The Medical School Interview

Interviewing for
Pre-Pharmacy Club Meeting
February 23, 2005
Kathie Peterson, M.S.
Health Careers Center
University of Minnesota
Great news! You’ve been
invited for an interview!
What does this mean??
Why do pharmacy schools
interview applicants?
 Critical part of the admissions process
 Face-to-face contact with applicants
 Learn about your understanding of and
commitment to the profession of pharmacy
 Assess your communication skills
 Evaluate your ability to interact well with
Who gets selected to interview?
 It’s good news to be selected!
 Schools vary on selection policies
 Highly qualified applicants, based on
admissions criteria
 Looking for a match with their program
The Interview Day
Interviewing at the University of Minnesota:
Half-day experience:
 Welcome from the dean
 Interview (approx 40 minutes)
 Writing exercise (30 minutes)
 Student panel
 Tour
When do interviews occur?
U of M has 4 interview days
Interview dates randomly assigned
Who will the interviewer be?
Member of the pharmacy faculty
Interview Structure
 Typically about 40 minutes
 Individualized questions
 Standardized set of questions reflecting
admissions criteria
 Questions based on your application
What will the interviewer
know about me?
 List of schools attended (degree, major, etc.)
 List of post-secondary experiences
 Your goal statement
What they do not have:
 Your transcripts or GPA
 PCAT score
 Supplemental essays
 Letters of recommendation
Preparing for the Interview
 Thoroughly review your application
 Review institutional information on the web
(e.g. U of M curricular emphasis on
pharmaceutical care)
 Familiarize yourself with interview protocol
and strategies
 Practice responses to likely questions
 Scope out a route to interview – know where
you’re going and how you’ll get there and
The Interview Day
Arrive on time. Early is good!
Dress up – business casual
Pay close attention to information given
Interact with others during the day
Relax and be yourself
Be confident, but not overly so
Check in admissions office to be sure
application is complete
 Update file if necessary
Interview Questions
 General questions – to help you relax and to
get to know you
 Specific questions – related to application
 Give examples of……
 Will they be personal? (Probably)
 Think about what is important for admissions
committee to know about you!
 Some sample questions
Your Responses
 Be honest and genuine
 Concise
 Interject information as appropriate
 Give examples
 Be ready to discuss important issues in
 Share strong feelings as appropriate, but
don’t try to convince or sway
 Take time to reflect as necessary
Your Questions
 Questions based on information on the
 Feel free to question professional students
about their experiences (outside the
 What is important to you in making your
decision about a school to attend?
 Don’t ask about the interview/application
What Happens Next?
 Send thank you note to interviewer
 Interview report is written and placed in your
 Admissions committee meets to review your
entire file
 You will receive a letter of admission,
rejection, or placement on wait list
(notification early – mid April
But what if…..
 Interview was “too short”
 Interviewer did all the talking
 You were asked an inappropriate question
 You didn’t relate well to interviewer
 You just had a really bad day and didn’t
interview well
More Information
 Check with your college career center for
interviewing tips and practice interviewing
 Hear what pharmacy applicants have to say
about their interview experiences at: