Course Description Handbook

Academic Information and Course Descriptions
Table of Contents
Course Listings…………………….….1
Graduation Requirements………….….2
Testing Out……………………….…...2
Direct Credit……………………….….2
Dual Enrollment……………….……...2
On-Line Learning…………….……….3
Ross Beatty Jr/Sr High School
22721 Diamond Cove St.
Cassopolis, MI 49031
Phone: 269-445-0541
Cassopolis Public Schools Board of Education
Scott Ward, President
John Bright, Vice-President
Susan Horstmann, Secretary
George Calvert, Treasurer
Lisa Cutting, Trustee
Deb Deubner, Trustee
Jesse Binns, Trustee
Administrative Offices (269) 445-0503
Tracy Hertsel, Superintendent
Cindy Martynowicz, Secretary
Ross Beatty Jr/Sr High School (269) 445-0541
Dave VanLue, Principal
Matt Brawley, Dean of Students/ Athletic Director
Tracy Grishaber, Secretary
Guidance Department (269) 445-0533
Alisa Doll, Counselor
Michelle Anderson, Guidance Secretary
Schedule Changes…………………….3
Repeating a Class……………………..3
Four year course of study……..………3
Agriculture Courses………………..5-6
Physical Education/Health…………6-7
Social Studies…………………….8-9
Foreign Language………………..…11
Van Buren Tech Center…………….11
Southwestern Michigan College……12
Art 1
Advanced Art
Band (year)
Chorus (year)
Graphic Design in Yearbook
Intro Graphic Design (year)
Graphic Design (year)
Graphic Design Portfolio
Computer Application I
Computer Application II
Small Business
Accounting & Finance
Intro to AG
Animal Science
Agri-Science Research
Plant Science
Food Service
Physical Education
Advanced PE
Weight Training
Health Education
Life Fitness
Personal Living
Family Living
Algebra Essentials
Algebra I
Algebra II
Business Math
Probability and Statistics
Biology 10th-12th grade
Chemistry A 9th-12th grade
Chemistry B 9th-12th grade
Earth Science 9th-12th grade
Physics A 9th-12th grade
Physics B 9th-12th grade
Anatomy and Physiology 11th/12th
Forensic Science
Agri-Science Research 9th-12th
Intro. To Animal Science 9th-12th
Animal Science 10th-12th
Ecology 9th-12th grade
Plant Science 10th-12th grade
Food Science 9th-12th grade
World History and Geography
US History and Geography
Cultural Studies
Michigan History/Geography
Intro to Political Science
English I- 9th grade
English II- 10th grade
English III-11th/12th grade
English IV- 12th grade
College English- 11th/12th grade
Creative Writing- 10th-12th grade
Speech- 10th-12th only
Mythology-10th-12th only
World Literature 11th/12th grade
Spanish I
Spanish II
Spanish III/IV
Van Buren Tech Center offers 26 career and
technical (CTE) programs. Students attend
for half of their school day. Classes are
offered in the afternoons (4th-7th hour).
Students who are interested in attending
VBTC must get approval through the
guidance department. Students must be in
good standing and not be behind in credits.
See the guidance department for more
information regarding classes.
Students can dual enroll in college courses
through SMC. See guidance department for
more information regarding courses or
academy programs.
•Health Science
•Precision Machining
•Construction Trades and Green Technology
•Design & Graphic Arts
Graduation from Ross Beatty High School requires that a
student earn a total of 26 units of credits for class of 2014 and
2017, and 25 credits for class of 2015 and 2016.
Any student interested in testing out should contact the
guidance department.
Guidelines for Testing Out
Students must fulfill the Michigan Merit Curriculum
(MMC) requirement during the course of their education
tenure (K-12) to receive a Ross Beatty Diploma. The required
units shall include at least the following:
English………………………….……….4 credits
Math……………………………………..4 credits (Algebra I,
Geometry, Algebra II, & 1 additional math in the senior year)
Science…………………………………..3 credits (Biology,
Chemistry or Physics, 1 additional science)
Social Studies……………........................3 credits
(Civics/Econ, U.S. History, World History)
P.E./Health………………………………1 credit
Visual Performing Applied Arts………...1 credit
World Language (Class of 2016)……….2 credits
Electives to reach a total of 7-8 credits (depending on
graduation year). Eight semesters of full time attendance in
high school are also required. All students will be required to
participate in the Michigan Merit Exam (MME) in the 11th
Courses taken before high school may count toward MMC
credit if they are qualifying courses
Students are required to have 30 hours of community service.
Personal curriculum modifications are possible as identified
through the Michigan Department of Education. All
modifications must be arranged and approved through the
guidance counselor.
Alternative courses may be added to fulfill Michigan Merit
Curriculum requirements. These courses are identified in the
course description.
NOTE: Special Education Students: The Individualized
Education Plan (IEP) shall identify the appropriate course or
courses of study and identify the support, accommodations
and modifications necessary to allow the student to progress
in the curricular requirements, or in a personal curriculum and
meet the requirements for a high school diploma.
Physical Education Waiver-Physical Disability- Students
with physical disabilities must provide a copy of the doctor’s
excuse, which must be renewed each year. Disabled students
are required to complete the Health component of PE/Health.
Student must receive a C+ or better on a
comprehensive course examination (includes
semester final tests and portfolio assignments) to
fulfill a requirement for graduation or a prerequisite
for a course sequence
A “CR” will be entered on the transcript, instead of
a grade, if the student receives a C+ or better on the
test both quarterly exams.
The course will not be computed in the student’s
Student can only attempt to test out of a specific
class one time.
The courses articulate between Ross Beatty High School and
Indiana University for college credit. Classes are offered at
our high school during the regular school day and taught by
high school teachers who have credentialed as adjunct college
instructors. The curriculum has been approved by the higher
academic institution to receive credit. Students must maintain
a cumulative GPA of 2.70
Students who know where they plan to go to college after
high school should check with that particular institution to see
how the Indiana University credit transfers.
Dual enrollment is an educational opportunity designed by
law that provides an option for 11th and 12th grade students to
expand their opportunities in high school by simultaneously
enrolling in college. Students may take classes for college
credit, high school credit, or both. A student may take either
one or two semesters of courses at Southwest Michigan
College if they have Guidance department approval and meet
readiness assessment scores on the ACT or Compass Test
(taken at SMC). Qualifying scores are as follows:
Test Selection
Content Area
State Aid Act 380.1279b allows a student to test out of a
course on a pass/fail basis. A student can sign up for testing
out in the guidance department and will be offered during the
summer. State law requires high schools to allow students to
test out of courses by exhibiting mastery on the final exam.
*If a student receives a 69% or lower in a dual enrollment
class, they must reimburse the school system for dual
enrollment fees.
Through on-line learning courses, students will access course
information, complete assignments and practice exercises, and
will complete quizzes and test through a web based
application. The program will allow for continuous feedback.
On-line learning is very challenging and time intensive.
Students who have success in on-line learning are usually:
Independent Thinkers
Strong Communication Skills in Writing
Internet and Computer Literate
Problem Solvers
Good Note-takers
On-line learning can be used in a variety of flexible situations
to assist in the facilitation of learning for students. Credit
recovery students will get first priority for available spots.
Web-based learning costs: The cost of courses taken beyond
the length of the regular school day will be the responsibility
of the student or parent/guardian. The district will pay for
courses provided to students within the regular day. If a
student fails a course, they will be responsible for the costs
The following criteria is used:
Schedule changes are only made for these reasons:
Incorrect placement in course
A health issue
Lack of a prerequisite
Failure of a year-long or semester class
A schedule change cannot create an overload in another class.
Scheduling changes will only be made within the first week of
a new semester.
If a student repeats a class:
Elective credit is awarded for first course taken.
The grade for the repeated course will be used to
fulfill course graduation requirements. It is
important that the student discuss this with his/her
counselor before scheduling to repeat a class
Both grades are used in computing GPA.
Listed below are four different courses of study to help guide
students in making course selections. It is important for
students to plan ahead, and have realistic perceptions of their
abilities and make selections accordingly. The indicated
average GPA and ACT score are general guidelines.
ACT 28—32
GPA 3.7—4.0
4 years of English – English 9, 10, 11 and 2 semesters of
strong college prep electives
• 4 years of Math or more – Students need to take the most
rigorous courses possible
• 3 Lab Sciences (minimum) – Students need to take the most
rigorous courses possible
• 3 years of Social Studies – US History,
Civics/Economics, World History
• 2-4 years of a World Language
• (AP and Honors courses highly recommended)
ACT 24—27
GPA 3.4—3.7
• 4 years of English – English 9, 10, 11 and 2 semesters of
strong college prep electives
• 4 years of Math (minimum) – Algebra 1, Geometry,
Algebra 2, FST or PDM
• 3 years of Social Studies – US History,
Civics/Economics, World History
• 3 years of Science – Biology, Chemistry and
Physics, Anatomy and Physiology
• 2-4 years of a World Language is encouraged and in some
cases required
• (AP and Honors courses suggested)
ACT 20—23
GPA 2.5
• 4 years of English – 9, 10, 11 and 2 semesters of college
prep electives
• 4 years of Math – Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2
• 3 years of Science – Geology, Biology and Chemistry
• 3 years of Social Studies – US History,
Civics/Economics, World History
• 2 years of a World Language is encouraged and in some
cases required
Completion of Michigan Merit Curriculum requirements.
Students should take classes within the department of their
major field or interest area.
At the end of the 1st semester of their senior year, students
will have their cumulative GPA, course selection and ACT
score calculated to create a top 10/20 list. These students will
be honored at the awards ceremony and submitted to the local
Students who have met graduation requirements and earned a
cumulative GPA of 3.5 or higher will be designated honor
Graduates”. Honor graduates are comprised of Summa Cum
Laude (GPA3.9 or above), Magna Cum Laude (GPA 3.73.899) and Cum Laude (GPA 3.5-3.699). No rounding of
GPA’s will be allowed to meet honor graduate status.
Fine Arts
Art I
Grades 9-12
.5 credits one semester
Art I is an exploratory course. Students will create both 2Da
and 3D art and learn about the Elements of Art and Principles
of Design. Mediums may include ink, graphite, paper mache,
color pencils, paint, and paper. Students will draw a still life
Band (year)
Grades 9-12
1 credit two semesters
Marching band will consist of all members of the high school
concert band. Each member is required to attend all outside
practices and performances. A mandatory band camp will be
held each summer before school starts. Band camp is
extremely important because this is where the band will be
learning the marching show for the entire marching season.
All music, drill and basic marching will be learned at band
camp. Our marching band is a competition, corps style band.
Students are required to perform at all home football games,
festivals and competitions. All students will be issued a
marching uniform, hat and raincoat. Students are required to
have the same black shoes and white gloves purchased
through the Band Boosters during band camp.
Prerequisite: Three or more consecutive years of band, with
previous two band grades averaging C or above, or audition
and instructor permission
Grades 9-12
.5 credits one semester
Students will take one-point perspective drawing to a higher
level and learn how to create the illusion of space and form on
a 2D surface by learning two-point perspective. These skills
will scaffold to drawing to drawing by observation. Materials
used are graphite, pencil, and tortillion sticks.
Prerequisite: Art I
Grades 9-12
.5 credit one semester
Students will create functional and non-functional pieces
while fine-tuning their clay building techniques. Works of art
will be hand built and thrown on the potter’s wheel.
Prerequisite: B- or higher in Art I
Grades 10-12
.5 credit one semester
This course is designed for students who want to increase
their skills in painting. Color theory and the principles of art
are the foundation for all assignments. Painting surveys art
history. Students will learn to paint with tempera, acrylic, and
watercolor paints, as well as create Frescos.
Prerequisite: B- or higher in Art I and Drawing
3D Art
Grades 10-12
3D Art means three dimensional art. This means that we will
be "building" our art with materials and study the aesthetics of
form. If you are a hands-on artist and enjoy sculptural art,
this is the class for you. We may utilize found materials,
foam core, fibers, glue, paint, and wire. Projects could
include wall art, free-standing sculpture, or functional art.
Prerequisite: Art I and Drawing
Advanced Art
Grades 11-12
1 credit/year long
This classes is for the advanced art student who is interested
in exploring diverse media. Assignments could include print
making, silk screen art, advanced ceramics techniques,
drawing, and painting.
Prerequisite: Previous art classes with A’s as
final grades. Student’s entrance depends on art teacher
Chorus (year)
Grades 9-12
1 credit two semesters
Chorus is open to anyone interested in singing and learning
proper vocal techniques. Songs will consist of those from the
required Michigan State Vocal Music Association. Students
will be required to attend in-school and out-of-school
performances for a passing grade.
Prerequisite: None
Graphic Design in Yearbook (year)
Grades 9-12
1 credit two semesters
It is an entry level class where you get the basic skills for
putting together the school yearbook. It is a basic computer
and photography oriented class.
Prerequisite: None
Introduction to Graphic Design (year)
Grades 9-12
1 credit two semesters
It is an entry level class where you get the first of two years in
Graphic Design. The topics covered in this class are the
following: Introduction to Graphic Arts Technology Safety in
the Workplace, Foundations of Design, Desktop Publishing,
Digital Image Creation & Editing, and Prepress: File
Preparation & Proofing.
Prerequisite: None
Graphic Design (year)
Grades 10-12
1 credit two semesters
It is the second of two years in Graphic Design that are
needed to receive 3 articulated credits through Southwestern
Michigan College. The topics covered in
this class are the following: Printing Technologies, Post press:
Binding & Finishing, Integrated Graphics & Multimedia
Production, Project Management & Client Communications,
Careers in Graphic Arts Technologies, and Employment
Prerequisite: C or higher in Intro to Graphic Design
Agriculture Courses
Computer Applications I
Grade 10 - 12
.5 credit
one semester
Will fulfill the state .5 online learning requirement.
Computer Application I is the core class in the Business
Management & Technology Pathway. Emphasis will be placed
on keyboarding skills, the formatting of both personal and
business documents, and the operation of Microsoft Office.
Students will receive hands-on instruction on correct fingering
techniques for keyboarding through the touch-method.
Students will learn basic formatting rules for the keyboarding
of business documents that include letters, memos, tables and
reports. Along with word processing, students will become
familiar with spreadsheets, database management, and
presentation software. Students will learn Internet search skills
as they utilize technology to solve a multitude of problems.
Prerequisites: None
Introduction to Agriculture & Natural Resources
Grade 9 – 10
.5 credit
two semesters
Students will be exposed to the diversity of opportunities in
the agriculture and natural resources industry through the
following units: Ecology: Students are exposed to the
economic importance of natural resources and agriculture in
Michigan. The interrelationships of agriculture, the
environment and society will be explored. Plant Science: The
anatomy and functions of plants and the role of soil, nutrients
and integrated pest management are covered in this area. Also
included would be topics related to field crop and horticulture
production. Animal Science: Animal nutrition, feeding,
handling, comparative physiology, breeding, genetics,
management and evaluation are examined. Business
Management and Marketing: The basic role of financial
credit, marketing, record keeping, computer applications and
business structures in agriculture are contained within this
Prerequisites: None
Computer Applications II
Grade 10 – 12
.5 credit
one semester
Direct credit with SMC ISYS 110
This course provides students with an understanding of the
basics of computing fundamentals, key applications, and living
on-line. More specifically, this course covers computer
hardware, operating systems, word processing, spreadsheets,
presentation software, electronic mail, networks, using the
Internet, and the impact of computing and the Internet on
society. Successful students who pass all three sections of the
IC# exam will receive three credit hours from SMC for
Information Systems 110.
Prerequisites: Computer Applications I
Small Business Management
Grade 10 – 12
1 credit two semesters
Do you have what it takes to start a business? If you are a
leader, risk taker or independent thinker, this may be the class
for you. In this class you will learn the fundamentals of
Entrepreneurship, how to create a business plan and recognize
global opportunities. This is a general business class, which
teaches you how to set up and run a business.
Prerequisites: Computer Applications I
Accounting & Finance I
Grade 10-12
.5 credit one semester
This course is designed to create a solid base of practical,
applicable accounting knowledge for all students, and a
springboard for those who may go on to more extensive
accounting studies. Students will learn about accounting
concepts and procedures by exploring the real world of
business. Accounting fundamentals and problems will be
solved through a variety of applications, including business
simulations and computer mini practice sets using Peachtree.
Students will learn accounting on a system suited for virtually
any type of small business.
Prerequisites: None
Animal Science
Grade 11 -12
.5 credit
two semesters
This is a full-year course, with the goal to prepare students for
post-secondary education and/or a career in the field of
veterinary medicine. It can also be very useful for students
with the intent to enter other medical fields. Due to the level
of content in math, science and technical areas, it is
recommended that students have basic math and science skills
and knowledge of small animal care prior to participating in
this course. By participating in decision-making, problem
solving, and career related activities, students leave the course
with the employability and technical skills needed to succeed
in the workplace and/or further education. Because of the
math content in this course, seniors can earn their fourth year
math credit through this class. It is recommended, but not
required, that students pass Introduction to Agriculture &
Natural Resources before enrolling in this course.
Prerequisites: pass Ag Biology with a C or better.
Grades 10-12
.5 credit one semester
This course was designed primarily for FFA members, but is
open to all students. The focus is on all aspects of becoming
a leader including: verbal and written communication, group
dynamics, career planning and personal goal setting.
Prerequisites: None
Agri-Science Research
Grades 9-12
.5 credit one semester
In this course you don’t just learn about science, you make it
happen! This course is designed for the motivated, creative
and inquisitive science student. It was developed to provide
interested students with an opportunity to acquire skills and
concepts inherent in the science research experience through
original research. Each student will choose a research topic
within the following categories: Animal Science,
Environmental/Natural Resource Systems, Food Products and
Processing, Plant Systems, Power, Structural and Technical
Systems or Social Systems. Students will spend the entire
semester designing and carrying out research related to their
topic of interest. The students will practice scientific thinking
and learn scientific processes, which will advance them
toward their future educational and career goals. Students
will be encouraged to enter their final projects into the
Michigan Arthur Berkley Science Fair competition.
Prerequisite: None
Plant Science
Grades 10-12
.5 credits one semester
Through hands-on experience in the greenhouse and school
garden, students in this course will develop an understanding
of the skills needed for the diverse career opportunities
available in the commercial plant production industry. Topics
examined include: classification, plant physiology, plant
growth, reproduction, pathogens, integrated pest management,
photosynthesis and soils. Students will be exposed to
landscape techniques, design, materials and their uses, and
cost estimation in landscaping career development event on
the campus of Michigan State University. Student
certification is available through the Michigan Certified
Nurserman program. Due to the math content in this course,
seniors can earn their fourth year math credit through this
Prerequisite: Biology
Food Science
Grades 9-12
.5 credit one semester
Food Science applies a blend of basic sciences such as
biology, chemistry and physics with microbiology,
biochemistry, mathematics and engineering to improve the
taste, nutrition and value of the world’s food supply. In this
course, students will discover why foods can spoil or cause
illness and how sensory scientists make foods taste good and
tempting to eat. They will be introduced to how the food
industry creates food that can improve health and packages
that improve food quality. Students will participate in
exercises that will apply this knowledge to the development
of new food products, packaging, processes and equipment.
Students need to understand that this is NOT a culinary course
so food preparation is not covered. Student may participate in
the food science career development event sponsored by
Kellogg and held on the campus of Michigan State
Prerequisite: None
Cassopolis students can earn 6 MSU credits via high school
agriscience program. Students who complete a state-approved
agriculture, food and natural resources education program
and receive the State FFA Degree can receive six credits
toward a bachelor’s degree or undergraduate certificate
program at MSU.
Physical Education
Grades 9 – 12
.5 credit
one semester
This course provides opportunity for individual or group
reaction in situations that are physical, wholesome, mentally
stimulating, satisfying and socially sound. There will be
development of physical fitness, motor skills, mental alertness
and development of neuro-muscular activities. Learning
consists of a broad view of physical activities in the form of
team sports, individual sports and leisure-time activities. Basic
fundamental rules, skills and fitness are taught throughout the
Prerequisite: REQUIRED (Requirement waived if enrolled in
four years of band)
Advanced Physical Education
Grades 10-12
.5 credit one semester
This course provides the fundamentals for developing lifetime
individual and team sport skills including thorough
knowledge of rules, safety and strategy. Improving
cardiovascular endurance and increasing flexibility is
emphasized. Includes weight training for strength
Prerequisite: Will be taken with Athletic Skills
Weight Training
Grades 9 – 12
.5 credit
one semester
This course is designed to target our student-athletes and help
develop their muscular strength, muscular endurance and
overall level of fitness. Students will perform various strengthtraining exercises in the weight room to improve their speed,
power and explosiveness. Workouts will be sport specific,
designed to focus on the student’s most desired sport.
Prerequisites: PE
Grade 9
.5 credit
one semester
This required freshmen course emphasizes a positive approach
to personal health. Students explore their own health behavior
and what constitutes good health and responsible decisionmaking. Topics covered in the course include mental and
emotional health, stress management, nutrition and fitness,
substance abuse, disease, the human life cycle, STD’s and
Prerequisites: REQUIRED
Family Living
Grades 9 – 12
.5 credit
one semester
Students study aspects of family life from birth to death.
Dating, mate selection, wedding project, and married life with
and without children, divorce, alcoholism, abuse, and death of
a family member or friend as it relates to the adolescent and
their family are explored.
Prerequisite: none
Sex Education
Grades 9 – 12
.5 credit
one semester
Students will learn and understand the importance making
responsible decisions when dealing with their sexuality.
Students will cover the male and female reproductive system.
This course will also cover marriage and parenthood as well as
pregnancy and childbirth. Sex Ed also offers an understanding
of the issues involving sex and the dangers of sexually
transmitted diseases. This course is primarily abstinence based,
but we will cover contraceptives.
Prerequisite: none
Algebra Essentials
This class is designed for students who need more experience
with Algebra I concepts
Algebra I
Grades 9 – 10
1 credit
two semesters
Algebra I is the foundation for the study of high-level
mathematics courses. It develops thinking and reasoning skills
while exploring the concepts of variables, simplifying and
evaluating expressions, solving equations and inequalities, and
problem solving. Also included may be an introduction to
basic statistics. Solid arithmetic skills are a necessity for
Prerequisites: none - REQUIRED
Grades 10 - 12
1 credit
two semesters
This course is the study of geometric figures and their
properties and relations. It is designed to acquaint students
with facts about plane figures (such as triangles, line planes,
squares, rectangles, rhombus, parallelograms, perpendicular
lines, parallel lines, circles, and spheres), and their
This course is important for developing
reasoning and basic skills.
Prerequisites: none - REQUIRED
Algebra II
Grades 10 - 12
1 credit two semesters
Algebra II is a continuation of first year algebra. Some of the
topics covered include: real numbers, equations, inequalities,
graphs, functions, polynomials, factoring, rational functions,
exponential functions, and logarithmic functions. This class is
designed for the serious-minded mathematics student working
toward a career in a math-intensive area.
Prerequisites: none – REQUIRED
Grades 11 – 12 1 credit two semesters
This course integrates statistical, algebraic and trigonometry
concepts, and previews calculus in work with functions and
intuitive notions of limits. Use of the graphing calculator for
plotting functions, analyzing data, and simulating experiments
will take place throughout the course.
Prerequisites: An average of 70% or above in Algebra II is
Grade 12
1 credit
two semesters
This course provides a basic introduction to functions, limits
and continuity, differentiation of algebraic functions with
applications, definite and indefinite integrals, and the
Fundamental Theorem of Integral Calculus and applications.
There will also be an emphasis on trigonometric functions.
Use of the graphing calculator will take place throughout the
Prerequisites: An average of 80% or higher in Pre
Business Math
Grade 12
1 credit
two semesters
Students will be exposed to a variety of consumer topics such
as how to balance a checkbook, calculate interest on a loan or
a credit card, and how to file income taxes, etc. This class is
geared for students not necessarily planning to attend college.
Prerequisites: none
Probability and Statistics
Grades 11 – 12
1 credit
two semesters
In this course students will learn about permutations,
combinations, binomial trials, conditional probability,
organizing and analyzing numerical data, normal distribution,
random sampling, levels of significance, and making
Prerequisite: Passing grade in Algebra II
Grade 10-12
1 credit two semesters
This course will address the goals and objectives identified in
the Michigan Merit Curriculum by providing students with the
needed information of life sciences. Major units covered will
include evolution, applied scientific technology, organic
mitosis/meiosis, photosynthesis, cellular respiration, heredity
and ecology. Students will demonstrate knowledge of general
scientific lab apparatus, safe laboratory practices and ability to
communicate using proper scientific writing techniques.
Prerequisites: None--REQUIRED COURSE
Chemistry A
Grades 9-12
.5 credit
one semester
This course is designed to meet the various requirements for
an introductory course in chemistry and meet the essential
objectives. Topics will include basic atomic structure, mole
conversion, naming compounds, balancing and classifying
equations, knowledge of the periodic table and careers in
chemistry. It will include basic lab investigations as well as
scientific writing.
Prerequisites: None -- REQUIRED COURSE
Chemistry B
Grades 10-12
.5 credit one semester
This class is a more in-depth look at chemistry for students
interested in pursuing a career in engineering or science.
Advance knowledge of math will be helpful. Topics of this
class include stoichiometry, more advanced mole conversion,
entropy, enthalpy, trends in the periodic table, chemistry
careers, and organic chemistry.
Prerequisites: Chemistry A and Geometry
REQUIRED (Or Physics B)
Earth Science
Grade 9-12
.5 credit one semester
This class is refresher course for students who struggled in
eighth grade earth science. We will study 9 units that correlate
to the high school curriculum. Students will work
independently as well as in cooperative groups.
Prerequisites: None—REQUIRED COURSE
Physics A
Grade 9-12
.5 credit one semester
This course is designed to meet the various requirements for
an introductory physics class and meet the essential
objectives. The purpose of the class is to expose students to
the fundamental concepts of physics. Areas covered include:
motion, force, energy, work, waves, and light. It will include
basic lab investigations as well as scientific writing.
Prerequisites: None --REQUIRED COURSE
World History & Geography
Grade 9
1 credit
two semesters
World History and Geography is survey course in which
students will explore the growth and development of the human
race through the major civilizations created over the course of
human history. Interlaced with themes of world geography,
World History will take a look at times, areas, and regions of
the world as well as human diversity and the interactions
between man and his environment. Students will examine
various cultures throughout the world ranging from ancient
Greece to present day conflicts in the Middle East. Upon
completion of this course students will be able to describe how
major world issues and events affect various people, societies,
places, and cultures in different ways and understand how
major world processes affect different world regions and how
these regions have changed and are currently changing.
Prerequisites: none - REQUIRED
Physics B
Grade 10-12
.5 credit one semester
This is a semester-long course designed for all students
interested in pursuing a career in engineering or science. The
purpose of the class is to expose students to more in-depth the
concepts of physics, than physics A. Areas covered include:
mathematical calculations of force, work, energy, periodic
motion, electric forces, and temperature. It will include basic
lab investigations as well as scientific writing.
Prerequisites: Physics A and Geometry
Anatomy & Physiology
Grade: 11&12
1 credit two semesters
This college prep course is for students interested in careers in
biology, medicine or veterinary science. This course is to
serve as a basic introduction to the human body. It will cover
topics over basic human anatomy and physiology including
basic anatomical terms, cell biology, digestive, circulatory,
nervous, endocrine, muscle and skeletal systems. This course
will include lab investigations as well as research projects.
Prerequisites: B or better in Biology, or instructor approval.
Forensic Science
Grade 11-12
.5 credit one semester
This is a semester-long course designed for all students
interested in applications of science. The purpose of the class
is to expose students to concepts of science through the
application of science in a social setting, including crime scene
analysis. Topics to be covered include: Crime scene
documentation, fingerprint analysis, Chromatography, DNA
Analysis, Blood typing, Blood Spatter and Trace evidence.
This course will also include observational skills and writing
case studies reports.
Prerequisites: C or better in Physics A, Chemistry A and
Biology A&B, or instructor approval.
U. S. History & Geography
Grade 10
1 credit
two semesters
U.S. History and Geography is a survey course, which will
trace the development of the United States from
Industrialization to the present. Students will examine the
change and continuity in American society as well as the
changing role of American in the world. Major events such as
the growth of industrial and urban America, progressivism,
World War I, The Great Depression, World War II, and the
Cold War will be highlighted in terms of their causes,
consequences, and impact on society, the economy, and the
relationship between the United States and the world. The goal
of this course is to provide a basis for understanding the present
and future of American society by understanding the past.
Prerequisites: none - REQUIRED
Grades 10 – 12 .5 credit
one semester
Sociology is the branch of the social sciences that deals with
the scientific investigation and analysis of human relationships,
their causes and consequences. The course is designed to
provide students with a basic understanding of sociological
terms, methodologies and techniques as they study cultural
values, beliefs and attitudes and their effect on the interactions
of groups to groups, and individuals to individuals in a dynamic
Prerequisites: none
Grades 10 – 12 .5 credit
one semester
An introductory course in the study of individual human
behavior. Topics to be covered include biology and behavior,
psychological approaches, experimental psychology, stages of
consciousness and learning, developmental psychology, and
abnormal psychology.
Prerequisites: none
Grades 9-12
.5 credit
one semester
Economics is the social studies course that examines the
allocation of scarce resources and their alternative uses for
satisfying human wants. This course analyzes the economic
reasoning used as consumers, producers, savers, investors,
workers, voters, and government agencies make decisions.
Key elements of the course include a study of scarcity and
economic reasoning, supply and demand, market structures, the
role of government, national income determination, money and
the role of financial institutions, economic stabilization and
Prerequisites: none REQUIRED
Grades 11 – 12
.5 credit
one semester
Civics provides students with a basic understanding of the
history and development of the United States Government
from colonization to its current form. Students will learn
about the factors that lead to independence, the creation of a
new government, and the ideals behind the founding
documents of this country. Students will also examine
elements related to each of the three branches of government,
as the ideals behind the founding documents of this country.
Students will also examine elements related to each of the
three branches of government, as well as political processes
and how citizens can have an impact on society.
Prerequisites: none - REQUIRED
Introduction to Political Science
Grades 11-12
.5 credit
one semester
This course provides for a study of the processes and goals of
politics, techniques of government, methods related to how
decisions are made, and the basis for decision making. It goes
beyond the study of basic governmental structure and
functions to include an analysis of such topics as: (1) the
evolution and nature of the American party system, (2)
interest groups, (3) reasons and processes by which laws are
changed, (4) the influence of mass media on public opinion,
(5) political beliefs and behaviors, and (6) the evolving role of
the courts on our political system.
Pre-requisite(s): Received a grade of C or higher in required
Civics course
7th Grade Social Studies A & B
Social Studies A will examine the human and physical
geography of the Eastern Hemisphere. It is designed to help
students develop skills in social studies. Students will
investigate the geography, history and culture of Africa and
Social Studies B is focused around ancient history of the
Eastern Hemisphere and the world’s major religions.
Students will investigate eras of the world starting with prehistory and moving on until the end of classical antiquity.
English 9
Grade 9
1 credit two semesters
This course is designed to help a student develop language
skills – reading, grammar, composition and oral
communication. Varied forms of literature, short stories,
poetry, plays and novels will be utilized. Students will be
encouraged to develop their imaginative and creative potential
in writing and speaking.
Prerequisite: none - REQUIRED
English 9 HONORS
Grade 9
1 credit
two semesters
This course is designed for college-prep students who are
reading and/or writing at or above grade level and have
shown great strength and high levels of success in previous
English classes. The class integrates reading, writing,
listening, and speaking skills that students need to be
successful in all content area classes. This class would be
appropriate for college-prep students.
Prerequisite: MEAP scores
English I0
Grade 10
1 credit
two semesters
The goal for English II is to build a solid foundation of
knowledge, skills and strategies that will be refined, applied
and extended as students engage in more complex ideas, texts
and tasks. Students will add to the list of various genre of
classic and contemporary narrative and informational texts that
will be read and analyzed throughout high school. Tenth
graders will connect with and respond to texts through critical
response and stance. They will learn to evaluate for validity
and quality, to balance and expand their perspectives
promotion empathy, social action and appropriate use of
power. This class offers students the lens to assess and modify
their beliefs, views of the world, and how they have power to
impact them.
Reading includes:
The Crucible, The
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Tuesdays With Morrie, A
Raisin in the Sun, and Of Mice and Men.
Prerequisite: English I – REQUIRED
English I0 HONORS
Grade 10
1 credit
two semesters
This course is designed for college-prep students who are
reading and/or writing at or above grade level and have
shown great strength and high levels of success in previous
English classes. The class integrates reading, writing,
listening, and speaking skills that students need to be
successful in all content area classes. This class would be
appropriate for college-prep students.
English II
Grades 11
1 credit
two semesters
The focus for English III is British Literature. Students will
study the development of the English language and the
transformation that took place in the culture, language and
literature from 600 A.D. to the present. Students will study
works from Shakespeare, Chaucer, Shelley, and Golding. The
writing is persuasive and asks students to take a stand on issues.
Students will write about such things as change, decisionmaking and technology advancements and setbacks.
Prerequisite: two years of English
Grade 11
1 credit
two semesters
This course is designed for college-prep students who are
reading and/or writing at or above grade level and have shown
great strength and high levels of success in previous English
classes. The class integrates reading, writing, listening, and
speaking skills that students need to be successful in all
content area classes. This class would be appropriate for
college-prep students.
English IV
Grade 12
1 credit
two semesters
This class will give seniors a final chance to improve writing
skills and prepare them for college freshmen level composition
classes. The writing focus will be on such assignments as
personal narrative, college application letters, and responses to
literature. The literary focus is centered around leadership,
both within novels and short stories, and the students
Prerequisite: three years of English
College English*
Grade 12
1 credit two semesters
The purpose of this class is:
1. To teach the writing process and encourage creative and
critical thinking and writing skills, make students more
effective communicators, and prepare students for future
college writing assignments.
2. To improve reading proficiency, expand vocabulary, gain
exposure to notable works, and interpret/respond to fiction and
non-fiction orally and in writing.
Some of the units covered include the following writing
assignments: A reflective essay, a summary, a critique, a
comparative critique, comparative analysis, creative writing
(poetry), and a research paper. Students will keep a weekly
writer’s journal. Some reading includes: The Glass Castle and
Until They Bring the Streetcars Back.
Prerequisites: College Prep program with at least one English
college prep class
*Upon qualification this class may be taken for college credit
through Indiana University or Southwestern Michigan
Creative Writing
Grades 10 –12
½ credit
one semester
An elective course that will help students to find and develop
their own voice and perfect their writing skills in a variety of
categories. Six weeks will be spent working in and with a
variety of poetic styles, devices and methods. The other six
weeks will be spent working with fiction and creative nonfiction. Students must be willing to write in a workshop
environment, share their work with the class, listen to and
accept constructive criticism, as well as read and evaluate the
writing of others with a critical eye. Students will also be
expected to help compile and produce a class collection or
literary magazine.
Prerequisite: English I
Grades 10 – 12
1 credit
two semesters
The focus of speech is interpersonal communication, ranging
from conversational skills to job interviewing, group
discussion, public speech, presentations, working with media,
developing listening skills, and learning about debate.
Students learn to evaluate and develop their speaking and
listening skills, as well as learning new methods and skills in
research, preparation and presentation. Additionally, students
are introduced to basic researching, argumentation,
questioning, and rebuttal skills through a variety and range of
debate disciplines, including: Congressional Debate, Public
Forum Debate, and the basics of philosophy for LincolnDouglas Debate. Skill focus includes the development of
techniques in diction, articulation, enunciation and projection.
Prerequisite: English I
Grades 10 – 12
.5 credit
one semester
Mythology offers an introduction of gods and goddesses in
Greek Mythology. There will be a semester project developing
a magazine about the main 12 Olympian gods. There will be
Internet research and/or reading on a daily basis. There will be
quizzes and a final project developing a Mythology game.
Prerequisites: none
World Literature *
Grades 11 –12
1 credit
two semesters
The main goal of this college level course is to help the student
interpret literature with greater insight, persuasiveness and
self-awareness. Students will take literary interpretation to be
a process of inquiry in which readers can learn much from one
another. To develop and apply this view, students will read
several poems and short stories, as well as two novels and two
classic dramas. In reading these works, students will identify
and address various issues they raise. Students will also spend
much time discussing how to write about literature so that they
will grow more comfortable with composing thoughtful, wellsupported interpretations of text. Most of the works will be
arranged under one central theme such as suffering, human
dignity, or life’s journey. Some of the reading includes: Man’s
Search for Meaning by Victor Frankly, One Day in the Life of
Ivan Denisovich by Solzhenitsyn, “Oedipus and Antigone” by
Sophocles, Ellen Foster by Kaye Gibbons, Inferno by Dante,
and The Dubliners by James Joyce.
Prerequisites: B+ or better in 9th and 10th grade English
*Upon qualification, this class may be taken for college
credit through Indiana University.
7th Grade Language Arts
This course is a survey of 7th grade literature, composition and
grammar. In literature the following will be covered:
Mythology, Drama, Biographies, Poetry, Mystery and
Legends. Students will be required to keep a journal. Basic
grammar is taught. The class provides an awareness of
listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. It should assist
students in skills helpful in general education.
VBTC programs cont….
8th Grade English/Language Arts
This course introduces reading strategies to enable students to
comprehend various texts. Writing strategies include guided
writing, sentence, paragraph and essay development while
focusing on vocabulary enrichment, grammar, word usage and
communicative skills.
Human Services
Cadet Teacher Academy
Culinary Arts and Catering Management
Early Childhood Careers and Education
Fire Science
Law Enforcement
Foreign Language
Engineering, Manufacturing & Industrial Technology
Auto Body Technician
Auto Technician-Brakes, Engine, and Suspension
Auto Technician-Electrical & Engine Performance
Computer Aided Design
Construction Trades
Machine Tool Operations
Spanish I
Grades 8-12
1 credit
This course provides an introduction to the Spanish language
and the culture of the countries where it is spoken. The
students are presented with language models and are drilled
on basic pronunciation, intonation, and sentence patterns of
the target language. They are also taught to read and
comprehend the written form of the target language. The
students study various cultural and geographical materials in
order to broaden their reality in other parts of the world as
well as in many areas of the U.S.
Prerequisites: Recommended C average in an English course
Spanish II
Grades 9-12
1 credit
This course is designed to increase the student’s vocabulary,
facility in oral expression, reading ability, and general
comprehension. It also provides a much more complete study
of Spanish grammatical structure. Successful completion of
the 2nd year will give the student a solid foundation for
advanced study of the language.
Prerequisites: C average in Spanish I
Arts & Communications
Commercial Art
Graphic Arts
Health Sciences
Allied Health Technologies
VB Early College Health Alliance
Emergency Medical Technician
Fundamentals of Patient Care
Health Academy
Pharmacy Technician
Natural Resources & Agriscience
Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources
Business, Management, Marketing & Technology
Computer Programming, Web Design & Game
Global Business Management & Finance
PC Tech & Computer Network Technologies
Please see guidance department regarding courses offered
though SMC
Academy Programs
•Health Science
•Precision Machining
•Construction Trades and Green Technology •Design & Graphic
E 2020