From Books to Folkloric Groups The Portuguese and the cultural diffusion in Venezuela, 1945-2000 António de Abreu Xavier From Books to Folkloric Groups The Portuguese and the cultural diffusion in Venezuela 1945-2000 António de Abreu Xavier From Books to Folkloric Groups The Portuguese and the cultural diffusion in Venezuela, 1945-2000 António de Abreu Xavier Presentation 1. Guide Lines. 2. Brief historical notes on cultural diffusion in Portugal. 3. The cultural baggage of the Portuguese Community. a. The model of cultural promotion. b. The model of cultural entertainment. 4. Brief conclusions. 5. Bibliography. From Books to Folkloric Groups The Portuguese and the cultural diffusion in Venezuela, 1945-2000 António de Abreu Xavier Guide lines of the historical discourse 1. General Line: The Role of Emigrants in the diffusion and representation of their own culture. 2. Temporal context: The study begins in the 1940, when the first initiatives of association and cultural diffusion took place within the Portuguese community in Venezuela. The final date is just for taking distance from the object of study. 3. Spatial context: A space for the construction and transfer of patterns from Portugal. A space of interaction between the Venezuelan society and the Portuguese community. A space of internal diffusion such as the community centers. The highlight: the CPC due to the high frequency of activities. 4. Research: These are results of an unpublished work based on oral history in 2004 – 2006. From Books to Folkloric Groups The Portuguese and the cultural diffusion in Venezuela, 1945-2000 António de Abreu Xavier Guide lines of the historical discourse Trend of networking facilitates: a. Ancestral social patterns. b. Mechanisms of internal coalition. c. Structures of interaction vis-à-vis the host society… => Defense of Patronymic. …reinforcing a notion of permanence => Institutionalization of the cultural difussion. a. Ancestral social patterns => Ideological action of cultural policies directed from the Portuguese State. b. Mechanisms of internal coalition => Representation of native values as a necessary benchmark to maintain the group’s identity. c. Structures of interaction vis-á-vis the host society => the models of cultural action: Promotion and entertainment. From Books to Folkloric Groups The Portuguese and the cultural diffusion in Venezuela, 1945-2000 António de Abreu Xavier Brief historical notes on cultural diffusion in Portugal. The historical context is influenced by the action of the Portuguese State, in particular by the Estado Novo and the Politica do Espirito. Importance of the institutional framework: a. to impress upon the population the ethnographic identification. b. to show off to the world a nationalist country deeply immersed in thought of the heroes of its epic history. Relevant aspects: a. the institutional differences between high culture and popular culture. b. the geo-political scope of the cultural activities: the back-up of elite culture abroad; and the popular culture both within Portugal and in the emigrants communities. c. the aftermath of the principles of separating the cultural activity. d. the transformation of their objetives without ideological content but with the same official concern. From Books to Folkloric Groups The Portuguese and the cultural diffusion in Venezuela, 1945-2000 António de Abreu Xavier The cultural baggage of the Portuguese Community. The emigrant as an agent of cultural diffusion: a. he assumes the responsibility for defending his culture as the only national one seeing himself as the agent and as representation of the Portuguese citizen model. b. his attitude is not a political affiliation with the dictatorial ideas or with the metropolitan government but a national personalization he needs. The Portuguese emigrant community and its cultural models: a. there is a merging of dictatorship meanings of elite and popular culture. b. there is an overemphasis on the practice of his identity values. c. there are differences between the two models as well as between both agent and consumer of the cultural activity. From Books to Folkloric Groups The Portuguese and the cultural diffusion in Venezuela, 1945-2000 António de Abreu Xavier The cultural baggage of the Portuguese Community. Promotion: edition as highlight product Object Diffusion Agent Promoters: Inst. Camões (official); Casa de Portugal, Sociedade de Amigos das Artes e Cultura Portuguesas; Instituto Portugués de Cultura (local) Function Plan, promote and show Scope Official, official-private Cultural Elite (Fine arts, literature and cinema. area Academics, cultural lectures. Portuguese language and history ) Entertainment: feast of the people Catalization Entertainers: local theater groups, music, dance, age oriented meetings, regional and gastronomic associations, etc. Some official support from Portugal Participate, act and entertain Private Popular (Folklore, oral tradition, interpretational Improvisation, sketch exchange, innovation) Scale From the folkloric group or individual initiatives to the community (micro to macro) Associative culture, dynamic output Policy Places From Portugal to the Portuguese communities in foreign soil (macro to micro) Institutional culture, restricted output Schools, foundations, museums, galleries, Social clubs, public squares, private universities, science institutes, book fairs, or religious parties, sports centers, collective libraries, diplomatic facilities, etc. meetings, etc. From Books to Folkloric Groups The Portuguese and the cultural diffusion in Venezuela, 1945-2000 António de Abreu Xavier The cultural baggage of the Portuguese Community. Promotion: edition as highlight product Object Diffusion Agent Promoters: Inst. Camões (official); Casa de Portugal, Sociedade de Amigos das Artes e Cultura Portuguesas; Instituto Portugués de Cultura (local) Function Plan, promote and show Scope Official, official-private Cultural Elite (Fine arts, literature and cinema. area Academics, cultural lectures. Portuguese language and history ) Entertainment: feast of the people Catalization Entertainers: local theater groups, music, dance, age oriented meetings, regional and gastronomic associations, etc. Some official support from Portugal Participate, act and entertain Private Popular (Folklore, oral tradition, interpretational Improvisation, sketch exchange, innovation) Scale From the folkloric group or individual initiatives to the community (micro to macro) Associative culture, dynamic output Policy Places From Portugal to the Portuguese communities in foreign soil (macro to micro) Institutional culture, restricted output Schools, foundations, museums, Social clubs, public squares, private galleries, universities, science institutes, or religious parties, sports centers, collective book fairs, libraries, diplomatic facilities, meetings, etc. etc. From Books to Folkloric Groups The Portuguese and the cultural diffusion in Venezuela, 1945-2000 António de Abreu Xavier The cultural baggage of the Portuguese Community. Promotion: edition as highlight product Object Diffusion Agent Promoters: Inst. Camões (official); Casa de Portugal, Sociedade de Amigos das Artes e Cultura Portuguesas; Instituto Portugués de Cultura (local) Function Plan, promote and show Scope Official, official-private Cultural Elite (Fine arts, literature and cinema. area Academics, cultural lectures. Portuguese language and history ) Entertainment: feast of the people Catalization Entertainers: local theater groups, music, dance, age oriented meetings, regional and gastronomic associations, etc. Some official support from Portugal Participate, act and entertain Private Popular (Folklore, oral tradition, interpretational Improvisation, sketch exchange, innovation) Scale From the folkloric group or individual initiatives to the community (micro to macro) Associative culture, dynamic output Policy Places From Portugal to the Portuguese communities in foreign soil (macro to micro) Institutional culture, restricted output Schools, foundations, museums, galleries, Social clubs, public squares, private universities, science institutes, book fairs, or religious parties, sports centers, libraries, diplomatic facilities, etc. collective meetings, etc. From Books to Folkloric Groups The Portuguese and the cultural diffusion in Venezuela, 1945-2000 António de Abreu Xavier Brief conclusions. a. a tendency to reinvigorate the Portuguese culture through the constant representation of values considered traditional, as much in the elite classes as in the popular groups. b. a restitution of values without a political character but to satisfies the needs of the community to maintain its ties with its homeland, in order to guarantee its own identity vis-à-vis the host society. c. the two models both promotion and entertainment are presented and although there are differences between them, they perform combined activities. From Books to Folkloric Groups The Portuguese and the cultural diffusion in Venezuela, 1945-2000 Bibliography. Archive: 1. Archivo del Instituto Portugués de Cultura 2. Aquí Portugal (Magazine for the Portuguese Community) 3. Boletín del CPC (Magazine of the Centro Portugués de Caracas) 4. Camões. Revista de letras e culturas lusófonas. 5. Comunidade (Magazine for the Portuguese Community) 6. Correio de Caracas (Portuguese Community Weekly Newspaper) 7. Ecos de Portugal (Portuguese Community Weekly Newspaper) 8. El Universal (Venezuelan daily newspaper) 9. Portugal. Boletín informativo de artes y letras 10. Revista del XIV Festival del Folclore Portugués 11. Zarco (Magazine for the Portuguese Community) 12. 30Días (Magazine for the Portuguese Community) António de Abreu Xavier From Books to Folkloric Groups The Portuguese and the cultural diffusion in Venezuela, 1945-2000 António de Abreu Xavier Bibliography. 1. Abreu Xavier, A. (2001). "Catástrofe! 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