Dawson Practice identification skills Chris Jones, Nicole Dmytrow Students to identify specimens in front of class (microscope projection), highlighting diagnostic characters Chris Jones Agenda: Day 3 Assessment: Is Test Site Within Normal Range? -Summary Metrics -Hypothesis Testing (TSA) Michelle Bowman, Chris Jones Review Gerry Sullivan, Angela Wallace, Lisa Campbell, Lynette Dawson, Rebecca Crockford Chris Jones, Nicole Dmytrow Certification Test (Optional) Chris Jones, Nicole Dmytrow Take-up test, general discussion, and wrap-up Chris Jones Biomonitoring Rationale • Legislation & policy stress protection of biota – Biological definitions of impairment and adverse impact in Ontario – “biological integrity” in U.S. Water Pollution Control Act – The EU Water Framework Directive requires both “good ecological status” and “good chemical status” of surface water • Management stresses protection/rehabilitation of biota: – Target setting – Performance evaluation (Roux et al. 1999, Jones et al. 2005b, Jones 2006) Biomonitoring Rationale II “Biomonitoring is required … because the consequences of environmental stress can only be determined by an appraisal of the biota”. Wright (2000) What are Benthos? • Bottom-dwelling aquatic invertebrates • Include animals like insects, worms, mollusks, crustaceans, and mites Caddisfly of the family Helicopsychidae Mayfly of the family Ephemerellidae. Why Use Benthos As Bioindicators? • • • • • • • • • Benthos are excellent indicators of aquatic ecosystem health. Abundant and widespread Nobody cares Easily and inexpensively sampled Sedentary (unlike fish) Long lived (months to years) Many species with different tolerances Respond to both water and sediment chemistry Readily archived for future reference Provide early-warning Stream benthos collection in the Raisin River watershed (Rosenberg & Resh 1993, 1996; Mackie 2001) Complementarity of Stressor- and Effectbased Monitoring Stressor-based Approach Effect-based Approach Monitoring focus Stressors causing environmental change, i.e., chemical and physical inputs Effects (responses) of natural and/or anthropogenic disturbances, e.g., changes in the structure and function of biological communities Management focus Water quality regulation: controlling stressors through regulations Aquatic ecosystem protection: managing ecological integrity Primary indicators Chemical and physical habitat variables, Structural and functional biological e.g., pH, dissolved oxygen, copper attributes (e.g., relative taxa concentration abundances, frequency of deformities) Assessment end points Degree of compliance with a set criterion or discharge standard Adapted from Roux et al. (1999) Degree of deviation from a benchmark or desired biological condition Biology Benthos data, Pretty River, October 1996; reference site data, 1997-2000 95% confidence ellipse Stressor and Effectbased Approaches are Complementary CA2 Mad R. Noisy Nottawasaga Pine 2 Pine 1 Sheldon Pretty CA1 Chemistry = Ontario Water Quality Objective Zinc Data: 1997 - 2001 Phosphorus Data: 1997 - 2001 25 20 0.1 ug/l mg/L 0.08 0.06 0.04 15 10 0.02 5 0 0 Pretty River @ hwy. 26, Collingwood Pretty River @ Hwy. 26, Collingwood Pretty River, Highway 26, Collingwood, Ontario Technical Issues The application of benthos biomonitoring has been limited by a number of technical issues. • Unlike water chemistry, no guidelines or “biocriteria”exist • Complex; many confounding factors: biota respond to things other than stressor of interest • No standard sampling protocol • Taxonomy requires special expertise • Experts disagree on hypothesis-testing procedures and interpretation • Cost OBBN Background OBBN: a collaborative lake-, stream-, and wetland-bioassessment network Leads: Ontario Ministry of Environment and Environment Canada (EMAN), but part of national CABIN program Purposes 1. 2. 3. 4. Evaluate aquatic ecosystem condition Measure effectiveness of programs Provide biological complement to Provincial Water Quality Monitoring Program Support development of biocriteria for aquatic ecosystem condition Aquatic mite Barriers to Biomonitoring in Ontario Standard Protocol Data Sharing Training Implementation Status http://obbn.eman-rese.ca • On-line • Printed manual subject to Ministry approval • Train-the-trainer • Integration with North American Benthological Society Taxonomic Training Certification Program (NABS TCP) Protocol • Collaborative projects required to develop Research OBBN products • Current focus is on understanding sources of variance and evaluating methods OBBN • National integration Database • Launched 31 Oct. 2005 • ~30 organizations have accounts Analytical • Query tool, data exporter, automated Software bioassessment-hypothesis test, reporting module • spring 2006 release date OBBN Partners OBBN Leads Technical Advisory Committee • Ontario Ministry of Environment • Environment Canada’s Ecological Monitoring and Assessment Network • Universities • Conservation Authorities • Ontario’s Ministries of Environment and Natural Resources • Environment Canada • Trout Unlimited • District of Muskoka Certified Participants • All Sectors OBBN Partner Roles OBBN Leads • Coordinate 5 program components • Provide technical advice and equipment • Research Technical Advisory Committee • Technical guidance and review • Research • Program Priorities • Problem Solving Partners • Sampling (for their own purposes and to collaborate on regional, provincial, and national reporting) • Data-sharing • Research Data-sharing Agreement I understand and accept that as a partner in the Canadian Aquatic Biomonitoring Network, data entered into this system is freely shared among all Network participants. I further understand and accept that CABIN and its partners put no restrictions on, and do not regulate, how data is used by network members. Although I have made every attempt to ensure the quality of the data I enter into the database, I make no guarantee about the accuracy of that data, and assume no liability associated with its use. OBBN Socio-economics and Demography Highest Level of Education Achieved (n=38)a Percent of Responses Age (n=37) 40% 50% 40% 30% 20% 30% 20% 10% 10% 0% 0% 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 CD Percentof Responses Employment Status (n=38)b UUG UGD Vocational Sector (n=38)c 100% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% U R PT FT Other PS Gov CA Acad Ed NGO f Responses OBBN participants’ socio-economic status and demography (aCD = college diploma; Years in Current Job (n=34) Years Residing in Present UUG = university undergrad. degree; UGD = university grad.degree; bU =Community unemployed; (n=38) 50% R = retired; PT = part-time; FT = full-time; cPS = private sector; Gov = government; CA = 40% conservation authority; Acad = academic; Ed =40% education; NGO = non-government or 30% organization 30% non-profit MotivesMotives of ofParticipation Participation a R (n=36) MO (n=37) Very Important PE (n=38) Somewhat Important GRR (n=37) Not Important GE (n=34) AMD (n=38) *AEC (n=39) TE (n=37) 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Percent of Responses Motives of OBBN participation (R = research; MO = meeting others with common interests; PE = performance evaluation (i.e., evaluating performance of water management programs; GRR = guiding rehabilitation or restoration; GE = Guiding enforcement; AMD = Assessing or managing biodiversity; AEC = Assessing/managing ecological condition; TE = Training/education) Follow-up action (n=29) Full control (5) Analysis and interpretation (n=32) 4 Developing and refining methods (n=32) 3 Perspectives * on Network * Implementation (I) 2 Choice of data shared (n=34) No Control (1) Choice of sampling sites (n=35) • 88% categorized participantgovernment relationship type as partnership or collaboration 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% Percent of Responses Participants’ perceived control or influence over components of the OBBN Types of government-participant relationships in monitoring programs (adapted from Savan et al. 2004). Who determines monitoring protocol? Who selects sites to be monitored? Who determines analytical methods, interpretation, and data distribution? Who determines follow-up action? Relationship Type (based on degree of participant control)a Control Partnership Collaboration Co-optation Participants Shared Shared Government Participants Participants Shared Government Participants Participants Shared Government Participants Participants, then government Shared Government Benthos: From Snot Globules to Jewelry Anterior view of water-boatman head (Corixidae) Caddisfly larva (Hydropsychidae) Mayflies True Flies Black Flies Caddisflies Leeches Dragonflies & Damselflies Biocriteria and the Reference Condition Approach Biocriteria “Healthy is Variable.” –Dr. Robert Bailey, University of Western Ontario • 2 equally healthy sites may have different biological assemblages • Need to determine what normal is • Biomonitoring conundrum: Is an observed difference greater than expected by chance? Is it biologically meaningful? • Biocriteria are critical values for hypothesis tests • The “normal range” is a pragmatic biocriterion (Kilgour et al. 1998, Bowman & Somers 2005) Stream Sample Date Partner HYDRACARINA Trhypochthoniidae EPHEMEROPTERA Baetidae Ephemerellidae PLECOPTERA Leuctridae Capniidae Perlodidae Chloroperlidae TRICHOPTERA Rhyacophilidae Hydropsychidae COLEOPTERA Elmidae DIPTERA Chironomidae Ceratopogonidae Tipulidae Simulidae Empididae Total: 2 1 81 1 49 2 1 1 6 0 1 0 5 1 2 2 1 3 11 20 20 3 4 0 1 135 29 2 6 2 0 122 Biocriteria “Healthy is Variable.” –Dr. Robert Bailey, University of Western Ontario • 2 equally healthy sites may have different biological assemblages • Need to determine what normal is • Biomonitoring conundrum: Is an observed difference greater than expected by chance? Is it biologically meaningful? • Biocriteria are critical values for hypothesis tests • The “normal range” is a pragmatic biocriterion (Kilgour et al. 1998, Bowman & Somers 2005) Stream Baxter Baxter Sample Riffle 1 Riffle 2 Date 16-Aug-04 16-Aug-04 Partner ORCA ORCA HYDRACARINA Trhypochthoniidae 2 1 EPHEMEROPTERA Baetidae 81 49 Ephemerellidae 1 2 PLECOPTERA Leuctridae 1 1 Capniidae 1 0 Perlodidae 6 5 Chloroperlidae 0 1 TRICHOPTERA Rhyacophilidae 2 1 Hydropsychidae 2 3 COLEOPTERA Elmidae 11 20 DIPTERA Chironomidae 20 29 Ceratopogonidae 3 2 Tipulidae 4 6 Simulidae 0 2 Empididae 1 0 Total: 135 122 Experimental Designs for Bioassessments Has the impact occurred? Is when and where known? Is there a control area? Experimental Design Name Yes Yes Yes Spatial Study (Control-Impact) No Impact from Spatial Pattern Yes Reference Condition Approach No Modern Analog Approach Yes Optimal Impact Study (BACI) No Temporal (Before-After) Yes Monitoring for When No Monitoring for Where No No Yes No (Adapted from Green 1979 [Bowman and Somers 2005]; see also Underwood 1997) History of the RCA • A product of researchers working on the common challenge of studying an environment where an impact had (or was likely to have) occurred, but when and where the impact occurred were not known • UK: RivPACS, Australia: AusRivAS, Canada: BEAST • U.S.: Rapid-Bioassessment Procedures (Wright et al. 2000, Bailey et al. 2004, Barbour et al. 1999, Bowman and Somers 2005) Reference Condition Approach (RCA) Multiple, minimally impacted control sites define the normal range of biological conditions to be expected at a test site Reference site Test site “Long-term monitoring programs…provide the measures of normal (reference data) against which the abnormal is judged. It is impossible to convince a court that something is wrong if ‘right’ is not defined.” – MOEE Biomonitoring Review Committee, 1994 RCA Steps The RCA has the following 5 steps (Bailey et al. 2004): 1. Minimally impacted reference sites are randomly selected and their biological communities and habitats are characterized. 2. Reference sites are grouped according to the similarity of their biological assemblages and/or habitats (depending on the approach used, a model that predicts a test site’s reference-state assemblage type, hence its reference-site group membership, may be built using a set of natural-habitat or physiographic attributes that are known to distinguish assemblage types). 3. A test site is sampled to characterize its biological community and habitat. 4. Appropriate reference sites are selected to define the normal or expected test-site condition. 5. Statistically test the bioassessment null hypothesis (i.e., that the test site is in reference condition). Sample benthos and habitat at a variety of randomly selected, minimally impacted reference sites Summarize the biological condition of reference sites. Group reference sites having similar biological communities. Build a statistical model that predicts group membership based “niche variables” (physiographic variables that account for separation between groups) Sample the biological community of a test site and characterize its niche attributes. Summarize biological condition using a set of metrics Use physiographic model to predict test site to a reference group. RCA Steps Suitable reference site group available? No Yes Establish normal range of biological condition for test site using appropriate reference site group (ref±2SD) Site likely unimpaired. Resample periodically and confirm reference group selection Yes Biological condition of test site is within normal range? No Site may be impaired. Confirm reference group selection and resample. If same result, investigate for causes of impairment RCA Messiness -Different definitions of minimal impact, reference site classification methods, summarization and hypothesis-testing procedures (e.g., Wright et al. 2000, Linke et al. 2005). -Different researchers have different approaches to each step (Bowman and Somers 2005) RCA Step-1 Challenges : Reference Sites and Minimal Impact 1. Minimally impacted reference sites are randomly selected and their biological communities and habitats are characterized. • “Sites that are not disturbed by human activities are ideal reference sites; however, land-use practices and atmospheric pollution have so altered the landscape and quality of water resources … that truly undisturbed sites are rarely available (Barbour et al. 1996). ” • Standard criteria for minimal impact don’t exist • It is particularly difficult to find reference sites for large waterbodies and for any waterbodies in areas where climate and geography favour agriculture or urban development • randomly selecting reference sites may be difficult because of their restricted and aggregated spatial distribution, and because of their remote location and difficult access (Hughes 1995). Reference Site Criteria: Wyoming Different weights for different attributes Different thresholds for different eco-regions (U.S. EPA 1996) OBBN: Qualitative Definition of Minimal Impact CRITERIA FOR “MINIMALLY IMPACTED” Well downstream of significant point sources Minimal regulation of water level (minimal affect from dams and impoundments) Extensive naturally vegetated buffer Well forested catchment Minimal development or urban land use in catchment Minimal agricultural land use in catchment Minimal impervious cover and artificial drainage in catchment Minimal anthropogenic acidification (i.e. pH matches expectation based on local geology) Water chemistry better than regulatory guidelines, e.g. Ontario Ministry of Environment PWQO’s (REF PWQO) (Jones et al. 2004) RCA Step-1 Challenges: What is a reference site? OBBN Approaches to RCA Step 1 • Sample a wide range of sites (but also ensure relevance to test sites) • Reserve at least 10% of annual sampling effort for reference site resampling (same sites each year, or different sites in different years, or a combination of the two strategies) • Ideally, sample enough reference sites to adequately describe the normal ranges of different types of waterbodies (~30 sites per group; Bowman and Somers 2005) • Where insufficient reference sites exist, estimate normal range using best available sites, modeling, and applying best professional judgment. Remember: • We don’t know how many assemblage types there are • Try to sample some unusual sites (e.g. large rivers, clay plain streams) OBBN Approaches to RCA Step 1 • Standard methods required: location, taxa counts, habitat data • OBBN Coordinators provide QC checks on reference-site samples; confirmed taxa enumerations and physiographic data returned to collector • Depending on question, impacted sites may be used in bioassessments; however, minimally impacted sites are always useful for determining relative condition Use of Impacted Control Sites ? ? Urban control site Urban mine-impacted test site Minimally impacted reference site CA2 (Hypothetical Data) (e.g., Reynoldson et al. 2005) CA1 Use of Impacted Control Sites ! Urban control site Urban mine-impacted test site Minimally impacted reference site CA2 (Hypothetical Data) (e.g., Reynoldson et al. 2005) CA1 Send Reference Site Samples (But Not Like This) RCA Challenges, Steps 2-4 : Sampling Methods, Classification and Prediction 2. 3. 4. Reference sites are grouped according to the similarity of their biological assemblages and/or habitats (depending on the approach used, a model that predicts a test site’s reference-state assemblage type, hence its reference-site group membership, may be built using a set of natural-habitat or physiographic attributes that are known to distinguish assemblage types). A test site is sampled to characterize its biological community and habitat. Appropriate reference sites are selected to define the normal or expected test-site condition. RCA Challenges, Steps 2-4 • No agreement on sampling methods (collection, sample processing, taxonomic resolution) • No agreement on data summarization (multivariate, multi-metric, hybrid) • Difficult to know a priori which habitat attributes (and scale) to measure • Numerous questions about classification: – – – – Method (a priori vs a posteriori, statistical methods)? # of groups? # of sites per group? Habitat measures to match ref and test sites? Grouping reduces residual variation among reference sites and increases power of assessment BUT: • It goes against our knowledge that communities change continuously across environmental gradients • How many groups are there? (Gerritsen et al. 2000) CA2 Why Classify? CA1 Reference Gp. 1 Reference Reference Gp. 2 Sites Gp. 3 Reference Test Test Site Grouping reduces residual variation among reference sites and increases power of assessment BUT: • It goes against our knowledge that communities change continuously across environmental gradients • How many groups are there? (Gerritsen et al. 2000) CA2 Why Classify? CA1 Reference Gp. 1 Reference Reference Gp. 2 Sites Gp. 3 Reference Test Test Site Different Approaches to Classification 2 main ways to group sites: a priori and a posteriori Grouping method a priori a posteriori Groups based on assumptions about factors that determine community composition (e.g., ecoregion); May under- or over-estimate # of groups because assumptions about deterministic factors may be incorrect; within- and between-group variance may not be optimal Biological community composition dictates group; # of groups tends to make more biological sense Prediction Easy; if you know the habitat attributes you know the group Can be tricky because not all between-group variation can be explained and because deterministic factors may not be adequately measured Messiness in Classification A CA NMDS B C8 D6 D8 D5 D7 C9 C2 D4 D9 B4 C5C6 C1C7 D3 C3 C4 B7 D8 D1 D2 A8 B3 B5 B9 A9 A6 A4 A2 A3 A1 D9 B1 B8 A7 C9 D7 D5 D6 B6 A7 D1 C4C2 C3 B6 B7 D3 B8 D4 D2 B9 A6 A4A2 A3 A9 B2 B4 C6 C1 C5 C7 C8 A8 B5 B1 B3 B2 A1 A5 A5 TWINSPAN TWINSPA C UPGMA D C8 C9 C2 D4 D9 D6 D8 D5 D7 C1 D3 C3 C4 B3 B5 B9 A9 B7 B6 B2 A8 B1 B8 A7 A1 B3 B9 A9 A6 A4 A2 A3 A1 B5 B2 A5 Ward's E K-means F C8 D6 D8 D5 D7 C8 C9 C2 D4 D9 B4 C5C7 C6 C1 D6 D8 D5 D7 D3 C3 C4 B8 A7 A6 A4 A2 A3 A1 B9 B4 C5C7 C6 C1 D3 C3 C4 B7 B6 D1 D2 B1 B3 B5 C2 D4 D9 B6 D2 A9 C9 B7 D1 A5 D3 C3 C4 D2 A5 A8 B4 C5C7 C6 C1 D1 B1 B8 A7 C2 D4 D9 B6 D2 A6 A4 A2 A3 C9 B7 D1 A8 C8 B4 C5C7 C6 D6 D8 D5 D7 B2 A8 B1 B8 A7 A6 A4 A2 A3 A9 B9 B3 B5 B2 A1 A5 Different reference-site classification methods will result in different models of reference condition (e.g., Wright et al. 2000, Bowman and Somers 2005) PCO2 PCO2 Further Messiness in Classification PCO1 PCO1 A 2-axis Principle Coordinates Analysis ordination plot showing a seemingly appropriate set of 22 reference sites defining an assemblage type (left), and an alternate classification (right) of two groups of 20 sites that results from adding additional data for an assemblage type that was under-represented in the solution shown at left. Ellipses represent 90% confidence bounds for each assemblage type. Hypothetical data: Group 1 sites (diamond symbols) were simulated as randomly distributed variables (mean PCO1 = 1, mean PCO2 = 3.5); group 2 (squares) had mean PCO1 = 4 and PCO2 = 1. The standard deviations for PCO1 and PCO2 values was 1 for both groups. OBBN Approach, Steps 2-4 • Balance standardization with flexibility • Classification-free reference-site matching: Nearest Neighbour • Sampling is more than just collecting bugs: in data-driven approach, niche variables used to select reference sites for test sites • Habitat characterized with site-, reach-, and catchment-scale measures • To summarize biotic composition, a variety of indices should be used, because each summarizes and emphasizes different patterns in the assemblage. Further guidance may be given as we learn more about responses to stressors in different parts of the province • Analytical software defaults will reflect current knowledge and recommendations • Selecting reference sites will be automated by OBBN/CABIN database • Refining models is a research priority Classification vs. Nearest Neighbour Predictor 2 Classification Approach Predictor 1 Predictor 2 (Simulated Data) Nearest-Neighbour or Classification-free Approach Predictor 1 RCA Challenges, Step 5 5. Statistically test the bioassessment null hypothesis (i.e., that the test site is in reference condition). • How much deviation from normal is ecologically significant? What level of confidence is required? • Hypothesis-testing methods differ in the way they implicitly define “health” or biological integrity, in their assumptions, in their manner of quantifying biological condition and effects, in the format of their outputs, and in the predictability of their response to stress (Norris and Hawkins 2000) – U.K. and Australia: Ratio of expected-to-observed taxa richness, (e.g., Davies 2000 and Moss 2000) – U.S.: Multi-metric scores, with biocriteria set using regional reference sites (e.g., Barbour and Yoder 2000); – Canada: Ordination-axis-scores compared against confidence ellipses for reference sites (e.g., Reynoldson et al. 2000). Ecologically Significant Effect • When testing bioassessment hypotheses (H0: test site normal), critical effect size must be defined a priori • Central test (H0: no difference) not biologically meaningful or management-relevant • OBBN-recommended: 95% of reference site distribution …but need to consider Type I (false positive) & Type II (false negative) error rates and their consequences (Bowman and Somers 2005, Jones et al. 2004) Biocriteria Messiness: Error Rate and Effect Size Considerations Null Hypothesis Decision True False Reject H0 Type I error (false positive, α) Correct decision Accept H0 Correct decision Type II error (false negative, ) (From Bailey et al. 2004) Biocriteria: Summary of Key Points • Biocriteria: critical values for testing bioassessment null hypothesis (H0: test site normal) • Confidence in bioassessment decision (i.e., pass or fail) depends on how well we model normal range, and therefore how well we estimate probabilities of false positives and false negatives • Setting biocriteria means trade-offs between Type-I and Type-II error rates: consider the consequences of these errors (management responses and costs) • There is no magic α-level • Determining Type-II error rate requires a set of observations that are known to deviate from normal by a specified effect size (this requires simulated data) (Bailey et al. 2004, Jones et al. 2004, Bowman and Somers 2005) OBBN Approach, RCA Step 5 • Use data from the same season • Test Site Analysis (TSA; Bowman and Somers 2005, 2006a, and 2006b) is recommended method for testing bioassessment null hypothesis; Represents a convergence of multivariate and multi-metric methods: – Multiple indices are used to summarize composition – A non-central multivariate equivalence test (e.g., McBride 1993) is calculated using all indices and considering redundancies among the summary indices (test statistics include D, F, and p) – Why not just count-up individual passes and fails? – If the site fails, a discriminant analysis is done to describe the effect size associated with each of the indices used in the equivalence test thereby characterizing the test-site’s response signature. • OBBN recommends 95th percentile of reference-site distribution as biocriterion (but need to consider error rates and power appropriate for specific studies • This step will ultimately be automated by OBBN database Summary Index 2 OBBN Approach, RCA Step 5 Reference Test Centroid Summary Index 1 (Simulated Data) Does our Site Pass? Cumulative Probability 100% 90% 80% Percentile 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% (Simulated Data) Bray-Curtis Distance RCA Bioassessment Example 10 8 6 4 columns 2 Chironomidae Black Nott M isc. Diptera Isopoda Hirudinea Gastropoda -4 Decapoda -3Silver M ites Anisoptera -2 Amphipoda 0 Noisy 0Keast Oligochaeta -2 -4 -6 -8 50% Ellipse Tipulidae Centre Walker's Simulidae Ephemeroptera Trichoptera -1 rows Nott2 75% Ellipse Plecoptera 1 Sheldon Pine Sheldon 2 M egaloptera Coleoptera Ceratopogonidae Turbellaria 95% Ellipse 2 3 4 99.9 Ellipse RCA Bioassessment Example 3 2 Tipulidae 1 Turbellaria Simulidae WillowM isc. DipteraDecapoda Boyne River Coleoptera Pine Trichoptera mad River Everett Amphipoda Lepidoptera Plecoptera North Saugeen Anisoptera River Teesw ater River Chironomidae Zygoptera Hemiptera Pine River (Mulmur) 0 Ephemeroptera -2 -1 0 1 M egaloptera 2 Pelecypoda -4 -3 Ceratopogonidae -1 Penetangore South Isopoda Hirudinea Gastropoda -2 Tabanidae Penetangore North Oligochaeta -3 M ites -4 columns 3 4 row s 50% Ellipse 75% Ellipse 95% Ellipse Sampling Methods Sampling Protocols Standardization vs. Flexibility Biomonitoring Component Recommendation Study Design Reference Condition Approach Benthos Collection Method Mesh Size Time of Year Travelling-Kick-and-Sweep (where possible); replication in lakes and wetlands, sub-sampling in streams 500 m Any season; assessment comparisons use data from the same season Picking In lab (preferred) or in field (optional); preserved (preferred) or live (optional), microscope (preferred) or visually unaided (optional); random sub-sampling using Marchant Box (preferred) or Bucket Method (optional) to provide a minimum 100-animal count per sample Mix of 27 Phyla, Classes, Orders and Families (minimum); Family (preferred); Genus/Species (optional, recommended for reference sites)1 Test Site Analysis (TSA; see Appendix 9): Mahalanobis distance (e.g., Legendre and Legendre 1998) calculated across selected summary metrics; non-central significance test to determine if biological distance between test site and reference site group mean is larger than a specified effect size; if the null hypothesis (H0: │Dtest – Dreference mean │≤ critical effect size) is rejected, use discriminant function analysis to identify metrics contributing most to the separation between the test site and reference condition Taxonomic Level Analysis (Bioassessment Hypothesis Testing) Protocol Instruction Format 1. Sampling unit/inference 2. Replication 3. Benthos collection methods General Comments: 1. Some protocols require evaluation and may be updated 2. There may be situations in which protocols will not work as written. In this case, adapt as necessary 3. If time or property access limit ability to apply techniques, collect what you can. Some information is better than none 4. Obtain landowner permission 5. Avoid sensitive times (e.g., fish spawning) and sensitive habitats 6. Adjust sampling effort if experience shows a habitat to have exceptionally high or low benthos densities (Excerpt from Protocol Manual) Sub-sampling vs. Replication • Sub-sampling: “In some experimental situations, several observations may be made within the experimental unit … such observations are made on sub-samples of sampling units. Differences among sub-samples within an experimental unit are observational differences rather than experimental unit differences” • Replication: “When a treatment appears more than once in an experiment, it is said to be replicated.” (Steel and Torrie 1980) Lakes • Sampling Unit • Replication • Collection method Replicate #1 Lake Segment (sampling unit) Transect 1 m depth contour Replicate #2 • Sampling unit is “lake segment” • 10 minute traveling kick and sweep along transects • 3 replicates collected Replicate #3 Streams Cross Section A-B • Sampling unit • Alternate definitions (pg. 21) A B A Top of both banks approximately same height from water surface Channel Mid Line Thalweg Cross-over Point Sampling Reach Boundary Flow Direction B • Replication & collection methods Streams • Samling unit encompasses 2 riffles and 1 pool (often meander sequence) • 2 transect subsamples in riffles, one in pool • ~ 3 minute, 10 m kick r le o Riff -over s cros Pool r le o Riff -over s cros Pool le or Riff over scros w Flo Optional Transect Sampling Location Sampling Reach Boundary Transect Traveling Kick and Sweep Applying Traveling Kick and Sweep in Flow Large or Small Streams Pool Transect Supplementary Transect Riffle w Flo Current Speed Distribution 2 1 3 4 5 Transect Sampled portion of transect Stratum boundary Riffle Streams: Grab Sampling Optional Transect or e l f f Ri -over ss cro Ekman, Ponar or other grab sample Sampling Reach Boundary Pool r Riffle o ver cross-o Flo w Pool r le o r f f i R -ove s cros • • • Sampling unit encompasses 2 riffles and one pool (meander sequence) 2 transects in riffles, 1 transect in pool Each subsample is a composite of 3 (or more) grabs Wetlands • Sampling Unit • Replication • Collection Methods 1 m depth contour Wetland Segment (replicate) Traveling Kick Transect Stovepipe Core Sample Jab and Sweep Sample 2 m depth contour Wetlands: Selecting Collection Method Water Depth 0.15-1 m 0.05-1 m <0.05 m or saturated soils Substrate Type Stable (e.g., sand/gravel) Soft (e.g., organic, muck) Soft to moderately stable Plant Density Low Recommended Gear D-net moderate D-net Recommended Technique Traveling kick and Sweep Jab and Sweep Any Core Stovepipe Corer Summary of Collection Methods Collection Method Traveling kick and sweep; standard method for wadeable habitats Grab samples (Ekman Dredge, Ponar Grab, or similar); option for deep water sites Jab and Sweep; option for wadeable, sparsely vegetated, soft sediments Coring; option for deep or very shallow water (especially in shallow wetland soils) Artificial substrate; option for atypical habitats or special studies Streams Lakes Wetlands O O O O O O O O Sampling Groups 1 2 3 Gerry Sullivan Christine Spedalieri Chris Brown Trevor Middel Ben Jewiss Cassandra Borm Angela Wallace Nancy Harrtrup Rebecca Scobie John Haselmayer Suzanne Partridge Alana Nunn Lisa Campbell Robin Tapley Valerie Stevenson Scott Parker Liisa Kearney Julie Hordowick 4 5 Lynette Dawson Beth Gilbert Marnie Guindon Diana Tyner Debbie DePasquale Vince D'Elia Rebecca Crockford Rajesh Bejankiwar Erin McGauley Sara Kelly Carolyn Paterson Josh Hevenor Sample Processing • Sieve • Sub-sample – Marchant Box (preferred) – Bucket method • Sort carefully (Optional: microscope or magnifier) • Identify and tally (taxonomic level matches training) • 100 count (minimum) • Preserve and archive sample Sample Processing: Transporting to Lab • • • • Sieve in net in field Release non-benthos Keep live samples cool Label transport containers inside and out (date, location, sample number, etc.) Sample Processing: Sieving • Must be done to remove fines • Preliminary done in field, thorough done in lab • 0.5 mm mesh sieve • Remove large pieces (rocks, wood) Sample Processing: Sub-sampling & Picking • • • • Need random sub-samples 100-count but sort entire last sub-sample Consider suction device if using Marchant Box If using Bucket Method, estimate portion picked by weight or volume • A bit of soap will sink floaters • Screen for fast moving • Sort thoroughly Benthos ID: 27 Group Level Sample Processing: Preservation • Formalin or Alcohol can be used • Small volumes can be discharged to septic system or municipal sewage system • Safe storage • Avoid poisonous denatured alcohols • Replace formalin with alcohol after a couple of days Habitat Characterization Done for 2 reasons: 1. Niche Attributes 2. Diagnosis niche variable a natural habitat (often physiographic) variable that accounts for a significant portion of the difference in biological condition between reference site groups diagnostic useful in determining cause (often of biological impairment) Habitat Characterization (Table 10, Pg. 37) Measured at site Location (latitude & longitude) Organic matter, areal coverage Measured remotely (GIS) Drainage area Base Flow Index Elevation Riparian vegetation Water temperature Canopy cover (%) Dissolved oxygen, pH, Aquatic macrophytes conductivity, alkalinity and algae Maximum Depth Bank full width (m) Maximum hydraulic head Instantaneous discharge (m3/s) Wetted width Perennial or intermittent (presence of standing water) Dominant substrate classes Basin relief Mean annual lake evaporation Length of main channel Mean annual precipitation Mean Annual Run-off Mean Annual Snowfall Maximum Watershed Elevation Mean Elevation Maximum Flow Distance Minimum Watershed Elevation Mean Slope of Watershed Catchment Perimeter Shape factor Slope of main channel Tributary density Catchment land cover (areal proportions of 28 land cover types) Order Aspect Area Perimeter Fetch TSA Insert TSA Section: Michelle Bowman General Discussion/Review Certification Test • Test is optional • Passing grade for both multiple-choice and benthos identification tests is 90% • For benthos identification test: – Participants can use references – Trainers are not permitted to use references, and a correct answer includes both the taxonomic group and at least 2 diagnostic characters • Students cannot be immediately certified without a passing grade, but arrangements can be made for a re-test (you do not have to redo the course to re-take the test)