The Jacksonian Era 1824 – 1845

The Jacksonian Era 1824 – 1845
To help you summarize each of the events below, answer ALL of the questions for each.
The Election of 1824
Who Ran? _______________________________________________________________
Who Won?_______________________________________________________________
Explain the Corrupt Bargain:_________________________________________________
The Election of 1828
What political party did Jackson supporters form?_______________________________
What party did Adams supporters call themselves?______________________________
Who did Jackson select as his running mate?___________________________________
Since personality was a major focus of the campaign, describe the personalities of each
Adams – ___________________________________________________
Jackson - __________________________________________________
Jackson’s Inauguration (The spoils system and the Kitchen Cabinet)
Jackson supporters saw his victory as a victory for the _____________________________
Define the spoils system_____________________________________________________
Who was Jackson’s Secretary of State?_________________________________________
Who was the Kitchen Cabinet?________________________________________________
Sectional Differences Increase
Describe what each of the following regions supported economically:
South ____________________________________________________________________
West ___________________________________________________________________
Tariff of Abominations
What was the Tariff Debate ?
Why did Northerners support a tariff?________________________________
Why were Southerners opposed to the tariff?_________________________
What did Southerners call the Tariff? ____________________________________________
The State’s Right’s Debate (The Nullification Crisis)
In response to the tariff, what document did John C. Calhoun draft?_____________________
According to the States’ rights doctrine why should states have greater power than the
national government:_________________________________________________________
Also, According to the States’ rights doctrine, what should states be able to do to any federal
law they judged to be unconstitutional____________________________________________
Was Jackson for or against nullification?________________
What did Jackson urge congress to do in 1832 in regard to the tariff?__________________
What was the Nullification Act passed by South Carolina?____________________________
What did South Carolina Threaten to do if federal troops were used to collect the tariff?
What was Jackson’s reaction to nullification?_________________________________
What was the Force Bill?______________________________________________________
What was Henry Clay’s Compromise that helped end the situation?____________________
Jackson attacks the Bank
What was the Second Bank of the United States___________________________________
Why did small farmers oppose the bank?________________________________________
How did Jackson feel about the bank?__________________________________________
Who was Nicholas Biddle?____________________________________________________
What did Jackson promise to do to the Bank in 1832?______________________________
The Panic and Depression of 1837
Summarize how Jackson contributed to the economic depression:_____________________
Who were the Whigs?_______________________________________________________
Why did they call themselves Whigs?___________________________________________
What was the goal of the Whigs?______________________________________________
Who did the Whigs Run against Van Buren in 1840?_______________________________
Who won the election of 1840?________________________________________________
The Indian Removal Act
What was the Indian Removal Act?_____________________________________________
Where was Indian Territory established?_________________________________________
What did supporters of the plan argue?__________________________________________
What did Congress create to manage the Indian removal?___________________________
Name some of the tribe removed from their homeland______________________________
How did the Cherokee believe they could prevent conflict with the whites?______________
What did the Supreme Court rule in Worcester vs Georgia?________________________________
What was the Trail of Tears and what were the conditions like?_____________________________