High School Registration Guide - Cunard Junior High 2009

High School Registration
Cunard Junior High School
Winter 2009
“Having a dream is not stupid, Norm.
It’s not having a dream that’s stupid.
Cliff Clavin, Cheers
 J.L. Ilsley Guidance
Department Presentations
(February 5th)
Class presentations (February
Parent Presentations
(Wednesday March 4th 7pm,
J.L. Ilsley High)
Completed registration forms
due (Friday, March 6nd) Success is dependant on effort .
Graduation Requirements
Compulsory credits from the following subject
groupings must be taken and passed for graduation.
There is a total requirement of 18 credits, but the
Department of Education recommends that
students take 21 credits for a well-rounded high
school program
You must have ...
 No more than seven
(7) grade ten courses
to graduate
 At least five (5) grade
twelve courses to
The distance between insanity and genius
is measured only by success
-James Bond “Tomorrow Never Dies”
Next Year
You will register for eight courses in grade ten;
One of those courses must be a grade 11 credit
Course Groupings
 Language, Communication and Expression
 3 English, one at each level
 1 Fine Arts (drama, art, or music)
 Science, Math and Technology
 2 Math
 2 Science
 2 Other (from Technology, Science and Math)
 Personal Development and Society
 1 Physical Education
 1 Canadian History (Canadian History 11 and African Canadian
Studies 11)
 1 Global Study
Success is how hard you bounce when you hit the bottom
- General George Patten -
Information On Course Coding
 Advanced Placement – These courses are recognized by universities
as being at a first year university level, and students may receive
credit or advanced standing for high achievement in these courses
(See page 3 in the Guide for more information)
Advanced – These courses are designed to meet the needs of students
who have demonstrated an exceptional degree of academic ability or
achievement, and are planning post-secondary study at university or
community college.
Academic – These courses are designed for students who wish to
enter college, university or other post-secondary institutions.
Open - open to all students in the school regardless of program.
Graduation - courses designated at the high school leaving level.
These courses have a focus distinct from those courses designated as
university entrance and usually the degree of difficulty is somewhat
less than those at the academic level.
Math Essentials 10
Graduation level credit
Designed for students who have successfully
completed grade 8 math, but have not passed
the grade 9 program.
An exploration of mathematics used in
everyday situations at home and at work
Request for Learning Support
 Students can register for Course 0018 on the
Course Selection Sheet.
 One period in the cycle
 Resource support
 Non-credit course (depending on your work
Mathematics (cont’d)
 Math Foundations 10
 Graduation level credit
 Designed for students who are struggling with grade
nine math
 Covers similar outcomes as academic math curriculum
(data management, matrices, patterns and equations,
modeling and functions, trigonometry, and geometry)
and at a slower rate
 Excludes linear programming unit
Mathematics (cont’d)
 Math 10
 Academic level credit
 Designed for students who do not have difficulty with
grade nine math
 Math 10 (Pre AP)
 Academic level credit
 Designed for conscientious, highly motivated
students who have a love of mathematics
English 10
Academic level credit
Options are available for students wishing
additional support or enrichment (Pre AP)
Emphasizes proficiency in using oral language
for a variety of purposes
Basic skills in writing and interpreting literature
are important aspects of this entrance level in
It’s kind of fun to do the impossible
- Walt Disney -
 Science 10
 Academic level credit
 Includes four modules: Sustainability of
Ecosystems, Chemical Reactions, Weather
Dynamics, and Motion
 Options are available for students wishing support
or enrichment (Pre AP)
Do, or do not. There is no ‘try’
-Yoda “The Empire Strikes Back”-
Science (cont’d)
Human Biology 11
 Graduation level credit
This course will give students a basic
understanding of the biology of the human body
Recommended for students also taking Science 10 (with
 Biology 11
 Academic level credit
 Topics include: biological classification, cell biology, microscopy
and systems of living organisms including respiration, digestion,
excretion and circulation
 Activity/Laboratory work forms an integral part of the course
Science (cont’d)
 Advanced Biology 11 (Pre AP)
 Advanced level credit
 For those considering a career in the life
 Essentially that same as Biology 11 but has a
stronger focus on research, project work and
independent study
Teacher Recommendations
 Each year your teacher will
provide a recommendation for
the courses you should take in
English, Math and Science next
 Should you choose to go against
this recommendation, you must
provide written notice signed by
a parent/guardian
 Otherwise, you will be
registered in the course
recommended by your teacher
Technology Related Education
 Construction Technology 10
 Open level credit
 Develops in students an understanding of
construction technology as it relates to the human
need for shelter and its impact on society
 A hands-on course
 Exploring Technology 10
 Open level credit
 Students have the opportunity to explore different
types of technology in a classroom and laboratory
Social Studies
Students are NOT required to take a social studies
course in grade ten
 Geography 10
 Academic level credit
 Students will study, on both a local and international
level, physical geography and the effects of humans
on our environment; graphing component
 History 10
 Academic level credit
 Students will study the evolution of humans and
ancient civilizations; simulations
Social Studies (cont’d)
 Archeology 10
 Academic level credit
 Students must be strong problem solvers with
good analytical skills
 Students will cover topics similar to those covered
in History 10, but from an archaeological
perspective; simulations
 African Canadian Studies 11 and Canadian
History 11 (by permission only)
 Academic level credit
 Applied Information Technology 11
 Open level credit and also a technology credit
 An introduction to business practices and concepts
through technology
 Keyboarding skills are emphasized
 Extensive use of Microsoft Office (Word, Excel and
PowerPoint), Internet research and web page
publishing software
 Life/Work Transitions 10
 Open level credit
 Career and job search strategies will be completed
 Other topics covered include: credit and financial
planning, banking, resumes, job applications, etc.
Business (Continued)
 Business 10
 Open level credit
 Students will learn how a business operates, what makes a
successful entrepreneur, how accounting principles are used as
business and personal planning tools, and participate in class
entrepreneurial activities.
 Accounting 11
 Academic level credit
 Designed for students with a keen interest in business and/or
 Covers topics which include: accounting for starting a
business, analysis of business transactions, use of accounting
records such as journals, legers and source documents,
payrolls, year-end accounting activities and more.
 Music 10
Students should own their own instrument
Students must be independent learners
 Music Instrumental Band 10
Designed for students who have experience playing
their traditional band instrument
 Music Vocal 10
No previous singing experience requires
 All are academic level credits
Fine Arts
 Art 10
 academic level credit
 Drama 10
 academic level credit
 Any music course
Physical Education
 Physical Education 10 (also available at the 11 and 12
 Open level credit
 Four units covered include: Outdoor Pursuits, Sport
Research, Leadership and Sport Fitness
 Physically Active Living 11
 Open level credit
 Designed to provide opportunities for students in active
experiences that engage youth in traditional and nontraditional forms of physical activity
 Bowling, hiking, GPS training, canoeing etc.
Skilled Trades 10
 New course
 Impact of skilled trade on
 Working as a team with your
mind and hands, learn to read
blueprints, make precise
measurements and calculations,
estimate material requirements,
handle materials and
communicate effectively
 Guest speakers in the trades
 Application process (only 16
spaces available)
Additional Courses
 Tourism 11
 Academic level credit
 French 10
 Academic level credit
 Family Studies 10
 Open level credit
 Foods and Nutrition (1/2 credit)
 Child Studies (1/2 credit)
 Not just a cooking course!
Genius in one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration
- Thomas Edison-
Advanced Placement
 What is Advanced Placement?
 Available to grade 12 students
 Students planning to take Advanced Placement courses in
grade 12 must do Pre AP courses in grade 10 and 11
 Opportunity to pursue university level studies while in high
 Internationally recognized standards
 Based on their performance in rigorous AP examinations
held world wide on set dates, students can earn credits or
advanced placement at most universities in Canada and the
United States
 Students planning on taking AP Biology 12 should take
Advanced Biology 11 next year
Options and Opportunities
(O )
 What is Options and Opportunities?
 A full high school program (10-12) and is available to
students who need additional help with career and
educational planning.
 Students must apply and participate, along with their
families, in an admission process
 A program about helping students make connections
between what they are learning in school and postsecondary programs and/or work
 Community-based learning component
Alternate Courses
 Students MUST choose two alternate
 Used if classes are filled or there is not
enough demand for a course
 Include the course name and number
This Power Point is available online. Check out the
Guidance Page through the CJHS website!
You may also wish to check out the JL Ilsley Virtual
Guidance Office. This link is also available through the
CJHS website.