English 30SC St. James Collegiate Miss Young February-June 2015 English 30SC will provide you with many opportunities to respond, both in oral and written form, to a wide range of ideas, themes and issues. Together we will explore a variety of written forms and other media, and you will continue to develop and strengthen your communication skills-your ability to read, write, listen, speak, view and represent. Units Approximate Time Frame 1. Coming of Age Reading: Killing Mr. Griffin (novel) Writing: News Story/Article Viewing: Breaking Away 3 weeks 2. Identity Reading: Short stories, poetry Writing: Personal Writing (Profile) 2 weeks 3. Appreciating Diversity Reading: Short stories, poetry Writing: Creative writing (Poetry/story) Viewing: Elephant Man 2 weeks 4. Authority and Rebellion Reading: Animal Farm (novel) Writing: Essay, Film Review Viewing: Cool Hand Luke 3 weeks 5. Crime, Criminals and Justice Reading: Short Stories and other readings Writing: Persuasive Writing Viewing: In Cold Blood, Twelve Angry Men 3 weeks 6. Ideals, Dreams, and Obsessions Reading: Macbeth (drama) Writing: Personal Essay Viewing: Field of Dreams, Macbeth 3 weeks Learning and Assessment There are five main outcomes that guide your learning, and the assessment of your learning, in English 20FH. In turn, within these five main outcomes, there are a large number of specific outcomes that we target throughout the course. Here is a brief explanation of the five main learning outcomes: 1. Exploring Ideas - Students will listen, speak, read, write, view, and represent to explore thoughts, ideas, feelings, and experiences. 2. Responding to Text - Students will listen, speak, read, write, view, and represent to comprehend and respond personally and critically to oral, literary, and media texts. 3. Organizing Ideas - Students will listen, speak, read, write, view, and represent to manage ideas and information. 4. Communicating Ideas - Students will listen, speak, read, write, view, and represent to enhance the clarity and artistry of communication. 5. Group/Community - Students will listen, speak, read, write, view, and represent to celebrate and build community. Your learning will be assessed at various times through quizzes, tests, informal and personal writing (such as response journals), formal writing (essays), creative writing (poetry, stories), speaking (group discussion, presentation), and representing. The final exam in June is worth 25% of your mark. Class Guidelines Please come on time to my class. If late, please enter the room quietly, put your late slip on the front desk, and take your seat. You will need a binder, with loose-leaf paper, and a pen at every class. I will be happy to arrange time for you in the after school or lunch time Homework Club if you have trouble completing any assignments. If you miss a class for any reason, it is your responsibility to complete the reading and or/assignments as soon as possible. Respect and courtesy are paramount to the success of our classroom. This means everyone in the room has the right to enjoy a safe, positive, and non-threatening learning environment. How do we do this? Easy: keep classroom conversations respectful of everyone, including anyone not present. If you choose not to use classroom time productively, that’s your problem. If you’re interfering with the ability of others to use class time effectively, then it’s my problem. It’s part of the respect and courtesy thing. If you need to reach me, my email address is: ayoung@sjsd.net, or call the school at: 204-888-4867.