ERD User Manual

Chapter 1: System Overview
1.1 About the System
ERD Transport Corporation Inventory System is a system for tracking and
monitoring the inventory of the company. The system keeps track of the
distribution of the company’s resources by storing all necessary inventory
information in the database, thus enabling ERD Transport Corporation to retrieve
such information whenever the company wishes to retrieve such information at
any point in time. The system updates the inventory wherein replenished
resources and consumed resources are added and deducted respectively from
the inventory. This prevents redundancy of information in the business process
by providing the company a matched physical and logical count of products.
Also, the system generates daily, weekly or monthly reports on the status of the
inventory. With an automated system, the company will be able to address their
issues with monitoring and tracking of inventory stocks which provides
discrepancies and loss of profit. Moreover, the company’s business process will
be more manageable in terms of increased efficiency and ease of use.
1.2 System Feature
The system is divided into three modules --- Diesel and Parts Inventory,
Reports, and Account. Each module has a restriction level for each profile the
system is logged in. The restriction level is found in the Account Restriction
Checklist (Table 1-1).
Account Management
Add Item
View Item Details
Edit Item Details
Delete Item Details
Generate Inventory
View Inventory Report
Print Report
Operations Manager
Table 1-1. Account Restriction Checklist
The Diesel and Parts Inventory Module is used for monitoring and managing
the company’s inventory. This module can add, view, edit and delete entries of
the company’s resources.
The Reports Module is used for handling the generation of reports that is
necessary to the company. Generating, viewing and printing reports of the
company’s inventory can be found in this module.
The Account Module is used for managing the passwords of each of the
accounts. Changing the password of any of the accounts can be found in this
1.3 Intended Users
The system can be assessed by using three profiles. Each user profile
corresponds to a restriction of the features.
The Administrator has full access to all the system’s features encompassing
account, inventory and reports management module.
The Operations Manager is limited to some features of the system including the
control of changing in account passwords and deletion of entries in the inventory.
The Staff/Maintenance Personnel is limited to account management, deleting
entries in the inventory, and generating and printing of reports.
1.4 Operating Environment
In order to efficiently use the ERD Transport Corporation Inventory System, the
minimum requirements of the system are as follows:
Hard Disk
Operating System
Pentium 4 2.4 GHz / AMD Athlon 2600+
Windows XP or above
minimum resolution of 1024X600
My SQL Server
Java Development Kit 6.0 or above
Microsoft .NetFramework 2.0
1.5 Preliminary Requirements
When the system is handed over to the company, all user profiles are given their
individual passwords. For the default usernames and passwords, refer to Table
1-2. Only the administrator can change the passwords for each account profile.
The administrator is highly encouraged to change all the passwords as soon as
the first occurrence log-in of the system to ensure security.
User Account
Operations Manager
Staff/Maintenance Personnel
Table 1-2. Default Log-In Usernames and Passwords
1.6 Convention
The main menu for all accounts is the same. Implementation of the account
restrictions is done by disabling buttons in the main menu. The inventory and
reports interface is both implemented in the same way. The interface design and
steps regarding for each process of the module are the same. The only
difference is the information being asked by the system. The main menu list as
shown in Figure 1-1 is found on top of the interface after log-in.
Figure 1-1. Main Menu List
1.7 Contact Us
For problems, issues, clarifications, feedbacks, and suggestions regarding the
system, feel free to contact us in the following e-mail addresses:
Bay, Ravin
Biag, Angela
Chua, Tommy
Chung Kenneth
Chapter 2: Getting Started
Upon running the program, the very first window that will appear is the Log-In window.
The Log-in window (Figure 2-1) appears once the application is executed.
In this window, the user the can log-in as one of the three user-types, namely the
Administrator, Operations Manager or Staff/Maintenance Personnel. They can be
distinguished based on the username and password that they will type in the Log-In
Figure 2-1. Log-In Window
2.1 Logging –In the System
To log-in, the user should mouse over the list for the User Account/Type as shown in
Figure 2-2. Choose from one of the option listed. After which, the user should mouse
over the textbox for the Password. When an I-beam cursor appears, click the textbox
once so that typing will be enabled. Type the Password that corresponds to the
UserType that the user had entered. Then, the user should press the arrow button to
log-in into the system.
Figure 2-2. UserType drop-down list in Log-In Window.
After logging-in, the main menu screen will appear as shown in Figure 2-3.
The main menu contains four buttons: Diesel Inventory, Parts Inventory, Generate
Report and Exit Button. The accessibility of these features will depend on the user type
logged-in. Please see (table for references regarding the restrictions of the software).
Figure 2-3. Main Menu Screen
Chapter 3: Diesel Inventory Management
The Diesel Inventory Window (Figure 3-1) allows the user to add, view and edit the
entries in the Diesel Inventory.
In this window the user can click on the three tabs namely the Add Entries, Edit Entries
and View Entries.
Also, there are additional navigation tools on the upper tab. The left and right arrow
buttons are for back and forward. The home button will bring the user back to the main
menu screen and the logout button will bring the user to the log-in window, logged out.
Figure 3-1. Diesel Inventory Window.
3.1 Add Diesel Entries
In this window (Figure 3-2), the user can Add Diesel Entries to the database. To add,
the user must fill up all the fields and should not leave any field blank. If a field is blank,
an error will occur (Figure 3-3).
Figure 3-2. Add Diesel Entry Window
Figure 3-3. Field error message
If a field has invalid input, an error will occur (Figure 3-4).
Figure 3-4. Invalid field input error message
If the user is done he/she can click the Add button otherwise the Cancel button. A
notification will appear that an entry has been successfully added.
3.2 Edit and Viewing Diesel Entries
In this window (Figure 3-5), the user can edit any entries in the diesel inventory. The
user must select the month and year in which the entry is added. Then all the entries
within the specified date will appear on the left table pane. To begin editing, the user
must select the desired entry from the left table pane and the details of that entry will
appear in the middle table pane which then he/she can edit necessary fields.
Figure 3-5. Edit Diesel Entry Window
Viewing diesel entries is quite similar to the edit diesel entry window (Figure 3-6). The
only difference is that you cannot edit any entry in this window but view entry. The user
must select the month and year in which the entry is added. All the entries within the
specified date will appear on the left table pane.
To view the details, the user must select the desired entry from the left table pane and
the details will appear in the middle table pane. In addition, there is an edit button on
the middle table pane which when clicked will bring the user to the edit view (Figure 3-6)
and the user can edit the desired information.
Figure 3-6. View Diesel Entry Window
Chapter 4: Parts Inventory Management
The Parts Inventory Window (Figure 4-1) allows the user to add, view and edit the
entries in the Parts Inventory.
In this window the user can click on the three tabs namely the Add Entries, Edit Entries
and View Entries.
Also, there are additional navigation tools on the upper tab. The left and right arrow
buttons are for back and forward. The home button will bring the user back to the main
menu screen and the logout button will bring the user to the log-in window, logged out.
Figure 4-1 Parts Inventory Window.
3.1 Add Parts Entries
In this window (Figure 4-2), the user can Add Parts Entries to the database. To add, the
user must fill up all the fields and should not leave any field blank. If a field is blank, an
error will occur (Figure 4-3).
Figure 4-2. Add Parts Entry Window
Figure 4-3. Blank field error message
If a field has invalid input, an error will occur (Figure 4-4).
Figure 4-4. Invalid field input error message
If the user is done he/she can click the Add button otherwise the Cancel button. A
notification will appear that an entry has been successfully added.
3.2 Edit and Viewing Parts Entries
In this window (Figure 4-5), the user can edit any entries in the parts inventory. The user
must select the month and year in which the entry is added. Then all the entries within
the specified date will appear on the left table pane. To begin editing, the user must
select the desired entry from the left table pane and the details of that entry will appear
in the middle table pane which then he/she can edit necessary fields.
Figure 4-5. Edit Parts Entry Window
Viewing parts entries is quite similar to the edit parts entry window (Figure 3-6). The
only difference is that you can only view entries in this window. The user must select the
month and year in which the entry is added. All the entries within the specified date will
appear on the left table pane.
To view the details, the user must select the desired entry from the left table pane and
the details will appear in the middle table pane. In addition, there is an edit button on
the middle table pane which when clicked will bring the user to the edit view (Figure 3-6)
and the user can edit the desired information.
Figure 4-6. View Parts Entry Window