Warm up 1/23/13

Warm up 06/12/13
• Warm up:
• What was the biggest challenge that your group
faced during this project?
• How would you improve the situation in the
This week:
Today’s planned activities:
Tuesday :Final launch
Students complete engineering design
reflections packet as guided by the
Wednesday: Finish
reflections, celebration
(book turn in)
Thursday : End of the year
survey / engineering videos
Warm up 06/11/13
• Warm up:
• Predict the distance that your rocket will
This week:
Tuesday :Final launch
Today’s planned activities:
Students complete engineering design
reflections packet as guided by the
Wednesday: Finish
reflections, celebration
(book turn in)
Thursday : End of the year
survey / engineering videos
Warm up 06/10/13
• Warm up:
• Which design elements seem to increase
the distance the most?
This week:
Tuesday :Final launch
Today’s planned activities:
Students complete engineering design
reflections packet as guided by the
Wednesday: Finish
reflections, celebration
(book turn in)
Thursday : End of the year
survey / engineering videos
Warm up 06/10/13
• Warm up:
• Which design elements seem to increase
the distance the most?
This week:
Tuesday :Final launch
Today’s planned activities:
Students complete engineering design
reflections packet as guided by the
Wednesday: Finish
reflections, celebration
(book turn in)
Thursday : End of the year
survey / engineering videos
Warm up 06/07/13
• Warm up:
• Which changes to your prototypes do
you think will help your rocket the most?
Due today:
Today’s planned activities:
Progress check : 40 points
Rocket launch testing
-20 points for being on task
during the entire work time.
-20 points for writing down
successes,challenges and
Warm up 06/06/13
• Warm up:
• No warm up
Due today:
Today’s planned activities:
Progress check : 40 points
Science articles
-20 points for being on task
during the entire work time.
-20 points for writing down
successes,challenges and
Warm up 6/05/13
• Warm up:
• Why do engineers often build a small
scale prototype before building the full
size prototype?
Due today:
Today’s planned activities:
Progress check : 40 points
Rocket building /alteration
-20 points for being on task
during the entire work time.
Video notes: space science
-20 points for writing down
successes,challenges and
Warm up 6/04/13
• Warm up:
• How does air resistance affect
Due today:
Today’s planned activities:
Progress check : 40 points
Rocket building/ small scale testing
-20 points for being on task
during the entire work time.
-20 points for writing down
successes,challenges and
Warm up 6/03/13
• Warm up:
• What initial additions did you make to
your bottles to help solve the problem of
Due today:
Today’s planned activities:
Progress check : 40 points
Round 1 launch tests continued
-20 points for being on task
during the entire work time.
-20 points for writing down
successes,challenges and
Warm up 5/31/13
• Warm up:
• What problems do you think will arise
with a plain bottle being launched?
Due today:
Today’s planned activities:
Progress check : 40 points
Round 1 launch tests
-20 points for being on task
during the entire work time.
-20 points for writing down
successes,challenges and
Warm up 5/30/13
• Warm up:
• No warm up
Due today:
Today’s planned activities:
Progress check : 40 points
Science Articles
-20 points for being on task
during the entire work time.
-20 points for writing down
successes,challenges and
Warm up 5/29/13
• Warm up:
• How is compressed air similar and
different from real rocket fuel as a
Due today:
Today’s planned activities:
Progress check : 40 points
Research power point poster
-20 points for being on task
during the entire work time.
-20 points for writing down
successes,challenges and
Warm up 5/28/13
• Warm up:
• Why do engineers often build a small
scale prototype before building the full
size prototype?
Due today:
Today’s planned activities:
Progress check : 25 points
Research power point posters
-15 points for being on task
during the entire work time.
-10 points for writing down
successes,challenges and
Research Presentation
• 60 points due Wednesday May 29th
• Explain the following aeronautic concepts and
how they can be controlled during flight. Use at
least one slide for each concept below:
Research Presentation
(Air and Water Pressure)
• 60 points due Friday May 31
• You will need to create a presentation with at least
six slides (2 slides for each topic) in which you will
How water (liquids) behave on the molecular level under
varying pressures.
How air (gases) behave on the molecular level under varying
pressures.(see gas laws)
Recommended mixtures of water/air for compressed air
rockets and rationale (reason/explanation) for each
recommended mixture.
Advanced Biology 5/24/13
• Warm up:
• Which launch angle do physicists say
give the best horizontal distance?
Today’s planned activities:
Engineering challenge
Advanced Biology 5/23/13
• Warm up:
• What did you learn about bacteria
during your experiment?
Today’s planned activities:
Experiment power point work time.
Engineering Challenge
• Your group will design a compressed air powered
vehicle made from the frame of a 1liter or 2 liter
plastic bottle.
• Your group will test and optimize the three
following variables:
• Angle of launch
• Amount of water to put in the bottle
• Aerodynamic attachments for the exterior
Advanced Biology 5/16/13
• Warm up:
• Experiment review:
• Which chemical(s) seems to kill the bacteria
the most?
• Which chemical(s) was not as effective as the
Today’s planned activities:
Experiment power point work time.
If done early: (nervous system)
- p.897 definitions (due Thurs)
-P.900 #1-5 + thinking visually (due Thurs)
-p.901 definitions (due Thurs)
-p.905 #1-6 (due Thurs)
Advanced Biology 5/14/13
• Warm up:
• Experiment reflection:
• Which variables did you control?
• Which variable was changed in each trial
Today’s planned activities:
Experiment power point work time. (Due Tues 21st)
If done early: (nervous system)
- p.897 definitions (due Thurs)
-P.900 #1-5 + thinking visually (due Thurs)
Advanced Biology 5/10/13
• Warm up:
• Why does being pregnant make it
harder for the mother to maintain
Today’s planned activities:
Mini-group presentations.
Respiratory system exploration
Group article review /
presentation making
Later this week:
systems of other
Advanced Biology 5/09/13
• Warm up:
• What is the main function of the lungs?
Today’s planned activities:
Mini-group presentations.
Respiratory system exploration
Group article review /
presentation making
Later this week:
systems of other
Advanced Biology 5/08/13
• Warm up:
Why is it important to regularly engage
in activities that cause the
cardiovascular system to speed up
moderately? (cardio)
Today’s planned activities:
Mini-group presentations.
Respiratory system exploration
Later this week:
systems of other
Advanced Biology 5/07/13
• Warm up:
How does increased heart rate help your
body maintain homeostasis during
active periods such as running?
Today’s planned activities:
Check bacteria growth
Homeostasis lab
Mini-group presentations.
Respiratory system exploration
Later this week:
systems of other
Homeostasis Lab
Your resting heart rate:
Your heart rate after walking:
Test subject’s resting heart rate:
Test subject’s heart rate after running 400m (within a minute of finishing):
Test subject’s heart rate 5 minutes after running:
Task 1: Collect data from your group. Figure out the average percent increase in
heart rate from resting to walking.
Task 2: Collect data from all of the test subjects (runners). Figure out the average
percent increase in heart rate from resting to running.
Task 3: Collect data from all of the test subjects (runners). Figure out the average
percent decrease in heart rate from 1 minute after running to five minutes
after running.
Advanced Biology
Warm up 5/06/13
• Warm up:
• When someone performs CPR…what
general actions do they need to
Today’s planned activities:
Check bacteria growth
Mini-group presentations.
Respiratory system exploration
Later this week:
-Homeostasis lab
systems of other
Advanced Biology
Warm up 5/03/13
• Warm up:
• Describe at least three ways that your
body responds when it gets too cold.
Today’s planned activities:
Check bacteria growth
Mini-group presentations work
Extra credit video
Advanced Biology
Warm up 5/02/13
• No warm up 4/31 or 5/1 (OAKS testing)
• Warm up:
• Describe at least three ways that your
body responds when it gets too warm.
Later this week:
Today’s planned activities:
Check bacteria growth
Mini-group presentations work
Mini-Group Presentations
• Groups of 2 (or by yourself)
• 50 points (due Friday)
• Find 5 different examples of organisms
(only 1 can be human) maintaining homeostasis.
Each example should be a different factor.
• For each example include:
• The factor that is being balanced (temperature, blood sugar,
hydration, oxygen, salinity, waste, nutrients/vitamins, etc.)
• Explain how that organism maintains the balance. Mention
the specialized cells or cell parts that work to maintain the
• A diagram of the organism or the cell structures of the
organism that are useful in maintaining a balance of the factor
Adv. Biology
Warm up 4/29/13
• Warm up:
• Which chemical in
our experiment do
you predict will
inhibit bacterial
growth the best?
Today’s planned activities:
Apply chemical to bacteria
Online OAKS practice test
Later this week:
-OAKS testing
-Concept unit:
Advanced Biology
Warm up 4/26/13
• Warm up:
• If we were to continually apply a
chemical to a population of bacteria over
many generations (of bacteria), what do
you expect would happen to the bacteria?
Today’s planned activities:
Apply chemical to bacteria
Read science articles and complete
reading worksheet
Advanced Biology
Warm up 4/25/13
• Warm up:
• No warm up today (sub)
Today’s planned activities:
Apply chemical to bacteria
Read science articles and complete
reading worksheet
Advanced Biology
Warm up 4/24/13
• Warm up:
• How do some bacteria help plants?
Today’s planned activities:
Later his week:
Bacteria Experiment phase 3
Animals : Body systems /
Warm up 4/23/13
• Warm up:
• What are three reproductive parts of a
Today’s planned activities:
Later his week:
Plant dissection
Animals : Body systems /
Advanced Biology
Warm up 4/19/13
Warm up:
Read over your warm up answers.
Some of those questions are on the test.
Today’s planned activities:
Next week:
Animals : Body systems /
Tech-book journal due today
Extra Credit options due next week
Advanced Biology
Warm up 4/18/13
Warm up:
Explain the role of fruit in plant reproduction.
How does making fruit benefit the plant ?
Give an example of a specific fruit that
demonstrates this benefit.
Today’s planned activities:
This week:
Bacteria experiment update
Tech-book station A,B notebook
Vocabulary words
Tech-book station A and B
Extra Credit options
Quiz on Friday
Advanced Biology
Warm up 4/17/13
• Warm up:
• How do young seedlings respond to
gravity? (explain gravitropism)
Today’s planned activities:
This week:
Bacteria experiment update
Tech-book station A,B notebook
Vocabulary words
Quiz on Friday
Tech-book station A and B
Extra Credit options
Advanced Biology Extra Credit (up to 70 points E.C.)
Research which plants or plant parts are used to make medicines.
For each medicine/supplement that is researched include: (35 point E.C.)
-A description of a medicine that is used to treat a disease.
-A description of how the medicine works in the body to treat the symptoms or the cause
of the disease.
-A description of the plant that is used to get the active ingredient of interest.
-An explanation of the plant part/extract that is used to get the active ingredient of
-An explanation of how they get the ingredients from the plant.
-A picture of the plant that is used
-A picture of the medicine or of the medicine label
You may research two different medications/supplements for a total of 70points E.C. if all parts
are completed satisfactorily.
Advanced Biology
Warm up 4/16/13
• Warm up:
• List three reproductive structures found
in plants.
Today’s planned activities:
This week:
Bacteria experiment update
Tech-book station A,B notebook
Vocabulary words
Quiz on Friday
Tech-book station A and B
Advanced Biology
Warm up 4/15/13
• Warm up:
• What causes many allergies in the
Today’s planned activities:
This week:
Vocabulary words
Tech-book station A,B notebook
Tech-book station A
Quiz on Friday
Vocabulary List: 4/15-4/19
Find the definitions to these words during your tech-book activities:
You will need to the definitions to these terms in the quiz this Friday.
Advanced Biology
Warm up 4/11/13
• Warm up:
• How are the phloem and xylem different?
Today’s planned activities:
Due this week:
Tech-book stations A, B, C due
Tech-book stations A, B, C
Individual assignment is due
Tech-book assignment #5 due Thursday
Practice Quiz (“Assessment”) due for
each student: print out your best score,
write out all of the corrected mistakes.
Tech-book assessment
Advanced Biology
Warm up 4/10/13
• Warm up:
• Why do some plants need bacteria to get
enough nitrogen?
Today’s planned activities:
Due this week:
Tech-book stations A, B, C due
Tech-book stations A, B, C
Tech-book assignment #5 due Thursday
Tech-book assessment
Advanced Biology
Warm up 4/9/13
• Warm up:
• List at least three
nutrients needed by
Due this week:
Tech-book stations A, B, C
Tech-book assignment #5 due Thursday
Today’s planned activities:
Tech-book stations A, B, C due
Tech-book assessment
Advanced Biology
Warm up 4/8/13
• Warm up:
• How are plants
different from
Due this week:
Tech-book stations A, B, C
Tech-book assignment #5
Today’s planned activities:
Tech-book stations A, B, C
Tech-book assessment
Advanced Biology
Warm up 4/5/13
Due Today:
• Warm up:
• Write down 3 ways
that fungi help
human society.
p. 527 Define vocabulary words
Read pages 527-529 Write a 2
sentence summary on the six
different subsections.
p. 529 #1-5
Today’s planned activities:
Advanced Biology
Warm up 4/4/13
Due Friday:
• Warm up:
• Write down 3
diseases caused by
p. 527 Define vocabulary words
Read pages 527-529 Write a 2
sentence summary on the six
different subsections.
p. 529 #1-5
Today’s planned activities:
Group research : Fungi: effects on
human society
Advanced Biology
Warm up 4/3/13
• Warm up:
• How are fungi different from bacteria?
Due Later this week:
Today’s planned activities:
Group research : Fungi: effects on
human society
Round 2 of bacteria experiment.
p. 527 Define vocabulary words
Read pages 527-529 Write a 2
sentence summary on the six
different subsections.
p. 529 #1-5
Science articles/video reflection
Group Research:
Your group will research fungi.
Your group will create a presentation with 5 slides:
1 slideIntroduction/Title slide
1 slideWays that fungus has harmed humans
1 slideWays that fungus has helped humans
2 slidesFungus species profile: choose a specific
species of fungus explain its main characteristics :
Reproductive strategies
Habitat / Environmental conditions
How it affects its ecosystems (niche)
How it affects humans
Advanced Biology
Warm up 4/1/13
• Warm up
• What are some reasons that there may not
be visible bacteria growth on the plates?
Today’s planned activities:
Later this week:
Bacteria impact summaries…read 6 of
the sections and write a paragraph
summary of each chosen section.
Round 2 of bacteria experiment.
(60 points..due Monday 4/1)
The other sections are extra credit (10
points each..up to 50 pts EC)
Check bacterial growth,
design round 2.
p. 527 Define vocabulary words
Read pages 527-529 Write a 2
sentence summary on the six
different subsections.
p. 529 #1-5
Science articles/video reflection
Advanced Biology
Warm up 3/21/13
• Warm up:
• Describe 2 ways to prevent food poisoning.
Today’s planned activities:
warm up
collect / check bacteria.
Food safety essays,
 bacteria impact summaries…read
6 of the sections and write a
paragraph summary of each chosen
section. (60 points..due Monday 4/1)
The other sections are extra credit
(10 points each..up to 50 pts EC)
Next school week:
Round 2 of experiment &
new unit “fungus”
Advanced Biology
Warm up 3/20/13
• Warm up:
• What are the four steps to safe food
Today’s planned activities:
warm up
vocabulary quiz
collect / check bacteria.
Food safety essays
Next school week:
Round 2 of experiment &
new unit “fungus”
Advanced Biology
Warm up 3/19/13
• Warm up:
• Describe ways that you can prevent
contamination while checking bacteria for
Coming this week:
Today’s planned activities:
warm up
Wednesday: check bacteria growth,
review activities
Thursday: Food safety (bacteria)
vocabulary quiz
Groups that finish the quiz can
collect / check bacteria.
Food safety essay
Next school week:
Round 2 of experiment &
new unit “fungus”
“Check Your Steps”
Food Safety Essay
• “Check Your Steps”
• Use the information in the FoodSafety.gov
article to explain how and why you need to
• You should write a paragraph for each of the
four steps.
“Preventing Food Poisoning”
Food Safety Essay
• Use the information in the FoodSafety.gov article
to explain the major causes of food poisoning.
• Explain how the four steps
can help prevent the growth of the organisms that often
cause food poisoning.
Advanced Biology
Warm up 3/18/13
• Warm up:
• Describe ways that you can prevent
contamination during each step of bacteria
Coming this week:
Tuesday: bacteria collection, review
Today’s planned activities:
• .
warm up
vocabulary quiz (Everyone who
has not yet taken the quiz)…if you
do not take it by Tues, it will be
recorded as an “M”.
 Groups that finish the quiz can
collect bacteria.
Wednesday: check bacteria growth,
review activities
Thursday: Unit Test: Bacteria and
Next school week:
Round 2 of experiment &
new unit “fungus”
Step 1: make small zig zag patterns near
the top third of the plate.
Step 2: Drag the same swab through the
first streak and make another small zig zag
pattern in a second third of the plate.
Step 3: Drag the same swab through the
second streak and make another small zig
zag pattern in a second third of the plate.
Advanced Biology
Warm up 3/15/13
• Warm up:
• No warm up today….study for the
vocabulary quiz.
Today’s planned activities:
warm up
vocabulary quiz
• Due Monday:
½ page summary of reading pp.549-551 focus on
protists characteristics
½ page summary of reading pp. 552-554 focus on
p.553 #1-2
p.554 #1-2
½ page detailed explanation of how
endosymbiosis diverged into 5 groups (see
pages 550-551)
Illustrate and label the diagram on page 551
Advanced Biology
Warm up 3/13/13
• Warm up:
• Describe the techniques that you should take to clean the
work area before working with equipment during
bacterial experiments.
Today’s planned activities:
warm up
Bacteria experiment
(some students make agar solution)
Read pp. 549-551 and write a ½
page summary of the major
characteristics of protists. Due
Advanced Biology
Vocabulary List 03/11 - 03/15
Gram stain
Advanced Biology
Warm up 3/11/13
• Warm up
• Why is it important to have a complete
written procedure before you begin your
Today’s planned activities:
Assignment packet due Tuesday 3/12/13
warm up
warm up
Bacteria experiment planning
vocabulary list
Possible activities :
prep of work area
 Prep for making agar/gelatin
Advanced Biology
Warm up 3/08/13
• Warm up:
• What temperatures do pathogenic bacteria
grow best at? (hint: research “danger
Today’s planned activities:
Assignment packet due Tuesday 3/12/13
warm up
warm up
vocabulary list
Bacteria experiment planning
Bacteria experiment packet:
Turn in packet each day, progress check
Advanced Biology
Warm up 3/07/13
• Warm up
• What are some ways to prevent your
bacteria sample from being contaminated
with bacteria that live on/in your body?
Today’s planned activities:
Assignment packet due Tuesday 3/12/13
warm up
warm up
vocabulary list
Bacteria experiment planning
Bacteria experiment packet:
Turn in packet each day, progress check
Advanced Biology
Vocabulary List 03/04 - 03/15
Gram stain
Advanced Biology
Vocabulary List 03/04 - 03/15
• Cocci (coccus)
• Definition: Bacteria that have a
spherical shape.
• Example: streptococcus is a
bacteria that has a spherical shape.
Advanced Biology
Vocabulary List 03/04 - 03/15
• Bacilli (bacillus)
• Definition: Bacteria that are shaped like
a rod or cylinder
Advanced Biology
Vocabulary List 03/04 - 03/15
• Spirilla
• Definition: Bacteria that are shaped like a spiral or
• Example:
Advanced Biology
Vocabulary List 03/04 - 03/15
• Spirochetes
• Bacteria that are shaped like a helix and move in a
twisting motion.
• Example/ extra fact: spirochetes also use flagella
to move.
Advanced Biology
Vocabulary List 03/04 - 03/15
• Peptidoglycan
• Definition: A carbohydrate polymer
in the bacterial cell wall, giving it
increased structural strength.
• Example/ extra fact: bacteria with
peptidoglycan in the cell wall are
more difficult to kill.
Advanced Biology
Vocabulary List 03/04 - 03/15
• Gram stain
Definition: A method of staining
bacteria using a violet stain.
Example/extra fact: Gram staining
helps scientists identify bacteria.
Advanced Biology
Vocabulary List 03/04 - 03/15
Gram-positive bacteria retain the color
of the crystal violet stain in the Gram
stain. This shows that the cell may
have extra protection.
Example: staphlococcus are gram
Advanced Biology
Vocabulary List 03/04 - 03/15
• Gram-negative
• Gram-negative bacteria lose the crystal
violet stain (and take the color of the red counterstain) in
Gram's method of staining.
• These bacteria have less structural
protection than gram positive bacteria.
• Example/extra fact: bacteria that lives in
intestinal tract often are gram negative.
Advanced Biology
Vocabulary List 03/04 - 03/08
• Capsule
• Definition: A protective layer that is
outside the cell wall of some bacteria.
Example/extra fact: many resistant
bacteria contain a capsule
Advanced Biology
Vocabulary List 03/04 - 03/08
• Taxis
• Definition: A response in which the
direction of movement is affected by
an environmental cue.
• Example: Many bacteria demonstrate
a taxis away from antibiotics.
Advanced Biology
Vocabulary List 03/04 - 03/08
Gram stain
Advanced Biology
Warm up 3/06/13
• Warm up
Which kinds of environments will cause robust
bacterial growth?
Today’s planned activities:
warm up
Bacteria Report/Poster work time
Bacteria experiment exploratory research
Advanced Biology
Warm up 3/05/13
• Warm up
Explain at least 3 ways that protists are
different from bacteria.
Today’s planned activities:
warm up
Bacteria Report/Poster work time
Advanced Biology
Warm up 3/04/13
• Warm up
Describe the benefits for the host cell and for
the endosymbiont that are present during
Today’s planned activities:
warm up
Bacteria Report/Poster work time
Advanced Biology
Warm up 2/28/13
• Warm up:
• No warm up today
Today’s planned activities:
Bacteria Report/Poster work time
Reading notes pages 523-528
Advanced Biology
Warm up 2/27/13
• Warm up
Describe the benefits for the host cell and for
the endosymbiont that are present during
Today’s planned activities:
warm up
Bacteria Report/Poster work time
Reading notes pages 523-528
Bacteria Poster/ Report
You will need to do two reports/posters about bacteria.
Choose one pathogen and one probiotic.
Each poster/report should include:
-Major structures and shapes. Include a labeled
illustration of the representative organism.
– Methods of movement (complete description)
– Methods of reproduction (complete description)
– Methods of nutrition (complete description)
– Habitat (complete description)
– Affects to human society (good or bad)
Protist Poster/ Report
You will need to make two posters. One from two different
phyla of protists.
Each poster/report should include:
-Major structures and shapes. Include a labeled
illustration of the representative organism.
– Methods of movement (complete description)
– Methods of reproduction (complete description)
– Methods of nutrition (complete description)
– Habitat (complete description)
– Affects to human society (good or bad)
Protist Phyla
Rhizopod sarcodines
Actinopod sarcodines
Warm up 2/26/13
• Warm up
• No warm up today
Today’s planned activities:
Read 2 science Articles and complete article review
Read pages 497-498 p.498 #1-6 due 3/1
Read pages 498-505 p. 505 #1-6 due 3/1
Advanced Biology
Warm up 2/25/13
• Warm up
• What are three differences between
eukaryotic cells and prokaryotic cells?
Today’s planned activities:
warm up
vocabulary list
If time is available:
 Reading notes pages 523-525
Advanced Biology
Vocabulary list 2/25-3/1
(see pages 523-533…..chapter 26.4 to 26.6)
Eukaryote (p.523)
Endosymbiont (p.523)
Mitochondria (p.524)
Chloroplast (p.524)
Mixotricha paradoxa (page 525 picture caption)
Snowball Earth hypothesis (p.526)
Cambrian explosion (p.526)
Tetrapods (p.527)
Advanced Biology
Vocabulary list 2/25-3/1
(see pages 523-533…..chapter 26.4 to 26.6)
• Eukaryote (p.523)
• Definition: A cell that contains a membrane
that surrounds the cell’s DNA.
• Example: Plants, animals, protists and
fungi have eukaryotic cells.
Advanced Biology
Vocabulary list 2/25-3/1
(see pages 523-533…..chapter 26.4 to 26.6)
• Endosymbiont (p.523)
• Definition: A cell that lives inside another cell.
• Example: Many scientists theorize that
mitochondria and chloroplasts started as
Advanced Biology
Vocabulary list 2/25-3/1
(see pages 523-533…..chapter 26.4 to 26.6)
• Mitochondria (p.524)
• Definition: Cell organelle that breaks down
sugar to regenerate ATP.
• Example: Eukaryotes contain mitochondria
to fuel the cell.
Advanced Biology
Vocabulary list 2/25-3/1
(see pages 523-533…..chapter 26.4 to 26.6)
• Chloroplast (p.524)
• Definition: An organelle that uses light
energy to convert CO2 and H2O into sugars
which will be used by mitochondria.
• Example: Plants and algae contain
Advanced Biology
Vocabulary list 2/25-3/1
(see pages 523-533…..chapter 26.4 to 26.6)
• Mixotricha paradoxa (page 525 picture caption)
• Definition: An organism that lives in the
gut of termites. This is an example of a
complex symbiosis between a bacteria,
protist and an animal.
• Example: Termites depend on the mixotricha paradoxa
in order to digest wood.
• Note: This protist uses three types of bacteria on its
Advanced Biology
Vocabulary list 2/25-3/1
(see pages 523-533…..chapter 26.4 to 26.6)
• Snowball Earth hypothesis (p.526)
• Definition: A period of geologic
history when most of the world was
frozen. Living cells were confined to
small pockets of thawed water.
• Example: The first major diversification of
multicellular eukaryotes corresponded to the end
of the frozen period often called snowball earth.
Advanced Biology
Vocabulary list 2/25-3/1
(see pages 523-533…..chapter 26.4 to 26.6)
Cambrian explosion (p.526)
Definition: A period beginning about 530 million
years ago that demonstrates a large explosion of
diversity among animals.
• Example: The fossil records show a rapid
increase in diversity during the cambrian
Advanced Biology
Vocabulary list 2/25-3/1
(see pages 523-533…..chapter 26.4 to 26.6)
• Tetrapods (p.527)
• Definition: Terrestrial (land-based)
vertebrates with four limbs .
• Example: Humans, dogs and cats are some
examples of tetrapods.
Advanced Biology
Vocabulary list 2/25-3/1
(see pages 523-533…..chapter 26.4 to 26.6)
Eukaryote (p.523)
Endosymbiont (p.523)
Mitochondria (p.524)
Chloroplast (p.524)
Mixotricha paradoxa (page 525 picture caption)
Snowball Earth hypothesis (p.526)
Cambrian explosion (p.526)
Tetrapods (p.527)
Advanced Biology
Warm up 2/22/13
• Warm up
No warm up today
Today’s planned activities:
OAKS science assessment
Advanced Biology
Warm up 2/21/13
• Warm up
No warm up today
Today’s planned activities:
OAKS science assessment
Advanced Biology
Warm up 2/20/13
• Warm up
There is a diagram on the board of a planet and objects
that might orbit that planet.
Tell which object and position would demonstrate
the most gravitational pull…also describe the
object and position that would demonstrate the
smallest gravitation pull.
Today’s planned activities:
Warm up
OAKS science assessment review
Advanced Biology
Warm up 2/19/13
• Warm up
• Describe at least one strategy that can be
used to improve your score on a standardized
Today’s planned activities:
Warm up
OAKS science assessment review (TUES and WED)
Advanced Biology
Warm up 2/14/13
• Warm up:
• Which ancient organisms likely added
oxygen to the atmosphere of early earth?
Today’s planned activities:
Warm up
Vocabulary test retakes
 Video : Fearless Planet (if time allows)
Assignments due 2/14/13
• Warm up answers
• Section reviews
• : Read pages 513-523 and write a short (2
sentences) summary or list 3 important
facts from each subsection.
Advanced Biology
Warm up 2/13/13
• Warm up:
• Why do you think evidence of the first
animal-like organisms show up later in the
fossil record than the photosynthetic
bacteria ?
Today’s planned activities:
Warm up
Discuss grade printouts, vocab quiz retakes THURS
 If time allows: Video : Fearless Planet
Advanced Biology
Warm up 2/12/13
• Warm up:
• What is a probiont?
Today’s planned activities:
Warm up
Notes: review of material
 Video : Fearless Planet (if time allows)
Advanced Biology
Warm up 2/11/13
• Warm up:
• How much fossil evidence do scientists
have about the origin of life on Earth?
See page 512 (last paragraph)
Today’s planned activities:
Warm up
Notes: review of material
 Video : Fearless Planet
Chapter 26 reading review
(group/ class discussion & notes)
• “Changing Life on a Changing Earth” p.512
• The appearance of photosynthetic organisms had
a dramatic affect….it added oxygen to the
• Eventually plants start growing on land…allowed
animals to live on land (food).
• Fossil record shows many large changes in the
organisms that were alive at any one time.
• The further back you go in time, the fossil record
gets less complete….(scientists are less sure
about things that happen far in the past)
Chapter 26 reading review
(group/ class discussion & notes)
• Conditions on Early Earth made the origin of life
possible p.513
• The chemical and physical processes helped to
form the first basic cells.
– 1) synthesis of small organic (carbon-based)
– 2.)joining of molecules into polymers (long
chain of molecules)
– 3.)molecules form probionts
– 4.)self replicating molecules made inheritance
Chapter 26 reading review
(group/ class discussion & notes)
Synthesis of organic compounds on Early Earth
The solar system formed about 4.6 billion years ago..
It is unlikely that life would form on any
planet…especially the first few hundred years.
• The conditions on the planet were much different from
the current conditions.
• There was a “soup” of organic molecules all over Earth.
• Many scientists think that the organic compounds formed
near underwater volcanoes.
Chapter 26 reading review
(group/ class discussion & notes)
• Extraterrestrial Sources of Organic Compounds p.514 +
Looking outside of Earth for Clues About the Origin of Life p. 514
• Many meteroites that are found have 1-2% carbon
• Mars is a COLD lifeless desert..but once had warm moist
• Liquid water ice on Europa (moon of Jupiter) may have
prokaryotic life.
Chapter 26 reading review
(group/ class discussion & notes)
• Abiotic Synthesis of Polymers p.514 +
Protobionts p.515
• Non-living molecules surrounded by a membrane
• They form spontaneously from abiotic (nonliving) produced compounds.
• The size of the membrane can change (shrink or
Chapter 26 reading review
(group/ class discussion & notes)
• The “RNA World” and Dawn of Natural
Selection p. 515-516 (1st half)
The first RNA likely short virus-like
DNA is more “solid” than RNA…DNA can
be replicated.
Chapter 26 reading review
(group/ class discussion & notes)
• The “RNA World” and Dawn of Natural
Selection p. 515-516 (2nd half)
• RNA is easily changed (mutated)…this can
cause a large variety of amino acids.
Advanced Biology
Warm up 2/8/13
• Warm up
How do magnetic reversals allow scientists to find
out more about a fossil?
Today’s planned activities:
Warm up
Vocabulary quiz
EC video
Assignments so far this week: (due 2/8)
-warm up
-vocabulary list due 2/8
-Reading notes pp.513-516 (3 sentence
summary about each subsection..7 total)
-Video reflection notes/essay
-Reading notes pp.516-523 (3 sentence
summary…7 sections)
-Vocabulary summary definitions and
example sentences
-Concept check questions:
includes all of the following:
p.516 #1-3 , p.520 #1-2 p. 523 #1-2
Advanced Biology
Warm up 2/7/13
• Warm up
Today’s planned activities:
Warm up
If a radioactive
isotope (uranium 234)
has a half-life of
80,000 years and you
find that a sample has
75% as much of the
radioactive isotopes as a
newly formed rock,
how long ago did the
sample likely form into
Work time:
-reading notes
-vocabulary summary definitions assignment:
For each vocabulary word, write the definition in your
own words as a “summary definition” and write 3
example sentences that use the word properly and that
illustrate the scientific definition
-Complete all “Concept Check” questions for
the entire reading :
- p.516 #1-3 , p.520 #1-2 p. 523 #1-2
Advanced Biology
Warm up 2/6/13
• Warm up
No warm up
Today’s planned activities:
Warm up
Work time:
-reading notes
Assignments so far this week:
(due 2/8)
-warm up
-vocabulary list due 2/8
-Reading notes pp.513-516 (3 sentence summary about
each subsection..7 total)
-Video reflection notes/essay
-Reading notes pp.516-523 (3 sentence summary…9
Advanced Biology
Warm up 2/5/13
• Warm up
How do scientists
describe the 1st
main stage in the
sequence that lead
to the first simple
(see p.513 1st paragraph)
Today’s planned activities:
Warm up
Review of last weeks events
Vocabulary list /reading notes for pp.513-516
-time to take vocabulary quiz from last week
Review of vocabulary list as a class.
Assignments so far this week:
(due 2/8)
-warm up
-vocabulary list due 2/8
-Reading notes pp.513-516 (3 sentence summary about
each subsection..7 total)
-Video reflection notes/essay
Advanced Biology
Warm up 2/4/13
• Warm up
• Why does scientific
knowledge change
throughout time?
Today’s planned activities:
Warm up
Review of last weeks events
Vocabulary list /reading notes for pp.513-516
-time to take vocabulary quiz from last week
Review of vocabulary list as a class.
Assignment Packet due last week:
Assignments so far this week:
(due 2/8)
-Warm up
-Vocabulary list
-warm up
-Cladogram (if absent on Tues: p.452 #1-4)
-vocabulary list due 2/8
-Reading notes pp.513-516
sentence summary about each subsection..7 total)
-Cladogram analysis packet
-Reading notes pp.496-500
Collected object cladogram
Dichotomous key (p.462-463)
Advanced Biology
Vocabulary list 2/4-2/8
(see pages 512-523…..chapter 26.1 and 26.2)
Radiometric dating
Magnetic reversals
Mass extinction events
Geologic record
Advanced Biology
Vocabulary list 2/4-2/8
(see pages 512-523…..chapter 26.1 and 26.2)
• Probionts
• Initial structures during the origin of life
which can show at least one property of
• Example: amino acids made from H2,
CH4, NH3
Advanced Biology
Vocabulary list 2/4-2/8
(see pages 512-523…..chapter 26.1 and 26.2)
• Ribozymes
• RNA molecules that act as enzymes.
• Example: Ribozymes are thought to be
the first genetic material.
Advanced Biology
Vocabulary list 2/4-2/8
(see pages 512-523…..chapter 26.1 and 26.2)
• Radiometric dating
Measuring levels of radioactive elements found in
fossils to calculate the most likely age of the
• Example: The fossil was measured to be 50,000
years old using radiometric dating.
Advanced Biology
Vocabulary list 2/4-2/8
(see pages 512-523…..chapter 26.1 and 26.2)
• Half-life
• The time required to reduce the amount of
radiation to one-half the amount originally
• Example: Carbon 14 has a half-life of 5,730
• Uranium-238… 4.5 billion years
Advanced Biology
Vocabulary list 2/4-2/8
(see pages 512-523…..chapter 26.1 and 26.2)
• Magnetic reversals
• The process by which the Earth’s magnetic field
shifts direction and at times reveres polarity.
• Example: Scientists can use the different
magnetic reversals to figure out how old some
rock are.
Advanced Biology
Vocabulary list 2/4-2/8
(see pages 512-523…..chapter 26.1 and 26.2)
• Mass extinction events
• The extinction of one or more species in a
relatively short period of geological time.
• Example: Dinosaurs have died off several
NOTE: Usually as a consequence of a catastrophic global event, a natural disaster, or
an abrupt change in the environment, and based on studies of fossil records.
Advanced Biology
Vocabulary list 2/4-2/8
(see pages 512-523…..chapter 26.1 and 26.2)
• Geologic record
• The totality of fossilized artifacts and their
placement within the earth's rock strata (layers).
• Example: Fossils are found in various parts of the
geologic record.
Note: It provides information about the history of life on earth, for instance what the
organisms look like, where and when they live, how they evolved, etc.
Advanced Biology
Vocabulary list 2/4-2/8
(see pages 512-523…..chapter 26.1 and 26.2)
• Stromatolites
Layered structures formed in
shallow water by the trapping,
binding and cementation of
sedimentary grains by
especially cyanobacteria
(commonly known as bluegreen algae)
Note: Stromatolites are a major constituent of the fossil record for about the
first 3.5 billion years of life on earth, though their diversity started to
decline by the start of the Cambrian due to grazing and burrowing
Stromatolites are
examples of some
of the first living
Advanced Biology
• Warm up:
Today’s planned activities:
• Describe an analogy as Warm up
Vocabulary Quiz
it relates to biological
Video / Work on next week’s vocabulary
Assignment Packet due today:
-Warm up
-Vocabulary list
-Cladogram (if absent on Tues: p.452 #1-4)
-Cladogram analysis packet
-Reading notes pp.496-500
Collected object cladogram
Dichotomous key (p.462-463)
Assignment Packet due today 2/1/13:
-Warm up
-Vocabulary list
-Cladogram (if absent on Tues: p.452 #1-4)
-Cladogram analysis packet
-Reading notes pp.496-500
Collected object cladogram
Dichotomouos key (p.462-463)
Advanced Biology Warm up
• Warm up: What
are homologous
Today’s planned activities:
Warm up
Dichotomous keys of leaves (pp.462-463)
Cladogram of collected objects
----Groups collect 5-10 objects that share a theme.
-----Make a table and cladogram of objects.
-----Cladograms are shared with class.
Previous assignments:
-Warm up
-Vocabulary list
-Cladogram (if absent on Tues: p.452 #1-4)
-Cladogram analysis packet
-Reading notes pp.496-500
Individual homework during work time:
-Reading notes pp. 496-500 (AP Book) write a 3 sentence
summary about each section. (5 sections: Binomial
nomenclature, Hierarchical Classifications, Linking
Classification and Phylogeny, Cladisitics, Phylogentic trees
and Timing)
Cladogram of collected objects
----Groups collect 5-10 objects that share a
-----Make a table and cladogram of objects.
(each student makes a table and cladogram)
-----Cladograms are shared with class.
Advanced Biology
Warm up 1/30/13
• Warm up
Give an example of
Today’s planned activities:
Warm up
Introduction to assignment packets
Introduction to vocabulary list
-Classification :
Cladogram analysis (link)
Previous assignments:
Warm up
Vocabulary list
Cladogram (if absent on Tues: p.452 #1-4)
Reading notes pp. 496-500 (AP Book)
write a 3 sentence summary about each
section. (5 sections: Binomial nomenclature,
Hierarchical Classifications, Linking Classification and
Phylogeny, Cladisitics, Phylogentic trees and Timing)
Advanced Biology
Warm up 1/29/13
Classroom activities:
• Warm up
Warm up
What kinds of
Introduction to assignment packets
characteristics do
scientists use to put Introduction to vocabulary list
Vocabulary instruction
living things into
If time allows:
-Classification activity
• (3 characteristics)
Advanced Biology
Vocabulary list 1/29-2/1
• Analogy (analagous)
• Definition
• noun
• (evolutionary biology) Structural or behavioral similarity in
terms of functions between unrelated
species or organisms but do not share a common ancestral or
developmental origin.
• Example:
• The wings of a bat and the wings of insects help them
both fly but they did not evolve from the same ancestor.
• Homologous
• Definition
• adjective
• (biology)
• Having similar structure and anatomical
position (but not necessarily the same
function) in different organisms suggesting
a common ancestry or evolutionary origin
• (example:. wings of bats and arms of
humans are homologous).
• Taxonomy
• Definition
• noun
• (1) The science of finding, describing,
classifying, and naming organisms, including
the studying of the relationships
between specimens.
• Example: classification chart
• Binomial Nomenclature
• Having two names; used of the system by
which every organism receives two names,
the one indicating the genus, the other
the species, to which it belongs.
• Example:
• Homo sapiens
• Canus lupus
• Cladogram • a diagram depicting patterns of
shared characteristics of
various organisms