Environmental Management System – ISO 14001:2004 Mgr. Veronika Saul SCPC, s.r.o. scpc@scpc.sk www.scpc.sk This brief tutorial will cover: • • • • • • • • What is EMS History of EMS and basic information ISO 14000 series EMS benefits Requirements of the Standard Implementation Steps Certification process Tools to help achieve certification 7.12.2012 2 Environmental Management System - is a set of processes and practices that enables an organization to reduce its environmental impacts and increase its operating efficiency - is a framework that helps a company achieve its environmental goals through consistent control of its operations - is a systematic approach to environmental conservation in all aspects of business through which an enterprise integrates the care of environment into its business strategy, and normal operation 7.12.2012 3 History of EMS • 18th and 19th centuries - the concept of environmental management can be traced to the Industrial Revolutions • 1970s - beginning of the creation of environmental laws and regulations • 1972 - United Nations organized a Conference on the Human Environment in Stockholm and UNEP - the United Nations Environment Programme was launched • 1987 - Our Common Future (Brundtland Report) was published from the World Commission on Environment and Development (WCED) • 1987 - Montreal Protocol - on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer • 1989 - Basel Convention - on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal • 1992 - the 1st Earth Summit was held in Rio-de-Janeiro - a global commitment to the environment. • 1992 - BSI Group (British Standards Institution) published the world's 1st EMS standard BS 7750. • 1996 – based on BS 7750 the ISO 14000 series were developed by the International Organization for Standardization • 2010 - ISO 14001 - used by at least 223 149 organizations 7.12.2012 in 159 countries 4 EMS related schemes • ISO 14001 - the most commonly implemented EMS in the world - Slovakia - STN EN ISO 14001:2005 • BS 8555 - designed for SMEs wanting to implement an EMS on a gradual, step-by-step basis, combination of ISO 14001 and elements of ISO 14031. • EMAS - The Eco-Management and Audit Scheme is a European initiative which differs from ISO 14001 in that, in addition to having an EMS in place, the organisation is required to produce an environmental performance statement and have this independently verified by a third party such as BSI. - Slovakia - Act no. 351/2012 Coll • EMAS easy - a new approach based on Ecomapping; the business is mapped to identify its environmental aspects. With EMAS Easy smaller businesses can develop an EMS and either register for EMAS or certify to ISO 14001. • Energy Management System (EnMS) - standard BS EN 16001 – for managing an organization's energy use, has the same structure as ISO 14001 and overlaps with it in a number of areas. • The Carbon Trust Standard is awarded to organizations that measure, manage and reduce their carbon footprint. 7.12.2012 5 Number of certified ISO 14001 organization Numbers of Companies certified to ISO 14001 in SR number of new certificates (yearly increase) number of registered certificates together number of cancelled certificates SCPC, s.r.o. 7.12.2012 years 6 ISO 14000 Family of Standards • The ISO 14000 series is a voluntary set of standards intended to encourage organizations to systematically address the environmental impacts of their activities • EMS addressed by: – ISO 14001:2004 - Requirements with guidance for use – ISO 14004: 2004 - General guidelines on principles, systems and support techniques • The other standards and guidelines address specific environmental aspects, including: labeling, performance evaluation, life cycle analysis, communication and auditing 7.12.2012 7 • ISO 14001 Environmental management systems—Requirements with guidance for use • ISO 14004 Environmental management systems—General guidelines on principles, systems and support techniques • ISO 14015 Environmental assessment of sites and organizations • ISO 14020 series (14020 to 14025) Environmental labels and declarations • ISO 14030 discusses post production environmental assessment • ISO 14031 Environmental performance evaluation—Guidelines • ISO 14040 series (14040 to 14049), Life Cycle Assessment - LCA, discusses pre-production planning and environment goal setting. • ISO 14050 terms and definitions. • ISO 14062 discusses making improvements to environmental impact goals. • ISO 14063 Environmental communication—Guidelines and examples • ISO 14064 Measuring, quantifying, and reducing Greenhouse Gas emissions. • ISO 19011 which specifies an audit protocol for the management system. 7.12.2012 8 Benefits of EMS Why to implement EMS? • Cost savings - from saving energy to the minimization of waste and the cost of disposal, as well lower insurance rates • A positive company image – better relations with interested parties • Enhanced internal and external communication • Improved environmental compliance – lover risk of breaches and potential fines • Reduced environmental liability and risks • Increased competitiveness and market opportunities - company is attractive to the widest possible market • Increasing employee motivation and enhanced personnel skills • Opportunity to integrate the EMS with other systems 7.12.2012 9 ISO 14001:2004 requirements (1/2) Element List 1 Scope 2 Normative reference 3 Terms and definitions 4. Environmental management system requirements 4.1 General requirements 4.2 Environmental policy 4.3 Planning 4.3.1 Environmental aspects 4.3.2 Legal and other requirements 4.3.3 Objectives, targets and programs 7.12.2012 10 ISO 14001:2004 requirements (2/2) 4.4 Implementation and Operation 4.4.1 Resources, roles, responsibilities and authority 4.4.2 Competence, training and awareness 4.4.3 Communication 4.4.4 Documentation 4.4.5 Control of documents 4.4.6 Operation control 4.4.7 Emergency preparedness and response 4.5 Checking 4.5.1 Monitoring and measurement 4.5.2 Evaluation of compliance 4.5.3 Nonconformities, corrective action and preventive actions 4.5.4 Control of records 4.5.5 Internal audit 4.6 Management review Annex A: Guidance on the use of this international standard Annex B: Correspondence between ISO 14001 and ISO 9001 7.12.2012 11 Basic principle of EMS - the PDCA cycle (Deming or Shewart cycle) 7.12.2012 12 4.1 General requirements • Determine how organization or facility will establish, implement, maintain and continually improve an EMS that fulfills the requirements of ISO 14001. • Define and document the scope, or fenceline, of the EMS. Which activities, products and/or services will be addressed by the EMS? 7/12/2012 13 4.2 Environmental policy Senior leadership is responsible for creating, and committing to, an environmental policy that is appropriate to the environmental impacts of organization. The Environmental policy • should be adequate to organization character, documented, implemented and maintained • includes a commitment to continual improvement and pollution prevention • includes a commitment to compliance with applicable legal and other requirements to which the organization subscribes, and relate to its environmental aspects • provides a framework for setting and reviewing environmental objectives and targets, • communicates with all persons working for or on behalf of the organization and • made available to the public! 7.12.2012 14 4.3. PLANNING 4.3.1 Environmental aspects (EA) Environmental aspects – element of the organisation´s activities, products or services of the organization, which may affect the environment. Significant EA - aspect of the organization which has or may have a significant environmental impact Direct aspects – those that organization can directly control (air emissions from its own boiler, waste from own production) Indirect aspects – those that the organization has some impact, but it can not be completely controlled (e.g. activities of supplies) 7.12.2012 15 Source – aspect - impact Source/ activity Impact • Use of non-renewable natural resources • Pollution and damage to the environment • Global Warming Aspect • Noise, vibration, heat, smell, dust, emissions, discharges of hazardous substances, fuel consumption, etc. 7.12.2012 16 4.3.1 Environmental aspects Every aspect of an organization's operations must be addressed, including planned or new developments and new or modified activities, products and services. The organization shall: • establish and maintain procedures to: o identification EA o evaluation of EA o to identify significant EA o take the significant EA into account in establishing, implementing and maintaining the EMS Register of EA - an up-to-date lists of aspects and significant aspects should be available. 7.12.2012 17 Identification of EA example - Ecomapping • allows an organization to visualize its environmental impact. • is a systematic method that builds up a picture of key environmental information by using symbols on a simple plan of the site. 7 Ecomaps: Urban situation Water Soil, storage Energy Air, odours, noise & dust Waste Risk Frequency Scale Severity Happens occasionally Is minor Small impact Happens regularly Very local Can be diminished Happens everyday Significant for all Bad and irreversible 7.12.2012 18 Register of EA - Example 7.12.2012 19 4.3.2 Legal and other requirements The organization shall establish and maintain: - procedure for the identification and access to legal and other requirements that must be fulfilled and which are directly applicable to the EA of activities, products and services organization - register, which is updated regularly and is available in the up-to-date version. 7.12.2012 20 4.3.2 Legal and other requirements Legal requirements • issued by national or international legislative bodies and legally binding-laws, decrees, regulations of the Government of SR, European Parliament and Council Regulation Other requirements : • Requirements of non-binding technical regulations / standards • Environ. business requirements - business, selling-delivery contracts in regard to environment • Requirements of stakeholders, interest-based environmental groups, parties, associations, local and regional government, etc.). • Internal criteria of environmental organization performance 7.12.2012 21 4.3.3 Objectives, targets and programs The purpose of objectives and targets is to help organization translate its environmental goals into specific actions that are measurable, where practicable. When establishing and reviewing its objectives and targets, the organization shall • take into account: o legal and other requirements that subscribed o its significant environmental aspects • consider: o its technological capability o financial, operational and business requirements o opinion of stakeholders o only realistic target shall be specifies 7.12.2012 22 4.3.3 Objectives, targets and programs The organization shall establish and maintain environmental management program(s) to meet the objectives and targets. Each program should define: • The responsibilities for achieving goals (who will do it?) • The means for achieving goals (how will they do it?) • The timeframe for achieving those goals (when?) 7.12.2012 23 Environmental Management Program - Example I 7/12/2012 24 Environmental Management Program - Example II Performance monitoring PROGRAMS No. 1 Objective Target No. of Task and Task Ensure control of compliance with environmental Decrease A --/--/-- Manager No regulations nonconformiti nonconformities (minimum twice per es in regards in regards to year) to environmental environmental Add an external regulations regulations environmental B legislation training to --/--/-training list of the responsible person A 2 Sched Responsib Resour Date ule le party ce Ensuring appropriate Simplification of material identification of storage the stored items B conditions. C Reorganizing of storage --/--/-- Amendment of Material handling --/--/-and storage procedure Training of employees responsible for storing materials Evaluation of objectives Perfor Evaluation of Control Done by/ mance objectives/comments/delive led by date (%) rables ….. XY € New storage shelves …XY € …. 7.12.2012 25 4.4 IMPLEMENTATION & OPERATION 4.4.1 Resources, roles, responsibilities and authority Organisation shall: • define, document and communicate the obligations and responsibilities for appropriate levels • provide resources (human, financial and technological) to establish, maintain and improve EMS • nominate representatives for the EMS to: – co-ordinate establishment, implementation & maintenance of EMS – report to top management on performance of EMS & recommend improvements 7.12.2012 26 4.4.2 Competence, training and awareness Organization shall: • ensure that any person carrying out tasks in the organization or for organization that has the potential to cause significant environmental impact identified by the organization was competent under the relevant education, training or experience. • establish a training program The organization’s environmental training needs must be identified Training activities must be maintained and recorded 7.12.2012 27 4.4.2 Competence, training and awareness Persons working in the organization or for the organization within their processes should be aware of: • The importance of compliance with policy and procedures that apply to their work • Significant environmental aspects and impacts of their work • Their roles and responsibilities in achieving conformity with the requirements of the EMS • Potential consequences of failure from specific procedures 7.12.2012 28 4.4.3 Communication The organization shall with respect to its EA and EMS create, implement and maintain procedures for: o Internal communications - between different levels and functions of the organization o External communication - Receiving, documenting and responding to suggestions regarding the EA and EMS from external stakeholders Organization must o decide whether to communicate externally / or not / about its significant environmental aspects 7.12.2012 29 4.4.4 Documentation EMS documentation includes: • • • • • • Environmental Policy Objectives and Targets Definition of the scope of the EMS Definition of the main elements of the EMS (EMS manual) Documents and records required by this standard Procedures for control of situations affecting environment significantly – e.g. waste management 7.12.2012 30 4.4.5 Control of documents 4.5.4 Control of records The organization shall establish, implement and maintain procedures for the identification, storage, protection, retrieval, retention and disposal of documents and records. Record is a document that states results achieved or provides evidence of activities performed • The organization shall keep records of all observed features to monitor compliance with the requirements of the own EMS. All records must be and remain legible, identifiable and traceable. 7.12.2012 31 4.4.6 Operation control The organization shall identify and plan those operations that are associated with the identified significant EA consistent with its environmental policy, objectives and targets, in order to ensure that they are carried out under specified conditions. The organization should have specified procedures where the absence could lead to deviations from the env. policy & objectives & targets operating criteria in the procedures procedures related to the significant EA, procedures and requirements shall be communicated to suppliers & contractors 7.12.2012 32 4.4.6 Operation control Operational Controls are means by which an organization prevents pollution from operations, e.g.: • Pollution control equipment such as scrubbers, filters, precipitators, clarifiers, biological and chemical treatment to remove or reduce emissions and discharge levels • Alarms for gas, pH, temperature, liquid level in a tank • Preventive maintenance practices designed to stop problems that could impact the environment before they occur • Operating procedures – documented or verbal. 7.12.2012 33 4.4.7 Emergency preparedness and response The organization shall establish, implement and maintain procedures for: • identification of potential emergency situations • response to an emergency • preventing and mitigating the environmental impacts of accidents The organization shall • review and revise emergency plans and procedures (especially after the accident or almost-accident) • periodically test established procedures Prevention is a key component of emergency preparedness. 7.12.2012 34 Potential Emergencies • • • • • • • Fire, explosion Gas leak, spill Natural disasters - lightning, earthquake, flood, extreme weather Tank, dam, equipment structural failure Electric power or gas cut Crash, collision Sabotage, vandalism, terrorist attack, riot, bomb threat, hostage incident Emergency response plan An emergency response plan should include: • descriptions of personnel roles and responsibilities • resources • response actions • mitigation of impacts • internal and external communications • training • drills • incident investigation • review procedures 7.12.2012 35 4.5 CHECKING 4.5.1 Monitoring and measurement Organization shall: • establish and maintain procedures to monitor & measure on a regular basis, the key characteristics of its operations that can have significant environmental impacts. • The procedures must document information to monitor performance, applicable operational controls, and conformity with the organization's environmental objectives and targets. • calibrate and maintain monitoring equipment; and to keep associated records. • establish and maintain a documented procedure for periodically evaluating compliance with relevant environmental legislation and regulations. 7.12.2012 36 What to monitor and measure? General subjects that must be routinely monitored: • Overall conformance of operations with requirements of the EMS • Tracking progress towards achieving objectives and targets • Environmental performance indicators associated with environmental management programs, and legal compliance requirements • Organization’s compliance with environmental legislation and regulations • Operation of production and manufacturing equipment and processes associated with significant EA, and pollution control equipment Specific routine monitoring and measurements: • Emissions to air, discharges to water, and solid waste disposal • Environmental impacts on air, water, land, biota, ecology, humans • Energy use • Handling, storage, and disposal of chemicals, fuels, hazardous materials and wastes • Training needs, training conducted, employee environmental awareness and competence • Communications from interested parties, and the organization’s responses • Emergency response incidents • Quality assurance and quality control (QA/QC) for env. sampling and laboratory analysis • Effectiveness and timeliness of corrective and preventive actions • Environmental performance of contractors 7/12/2012 • Whether documentation is up to date, and adequately controlled. 37 4.5.2 Evaluation of compliance The organization shall: • develop, implement and maintain procedure for periodic evaluation of compliance with respect to both applicable legal requirements and any other requirements to which the organization subscribe • maintain records of the results of these periodic evaluations 7.12.2012 38 4.5.3 Nonconformities, corrective action and preventive actions a) Nonconformity - non-fulfillment of a requirement b) Correction - action taken to eliminate a detected nonconformity c) Corrective action - action to eliminate the cause of a detected nonconformity or other undesirable situation (i.e., action taken to prevent recurrence) d) Preventive action - action taken to eliminate the cause of a potential nonconformity or other undesirable situation (i.e., action taken to prevent occurrence) 7/12/2012 39 4.5.3 Nonconformities, corrective action and preventive actions The intent of §4.5.3 is that the organization put in place procedures for 1) identifying actual and potential nonconformities to EMS requirements, 2) taking appropriate corrective or preventive action, and 3) reviewing the effectiveness of corrective or preventive actions taken. The most serious nonconformities of the EMS: • failure to meet the permissible limits of pollution • non-compliance with legal requirements • failure in terms of decisions of the government administration bodies 7.12.2012 40 4.5.5 Internal audit IA are critical to the effectiveness of an EMS and to the continual improvement cycle. Organisation shall establish procedure for conducting IA, reporting and record keeping. The criteria, scope, frequency and methods should be planed. Through the IA organization • examines how the EMS works, if it is in regard to scheduled EMS programs • verifies how effectively fulfils the EMS policy and what is the profile of environmental organizations • should be performed regularly, within the prescribed period in all areas of the organization • the results of the internal audit must be presented to senior leadership 7.12.2012 41 4.6 Management review Tool for assessing the current functioning of the EMS and for evaluating of the appropriateness and adequacy of EMS in regard to external changes and changes in the organization itself. Top management shall determine whether • EMS is suitable, adequate and effective • Policy, objectives and procedures need changing 7.12.2012 42 4.6 Management review The ISO 14001:2004 Standard specifies inputs to the management review process must include: 1. Results of internal audits 2. Results of evaluations of compliance with legal and other requirements, 3. Communication(s) from external interested parties, including complaints, 4. The environmental performance of the organization, 5. Achievement level of Objectives and Targets, 6. Status of corrective and preventive actions, 7. Follow-up actions from previous management reviews, 8. Changing circumstances (including legal and other requirements) 9. Accident and injury investigation(including emergency incidents and experiences from previous history ), and 10. Recommendations for improvement The ISO 14001:2004 Standard also specifies outputs of the management review must include decisions and actions, consistent with the commitment to continual improvement, that relate to possible changes to: 1. 2. The environmental policy Objectives 3. 4. Targets Other elements of the EMS 7.12.2012 43 ISO 14001 EMS framework 7/12/2012 44 ISO 14001 Implementation Steps I. II. III. IV. V. Implement Plan Environmental Gap Analysis Form a Team Execute your plan Audit 7.12.2012 45 I. Implementation Plan • Implementation plan should cover: – Education on the contents of the standard – Determine position of the company with regards to the environment and the requirements of ISO 14001 – Analyze the shortcomings and closing the gaps – A timeline of the implementation steps based on the gap analysis – Time to run the EMS, collect records and make improvements before your registration audit. 7.12.2012 46 Implementation: II. Conduct the Environmental Gap Analysis 1. Conduct a Gap Analysis – Complete a series of assessments in the following order: – – – – Perform Initial Environmental Review Perform Environmental Assessment - Aspects/Impacts Identify Legal and Other Requirements Identify Environmental programs with objectives and targets 2. Based on the results of the assessments, implement improvement actions. 7.12.2012 47 Implementation : III. Form a Team • Appoint a Management Representative – This individual will be the ISO project manager. • Assign a Management Team – This team will be active in the design, development and implementation of the EMS and participate in the ongoing operation of the system. 7.12.2012 48 Implementation: III. Form a Team • The Management Team – will act as a steering team for the project, assigning responsibilities, providing resources and coordinating the project. – can assign task teams to work on specific processes that must be designed and documented for the EMS. • Each task team will evaluate the current process that they are assigned to and the requirements of the standard. – A new or modified process will be developed, documented and submitted to the Management Team for review and approval. 7.12.2012 49 Implementation: IV. Execute your plan • After the task teams have designed and documented a new or modified process, it must be implemented. • Train all employees that are involved in the process • When the required processes have been implemented, you can start your internal audit program and management review meetings. 7.12.2012 50 Implementation: V. Audit • Use information / results from internal audits and management review to make improvements to the EMS. • Run your system long enough to generate records for the Registrar to audit. • Make sure all employees are trained on ISO 14001 • Have a Registrar conduct your Registration Audit. 7.12.2012 51 Certification Process • • • • Conduct 3rd party assessment to verify implementation Submit an application form for certification Contract signed between Auditee and Certification body Optional pre-assessment by Certification body - to identify any weak points • Audits – 1st phase – determination of the company’s state of readiness (aspect identification and assessment, setting of objectives, policies and programs, etc.) - does not has to be an “in situ” audit – 2nd phase – determination of the extent of EMS implementation and effectives - “in situ” audit • Certification granted • Periodic reviews - minimum once a year - to verify that EMS is being continuously maintained • Recertification - every 3 years 7.12.2012 52 Tools to help the ISO 14001 implementation - examples: • The ISO 14001 Workbook – internet - Series of detailed checklists, exercises and instructions that take you through tasks for your organization to consider and complete. • EMAS EASY – for SME’s • EMS consultant – Customized Environmental Manual including procedures, forms, and tables to save time and ensure an efficient, effective system. 7.12.2012 53 Conclusion An environmental management system takes time and commitment from the entire organization. Effective running of an EMS will provide ongoing environmental benefits, cost savings and contribute to building an attractive work place culture. 7/12/2012 54 Thank you for your attention ! SCPC, s.r.o. Semianova 2, 831 03 Bratislava 3 P.O.Box 120, 830 00 Bratislava 3 Tel.: 02 - 44 45 43 28 Fax: 02 - 44 25 90 15 www.scpc.sk scpc@scpc.sk 7/12/2012 55