2 Takes on CyberInfrastructure for OR 2004 NSF Design, Service and Manufacturing Grantees and Research Conference Workshop on CyberInfrastructure January 6, 2004 Craig Tovey ISyE & COC, Georgia Tech Cyberinfrastructure - Current Activities Operations Research: take 1 • Research 1. Repositories for implemented algorithms. Informs resource collection: > 100 packages and online programs 1. COIN - OR 2. NEOS Server 3. Specific algorithms e.g. Ye’s semidefinite opt code 2. Repositories for test problems. Informs resource: 25 instance sets & generators. 1. DIMACS combinatorial challenge sets 2. MIPLIB, LP test sets 3. Problem specific sets e.g. TSP,QAP,VRPTW. 3. Simulation tools: relatively few, often commercial-linked 4. Stat tools: several libraries and web-available routines Cyberinfrastructure - Current Activities Operations Research: take 1 • Education 1. Lecture notes for many courses 2. Tutorials on specialized topics • Implementation 1. Commercial optimization and modeling software 2. Commercial simulation software 3. Spreadsheet add-ins Cyberinfrastructure – Vision for DMII Operations Research- Take 1 • Research 1. Unified, robust algorithms. Make it the standard that researchers add to the repository. We would build more on each other’s work. Quality and development speed would increase. 2. Simulation building blocks 1. Modeling 2. Output analysis 3. Parameter search 3. Problem testbeds and instance generators. • Education and Implementation 1. More general modeling language, unifying CP, IP/LP, NLP. Cyberinfrastructure – Vision for DMII Operations Research- Take 2 What are the big opportunities in OR? Cyberinfrastructure – Vision for DMII Operations Research- Take 2 Claim: OR is unusual among science/engineering disciplines in that the applicability of present technology, as perceived internally, is 10-100 times the present level. What’s wrong? OR is about decision making, not just solving models. Old news… but CyberInfrastructure could increase the applicability of OR by an order of magnitude. Cyberinfrastructure – Vision for DMII Operations Research- Take 2 How can CI help? 1. CASE STUDIES. • Gap exists between business problem and model • We have ~50 times as many algorithm sites as case study sites. • Computing and web resources now capable of storing and transmitting the large, unstructured variegated info accompanying a real problem • Use testbeds for both research and education Cyberinfrastructure – Vision for DMII Operations Research- Take 2 2. TOOLS FOR ORGANIZING, VISUALIZING, CLEANING, EXTRACTING DATA FOR USE IN MODELING. • • • Organizing and cleaning data blocks many applications. Expose students to messy problems and data. Greatly increase the number of graduates competent to use serious OR tools on real problems. B.S.-Ph.D. Collaborative work between statistics and OR might produce useful tools for linking data, forecasting, uncertainty in models. Cyberinfrastructure – Vision for DMII Operations Research- Take 2 3. AUTOMATED OR INTELLIGENTAGENT-GUIDED WEB-BASED MODELING. • • • Enable end-user modeling (perhaps crude, perhaps if-then) It succeeds if it helps the decision-maker realize that the problem calls for OR methods Seamless links between modeling languages & simulations, and spreadsheets & databases. Cyberinfrastructure – Vision for DMII Operations Research- Take 2 Virtual domains: e.g. jobshop Descriptive modeling tools: e.g. warehouse, supply chain