Beaver County ESL Curriculum PreK-12 Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing _____________________________________________________________________________________ Page 1 Beaver County – ESL Curriculum Revised - August 2011 Final Form School Survival Skills Directions: Before beginning any instruction related directly to curriculum, the following skills should be addressed. Introduction to Environment Location Known Bathroom Office Water Fountains Nurse Cafeteria Library Classrooms Gym Locker Computer room Playground Bus Exit signs Fire drill Introduction to Personnel Secretary Principal Nurse Cafeteria staff Librarian Teacher Counselors Janitors Personal Information Tell his/her name Tell his/her age Tell his/her home numbers (home, cell) Tell his/her address Tell his/her birth date Tell family names Other Classroom Objects according to student needs Emergency Situations Identify medical conditions if appropriate Page 2 N/A Location Known N/A Notes Known N/A Notes Known N/A Know how to call 911 and what to say (Allergies, medications, etc…) Beaver County – ESL Curriculum Revised - August 2011 Final Form Student Background Information Student Full Name (Legal): __________________________________________ Student prefers to be called: __________________________ Address: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone Numbers: ____________________________________ ___________________________________ ____________________________ Name of Parents: ______________________________________ _____________________________________________ Name and Grade of Siblings: ________________________________________________ ____________________________________________ Country of Origin: ____________________________________________ Language: _____________________________________________ Language Structure Differences: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Medical Issues/Needs: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Amount of Schooling: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ English Proficiency Level: _________________________________________________________________ Is an interpreter needed? (if yes, possible resources) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Page 3 Beaver County – ESL Curriculum Revised - August 2011 Final Form At the given level of English language proficiency, English language learners in Beaver County will process, understand, produce, or use: Level 1 Entering Level 2 Beginning Receptive Skills Pictorial or graphic representation of the language of the content areas Page 4 Level 4 Expanding Level 5 Bridging Receptive Skills Receptive Skills General language related to the content areas General and some specific language of the content areas Specific and some technical language of the content areas The technical language of the content areas Phrases or short sentences Expanded sentences in oral interaction or written paragraphs A variety of sentence lengths of varying linguistic complexity in oral discourse or multiple, related paragraphs A variety of sentence lengths of varying linguistic complexity in extended oral or written discourse, including stories essays or reports Productive Skills Productive Skills Productive Skills Productive Skills Oral or written language with phonological, syntactic, or semantic errors that often impede the meaning of the communication when presented with one to multiple-step commands, directions, questions, or a series of statements with visual and graphic support Oral or written language with phonological, syntactic, or semantic errors that may impede the communication but retain much of its meaning when presented with oral or written, narrative or expository descriptions with occasional visual and graphic support Oral or written language with minimal phonological, syntactic, or semantic errors that do not impede the overall meaning of the communication when presented with oral or written connected discourse with occasional visual and graphic support Oral or written language approaching comparability to that of English proficient peers when presented with grade level material Words, phrases, or chunks of language when presented with one-step commands, directions, WH-questions, or statements with visual and graphic support Productive Skills Level 3 Developing Receptive Skills Beaver County – ESL Curriculum Revised - August 2011 Receptive Skills Final Form English Language Proficiency Standard 1: English language learners communicate in English for SOCIAL AND INSTRUCTIONAL purposes within the school setting. Grade Level Domain: LISTENING – process, understand, interpret, and evaluate spoken language in a variety of situations. Level 1 Specific Student Instructional How will this Materials and Resources Entering Indicators/Skills Activities be Assessed? Cluster Follow simple oral commands with visual cues (such as: TPR). PRE KK 1-3 Position manipulatives or realia according to one-step oral commands to show spatial relations (such as: “Put the books on the table.”). 4-5 Identify materials needed from realia and oral statements and complete tasks (such as: making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich). Page 5 Demonstrate auditory understanding of the following with visual support: Come in, line up, sit down, stand up, take out, put away, pick up, put down, raise your hand, go to, turn around, circle, underline, cross out, draw a line to, by, bottom, left and right Use prepositions accordingly. On/off, up/down, on top of, under, behind, in front of, over, beside/next to, between, in the middle, in/inside, out/outside, into, around TPR (Total Physical Response) Say & Do, Simon Says Observation & Checklist Various Realia, Let's Go Cards #1, Hullaballoo (Cranium board game), Hooray For E Creative Ideas student activity book 1 p. 74-84, Carousel of Ideas p. 19(BVIU resource) Use objects word cards, cutpaste worksheets, or TPR to demonstrate spatial relations, Games such as: Simon Says Observation/checklist of commands being followed using spatial relations Hooray For English workbook 2 p. 23 Follow simple commands using vocabulary clusters: Family, Body Parts, Food, Clothing, and animals Family: picture of family from verbal prompt, body parts: show me, create a creature, Simon Says, Food: sort, make salad, sandwiches Clothing: cut outs, dressing dolls, packing suitcases, seasons Observation, discussion, completion of task, TPR Pictures, demonstrating spatial prepositions list, Creative Ideas, student activity book 1, Where’s Joe? p. 7484,Creative Ideas 4, p.40-41, Creative Ideas 2, p. 64-71, Let’s Go Monolingual Picture Dictionary p. 14-15, Carousel of Ideas Set 1, p.70 (BVIU resources) hands-on materials, picture cards, plastic food, paper dolls, paper/pencil/crayons, stickers, Creative Ideas Series, / Beaver County – ESL Curriculum Revised - August 2011 Final Form 6-8 9-12 Page 6 Identify positive and negative behaviors from oral statements supported by illustrations (such as: in school, on the playground, in gym class, or on the bus). Point or use gestures to indicate understanding of appropriate behaviors in school and social settings Show movie clips, puppet shows, and pictures which demonstrate of positive and negative behavior; student responds with "yes or no" Observation of appropriate response in realistic and simulated situations. Sample Scenario: Standing in line appropriately in cafeteria (taking turns, no line jumping, no pushing, standing quietly) Behavioral visual cards, clip art from internet, Highlights Magazine (Goofus and Gallant); Building Bridges(book 1, unit 1, lessons 5-6; unit 2, lesson 5); ESL Smart!, section 2; Active Listening 2, unit 4 Follow instructions or requests supported by gestures from peers (such as: “Meet me at my locker after 8th period.”). Demonstrate understanding of simple commands with visual support. Focusing on expressions, school commands, and directions. Visuals, vocabulary, peer tutoring, teaching directions, reenactment, flash cards, and TPR. Checklist School setting and classroom items such as: desk, chair, flag, paper, pencil, door, window, book, pencil sharpener, garbage can, locker, clock etc. Lets’ Go & IDEA flashcards. Internet resources: listening clips and quizzes) listening clips/activities Beaver County – ESL Curriculum Revised - August 2011 Final Form English Language Proficiency Standard 1: English language learners communicate in English for SOCIAL AND INSTRUCTIONAL purposes within the school setting. Domain: SPEAKING – engage in oral communication in a variety of situations for a variety of purposes and audiences. Grade Level Level 1 Entering Specific Student Indicators/Skills Instructional Activities How will this be Assessed? Materials/Resources Cluster PRE K-K 1-3 State basic autobiographical information using visual cues or prompts as needed. State name, address, phone number, parents names, & birthday Use visuals of phone, house, student’s picture, family pictures or student drawing of family to elicit appropriate oral response – repetition Observation & Checklist Visuals, pictures, magazines, toy phone, Give and ask for permission or make requests using gestures as needed. Ask to go to the bathroom, get a drink of water, or go to the nurse. Role playing, practice conversation, play “Mother...May I? Yes you may!" Chart with yes or no checklist with specific questions listed (sample: All Star English the Basics p.20) Let's Chant Let's Sing 2, (BVIU resource), All Star English The Basics, p.13 Ask for assistance with a task or for needed supplies. Ask for help or to sharpen pencil, borrow an eraser, or other school supplies Role playing, model how to ask for assistance, Observation, discussion, TPR, Respond to and offer greetings, compliments, introductions, or farewells. Be able to say, hi, hello, how are you, fine, alright, thank you, please, good-bye, make basic introductions and participate in basic social greetings appropriate for school setting. Walk around the school and introduce to various school personnel. Consistent greetings every session. Observation of student response to greetings and basic questions Various school supplies, picture cards, Creative Ideas Series, Let’s Go! Series, Visual pictures including "Let's Go" cards; real life situations (school personnel); ESL Smart! section 2; Active Listening 2, unit 1 and 4. 4-5 6-8 Page 7 Beaver County – ESL Curriculum Revised - August 2011 Final Form 9-12 Page 8 State preferences for types of music, games, TV programs, or recreational activities. My favorite is… I like…because, I don’t like….because. Use various hands-on materials, and/or pictures to provoke conversation about student preferences. Role play conversations about likes/dislikes as applied to social situations. Beaver County – ESL Curriculum Revised - August 2011 Checklist. TV shows, music, games, sports, visuals such as pictures in magazines, etc… Website suggestions:, Whoonu game by Cranium-use to rank items 1, 2, 3 and compare answers to earn chips. Final Form English Language Proficiency Standard 1: English language learners communicate in English for SOCIAL AND INSTRUCTIONAL purposes within the school setting. Domain: READING – process, interpret, and evaluate written language, symbols, and text with understanding and fluency. Grade Level Level 1 Entering Specific Student Indicators/Skills Instructional Activities How will this be Assessed? Materials/Resources Match, sort or classify pictures of family members or familiar icons. Match, sort or classify people and naming words: shapes, colors, sizes, animals, classroom objects, playground objects, and vocabulary appropriate to student’s school Underline, circle, match, cross out, cut & paste, color etc… Verify accuracy or worksheets, observation or activities Picture cards, memory game, lift a flap books, Creative Ideas book 2, p.5-7, 10-16, Let's Go Series, Families by Ann Morris, book (BVIU resource) Respond to icons, pictures, or words on board games or in activities. Follow directions according to pictures or words found in games or activities Play games – Candy Land, Uno – card games, etc…worksheets, Bingo & Toss the Cube in Carousel of Ideas set 1 activity book p.16-17 Rubric Games, cards, etc… All Star English The Basics p.167 , 103, Creative Ideas 3, p. 63, 86, 60,61, Creative Ideas 4, p.42-43, 86 (BVIU resources) Identify words or phrases associated with school or the community or personal experiences. Demonstrate comprehension of written sets of vocabulary families and simple verb phrases appropriate to school curriculum. Modeling and repetition, development of word walls, games, worksheets, role-play, games Accurate completion of activities, worksheets, picture/word match, observations Search topics of interest on the internet or in libraries. Student researches content area material via the internet to support learning in the target language (English) Research specific topic on the internet according to student interest, such as animals, pop music, food Observation of student distinguishing between pertinent and irrelevant information. Student must bring up five resources for chosen topic. Games, picture cards, visuals, worksheets, realia, books, social studies text, Internet, newspapers, magazines, etc… Computer, internet ,, (or other safe searching sites); Steck-Vaughn level BB, p32F, p35B, p44F Cluster PRE KK 1-3 4-5 6-8 Page 9 Beaver County – ESL Curriculum Revised - August 2011 Final Form Preview visually supported text to glean basic facts. 9-12 Page 10 Student uses pre-reading skills to identify basic concept of text. Lessons targeting prereading skills. Use student’s content area text to look at pictures and captions to gather basic facts/make simple predictions. Read low-level stories and answer questions/retell to measure comprehension. Beaver County – ESL Curriculum Revised - August 2011 Checklist Student content area text High-interest, lowlevel materials KWL Worksheet K.I.M.worksheet nk/HighFive/KIM/KIM_sheet.pdf or other appropriate graphic organizer Book suggestions: Diary of a Wimpy Kid Superfudge The Whipping Boy Comic books Pre-reading skills lessons: prereading/index.html Final Form English Language Proficiency Standard 1: English language learners communicate in English for SOCIAL AND INSTRUCTIONAL purposes within the school setting. Domain: WRITING – engage in written communication in a variety of forms for a variety of purposes and audiences Grade Level Level 1 Entering Specific Student Indicators/Skills Instructional Activities How will this be Assessed? Materials/Resources Cluster Use drawings to express thoughts and feelings. Student draws a picture that accurately expresses how they feel. looking at emoticons, model expressions then draw or illustrate Accuracy of drawings – observation Paper, crayons, emoticons, Kissing Hand, The Giving Tree, If You Give A Mouse A Cookie…series, Kevin Henkes series, paper plates or circle cutouts. Let's Go Picture Dictionary p. 25 Creative Ideas p.66-70, 72 (BVIU resource) Draw illustrations of personal experiences. Student draws a picture or series of pictures that illustrates or describes a personal experience. First – next- last activities reinforced by illustrations. Observation and simple discussion. Paper, crayons. All Star English, the Basics, p. 89-90, Creative Ideas Student Activity Book 3 & 4, "Artist At Work” pgs. (BVIU resources) Work in small groups to draw, label and differentiate pictures that illustrate socially and culturally appropriate behaviors around school or community. Students select appropriate word or phrase to describe a behavior illustrated in a picture (right/wrong; good/bad) -Role play; simple commands -Identify acceptable behavior illustrated in magazine pictures (Goofus/Gallant) -Modeling -Listening to teacher read simple stories. -Word bank-show situational picture-choose correct word. -Draw a picture of what you would do if you saw someone… (Cheating lost pencil, bullying, etc.) -Sequence & Label pictures showing different scenarios: make sandwich, brush teeth, hygiene introductions -Role play phone etiquette: Dr. office, school office, take a personal message, ordering takeout food, etc. -Observation and simple discussion, -Matching pictures with words :( right-wrong, good-bad, polite-impolite, appropriateinappropriate, etc.) Magazines; videos, books, stories, TV shows, immediate environment, clip art, newspaper, picture cards, Internet, Creative Ideas series, PRE KK 1-3 4-5 Page 11 Beaver County – ESL Curriculum Revised - August 2011 Final Form 6-8 9-12 Page 12 Respond to requests or invitations, and write “to do” lists through pictures and words. Work with a partner to write key points about a topic of common personal interest. Student recognizes simple question format and responds with pictures and simple answers. Students select a topic of common interest and list nouns and adjectives that apply. Written yes/no response to simple questions. Create "to do" list for basic activities, such as playing sports or preparing food, using words and/or pictures. Intro nouns and adjectives via Schoolhouse Rock DVDs. Cut/ paste pictures of nouns into categories. Provide students with topic choices and encourage them to pick one. Ask them to list 3 to 5 words or short descriptions about the subject. Student successfully conveys intended message through words and pictures. Matching games, WH Bingo, Food Bingo, word wall, Steck-Vaughn Think-Along (Level C pp22-27) People by Peter Spier, IDEA Cards, Large Theme Cards Checklist Student generated list Word bank if necessary Schoolhouse Rock DVDs/worksheets to introduce nouns and adjectives. Websites: Beaver County – ESL Curriculum Revised - August 2011 Final Form Grade Level English Language Proficiency Standard 1: English language learners communicate in English for SOCIAL AND INSTRUCTIONAL purposes within the school setting. Domain: LISTENING – process, understand, interpret, and evaluate spoken language in a variety of situations. Level 2 Specific Student Instructional How will this be Materials/Resources Beginning Indicators/Skills Activities Assessed? Cluster PRE KK 1-3 4-5 Page 13 Follow simple commands without visual cues (such as: “Stand up.” Or “Get in line.”). Position manipulatives or realia according to multiple oral commands to show spatial relations (such as: “Put the cubes in a row across the paper.”). Match materials and/or resources needed to complete tasks with their uses based on realia and oral directions. Demonstrate auditory understanding of the following without any visual assistance: Come in, line up, sit down, stand up, take out, put away, pick up, put down, raise your hand, go to, turn around, circle, underline, cross out, draw a line to, be quiet Demonstrate auditory understanding of commands with multiple spatial directions: On/off, up/down, on top of, under, behind, in front of, over, beside/next to, between, in the middle, in/inside, out/outside, into, around and other vocabulary appropriate to school setting Categorize materials by vocabulary clusters: (i.e. seasons, weather, school, house, occupations, holidays, and content vocabulary aligned to school’s curricula) Simon Says, show me, create a picture, gesture to appropriate visual of stated cue, Hokey Pokey, TPR Observation & Checklist Hands-on Materials, games: Hullaballoo Creative Ideas student activity book 1 p. 7484(BVIU resources) TPR, demonstration, role playing, sequencing, Simon Says Observation/checklist with multiple commands and directions to follow Hands-on materials, pictures, sequencing books All Star English p. 82 (BVIU resources) Matching activities, role playing, games (concentration, bingo, Simon Says), sorting, sequence a series of pictures to go along with a task that needs to be completed. Observation, discussion, TPR, matching, categorizing, sequencing Hands-on materials, games, flash cards, picture cards, reading passages, Beaver County – ESL Curriculum Revised - August 2011 Final Form 6-8 9-12 Role-play examples of etiquette and manners associated with activities based on illustrations and oral descriptions (such as: sports rules or turn taking). Process and respond to discourse from unfamiliar speakers (such as: at assemblies or on field trips). Role play to demonstrate appropriate use of current idiomatic expressions, gestures, cultural differences, slang and school behaviors. Interpret general idea of auditory lecture or speech. Talk about student concerns and create a scenario related to issues. Role play through the situation. Allow student to draw the situation. Observation of appropriate reactions in role playing activity. Sample scenario: Bus behavior (potential bullying situation as well as bus driver's instruction) Magazines geared for pre-teens, sports stories; North Star: Listening and Speaking(basic/low intermediate, unit 4, lesson 3; unit 5, p80, 83; "ESL Smart!", section 3; pragmatic games from Super Duper Use guest speakers, listen to songs, read passages, listen to movies, listen to books on tape, morning announcements, easy conversations on ESL website. Checklist Websites:, Videos: check with school district for recorded assemblies clips from High-interest, low-level stories that you read to students, news stories of student’s choice from daily paper or news website Page 14 Beaver County – ESL Curriculum Revised - August 2011 Final Form English Language Proficiency Standard 1: English language learners communicate in English for SOCIAL AND INSTRUCTIONAL purposes within the school setting. Domain: SPEAKING – engage in oral communication in a variety of situations for a variety of purposes and audiences. Grade Level Level 2 Beginning Specific Student Indicators/Skills Instructional Activities How will this be Assessed? Materials/Resources Cluster PRE KK Use one word or short phrase to express likes or dislikes of items or concepts as illustrated. My favorite is… I like… I don’t like…. (foods, animals, clothing, weather) Show two pictures, do you like, yes or no Worksheet using smiley or sad faces for likes and dislikes Visual pictures – vocabulary box in IDEA set – realia, Let's Go cards, Share feelings and emotions, likes or dislikes. I like… I don’t like… I’m sad… I’m happy… I’m nervous…. I’m surprised… I’m angry… I’m tired…. I’m hungry… I’m bored…. I’m thirsty… I’m sick, etc… I feel… What is this, what does this mean Using faces with a variety of expressions, match to a feeling, roleplay (introduce action verbs and subject areas) Hooray For English 2 workbook p. 19 Visuals, books, short video tapes All Star English Basics, p. 112-117, 144-145, Let's Go Picture Dictionary 24-25 Creative Ideas 3 p.66-70,72 (BVIU resources) You be the teacher – model appropriate questions and answers and encourage students to “be the teacher” and replicate your behavior Observation, discussion, role playing, TPR, Realia, media, conversation, classroom situations, word walls, etc… Harcourt Trophies Series, Creative Ideas Series, Distinguish questions from statements, demonstrate understanding of question types and form appropriate responses. Role-play, Play games that necessitate questions; Repetition of daily exercises: questions about calendar (days of week, season, etc), clothing worn, meals, – add on information daily Appropriate phrasing of questions and responses. Games: Wh BINGO, Guess Who, Lie Detector, 20 Questions. North Star: Listening and Speaking (basic/low intermediate, unit 4, lesson 3); calendar; IDEA cards; Addison-Wesley ESL level E (life skills sections) 1-3 Ask for or provide the meaning of words, phrases. 4-5 Respond to and ask questions or exchange information with peers. 6-8 Page 15 Beaver County – ESL Curriculum Revised - August 2011 Final Form Describe preferred movies, magazines, stories, or authors. 9-12 Page 16 Use appropriate vocabulary choices, detail, and intonation. Ask questions, role play, repetition, modeling, video or tape record oral discourse for later playback and discussion. Rubric Beaver County – ESL Curriculum Revised - August 2011 Visuals, vignettes, movie lists, stories, books, etc… Video/cassette recorder. Suggested websites:, clips from songs at iTunes Final Form English Language Proficiency Standard 1: English language learners communicate in English for SOCIAL AND INSTRUCTIONAL purposes within the school setting. Domain: READING – process, interpret, and evaluate written language, symbols, and text with understanding and fluency. Grade Level Level 2 Beginning Specific Student Indicators/Skills Instructional Activities How will this be Assessed? Materials/Resources Cluster Recognize own name and/or names of familiar adults and children. Pick out items with their names on them – mom, dad, teacher, classroom friends Label pictures with names on them – have student pick out theirs. Use classroom setting to choose certain label objects Observation during ESL instruction as well as regular classroom instruction. Classroom objects; cubbies, student name tags, mailboxes, labels, pictures, etc… Respond to words or phrases on board games or in activities. Follow directions according to words found in games or activities Play games –Sorry, Uno – card games, use worksheets focusing on following directions Observation of game play using a 5 skill checklist Flash cards, card games, "Wh" Bingo, The 3-Letter Learning Game-What's GNU Game (BVIU resource) All Star English the Basics p.167 Use prior knowledge to make predictions. While looking at a picture or after reading a portion of simple text in a book, students make predictions of “what will happen next?” Ask questions to establish prior knowledge – pre-teach “what will happen next” using visuals before moving to stories, use of worksheets, graphic organizers, Observation of ability to predict –observation of written predictions – observation of drawing predicting “what will happen next?”, discussions, Books, pictures, worksheets, Trophies Series, Internet, Creative Ideas picture cards & posters, Student identifies the “key word” or “topic” when looking at ads on billboards, TV commercials, etc… View a variety of commercials, look at magazine ads, use catalogs, etc.; identify item or service being advertised and highlight selling points. Student classifies product type and creates a word list of selling points; determines product's usefulness to self. Media – with advertisements; Reader's Handbook (red and yellow); The Good Reader's Guide, p34 PRE KK 1-3 4-5 Classify topics identified through hypermedia or multiple sources. 6-8 Page 17 Beaver County – ESL Curriculum Revised - August 2011 Final Form Connect information from visually supported text to self. 9-12 Page 18 Student makes personal connection with visually supported text. Use graphic organizers and encourage students to make connections to the pictures and simple text. Use simple questions to guide discussion. Holiday customs/traditions compare/contrast with student’s home culture. Checklist Beaver County – ESL Curriculum Revised - August 2011 Student content area text and hi-interest, low-level books or magazine articles. Graphic organizers. Phonics for Older Students-use to build vocabulary The Good Reader’s Guide pages 318-359 Holiday custom/traditions compare and contrast Final Form English Language Proficiency Standard 1: English language learners communicate in English for SOCIAL AND INSTRUCTIONAL purposes within the school setting. Domain: Grade Level WRITING – engage in written communication in a variety of forms for a variety of purposes and audiences Level 2 Beginning Specific Student Indicators/Skills Instructional Activities How will this be Assessed? Materials/Resources Cluster Draw or label familiar objects (such as: family members or classroom objects). Student accurately identifies object and write/copy the name of the object OR students accurately draws a picture of identified object Labeling objects around the room – pictorial word wall, drawing, etc… Accuracy checklist Picture cards(Let's Go), drawings, crayons, Pictionary etc…Addison Wesley ESL Activity A- p. 9 Draw and label personal experiences, with words or phrases. Student writes simple words or phrases to describe their own drawings of personal experiences. Observation; accuracy of word choice using rubric Flip charts, word cards, paper, crayons, activity sheets All Star English The Basics p.128 (BVIU resources) Write descriptions, based on pictures or personal experiences, of socially and culturally appropriate behaviors in school or community. Student develops a working vocabulary to describe appropriate school and community behaviors (raise your hand, don’t run, stand in line) Labeling personal experiences with words or phrases (noun-verb sentences) First-next-last – flip charts, manipulative word cards, matching words to pictures -Role play -Describing pictures -Daily observations -Creation of word cards -Show video clip or other media of inappropriate or appropriate behavior – then write a statement about situation identifying appropriate or inappropriate behavior – discuss the statement and check for grammatical structure. -Discussion of written product -Use a picture or other media and write a description of what's going on using specific vocabulary (right-wrong, good-bad, polite-impolite, sharing, etc.) - Word walls, pictures, magazines, videos, paper/pencil, computer, clip art, newspapers, Internet, write about field trips and other personal experiences, Television shows/news, musical lyrics, etc. Classroom mailbox – email time, post cards, pen pals Compose letters to friends or relatives. Written completion of simple scenarios via email, postcard, text message PRE KK 1-3 4-5 6-8 Page 19 Write responses to and create emails, messages, postcards, or notes to friends. Student appropriately responds to emails, messages, notes, etc. Beaver County – ESL Curriculum Revised - August 2011 Internet, Good News by Suzy Blackaby, People by Peter Spier; ESL Smart!, pp607-609. Final Form Create a graphic organizer of key points of a topic of personal interest. 9-12 Page 20 Student chooses topic and determines key points (with a word bank if necessary) then selects and creates graphic organizers using key points of topic. Exposure to different graphic organizers. Uses of graphic organizers for specific assignments. Adjective lessons. Beaver County – ESL Curriculum Revised - August 2011 Rubric Samples of graphic organizers from search on the internet. Books, magazines, or internet articles relevant to student’s interests. Schoolhouse Rock DVDs/worksheets. Websites: YouTube grammar videos by MissClifford11adjective clips. Final Form Grade Level English Language Proficiency Standard 1: English language learners communicate in English for SOCIAL AND INSTRUCTIONAL purposes within the school setting. Domain: LISTENING – process, understand, interpret, and evaluate spoken language in a variety of situations. Level 3 Specific Student Instructional How will this be Materials/Resources Developing Indicators/Skills Activities Assessed? Cluster PRE KK 1-3 4-5 6-8 Page 21 Follow oral commands to show simple spatial relations with real life objects, (such as: “Put your hand on your head.”). Demonstrate auditory understanding of commands with multiple spatial directions: On/off, up/down, on top of, under, behind, in front of, in the middle, in/out, into, and other vocabulary appropriate to school setting Follow an oral sequence of directions to complete a task. TPR, demonstration, role playing, sequencing, jazz chants Observation, TPR, workbook pgs 74-84 Jazz chants, hands-on materials; Creative Ideas 1 pgs.74-84, shoe box and pencil, realia, Hooray For English! TM level 1 chain drills throughout book Folding Paper, math activities, make cards for the holidays, etc. The focus is doing: step 1, step 2, and step 3 – watch me, listen and then you do it. Recipes Completed Project use rubric Vary – hands on-materials Creative Ideas 5 p.42, 52 (give pic. To student & give oral directions to student) Creative Ideas 2 p.73, Hooray For English! 2, p.5 Follow oral directions to select materials or resources needed to complete tasks. Follow an oral sequence of directions, choose appropriate materials and complete a task - without cues. Folding Paper, math activities, make cards for the holidays, draw picture, etc. The focus is doing: step 1, step 2, and step 3 –listen, choose materials and then you do it. Observation, Self assessment of completed task, Did they complete the task without help?, TPR Varies depending on instructional activity– hands onmaterials Role-play positive ways of interacting socially and culturally based on oral descriptions. Interpret and then demonstrate through rollplay appropriate behaviors for various social settings Have student create visual instruction manual of a social situation (rules of bus, asking for notes, ordering at cafeteria, other student concerns). Other students explain the drawings. Completion and evaluation of completed manual. Student selects correct resources for completion of project. Follow oral directions verifying requests with cues from teachers or peers (such as: “Fold the paper in half and place it on your table the long way.”). Beaver County – ESL Curriculum Revised - August 2011 Pre-teen literature (applicable short stories and selections to student concerns); "Diary of a Wimpy Kid" books; "It's Only Temporary", by Sally Warner; Timesaver Reading Lessons, pp30-31. Final Form 9-12 Page 22 Process and respond to discourse from indirect sources (such as: cassettes or CDs). Listen and interpret CD’s, videos, books on tape etc… with the intent of determining the main idea and/or sequence of events. Watch segments of a movie, video, listen to a song, etc… Be sure it is of high interest. Checklist Beaver County – ESL Curriculum Revised - August 2011 Videos, movies, TV shows, CD’s, commercials, etc… Movies/Books October Sky To Kill a Mockingbird Hatchet Internet sites: Final Form English Language Proficiency Standard 1: English language learners communicate in English for SOCIAL AND INSTRUCTIONAL purposes within the school setting. Domain: SPEAKING – engage in oral communication in a variety of situations for a variety of purposes and audiences. Grade Level Level 3 Developing Specific Student Indicators/Skills Instructional Activities How will this be Assessed? Materials/Resources Participate/interact in everyday conversation. Demonstrate knowledge of colors, numbers, weather, pronouns, and vocabulary appropriate to school setting Observation, completion of worksheets for each of the reciprocal strategies. Various manipulatives, pictures, work books, and realia. Addison-Wesley ESL Activity Book-A, Let’s Go Picture Dictionary- (BVIU resources), discussion of a story Discuss interests, opinions, or preferences. My favorite is… I like… I don’t like…. because… Distinguish between fact and opinion When additional information is needed, student asks who, what, where, when or why to gather additional information. Establish and state opinions based on new information. Observation or students’ abilities to rank and categorize preferences and distinguish fact from opinion using a scored checklist Observation, discussion, Discuss KWL charts, graphs, and surveys; discuss comprehension questions about a passage, situation, personal experiences, and content area topics. TV shows, music, games, sports, visuals, etc… All Star English The Basics p. 112-117 (BVIU Resources) Ask questions to seek information in order to provide opinions, preferences, or wishes. Role-play, color, draw, play games, use manipulatives. Reciprocal teaching i.e. Summarizing, questioning, clarifying and predicting Use various hands-on materials, and/or pictures to provoke conversation about student preferences – ask why and read stories to establish Introduce; who, what, fact vs. opinion where, when, why Use lunch menu – discuss food choices Have student choose a book or movie and explain why Build a daily menu from pictures – explain why, complete a survey about favorite ice cream from peers. Cluster PRE KK 1-3 4-5 Page 23 Beaver County – ESL Curriculum Revised - August 2011 Visuals, menus, stories, movies, TV, KWL chart, example of surveys, etc…. Final Form Initiate or engage in conversation with peers or within small groups. Ask questions of others. Participate in group conversation. Teach students the Basketball style of conversation – pass the ball back and forth – you talk when you have the ball Sample topics: afterschool activities, TV shows, video games, sports, pop music. Student hosts pretend talk show. Student creates oral story from set of random pictures. Observation of number of rounds the ball is passed, appropriate responses and phrasing of questions to maintain conversation. Object to pass: microphone, ball, etc…; conversation prompts, (North Star Listening and Speaking, unit 9; Addison-Wesley ESL level E; Oral Story Games, "The Wrong Game" "Rory's Story Cubes" from Gamewright, IDEA cards, Whonu game Recommend games, songs books, films, poems, or computer programs and give reasons for selection. State opinion of preferred book, game, song, film, etc. and explain why it is the favorite – using sentence patterns such as: because, as a result of, etc. Present a persuasive speech or create a poster. Cooperative learning situations, use cue cards with sentence starters, encourage students to bring in “favorites” from home – “show and tell” Create and present a short speech or poster persuading others of your selection. Rubric. Sentence strips Word bank of persuasive verbs. Poster supplies. Internet access to print pictures for visual aids. 6-8 9-12 Page 24 Beaver County – ESL Curriculum Revised - August 2011 Final Form English Language Proficiency Standard 1: English language learners communicate in English for SOCIAL AND INSTRUCTIONAL purposes within the school setting. Domain: Grade Level READING – process, interpret, and evaluate written language, symbols, and text with understanding and fluency. Level 3 Developing Specific Student Indicators/Skills Instructional Activities How will this be Assessed? Materials/Resources Cluster PRE KK Name letters from own name to letters found in classroom print (such as: “T” in Tomas and “Today”). Identify alphabet letters and basic sounds according to school curriculum. Identify letters in their own name. Repetition, repetition, repetition – use of key vocabulary – B is butterfly, etc… Observation with checklist Letters, pictures, visuals, sounds Let’s Go Phonics starter workbook and level 1 (BVIU Resources) Follow written directions with peer or teacher assistance. Demonstrate comprehension of simple written commands: understanding of the following with teacher assistance: circle, underline, cross out, draw a line to, list, color, match, and other After making predictions, vocabulary appropriate to students compare their school curriculum prediction with what occurs in the reading selection or passage. Require students to read directions and complete activities with teacher support, in a variety of ways: worksheets, games, “folder activities” Logic puzzles “What did you think would happen?” “What actually happened?” – Use comic strips, simple text, etc… Use of graphic organizers Observationaccurate completion of worksheets, etc. worksheets, games, “folder activities” Logic puzzles – (see speech and language teacher) Accurate completion of a graphic organizer, discussion, Student reads part of story and writes/discusses prediction, then finish story to confirm prediction Graphic organizers, text, comic strips, books, pictures, Venn Diagram, KWL, Prediction Charts, any reading textbook, Steck-Vaughn Comprehension books, Internet, etc.. Student reads internet resources and other media and identifies unnecessary words, topics and explains why it is unnecessary. Highlighting main idea, listing of relevant and irrelevant ideas, looking at internet search results and identifying which are relevant to topic. "Almanac Quiz", Fact Monster search pages; fact vs. opinion exercises Completion of research activity Internet, print media, - Steck-Vaughn reading series (level C and higher, selected activities), with printable from; Reader's Handbook (red and yellow); The Good Reader's Guide, pp438-441 1-3 Confirm predictions based on prior knowledge. 4-5 6-8 Page 25 Sort relevant information from irrelevant information on topics gathered from the internet or libraries. Beaver County – ESL Curriculum Revised - August 2011 Final Form Skim/scan material to confirm information or hypotheses. Student uses pre-reading skills to predict outcome of assignment or reading Teach skim, scan, underling, highlighting, main idea, outlining 9-12 Accuracy of outline, discussion of main idea, etc. hi-interest, low-level materials Newspaper/Internet articles –reading and writing comprehension activities Skimming lesson plan: /lskim.html prediction online activity: ollections_preview/predict_outcomes/3_p redict.html redictions.pdf Page 26 Beaver County – ESL Curriculum Revised - August 2011 Final Form English Language Proficiency Standard 1: English language learners communicate in English for SOCIAL AND INSTRUCTIONAL purposes within the school setting. Domain: WRITING – engage in written communication in a variety of forms for a variety of purposes and audiences Grade Level Level 3 Developing Specific Student Indicators/Skills Instructional Activities How will this be Assessed? Materials/Resources Repetition of writing the name, etc. – using a variety of tactile experiences, (addressing an envelope with name, address) make an all about me book using Create an appropriate pages from Creative Ideas sentence using a word Book wall Manipulative sentence building games – Sentence Scramble, Sentence Zone, sentence -Role play;pocket video; charts modeling, discussion; word wall; journal entries; story starters. -Show video clip or other media of inappropriate or appropriate behavior – then write a description about situation identifying appropriate or inappropriate behavior – if inappropriate, discuss and write ways to correct the behavior and check for grammatical structure Complaint box, suggestion box, create product and write advertisement promoting it. Plan theme party, creating invitations, announcements and thank you notes. Observation of writing and completion of worksheets Various tactile realia- Creative Ideas Student Activity 1 p.90-92, 94-100 , My Special Book by Tom Williams, Just Like Me, book (BVIU Resources) Simple teacher checklist – rubric for self-assessment Pocket charts, games, worksheets Creative Ideas 2, p.97 (BVIU resource) Creative ideas 7, 83, 73,68,69,47 -Discussion of written product. Short paragraph telling why the behavior is appropriate or inappropriate and explain the consequences of the actions. Immediate environment; books, pictures, videos, Internet, personal experiences, writing sample, reading passages, etc. Written completion of specific scenario in appropriate format based on rubric. Examples of each form (; Addison-Wesley ESL activity book E – paper, stationary, boxes, etc…; ESL Smart!, pp425-427 Cluster Write basic personal information (such as: name, telephone number, etc.). Student accurately writes personal information such as name, address, phone number, birthday, etc… Produce sentences about personal experiences. Student uses simple sentence format to describe personal experiences. Write descriptions of an action to be taken to correct an impolite/inappropriate behavior in school or community. Student uses appropriate vocabulary to describe the impolite/inappropriate behaviors in our culture and how to change the behavior to what is culturally acceptable. Write responses to and create ads, suggestions, announcements, journal, entries, complaints, apologies, or thank you notes. Student selects correct written format for particular setting or reason. PRE KK 1-3 4-5 6-8 Page 27 Beaver County – ESL Curriculum Revised - August 2011 Final Form 9-12 Page 28 Work in small groups to develop interview questions for a questionnaire on a topic of personal interest. Student can develop a questionnaire on a topic of personal interest using correct question formats. Compile a list of question formats: yes/no, wh questions, informational, can I /may I. Mock interviews Question starter games, question scramble, 20 questions, eye-spy Beaver County – ESL Curriculum Revised - August 2011 Rubric Student made questionnaires, various games to teach questioning: “Wh” Bingo, 20 questions handheld game The Good Writer’s Guide p.334, 368 Final Form Grade Level English Language Proficiency Standard 1: English language learners communicate in English for SOCIAL AND INSTRUCTIONAL purposes within the school setting. Domain: LISTENING – process, understand, interpret, and evaluate spoken language in a variety of situations. Level 4 Specific Student Instructional How will this be Materials/Resources Expanding Indicators/Skills Activities Assessed? Cluster PRE KK 1-3 4-5 Follow oral direction as presented in conversation or drama with a story or music (such as: The Hokey Pokey). Identify specific actions within a story and reenact the action or respond accordingly. Follow specific oral directions without visual or nonverbal support (such as: “Write your name on the top lefthand side of the paper.”). Follow specific oral directions that contain more complex sentence structure. (I.e. Adjectives, verb phrases, superlatives, etc…) Analyze and apply visually supported oral information to complete a task. Role-play or identify situations of peer pressure based on oral descriptions. 6-8 Page 29 Single word dictation. Read a story and have them reenact. Use Jazz chants, play games such as Hokey Pokey/Simon Says, I went to grandmother’s house and bought, etc… Put the blue paper on the red circle. Place the smallest red triangle on the largest square. Answer questions using prepositions of place. Recipes. 1. Read story, 2. Students role play story Observation of student interaction, retelling events of a story, completing worksheets/checklists Jazz chants, stories, games, fairy tales, Wags and Tags, level A stories, Theme Pictures (1-18) BVIU-ESL 1743 Cards (BVIU resources) Observation or completed "How to...”"project Student can self-correct use a rubric for completed project Hands-on materials, visuals, attribute blocks Addison Wesley ESL B p.54-55 Creative Ideas 3, 84-85 (BVIU resource) Simon Says Follow more specific oral directions that contain complex sentence structure to complete a task that requires the sequencing of materials. Demonstration speeches, play games ( be sure to provide students with oral directions – they must choose materials and use them in proper sequence to complete task) Observation of completed task (Did they follow oral directions in the correct sequence?), TPR, Recipes, games, demonstration topics, set of written directions to present to the student orally, reading passages, etc. Identify situations of peer pressure, express an opinion and choose and appropriate response. Listen to situational text, show movies, discuss personal stories Appropriate response to situational texts and "what if" questions. Sample question: "What if your friend bullies another student?" Selected scenes from books: Bystander, by James Preller; When Zachary Beaver Came to Town, by Kimberly Willis Holt, The Chocolate War by Robert Cromier. Beaver County – ESL Curriculum Revised - August 2011 Final Form 9-12 Page 30 Follow telephone conversations, process and respond to announcements over the intercom. Select a topic for conversation (from life’s experience) and role play the event. Discuss intercom announcements. Give students real-life scenarios to role play– make airline reservations, talk to the doctor, order from a restaurant menu, practice talking on the telephone. Rubric Beaver County – ESL Curriculum Revised - August 2011 Vignettes, multi-media, real life stories, etc… Printable role play scripts and materials: Telephone listening practice: Final Form English Language Proficiency Standard 1: English language learners communicate in English for SOCIAL AND INSTRUCTIONAL purposes within the school setting. Domain: SPEAKING – engage in oral communication in a variety of situations for a variety of purposes and audiences. Grade Level Level 4 Expanding Specific Student Indicators/Skills Instructional Activities How will this be Assessed? Materials/Resources Cluster Respond to specific questions in everyday conversation. Distinguish questions from statements, demonstrate understanding of question types and form appropriate responses. Role play, repetition – give a statement, you ask a question – What animal says, … Observation and Accuracy Checklist Question format resources, printed teacher resources, Hooray For English 1 TM p.50 Persuade peers to join in activities or games. Initiate conversation using persuasive verbs. Vocabulary word walls – introduce persuasive verbs, role playing. Create scenarios and act out, Students will make a game and explain how to play it. (make a game-Carousel of Ideas Set 1, sheet #8) Game simulation, vignettes Ask for or provide clarification of information by restating ideas. I meant… Did you mean… Can you tell me that in a different way? What does that mean to you? Reporting back activities. Explaining figurative language (idioms, similes, etc) Observation, conversations, Menus, realia, various stories, etc… Use idiomatic expressions or slang in conversation. Use current idiomatic expressions, gestures, and slang in appropriate settings. Teach idioms – show a picture of “hitting the nail on the head” – making a mountain out of a mole hill. Play "Pictionary" or "Charades" using idioms and have student explain the literal meaning. Student uses 80% of given idioms correctly during games. Magazines, books and lists of idioms, "Rags to Riches" game PRE KK 1-3 4-5 6-8 Page 31 Beaver County – ESL Curriculum Revised - August 2011 Final Form 9-12 Page 32 Discuss pros and cons of plays, films, stories, books, songs, poems, computer programs, or magazine articles. Verbally identify strengths and weaknesses while using vocabulary appropriate to the genre. Pre-teach vocabulary appropriate to the genre, adjective lessons, use of Graphic Organizers to organize pros and cons, then show and tell, interview or debate Rubric Beaver County – ESL Curriculum Revised - August 2011 Books, poems, and films for student to view graphic organizers, word walls, and classroom materials Adjective worksheets: Textbook: Access English p. 294-299 Final Form English Language Proficiency Standard 1: English language learners communicate in English for SOCIAL AND INSTRUCTIONAL purposes within the school setting. Domain: READING – process, interpret, and evaluate written language, symbols, and text with understanding and fluency. Grade Level Level 4 Expanding Specific Student Indicators/Skills Instructional Activities How will this be Assessed? Materials/Resources Games, Go find… pull item out of bags, etc… Observation and matching worksheet assessment Tactile objects, color coded objects, labels, word walls, etc…Creative Ideas Student Activity Book 1 (BVIU Resource) worksheet generator Require students to read directions and complete activities in a variety of ways: worksheets, games, “folder activities” Logic puzzles – Hi interest, low level Increase directions text to fromused one activity to encourage several at once – discussion, use of string of instructions graphic organizers, Holidays, school, traveling, gestures, sports, food, etc… Observationaccurate completion of worksheets, etc... worksheets, games, “folder activities” Logic puzzles – (see speech and language teacher) Hooray For English! 2, p.60 Accurate completion of the assignment. Read selection, complete Venn Diagram, and discuss similarities & differences related to personal experiences. Hi interest, low level text, printed materials, Venn Diagram, Graphic novels, Incorporate a variety of graphic organizers, including categorizing, 5W?, Venn diagrams, fact/opinion, sequence chart, timeline. Accurate completion of appropriate graphic organizer for assigned topic. Grade-level reference materials (science and history texts); (graphic organizers); Word Joggers game Cluster PRE KK Match pictures of common objects to familiar words (such as: ball, book, etc.). Follow written directions supported visually. 1-3 4-5 6-8 Page 33 When given a label, students can match shapes, colors, sizes, animals, classroom objects, playground objects, and vocabulary appropriate to student’s Demonstrate school comprehension of more complex written commands with visual support Compare/contrast personal experiences using a variety of printed material. Students accurately compare their culture (or other topic) to typical American culture (or other topic) after reading selected printed material. Arrange information on topics gathered from the internet or libraries in logical order. Student chooses appropriate method and/or graphic organizer for assignment. Beaver County – ESL Curriculum Revised - August 2011 Final Form 9-12 Synthesize information from a variety of print resources. After reading a variety of sources, student selects most appropriate text for assignment given. Discussion of why you picked this – what is the assignment asking of you – how do you find the appropriate resources? Graphic organizers Rubric Variety of text, sources, graphic organizers, rubric etc… Website for teacher reference: Website for student use: The Good Writer’s Guide pages 431-477 evaluating on-line resources rubric Page 34 Beaver County – ESL Curriculum Revised - August 2011 Final Form English Language Proficiency Standard 1: English language learners communicate in English for SOCIAL AND INSTRUCTIONAL purposes within the school setting. Domain: WRITING – engage in written communication in a variety of forms for a variety of purposes and audiences Grade Level Level 4 Expanding Specific Student Indicators/Skills Instructional Activities How will this be Assessed? Materials/Resources Write labels for visual representations of everyday objects. Student accurately writes labels for a variety of vocabulary theme sets (family, colors, food, animals, body parts, shapes, etc…) Repetition of writing the name, etc... – using a variety of tactile experiences. Observation of writing Various tactile realia, Body tracing, Parts of the body posters (classifying), silhouettes- Hooray For English! TM 1 p. 55 worksheet generator using themes Produce illustrated stories based on personal experiences. Student writes a sequential series of sentences explaining a personal experience in story format with drawings. Writing using the computer, library visits to examine illustrated stories for ideas; Rewriting for accuracy Evaluation of story; rubric; Teacher conferencing Library; writing and drawing materials. Create written plans to correct impolite/inappropriate behavior in school or community. Student writes description of impolite/inappropriate behaviors in school or community using a choice of different media. -Use If/then clauses – cause/effect -Categorize (classroom, cafeteria, bus, grocery shopping, restaurant) -Illustrations: interpret situation -Read and role play the media in class -Accurate creation of media (power point, journal entries, writing a play/story, poster) with checklist and rubric -Reenact incidents from media to evaluate understanding of written form Computer, paper/pencil, power point, internet, magazines, clip art, reading passages, personal experiences, picture cards, etc. Cluster PRE K-K 1-3 4-5 Page 35 Beaver County – ESL Curriculum Revised - August 2011 Final Form 6-8 9-12 Page 36 Write responses to multimedia and create raps, songs, poetry, or prose. Student reads a poem or listens to a song and accurately writes a personal reflection of the piece and/or student accurately writes a poem or song. Introduce basics of poetry, modeling the rhythm of the language. Play pop songs and analyze meaning and structure of lyrics. Student creates original poem or song. For example, arrange studentmade word cards into original verse. Respond to poetry comprehension questions. Compose short poem in accordance with rubric. Multi-media, rubrics Shel Silverstein poems Current "tween" music (Taylor Swift, Justin Bieber); Reader's Handbook (red and yellow – unit 7); The Good Writer's Guide, pp338-345; poetry magnets Write a summary of material collected from questionnaires on topics of personal interest. Student will summarize and organize information gathered from interactive activities. Development of summarizing skills. Rubric The Good Writer’s Guide pgs 334-337, 408, 456-457 Grammar in Use pages 4, 10, 92-99 Summarizing Activities: Beaver County – ESL Curriculum Revised - August 2011 Final Form Grade Level English Language Proficiency Standard 1: English language learners communicate in English for SOCIAL AND INSTRUCTIONAL purposes within the school setting. Domain: LISTENING – process, understand, interpret, and evaluate spoken language in a variety of situations. Level 5 Specific Student Instructional How will this be Materials/Resources Bridging Indicators/Skills Activities Assessed? Cluster PRE KK 1-3 4-5 6-8 Page 37 Follow sequential commands without visual or non-verbal cues (such as: “Take out your book and open it to page 10.”). Follow specific oral directions that contain more complex sentence structure. (I.e. Adjectives, verb phrases, superlatives, etc…) Put the blue paper on the red circle Place the smallest red triangle on the largest square. Short sentences and dialogue dictation Observation or completed 3-5 step activity Student can self-correct verbal assessment checklist Hands-on materials such as art media to create a project, Simon Says, Charades, Addison Wesley ESL-A pg.72-73, Let’s Go picture dictionary p. 38,48,54 etc. verb phrases sequencing worksheets Follow sequence from multiple oral directions (such as: “Write your name on the top left-hand side of the paper, then put the date on the top right-hand side.”). Follow more specific oral directions that contain complex sentence structure to complete a task that requires the sequencing of materials. Demonstration speeches, play games ( be sure to provide students with oral directions – they must choose materials and use them in proper sequence to complete task) Observation of completed project Recipes, games, demonstration ideas , Simon Says , Creative Ideas 5, story sequence p.89 (BV IU resource) Evaluate use of materials or resources needed to complete tasks based on oral discourse. Make appropriate judgments about how, when and/or why to use particular materials while listening to and participating in conversation. Discuss an example of a task with specific criteria (i.e. –give scenario like planning a picnic, getting ready for school, or making dinner for three friends and give students choices to respond to questions and prompts.) Observations, discussion prompts, Cloze exercise based on task given to student, discuss a list of questions about task Role-play consequences of succumbing to peer pressure based on oral scenarios. After listening to a movie segment, situational text or a personal story – identify possible consequences of succumbing to peer pressure. Listen to and respond to situational text, movies, or personal story. Appropriate response to "What would happen if…" questions and explain alternative responses. Sample line of questioning: "What if your friend was bullying a classmate? What would happen if you told the friend to stop? What would happen if that friend turned on you?" Stories, paragraphs, passage, paper/pencil (teacher discretion), list of questions, etc. Selected scenes from books: Bystander, by James Preller; When Zachary Beaver Came to Town, Kimberly Willis Holt; Other movies and stories related to peer pressure: Mean Girls, Leave it to Beaver. Beaver County – ESL Curriculum Revised - August 2011 Final Form 9-12 Page 38 Analyze and interpret the appropriateness of oral messages or information from a variety of sources (such as: popular songs and voicemail messages). Make judgments and establish opinions of oral messages received. Use current topics, music titles, simulated phone conversations, public service announcements (PSAs), etc… dialogue about the appropriateness of its use in various settings. Beaver County – ESL Curriculum Revised - August 2011 Checklist Current topics from video clips on news websites. Phone conversations: Popular song samples using CDs or mp3s, radio station websites, or iTunes samples. Public service announcements: Final Form English Language Proficiency Standard 1: English language learners communicate in English for SOCIAL AND INSTRUCTIONAL purposes within the school setting. Domain: SPEAKING – engage in oral communication in a variety of situations for a variety of purposes and audiences. Grade Level Level 5 Bridging Specific Student Indicators/Skills Instructional Activities How will this be Assessed? Materials/Resources Cluster Ask and answer relevant questions and share experiences. Actively participating in conversation and asking appropriate questions about specific experiences. Read a book- connect to the text, watch a movie and discuss, share personal experiences, Show and Tell, draw a picture and discuss. Oral question and a answer assessment Books, movies, personal experiences, drawing Negotiate solutions to problems, interpersonal misunderstandings, or disputes. Justify opinion or actions, listen to justification of others and suggest compromise. Read a story – discuss the conflict and resolution, Skits, role play, conflict, resolution instruction according to school’s established policies Observation, Word cards with a conflict on each card, student selects card and discusses a solution, rubric to Assess Student School policy, text on conflict and resolution, various stories, movies, etc… Creative Ideas 4, p.41 Ask for or provide specific information that confirms or denies beliefs. Initiate conversation to seek additional information in order to clarify beliefs Provide students with vocabulary that encourages more complex questioning. (i.e. – can you give me an example, What makes you think that? Why do you feel that way?) Explain why you like or dislike something, debating activities, Observation, discussions, conversations Internet, TV, magazines, content area textbooks, newspapers, Movies, song lyrics, Use humor or sarcasm in conversation. Uses gestures and expressions with contemporary language for purposes of humor or sarcasm. Model humor and sarcasm. Use comic strips and predict humor/punch line. Watch clips from Three Stooges, Dick VanDyke and discuss what makes scenes funny, read and discuss "oddities of the English language" Student is able to explain why a story/situation is funny Comic strips, vignettes, Reader's Digest, Pearson Longman Sarcasm Activity Sheet (Google for adobe file) "Oddities of English Language" list, What's So Funny by Elizabeth Claire; Dick Van Dyke Season 1 Episode 22 (scene with Rob in classroom) PRE K-K 1-3 4-5 6-8 Page 39 Beaver County – ESL Curriculum Revised - August 2011 Final Form 9-12 Page 40 Critique and evaluate plays, films, stories, books, songs, poems, computer programs, or magazine articles. Verbally express opinions and discuss similarities and differences between written text and movies. Read novels, comic books, or plays – discuss Watch movies or pieces of movies – discuss and then compare Read book, then watch movie to compare/contrast Rubric Beaver County – ESL Curriculum Revised - August 2011 Novels, plays, classroom materials, movies, text, magazines, etc… Venn Diagram: Book/Movie suggestions: Frankenstein Great Gatsby October Sky/Rocket Boys Wizard of Oz Harry Potter To Kill a Mockingbird Final Form English Language Proficiency Standard 1: English language learners communicate in English for SOCIAL AND INSTRUCTIONAL purposes within the school setting. Domain: READING – process, interpret, and evaluate written language, symbols, and text with understanding and fluency. Grade Level Level 5 Bridging Specific Student Indicators/Skills Instructional Activities How will this be Assessed? Materials/Resources Read words/phrases that is functional print (such as stop, exit, etc.). Read words/symbols that are found in the “real world” as opposed to classroom objects – Kmart, McDonalds, etc… Field trip around the school and/or outside the building, use of pictures, repetition Observation with the use of a checklist Pictures, visuals, menus, etc… Follow written directions independently. Demonstrate comprehension of more complex written commands independently Observationaccurate completion of worksheet worksheets, games, “folder activities” Logic puzzles – (see speech and language teacher) Creative Ideas 4, p.42 Evaluate validity of information based on personal experiences and/or prior knowledge. Student demonstrates ability to distinguish fact from fiction, fact from opinion, fantasy from reality and reads and rereads to check for accuracy of prior knowledge. Require students to read directions and complete activities in a variety of ways: worksheets, games, “folder activities” Logic puzzles – Increase directions from one activity to several at once – string of instructions Talking to the text, identify unknown vocabulary, contextual clues, underlining, summarizing, identify question words Short answer, T/F, Open-ended, Cloze statements, discussion, graphic organizers, etc… Reading text, overheads, chart paper, markers, journals, Hatchet, Trophies Series, High Point, Avenues, Literature for English Series, Internet, etc. Confirm or summarize information on topics gathered from the internet or libraries. Student reads and accurately summarizes topic using a variety of text sources. Work with student to create rubric; apply rubric to research assignment. Read, analyze, and summarize a range of grade-level materials. Successful completion of research project as assessed by rubric. Internet, research materials, note cards, highlighters, The Good Reader's Guide, pp214-237 (graphic organizers); The Reader's Handbook (Yellow and Red, Units 4 and 5) Cluster PRE KK 1-3 4-5 6-8 Page 41 Beaver County – ESL Curriculum Revised - August 2011 Final Form Evaluate hypotheses based on information from text. 9-12 Page 42 After reading a variety of sources, student persuades, debates, refutes, or supports the text with evidence from text and personal experience. Debates, persuasive speech or essay, conversations. Presentation of the paper or speech or debate, etc… graded by a rubric. Variety of materials, internet, texts, research, note cards, highlighters, etc… Online video: The Good Writer’s Guide pages 306-312, 431-477 Beaver County – ESL Curriculum Revised - August 2011 Final Form English Language Proficiency Standard 1: English language learners communicate in English for SOCIAL AND INSTRUCTIONAL purposes within the school setting. Domain: WRITING – engage in written communication in a variety of forms for a variety of purposes and audiences Grade Level Level 5 Bridging Specific Student Indicators/Skills Instructional Activities How will this be Assessed? Materials/Resources Cluster PRE KK 1-3 4-5 6-8 Page 43 Represent stories and/or experiences through a combination of pictures, words and phrases. Maintain diaries or journals of personal experiences. Student retells story by drawing pictures of beginning middle and end. Read story – draw pictures – sequencing activities Accuracy of the sequence of the story events through the drawing Story books, paper, crayons, etc... – Graphic organizer, beginning, middle, end. Addison Wesley ESL-A pg. 39-40,58-59 Student expresses in written form personal experiences on a daily basis. Allow independent time for journal entries with minimal teacher assistance Select a story starter and write a paragraph and assessed with rubric Story starters www. Create posters or multimedia brochures contrasting polite or appropriate American school behaviors with those of the students’ native culture/country. Student compiles and creates project illustrating or comparing (if possible) an understanding of appropriate American cultural behaviors in school and community with those of the student’s native culture/country. Independent time to produce project with some assistance in computer lab, library, interviews, etc. (PowerPoint, bulletin board, poster, brochure, game, etc.) Presentation of project based on rubric. Reference materials, Computer, Internet, school staff, peers, personal experiences, family, reading passages, etc. Write responses to and create humor, idioms, or language that contains multiple meanings. Student correctly responds to and/or creates idioms or language that contains multiple meaning. Student demonstrates comprehension of humorous writing. Exposure to comic strips, teaching of idioms, teaching of multiple meaning words and phrases including slang Watch and analyze clips from popular TV shows for humor. Use word with multiple meanings in as many ways as possible in creative writing – ex.: "bill, roll, run, wind" Completion of next scene of comic strip or humorous TV episode/movie demonstrating understanding of humor as assessed by rubric. Comic strips, idiom books, TV shows, movie clips, "Amelia Bedelia"; The Good Reader's Guide, pp94-105; The ESL Teacher's Book of Lists, list 1-14 Beaver County – ESL Curriculum Revised - August 2011 Final Form 9-12 Page 44 Make written conclusions and inferences from data collected from questionnaires and other resources. Develop inferencing skills. Collect additional resources and write a conclusion based on all data collected Internet research – Lessons on inferencing and writing conclusions. Rubric Internet, graphic organizers The Good Writer’s Guide pages 49, 156-157 Bridges to Academic Writing pages 210-214 Beaver County – ESL Curriculum Revised - August 2011 Final Form