Healthy Relationships HB 121 Healthy Relationships Our daily lives involve contact with many different people. It is helpful when we can create meaningful relationships with people from our daily lives. A healthy relationship will help us to: O Know who we are O Develop as a person O Grow emotionally O Communicate and keep meaningful bonds O Enjoy live O Have FUN! Types of Relationships O Family O Friends O Romantic (boyfriend/girlfriend) O Casual: professional (teachers, doctors, clergy, etc.) and acquaintances (people you know and recognize) Healthy Relationships Inner Circle of Friends/Family Friends Acquaintances Healthy Relationship Negative Behaviors Unhealthy Characteristics Negative Influences Unhealthy Characteristics Inner Circle Negative Influences Negative Behaviors What is Dating? Types of Dating O Going out O Together O Being with someone O Seeing each other O Just friends O Hooking up O Boyfriend/Girlfriend Who is a dating partner? Person you are in a relationship with What are the characteristics of a healthy dating partner: Respectful, trustworthy, honest, dependable, and supportive What does your relationship look like? Unhealthy Relationship O Control O Dishonesty O Physical Abuse O Disrespect O Intimidation O Sexual Abuse O Dependence O Hostility Healthy Relationship O Equality O Honesty O Physical Safety O Respect O Comfort O Sexual Respectfulness O Independence O Humor Relationship Violence What is relationship or dating violence? O It is a pattern of abusive behaviors used to exert power and control over a current or former dating partner. O Dating violence usually involves a series of abusive behaviors over a course of time. Who experiences dating violence? O ANY teen can experience violence, abuse or unhealthy behaviors in a dating relationship O Dating abuse does not discriminate - - it does not see gender, sexual identity, economic status, ethnicity or religious preference Statistics Who experiences dating violence? O One-third of teens report experiencing some kind of abuse in their romantic relationships, including verbal and emotional abuse. O 75% of Texas youth (ages 16-24) have personally experienced dating violence or know someone who has O Relationship violence is the number one cause of injury to women between the ages of 15-44 O 70% of pregnant teenagers are abused by their partners. Types of Dating Violence What does dating violence look like? O Physical Abuse O Verbal or Emotional Abuse O Sexual Abuse O Digital Abuse Warning Signs O Checking your cell phone or email without O O O O O O O O O permission. Constant put-downs. Extreme jealousy or insecurity. Explosive temper. Isolating you from family or friends. Making false accusations. Mood swings. Physically hurting you in any way. Possessiveness. Telling you what to do. Dating Bill of Rights & Responsibilities Your Rights: O To be heard O To end a relationship O To have an equal O O O O relationship To say no to physical closeness To refuse a date without feeling guilty To ask for a date and accept no for an answer To have friends other than your dating partner O O O O O O To participate in activities that excludes your partner To have your own feelings and be able to express them To set limits, be able to say yes or no to choices To have your limits, values, feelings, and beliefs respected To say "I love you" without having sex To be yourself, even if it is different from every- one else or from what others want you to be. Dating Bill of Rights & Responsibilities Your Responsibilities: O To determine your limits and values. O To respect the limits, values, feelings, and beliefs of others. O To communicate clearly and honestly. O To be considerate. O To make decisions on what is good for you. Resources and References Where to go for help: O Your BMMS Counselor, Student Assistance Counselor, Administrator, SRO or Teacher O A parent or trusted adult O Denton County Friends of the Family O O O O O