Laibow's Lackeys - The Story Behind The Story

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Rima Laibow
Psychiatrist, deals with purported UFO abductees. Laibow clims to be an abductee herself.
Previously associated with Budd Hopkins. Organizer of TREAT (Treatment and Research of
Experienced Anomalous Trauma). Married to Gen. Albert Stubblebine.
"As late as the summer of 1991, [C.B. Scott] Jones and Laibow were planning a yachting excursion
together with Col. John Alexander to investigate anomalies in the Bahamas."
"Laibow, Stubblebine and ufologist Victoria Lacas (with Jones in the shadows) toured Europe and
the Soviet Union, where they have established a prodigious UFO/Psi network."
(Durant, Robert J., "Will the Real Scott Jones Please Stand Up?")
Author of:
"Dyadic Repair: A Clinical Approach to Autistic Recovery and Prodigy Retrieval", Subtle Energies,
vol 1, #2, 1990
Gen. Albert Stubblebine
Former head of the U.S. Army Intelligence & Security Command (INSCOM) 1981-84 .
Masters degree in chemical engineering from Columbia.
Signed classified contracts with the Monroe Institute. (Emerson, Steven, Secret Warriors,
G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1988, pg 103-4).
Stubblebine often met with Noriega while he was a US intelligence asset. (Emerson,
1988, pg 110-1)
Former boss of Col. John Alexander, and the two have held numerous "spoon-bending"
Friends with Lyn Buchanan [according to a representative from PSI TECH, the two are not
Married to ufologist Rima Laibow.
(Porter, Tom, Government Research into ESP & Mind Control, March, 1996)
Soon after becoming head of INSCOM, Stubblebbine began a program called the "High
Performance Task Force", a series of methods to improve his officer's performance. These ranged
from the neuro-linquistic programming of Tony Robbins to the hemisynch tapes of the Monroe
Institute, where Stubblebine often sent his officers. (Schnabel, Jim, Remote Viewers: The Secret
History of America's Psychic Spies, Dell, 1997, pg 276)
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The "spoon-bending parties" were initiated by a west coast defense industry consultant, Jack
Houck. (Schnabel, 1997, pg 278)
Following an incident involving an officer having a psychotic episode at the Monroe Institute,
Stubblebine resigned in 1984. He was replaced by Major General Harry Soyster. (Schnabel,
1997, pg 316)
"Formerly Vice President for 'Intelligence Systems' of BDM of McClean, Virginia." As of 1992,
Chairman of PSI-TECH.
"Laibow, Stubblebine and ufologist Victoria Lacas (with [C.B. Scott] Jones in the shadows) toured
Europe and the Soviet Union, where they have established a prodigious UFO/Psi network."
(Durant, Robert J., "Will the Real Scott Jones Please Stand Up?")
Stubblebine gave a lecture at the International Symposium on UFO Research, sponsored by the
International Association for New Science, in Denver, Colorado (May 22-25, 1992). This gives a
good example of Stubblebine's coherence (or lack there of) and paranoia (he often threatened to
destroy the tape). Stubblebine claimed that none of the members of the remote viewing program
had prior psychic abilities or interests (all other sources state that they did).
Ingo Swann
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New York artist and subject in many psychic experiments.
Swann served in the US Army from 1955-8, primarily serving in the Far East and Korea.
I don't know the nature of his service, but he describes his work as being with the highest
echelons of the military, and he retained a Top Secret clearance from his tour of duty.
From 1958-68, he worked in the Secretariat of the United Nations.
After leaving to pursue a career in writing and art, he became involved in a circle of
He has been a longtime friend of Robert Monroe of the Monroe Institute, and began
working with Cleve Backster in September, 1971.
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"At some point, I don't remember when exactly, Backster mentioned something along the following
'Boy, are the guys down at the CIA going to be interested in you.'" (Swann, Ingo, Remote Viewing The Real Story! (Insider Tales of America's Superpsychic Spies, 1996)
Ingo Swann heard about Hal Puthoff's proposal to study the basis of life processes through Cleve
Backster. Swann wrote Puthoff (3/30/72) and suggested that he research psychic abilities. Swann
met with Puthoff in June, 1972 (Targ, Russell and Puthoff, Harold E, Mind-Reach, Delacorte Press,
1977, pg 18-9).
Swann then became the subject for a series of remote viewing studies with Puthoff and Russell
Targ at SRI. Swann came to California on 6/4/72, and came to SRI two days later, when he
allegedly telekinetically perturbed a shielded magnetometer. (Schnabel, Jim, Remote Viewers: The
Secret History of America's Psychic Spies, Dell, 1997, pg 88-9)
Swann returned to SRI in October, when he did some clairvoyance tests. Some of these tests were
observed by two CIA agents, who set up a eight month pilot program with SRI. Swann began this
contract a few days before Christmas, 1972. (Schnabel, 1997, pg 97-99). Swann left SRI in midaugust, 1973, when the CIA contract ran out. Reportedly, he left angry, and vowed never to return.
(Schnabel, 1997, pg 127-8)
After leaving SRI, Swann did some work with the American Society for Psychical Research and the
Maimonides Dream Laboratory. He also worked for Bill Keeler, chairman of Philips Petroleum, to
try to find oil deposits. After Pat Price left SRI, Swann returned in the fall of 1974 as a consultant,
with the incentive of more money and creative freedom. (Schnabel,1997, pg 173-4)
Through the late 1970s and early 80s, Swann developed a strict protocol for remote viewing,
which he used to train new Center Lane recruits in 1983. In the summer of 1984, Swann moved
this training course to New York. (Schnabel, 1997, pg 305) According to author John Wilhelm,
Swann was a Scientologist, at OT Level VII, the highest level at the time. Reportedly, Swann
helped establish Scientology's "Celebrity Center" in Los Angeles. (Wilhelm, John, "Psychic
Spying?", Washington Post 8/7/77, B1)
According to Peter Tomkins and Chirstopher Bird, Swann "attributes his success to techniques he
learned in Scientology". (Tompkins, Peter and Bird, Christopher, The Secret Life of Plants, Harper
and Row, 1973, pg 29)
Swann and Puthoff attended the First International Congress on Psychotronic Research in
Prague, Czechoslovakia.
"Ingo was there to present a paper on the Scientology paradigm as model for developing and
exploring paranormal abilities." (Targ, Russell and Puthoff, Harold E, pg 42)
This paper is entitled "Scientological Techniques: A Modern Paradigm for the Exploration of
Consciousness and Psychic Integration" in Proceedings of the First International Congress on
Psychotronic Research (Virginia: U.S. Joint Publications Research Service, 9/6/74, Document No.
JPRS L/5022-1)
Swann had previously stated that he would never work for intelligence agents for fear of his life (Uri
Geller has made similar statements). He has recently stated that Puthoff never told him of the CIA
sponsorship of the SRI studies until 12/29/95, but that it was common knowledge around the lab.
(Swann, Ingo, "The Emergence of Project 'SCANATE'")
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"In 1983, Ingo Swann, under the direction of Dr. Harold Puthoff at SRI, realized a breakthrough,
i.e., he developed an accurate model of how the collective unconscious communicates (target)
information to conscious awareness. Swann believed that the ability to remote view, like language,
is an innate faculty--a birthright--but must be learned to be effective. Swann's model provided a
rigid set of instructions which theoretically allowed anyone to actually be trained to produce
accurate, detailed target data. To test the model, the Army sent Major [Ed] Dames and five others
to Swann as a prototype trainee group." Swann parted with this group in late 1983.
("Ed Dames Sets the Record Straight")
Friends with Rep. Charlie Rose. (Schnabel, Jim, 1997, pg 271) Swann left the program in 1988. He
can be reached care of Thomas Burgin at
Author of:
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Remote Viewing - The Real Story! (Insider Tales of America's Superpsychic Spies): work
in progress, but the entire text is online!
Here is a collection of statements by Swann after the remote viewing "flap" of 1995.
Your Nostradamus Factor, Simon & Schuster, 1993
Star Fire
Natural ESP
To Kiss the Earth Goodbye
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John B Alexander
Education: BGS in Sociology, University of Nebraska, 1971. MA in Education, Pepperdine
University, 1975. PhD in Education, Walden University, 1980. Postgraduate work at UCLA (1990),
MIT (1991), and Harvard (1993).
Entered the Army as a Private in 1956, and retired as a Colonel in 1988.Commander, Army
Special Forces Teams, US Army, Thailand, Vietnam, 1966-69. Chief of human resources division,
US Army, Ft. McPherson, GA, 1977-79. Inspector general, Departmant of Army, Washinton, 198082. Chief of human technology, Army Intelligence Command, US Army, Arlington, VA 1982-83.
Manager of tech. integration, Army Materiel Command, US Army, Alexandria, VA, 1983-85.
Director, advanced concepts US Army Lab. Command, Aldelphi, MD 1985-88.
Manager, non-lethal weapons defense technology, Los Alamos National Laboratory, 1988-1995
(ret). Manager, anti-material technology, Defense Initiatives Office, 1988-91. Program manager,
contingency mission technology, Conventional Defense Technology. Director for science liaison,
National Institute for Discovery Sciences, 1995 to present. Visiting scientist, Los Alamos, 1995 to
present. Panelist, National Institute of Justice, 1994. Adj. professor, Graduate School, Union
Institute, 1992 to present. US delegate to NATO, advanced group aerospace R & D, 1994 to
Col. Alexander received a National Award for Volunteerism from Pres. Ronald Reagan in 1987,
and the Aerospace Laureate Award from Aviation Week in 1993 & 94. He lives in Las Vegas with
his wife, Victoria Lacas Alexander, and two children. His office address is that of NIDS: 1515 E
Tropicana, Suite 400, Las Vegas, NV 89119.
(Who's Who in America, 1997)
"Last year, Alexander organized a national conference devoted to researching
'reports of ritual abuse, near-death experiences, human contacts with
extraterrestrial aliens and other so-called anomalous experiences,' the
Albuquerque Journal reported in March 1993. The Australian magazine Nexus
reported last year that in 1971, Alexander 'was diving in the Bimini Islands looking
for the lost continent of Atlantis. He was an official representative for the Silva
mind control organization and a lecturer on precataclysmic civilizations ... [and] he
helped perform ESP experiments with dolphins.'" (Aftergood, Steven, "The Soft-Kill
Fallacy", Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, 9-10/1994, v50, n5, p40)
"In The Warrior's Edge: Front-line Strategies for Victory on the Corporate
Battlefield - a 1990 book he co-authored with Maj. Richard Groller and Janet
Morris - Alexander describes himself as having 'evolved from hard-core
mercenary to thanatologist.'
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'As a Special Forces A-Team commander in Thailand and Vietnam, he led
hundreds of mercenaries into battle,' the book explains. 'At the same time, he
studied meditation in Buddhist monasteries and later engaged in technical
exploration and demonstration of advanced human performance.' (Aftergood,
Formerly with the U.S. Army Intelligence & Security Command (INSCOM) under Gen. Albert
Stubblebine, 1982-4. Reportedly, Alexander was one of Stubblebine's closest officers. Married to
alien abduction researcher Victoria Lacas (now Alexander).
(Porter, Tom, Government Research into ESP & Mind Control, March, 1996)
"After retiring from the Army in 1988, Alexander joined the Los Alamos National
Laboratories and began working with Janet Morris, the Research Director of the
U.S. Global Strategy Council (USGSC), chaired by Dr Ray Cline, former Deputy
Director of the CIA."
"Born in New York in 1937, he spent part of his career as a Commander of Green
Berets Special Forces in Vietnam, led Cambodian mercenaries behind enemy
lines, and took part in a number of clandestine programmes, including Phoenix. He
currently holds the post of Director of Non-lethal Programmes in the Los Alamos
National Laboratories."
"In 1971, while a Captain in the infantry at Schofield Barracks, Honolulu, he was
diving in the Bemini Islands looking for the lost continent of Atlantis. He was an
official representative for the Silva mind control organization and a lecturer on
Precataclysmic Civilizations. Alexander is also a past President and a Board
member of the International Association for Near Death Studies; and, with his
former wife, Jan Northup, he helped Dr C.B. Scott Jones perform ESP
experiments with dolphins."
Board member of PSI-TECH.
"Alexander is a friend of Vice President Al Gore Jnr, their relationship
dating back to 1983 when Gore was in Alexander's Neuro-Linguistic
Programming (NLP)."
"Alexander and his team have recently been working with Dr Igor
"The mysterious 'Col. Harold E. Phillips' who appears in Blum's OUT
THERE is none other than John B. Alexander."
Aviary, codename: Penguin.
(Victorian, Armen, "Non-Lethality: John B. Alexander, The Pentagon's
Penguin", Lobster Magazine, 6/93)
Supported the views of Thomas Bearden. Delivered a paper to the 1981
national convention of the US Psychotronic Association. (McRae, Ronald,
Mind Wars, St. Martin's Press, 1984, p 127)
"As late as the summer of 1991, [C.B. Scott] Jones and [Rima] Laibow were
planning a yachting excursion together with Col. John Alexander ... to investigate
anomalies in the Bahamas."
(Durant, Robert J., "Will the Real Scott Jones Please Stand Up?")
"I have served as chief of Advanced Human Technology for the Army Intelligence
and Security Command (1982-84) and, during the preparation of the EHP
[Enhancing Human Performance] Report, was director of the Advanced Systems
Concepts Office at the U.S. Army Laboratory Command."
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Alexander stated: "..psychotronic weapons lack traditional scientific documentation, and I do not
suggest that research projects be carried out in that field." (Alexander, Col. John, "A Challenge to
the Report", New Realities, March/April 1989)
Alexander is friends with Gordon Novel, and (according to Cannon) Alexander passed a
threat through his wife to researcher Martin Cannon, using Novel's name for intimidation.
Reportedly friends with Ron Pandolfi.
Alexander is closely associated with Robert Bigelow and his National Institute for
Discovery Science.
Also identified as being with the Appolinaire Group.
Author of:
"The New Mental Battlefield: Beam Me Up Spock", Military Review, 12/80
The Warrior's Edge
Review of Psychic Warrior
Remote Viewing, Science, and You
There is a paradox. Science (in general) does not believe in remote viewing. Many
people do believe in remote viewing. People who study remote viewing want to
talk with scientists. They often do not want to talk with the general public.
Scientists do not want to talk with those who study remote viewing. The general
public does want to hear about remote viewing. What's wrong with this picture???
And then there is the Fourth Estate. Where does the media get their information?
Are there really two sides to every story? Who are the Scientists? The Nuts? The
Skeptics? And how did they get to be proclaimed as such? Ergofusion explains a
lot of these problems.
Col. Alexander is the author of recently published Future War: Non-lethal
Weapons in Twenty-first-century Warfare, and of The Warrior’s Edge. In 1980 his
seminal article The New Mental Battlefield, describing how psychic warfare might
be employed on the battlefield, was published in Military Review. As a staff officer
in the early 1980s working directly under Gen. Burt Stubblebine, Commanding
General for the US Army Intelligence and Security Command, Col. Alexander was
prominent in INSCOM’s programs for exploring human potentials.
After his military retirement, he worked at Los Alamos National Laboratory, where
he developed the concept of Non-Lethal Defense, which he briefed to senior
defense, industry and academic officials. Politically, his work involved meetings
with Members of Congress, White House and National Security Council staff, and
the Director of Central Intelligence. He has considerable experience working with
classified programs dealing with many esoteric arenas. He currently is the science
director for a private research organization in Las Vegas, NV. Col Alexander is a
director on the board of the International Remote Viewing Association.
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Robert Bigelow
Las Vegas real estate mogul and philanthropist. Through his organization, the Bigelow Foundation,
he has funded many studies of UFOs, psychic ability, and related issues. He is closely associated
in this pursuit with John Alexander. Some of the ufologists he has funded include Budd Hopkins,
Bob Lazar, and Linda Moulton Howe.
"Training programs, begun in 1992 with the leadership and support of Las Vegas businessman
Robert Bigelow, and organized in various American cities by abduction investigators John
Carpenter, Budd Hopkins, and David Jacobs, are familiarizing many mental health professionals
with the abduction phenomena." (Mack, John, Abduction, Ballantine Books, 1994, pg 13)
He funded Lazar through the Zeta Reticuli Corporation, which reportedly dissolved before any
projects were started. He previously funded the work of Dean Radin at the Consciousness
Research Division, University of Nevada. His latest project is the National Institute of Discovery
(What's New at Area 51 and Ufomind: 9/96 Part I) (What's New at Area 51 and Ufomind: 9/96 Part
At one point, Bigelow offered to provide funding to the tune of a million dollars for a cooperative
research effort of the "big three" of ufology - MUFON (Mutual UFO Network), CUFOS (Center for
UFO Studies), and FUFOR (Fund for UFO Research). This effort, sometimes referred to as "the
Coalition" fell apart, reportedly when Bigelow tried to control the direction of the group. UFO
skeptic Philip Klass reportedly accused John Alexander of causing the break-up, although
Alexander denies it.
In April, 1997, Bigelow donated $3.7 million dollars to the University of Nevada to found the
Bigelow Chair of Consciousness Studies, which allows students to take undergraduate courses
dealing with parapsychology for college credit. These courses are related, though not formally
linked, to Dean Radin's research at the University's Consciousness Research Laboratory, which
Bigelow once funded.
(Patton, Natalie, "Mind Frontiers, Las Vegas Review-Journal, 4/15/97)
Robert Bigelow - The current owner of the ranch a shadowy billionaire that founded the National
Institute For Discovery Science. Indeed he wanted the property for its Paranormal Activity and
stories of Vortexes or Portals that would open up on the ranch.
Robert Bigelow also owns Bigelow Aerospace. He's also rumored to be very elite and have ties to
the CIA.
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The Sherman Ranch, Interdimensional Portal Area & Utah's # 1 Paranormal Hotspot
This picturesque ranch in northeastern Utah is the focal point of scientific research into the
paranormal. Reports continue of anomalous phenomena in a section of northeastern Utah. The
activity, as reported by hundreds of witnesses over several decades, includes UFOs, unusual balls
of light, animal mutilations and disappearances, poltergeist events, sightings of Bigfoot-like
creatures and other unidentified animals, physical effects on plants, soil, animals and humans,
strange ice circles, and a vast array of other unexplained incidents. .....2003
Courtney Brown
Author of Cosmic Voyage, Dutton, 1996.
Farsite Org Courtney Brown, Ph.D., founded The Farsight Institute in 1995
Personal Web site
Brown was trained in remote-viewing by Ed Dames, and took courses at the Monroe
Brown's book details his psychic conversations with aliens, and repeats allegations similar to
those made by Dames, Ingo Swann, Joe McMoneagle, and others. Among them:
Martians live among us, and seek our help to return home. They live in South America and
under the mountain Santa Fe Baldy
Brown psychically contacted Jesus, Guru Dev, and Buddha
The idea for the Star Trek TV series was inspired by aliens to get humanity accustomed to
the idea of working with alien races in a Federation.
Specific plot elements of the Star Trek: Next Generation series were suggested to
someone on the show via an implanted telepathy device.
Many of Dames' claims concerning the Martians are presented here, but Brown implies that this is
the first time any of this has been revealed to the remote viewers, even though the sessions took
place in 1994 and Dames made similar claims as early as 1993 (see Stark, Debby, "Talking to Ed
Dames", NM MUFON News, June/July 1993)
Brown founded the Farsight Institute in 1995. The Institute teaches a Scientific Remote Viewing
course called "Farsight Voyager", which costs around $3,000.00. Here's the Institute's home page.
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"Unfortunately, I [Ed Dames] was Courtney's trainer, but I had to have my name expunged from
the book because Prof. Brown went beyond the pale of our tried and tested techniques, into the
world of channeling."
However, Brown claims that his trainer (Dames) personally monitored and directed his viewing
sessions, included those that were involved with "channelling". (AOL Online Chat with Major Ed
Dames - February 1996)
See also: Courtney Brown interviewed on the Art Bell Show, 7/19/96
Lyn Buchanan
Remote Viewer formerly with the INSCOM/DIA program at Fort Meade and afterwards,
from 1984-92.
Currently runs a computer/psychic consulting firm:
o PSI (Problems-Solutions-innovations)
o 1005 Bosse Drive
o Mechanicsville, MD 20659
o (301)884-5856
Controlled Remote Viewing Home Page is run by Buchanan, and is full of information.
Involved with TREAT (Treatment and Research of Experienced Anomalous Trauma), a series of
UFO abduction related workshops.
(Porter, Tom, Government Research into ESP & Mind Control, March, 1996)
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Buchanan is a native of Texas, and has had paranormal experiences since the age of twelve. He
joined the US Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM) as a linguist.
After a psi-related mishap dealing with computers in Augsburg, Germany (probably when he
mentally fried a computer), he was transferred by INSCOM head Gen. Albert Stubblebine to
Washington for service as a remote viewer [According to a representative from PSI TECH,
Buchanan was brought on as the database manager, not as a remote viewer]. He retired in 1992.
(Who is Lyn Buchanan? from Buchanan's web site).
Buchanan was recruited to the Ft. Meade remote viewing unit a few months after the computer
crashing incident (which occured in early 1984)
(Schnabel, Jim, Remote Viewers: The Secret History of America's Psychic Spies, Dell, 1997, pg
According to Ed Dames, Buchanan was the lowest ranking member of the team. His primary job
title was Data Base Manager, and his secondary duties included servicing the units vehicles.
"Upon my permanent transfer to the unit, Buchanan constantly whined to me about how he had
been promised remote viewing training by the previous commander. I felt sorry for Lyn that he
failed my training. He lacked the discipline to attend to the rigorous protocols (remote viewing
structure) required to successfully prosecute an intelligence collection mission; he was not capable
of leaving his ego behind during a training session."
"Lyn was not integrated into operations until long after most of the unit's military officers had
departed, only to be replaced by DIA with tarot card readers and the like. Lyn stayed on with
(Dames, Ed, "Will the Real Lyn Buchanan Please Sit Down")
After Buchanan retired in 1992, he went to work for Albert Stubblebine, holding remote viewing
workshops at new age and UFO conferences. After a falling out, Buchanan founded PSI.
(Schnabel, Jim, Remote Viewers: The Secret History of America's Psychic Spies, Dell, 1997, pg
In 1994, Buchanan started the Assigned Witness Program, which offers its services to law
enforcement agencies. Involved in the program are Mel Riley and David Morehouse, as well as
graduates from Buchanan's training program.
(Heinberg, Richard, "Memoirs of a Psychic Spy", Intuition Magazine, #13, 10/96, pg 22)
Interview on the Art Bell Show 03-25-97
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Ed Dames
Worked with the INSCOM/DIA remote viewing program at Fort Meade.
Founded PSI-TECH in 1989.
Dames joined the Army in 1967 as a paratrooper. A year later, he was transferred to the Army
Security Agency, assigned to support the National Security Agency in the far east. In 1974 he
enrolled at the University of California, Berkeley, double-majoring in Bioelectronics and Chinese. In
1978, he graduated from UC's ROTC program and was commissioned as a second lieutenant in
Military Intelligence.
"He was recruited by a scientific and technical military intelligence 'black unit', ultimately to direct
clandestine operations against high-value foreign targets. He remained in deep cover, travelling
worldwide under assumed identities."
"For his work, Mr. Dames was awarded two Army Meritorious Service Medals and the Legion of
Merit. Additionally, he was personally credited by the Defense Intelligence Agency with penetrating
the Soviet Defense Council that in agency's words, 'a singularly profound act.'"
"Major Dames retired from the U.S. Army, taking the original team's best and brightest with him to
form his Beverly Hills, California based company, PSI TECH." "Ed's personal interests include
human potential, natural history, martial arts and physical fitness. He is fluent in Chinese
("Major Edward Dames - Background Information")
"Major Dames had been both an electronic warfare officer and scientific and technical intelligence
officer, from 1981-83." During this time, Dames claims to have been trained, along with five others,
by Ingo Swann in 1983. After completion of this training, Dames claims to be the operations and
training officer for the Army's (INSCOM) and DIA's remote-viewing program starting around late
1983 under CENTER LANE. "Dames took a 'let's see what this baby can do' approach, replacing
the unit's former intelligence collection methodology with the breakthrough technique."
("Ed Dames Sets the Record Straight")
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After leaving the remote-viewing unit in late summer, 1988, Dames worked for an INSCOM
"strategic deceptions" and anti-narc squad called Team Six.
(Schnabel, Jim, Remote Viewers: The Secret History of America's Psychic Spies, Dell, 1997, pg
According to remote viewer Joe McMoneagle, Dames has exaggerated about his involvement with
the government program.
According to McMoneagle:
"There were seven (7) commanders of the unit from 1977-1995, none of them were named
"Dames was a 'monitor/interviewer' of remote viewers, not a remote viewer." [Dames has
viewed himself since leaving the military - Doc]
Dames entered the program after 1984 and left in 1987 [By most reports, Dames left in the
summer of 1988 - Doc]
"Dames had no connection with the research portion of the project at any time, and knows
nothing about it."
I should note that I have never seen Dames claim to be either a commander of the unit,
nor a remote viewer himself prior to leaving the military.
(McMoneagle, Joe, "A Response to Ed Dame's Statement on CRV")
Dames responds to these charges in "Will the Real Lyn Buchanan Please Sit Down". He also
claims that "only the operations officer (i.e., me) and the commander had the complete picture",
while the viewers were only given information on a "need to know" basis.
In an interview with Debby Stark, Dames describes something called the "Big Event", which was
reportedly supposed to happen back in August 1993. Dames is also reported to have said that he
would leave the UFO business if he was wrong.
From what I can tell, Dames believes that aliens run things on this planet, and the Big Event is
when they start to make their presence known.
150 million years ago, Martians living on Mars experienced a cataclysm, and lived in
pyramid/hibernation chambers until the food began to run out. Rescue ships came from the
Federation, and evacuated the planet. Some moved to Earth, while others stayed on Mars,
encased in a life-preserving group, horribly mutated after 150 million years. Martians on Earth are
unable to reproduce due to the high gravity, but with the help of the Federation they plan to create
hybrids with humans to rescue their ancestors still on Mars.
According to Dames, the Taos hum is the result of alien electromagnetic devices that timetravellers use as a beacon (time-travelling UFOs are mining potassium and look like green
fireballs). Also, he claims that the UFOs at Area 51 are man-made.
(Stark, Debby, "Talking to Ed Dames", NM MUFON News, June/July 1993)
"'I have been involved in a lot of very, very deep, dark black projects.' 'I have never been assigned
to a unit that has suffered more ostracism, been looked upon with more fear.' In the late '70s, he
admits, the unit was 'associated with the occult. It gave the unit a bad name.'"
(Constantine, Alex, "Ed Dames & His Cover Stories for Mind Control Experimentation")
"Unfortunately, I was Courtney [Brown]'s trainer, but I had to have my name expunged from the
book [Cosmic Voyages] because Prof. Brown went beyond the pale of our tried and tested
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techniques, into the world of channeling." ("AOL Online Chat with Major Ed Dames - February
Ed Dames in a Psi-Tech online chat, 1997
In the documentary "Psi-Files: The Real X-Files", written and narrated by Jim Schnabel, Dames
claims to have been Ingo Swann's protégé, and Swann his mentor.
There is some contention over when Dames was involved with the program. Dames claims that he
was previously involved as a "customer" for the viewing data, officially joined in 1983, and left in
1989. Joe McMoneagle places him with the unit from after 1984 until 1987. Jim Schnabel reports
in Remote Viewers that Dames joined Ingo Swann's training program in 1983, and left the unit in
late summer, 1988.
[CNI News thanks Density4 for sending the following statement from Ed Dames. Though not
repeated here, previous public statements of Mr. Dames have included allegations that he and his
associates at PsiTech Corporation, a company offering remote viewing services to private clients,
have successfully employed remote viewing to determine the location and activities of aliens on
the earth.]
In May, 1996, Dames predicted several environmental disasters that he and PSI TECH remote
viewed. These include heavy winds, a form of bovine AIDS transmitted to children.
(Ed Dames interview on the Art Bell Show, 5/31/96)
Referring to the failure of psychotronics on the Art Bell Show, Dames said:
"What can be done however, is by pure use of electronics, you can affect the human nervous
system, and you can do certain things with the human brain waves, and uh, if you'd like me to get
into that kind of technology, I can, I can talk about that."
Art Bell - "Alright. Well when you say 'affect brain waves,' do you mean general patterns of
thinking, or you can induce a specific idea into a brain that would not otherwise think of it itself?"
Ed Dames - "Hypothetically, both."
Dames places the date of the extreme wind changes at 4 1/2 to 6 years (2001 to mid-2002)
Dames claims to be a member of the UFO Working Group described in Harold Blum's book Out
There. According to Dames, the cover title of the group was "the Advanced Theoretical Physics
Working Group"
According to Dames, many of the UFO sightings, including those at Area 51, are advanced manmade aircraft.
(Ed Dames interview on the Art Bell Show, 6/14/96) Ed Dames interview on the Art Bell Show,
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Ira Einhorn
Philadelphia based hippie/new age guru.
Was arrested 3/28/79 for murdering his girlfriend, Holly Maddux, who was found stuffed in
a trunk on Einhorn's porch.
He was defended in court by Arlen "Single Bullet" Specter. (Levy, Steven, The Unicorn's
Secret, Prentice Hall Press, 1989, pg 20)
Einhorn jumped bail and fled to England, 1/13/81, then to Ireland. He left Ireland in 1986, and as
of 1/96 his whereabouts were unknown. Click here for info from "Unsolved Mysteries".
The FBI announced on 6/16/97 that Einhorn had been located in France living under the name of
Eugene Mallon, thanks to tips from "Unsolved Mysteries". Reportedly, he had been sentenced to
life in absentia in 1993. As of this writing, extradition procedures are still in progress. Einhorn
became interested in the paranormal around 1975, when he met Andrija Puharich, who became
his mentor in this field. (Levy, pg 128-30)
Using his connections with Puharich, he formed what he called the "psychic mafia", which was a
collection of researchers bent on bringing psychic and paranormal phenomena into the
mainstream. He organized "Mind Over Matter" conference at Penn State University in late January,
1977. Attendees included Christopher Bird, Andrija Puharich, and Thomas Bearden. (Levy, pg
Soon afterwards, Einhorn and the psychic mafia focused their attention on ELF mind control.
(Levy, pg 190). He suggests that his murder charge could have been a set-up by the CIA or KGB
for his interest in activities by America and Russia in the areas of psychic warfare, Tesla
technology, and mind control. (Levy, pg 242) Puharich says that Einhorn's work wasn't important
enough to elicit such a reaction. (Levy, pg 308)
Einhorn led seminars at the Esalen Institute and was involved with the Physics/Consciousness
Research Group. He reportedly worked with Congressman Charlie Rose, a large supporter of
psychic studies, on classified projects.
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Uri Geller
Click here for Geller's biography on his home page.
Geller was discovered by Andrijah Puharich, who brought him to the US for scientific studies.
Under hypnosis by Puharich, Geller claimed that he received his powers from the Nine. Geller now
seems to claim, in the Geller Effect, that his testimony was the result of False Memory, due to
Puharich's suggestions and Geller's active imagination.
Geller was studied at SRI by Harold Puthoff and Russell Targ. While he was unable to bend metal
without physical contact, Geller was allegedly successful in telepathy experiments involving
copying drawings made by subjects. Geller also claims that he materialized a watch out of thin air
at SRI, that it was filmed, but that this segment was never released to the public. (Geller, Uri and
Playfair, Guy Lyon, The Geller Effect, Johnathan Cape, 1986, pg 39)
Sources that are positive towards these experiments include:
Targ, Russell and Puthoff, Harold E, "Information Transmission Under Conditions of
Sensory Shielding", Nature, 10/18/74, v252, n5476, pp 602-607
Targ, Russell and Puthoff, Harold E, "The Record: Eight Days With Uri Geller", published
in: Panati, Charles, ed., The Geller Papers, Houghton Mifflin Co., 1976
Targ, Russell and Puthoff, Harold E, "Experiments With Uri Geller", published in: Panati,
Charles, ed., The Geller Papers, Houghton Mifflin Co., 1976
Targ, Russell and Puthoff, Harold E, Mind-Reach, Delacorte Press, 1977
Geller, Uri and Playfair, Guy Lyon, The Geller Effect, Johnathan Cape, 1986
Skeptics have problems with these experiments, including flaws in statistical analysis and improper
controls. Ray Hyman personally reviewed Geller, and his unfavorably conclusions caused DARPA
to drop its funding.
Unfavorable reviews are included in:
Gardner, Martin, Science: Good, Bad, and Bogus, Prometheus Books, 981
Marks, David and Kammann, Richard, The Psychology of the Psychic, Prometheus
Books, 1980
Randi, James, "Flim-Flam!", Prometheus Books, 1982
While living in Israel, Geller allegedly worked for the Mossad and Shin Bet. (Schnabel, Jim,
Remote Viewers: The Secret History of America's Psychic Spies, Dell, 1997, pg 133)
The SRI studies with Uri Geller (beginning 10/72) were funded by the Institute of Noetic Sciences.
Reportedly, the CIA wanted SRI to evaluate Geller, to determine if he was genuine or, if not, how
he cheats. Geller also claims to have briefed Israeli intelligence on the SRI studies. In the summer
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of 1973 a group of Israelis, supposedly military, showed up at SRI to ask if Geller was genuine.
(Schnabel, 1997, pg 134)
After doing some experiments with Geller at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, some of the
scientists began seeing strange "visions". The scientists were evaluated by CIA scientist "Richard
Kennett" (probable aka Christopher Green), who had been involved with Geller's work at SRI.
(Schnabel, 1997, 164-9)
October, 1973, did experiments with Eldon Byrd of the Naval Surface Weapons lab. Geller
allegedly permanently bent a piece of nitinol metal, a feat impossible without applying great heat.
(Byrd, Eldon, "Uri Geller's Influence on the Metal Alloy Nitinol", in The Geller Papers, Panati,
Charles, ed., Houghton Mifflin Co., 1976, pg 67-73)
"Byrd said that Uri Geller put up $10,000 for his legal costs. Byrd and Geller are good friends, from
back in the '70s.." (Farley, Dick, "False Memory Spindrome")
Geller claims that while in Mexico, he worked on behalf of "Mike", who was part of an inner circle of
CIA psi believers. On Mike's request, Geller supposedly implanted thoughts in President Jimmy
Carter's mind to support research for psychic phenomena. (Geller, 1986, chptr 3)
Psychically fixed electronic equipment for Nazi/NASA scientist Wernher von Braun. (Geller, 1986,
pg 110-1) (Note: hardly evidence for pro-Nazi sentiment on the part of Geller, who is an Israeli)
1987, performed for Sen. Clairborne Pell. (Gardner, Martin, "Clairborne Pell: The Senator From
Outer Space", Skeptical Inquirer, March/April 1996)
Geller is currently available as a business consultant (price: 1 million pounds) at Uri Geller
Business Consultancy. He was involved with the Physics/Consciousness Research Group.
Author of:
My Story, 1975 (autobiography)
Pampini (novel)
The Geller Effect, Johnathan Cape, 1986 (updated autobiography)
Uri Geller Online: Geller's homepage.
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Alfred Hubbard
[Hubbard on left, presumably while at SRI]
OSS officer in WWII. Hubbard first took LSD in 1951, and proceeded to turn on several individuals
prominent in LSD research, including Dr. Humphrey Osmond, Myron Stolaroff, and Aldous Huxley,
earning him the title of "the Johnny Appleseed of LSD".
(Lee, Martin and Schlain, Bruce, Acid Dreams, Grove Press, 1985, pg 44)
Hubbard later did undercover work for several agencies, including the FDA and FBI. He reportedly
tried (and failed) to turn on J. Edgar Hoover. He introduced LSD to many high-ranking intelligence
officers. In the early 1950's, he refused an offer to join the CIA. (Lee and Schlain, pg 52) In all, it is
estimated that Hubbard introduced LSD to over 6,000 individuals. He worked until 1965 at the
International Foundation for Advanced Study (mis-identified here, I think, as the International
Federation for Advanced Studies)
(Fahey, Todd Brendan, The Original Captain Trips", High Times, November 1991)
Hubbard was hired by Willis Harman, then director of the Educational Policy Research Center at
SRI to be a special investigative agent, earning $100 a day. Officially he was a security guard,
although his actual duties included spying on the drug culture, which Hubbard, a political
conservative, disdained. He stayed at SRI until the late 1970's. (Lee and Schlain, pg 198-9)
Fahey describes Hubbard's work at SRI differently, placing him with the Alternative Futures
Project, which sought to turn on the world's political and business leaders. He left SRI in 1974, and
died on August 31, 1982. (Fahey)
In February, 1979, Hubbard attended an LSD reunion party, hosted by Dr. Oscar Janiger, along
with Laura Huxley, Sidney Cohn, John Lilly, Willis Harman, and Timothy Leary, among others. (Lee
and Schlain, 213)
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Joseph McMoneagle
web site
P.O. Box 100, Nellysford, Virginia 22958
Office: (804) 361-9215 Fax: (804) 361-9056
Military remote viewer with the INSCOM/DIA program at Fort Meade from 1978-84.
"Joseph W. McMoneagle was born January 10, 1946, in Miami, Florida. He voluntarily
joined the U.S. Army and was recruited by the Army Security Agency for classified
In 1978 "he was assigned to the Headquarters of U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command
(INSCOM) in Arlington, Virginia, where he culminated his career acting as a Special Projects
Intelligence Officer with the 902nd Military Intelligence Group for the remainder of his service."
He retired in 1984.
"Many unusual experiences have formed the foundation of his present company, Intuitive
Intelligence Applications. A near-death experience (NDE), a UFO sighting, and numerous
spontaneous out-of-body (OBE) episodes have caused him to spend the larger portion of his life
seeking more effective answers to questions concerning reality. He became interested in remote
viewing after participating in experiments at SRI International in California."
"Joe is currently working on his next project, 'Expectations From the Year 3000'" ("Who is Joseph
McMoneagle?", from the Controlled Remote Viewing Home Page)
"I, Joseph W. McMoneagle, hold the distinction of being the only Remote Viewer associated with
the 'Project' from its formalization under INSCOM as GRILLFLAME (mid-1978) throughout and
until its termination as Project STARGATE (in 1995)" Viewer number #001/372.
McMoneagle refutes many of claims made by Ed Dames, concerning his position and length of
service in the remote-viewing program.
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(McMoneagle, Joe, A Response to Ed Dame's Statement on CRV")
"I employed Joe in a number of operations, ca. 1980-82, while serving as an intelligence targeting
officer at levels of DoD much higher than McMoneagle (or Buchanan) ever dreamed of having
access to. However, since he is not trained, Joe has difficulty in recognizing when imagination
begins to start slipping into his perceptions."
(Dames, Ed, "Will the Real Lyn Buchanan Please Sit Down")
Currently a research associate at Cognitive Sciences Laboratory.
McMoneagle worked as a consultant to SRI and SAIC. In 1984, he received the Legion of Merit
award for excellence in intelligence service. According to his citation, quoted by Ed May, "He
served most recently as a Special Project Intelligence Officer for SSPD, SSD, and 902d MI group
... While with SSPD, he used his talents and expertise in the execution of more than 200 missions,
addressing over 150 essential elements of information."
(May, Edwin, "The American Institutes of Research Review of the Department of Defense's Star
Gate Program: A Commentary", Journal of Parapsychology, Vol 60, Mar/96)
"I can tell you that I participated in over 350 separate cases like the [Iran] hostage situation and
was accurate at least 86 percent of the time."
Question: "Joe, are you still doing any work involving remote viewing of future technologies... and
can you share any of that with us?"
Joe McMoneagle: "Yes, I'm still working with the lab at the University of Nevada at Las Vegas...
All I can say is that we are still building the machine, but don't quite know what it will do yet." He is
working at this project with Dean Radin. (Compuserve On Line Conversation w/ Joe McMoneagle,
In McMoneagle's book, Mind Trek (Hampton Roads, 1993), he offers one of the better
descriptions of how remote viewing is supposed to work. The historical details are a bit trickier, as
it was published two years before the CIA admitted to having supported the program.
In July, 1970, McMoneagle had a near death experience while stationed in Germany. Afraid of
ridicule, he did not mention the experience for several years.
SIGHTINGS ON THE RADIO Talks about remote viewing, near-death experiences, the future, and
about his book MIND TREK: Exploring Consciousness, Time and Space Through REMOTE
There are several problems trying to form a timeline for the period when McMoneagle joined the
remote viewing program. According to his book, this chain of events started in 1979 when he read
Robert Monroe's book Journeys Out of the Body (pg 40). When a neighbor saw him reading the
book, he offered him a copy of one of Puthoff's papers on remote viewing.
"My job in Washington, D.C., had much to do with sub-contract management for major ongoing
projects in military research and development." (pg 41)
As a part of his duties, he often travelled to the West Coast, and in October, 1978 (pg 43), he took
a leave of absence to spend in Menlo Park. During this time, he met Dr. Hal Puthoff and his
colleagues at SRI in July, 1979 (pg 26), and became involved with their experiments in remote
viewing, the first of which is dated June 4th, 1978 (pg 46).
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I don't know what to make of these glaring inconsistencies in the timeline. It is probably a
combination of poor editing by the publisher and a difficulty in keeping his cover story straight. As
McMoneagle was assigned with INSCOM in 1978, the same year INSCOM began its operational
remote viewing unit codenamed GRILL FLAME, I have difficulty accepting that McMoneagle heard
of the SRI experiments from a neighbor, and started his work with SRI on his own initiative and in
an unofficial capacity. I don't know if and how he has revised his story as to how he became
involved in the program, other than to say that he was involved in the official program.
Elsewhere, in a frequently asked questions section of his book, McMoneagle openly denies that
the Army was involved in remote viewing.
"I spent my entire career, twenty years, in Army Intelligence and Security. Most of my assignments
were overseas and most of the jobs were classified. My interest in remote viewing was something
that I had to pursue on my own and my early retirement from the service was a direct result of that
He elaborates in a follow-up question: "You mean you didn't do remote viewing in the Army?"
"That would imply the United States Army has an open attitude regarding psychic functioning,
which it doesn't. There is very little in the Army which is conducive to remote viewing or its
function." (pg 221)
While he doesn't exactly say "no" in his answer, I consider it misleading enough to be a denial.
Also, his denial is given voluntarily, and was not coerced in the context of something like an
interview. While it would have been illegal for him to reveal classified information, I think it would
have been just as easy for him to have omitted the topic rather than providing disinformation.
In October, 1965, McMoneagle witnessed a UFO while stationed in the Bahamas (pg 219). Later,
in the 1980s, he remote viewed the face on Mars, and claims to have contacted Martians who
were trying to survive an environmental cataclysm of their planet. His claims mirror those of Ed
Dames and Courtney Brown. (Chapter 16)
McMoneagle has done experiments in remote viewing and out of body experiences with Robert
Monroe at the Monroe Institute.
In an interview with Magical Blend, McMoneagle repeats the story about going to SRI under his
own initiative, and again gives a misleading answer regarding the military's involvement:
"[Question:] You were with Military Intelligence in the Army. Did you ever use your psychic abilities
in your military career?
Joseph McMoneagle: I think that I've used these abilities all my life, but in such a natural way that it
would be very difficult to specify when and where."
(Remote Viewing: Joseph McMoneagle interviewed by Jerry Snider, Magical Blend, Issue
Joe McMoneagle on the Tom Snyder Show
Interview on the Art Bell show 03-25-97
SIGHTINGS ON THE RADIO Interview with Joe McMoneagle and Ed May 03-02-97
After retiring from the Army in September, 1984, McMoneagle worked as a consultant for SRI and
the Monroe Institute.
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C.B. Scott Jones
President of the Human Potential Foundation. (Former?) assistant - Menelika McCarthy.
Former aide to Sen. Claiborne Pell for seven years, worked almost exclusively with the
paranormal. Was paid nearly $50,000/yr.
Born 1928. Joined the Navy around 1946. Career officer, served as a fighter pilot in the
Korean War.
"He served in Naval Intelligence for approximately 15 years, including assignments with Carrier
Division 14, and as Assistant Naval Attache, New Delhi, India, and Kathmandu, Nepal in the
1960s. He collected intelligence and provided intelligence support throughout Southeast Asia, the
Middle East, and North Africa."
"Jones has briefed the President's Scientific Advisory Committee, and has testified before House
and Senate committees on intelligence matters."
Retired from the Navy around 1976 due to a parapsychological experience. After retiring, he
worked for several companies, including R. F. Cross Associates, Ltd., and Kaman Tempo, a
divison of Kaman Sciences. This work involved development in projects sponsored by the Defense
Nuclear Agency, Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), and the U.S. Army Intelligence and Security
Command (INSCOM).
Helped behind the scenes at the TREAT II conference (1/90, Blacksburg, Virginia campus of
Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University). TREAT was/is organized by Rima Laibow.
"As late as the summer of 1991, Jones and Laibow were planning a yachting excursion together
with Col. John Alexander ... to investigate anomalies in the Bahamas."
"In 1989, MUFON appointed Jones as a Special Consultant in International Relations"
Involved in parapsychology conferences since (at least) the mid 70s
"Scott has been on the Board of Trustees of the American Society for Psychical Research (ASPR)
since 1985, and now [1992] serves as its President."
Formed the Human Potential Foundation in 1989. Board members include Clark Sandground and
Claiborne Pell.
"Scott often escorted Prince Hans-Adam of Liechtenstein, a very wealthy European with a longstanding interest in the paranormal. Together, they visited parapsychological laboratories and UFO
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"Jones has conducted his own dolphin telepathy studies along with Colonel John Alexander and
Theodore Rockwell, a prominent (Who's Who) nuclear engineer who has worked on naval nuclear
propulsion systems and who also serves as vice president of the U.S. Psychotronics Association."
In his paper "Government UFO Connections" (included in "Phoenix in the Labyrinth), he claims to
have no knowledge of government involvement in UFOs.
"Laibow, [Gen. Albert] Stubblebine and ufologist Victoria Lacas (with Jones in the shadows) toured
Europe and the Soviet Union, where they have established a prodigious UFO/Psi network."
(Durant, Robert J., "Will the Real Scott Jones Please Stand Up?", 1992)
Hosted a symposium for his employer, Kaman Tempo, entitled "Applications of Anomalous
Phenomena" (Leesburg, Virginia, 11/30-12/1/83). The symposium was intended to bring
government, academic, and military officials up-to-date information on private psi research. (Geller,
Uri and Playfair, Guy Lyon, The Geller Effect, Johnathan Cape, 1986, pg 224-5)
"[Eldon] Byrd told me [Dick Farley] about it [Byrd's lawsuit w/ Randi] over dinner at C. B. "Scott"
Jones home one evening of several we spent together back in '92 and '93 there."
Michael Persinger "is/was a big buddy of C. B. Jones (Jones says)". (Farley, Dick, "False Memory
Navy pilot and intelligence officer for forty years. Retains his security clearance. While a Navy
attaché in India, he experienced an unknown paranormal event that "enabled me to do my
intelligence assignment with much greater speed than one ordinarily expected." A believer in UFOs
since he saw one duting the Korean war.
His book Phoenix in the Labyrinth reportedly deals with PSI-TECH a great deal. (Gardner, Martin,
"Clairborne Pell: The Senator From Outer Space", Skeptical Inquirer, March/April 1996)
On the registration questionnaire for the 5/28/95 "When Cosmic Cultures Meet" conference, Jones
asked attendees if they would consider taking a drug that would result in telepathic contact with
aliens. (Chevalier, Remy, "When Cosmic Cultures Meet", Paranoia, Issue 10, pg 11)
While working for Sen. Pell, Jones was in contact with many psychics, and often put them in touch
with intelligence agencies.
(Schnabel, Jim, Remote Viewers: The Secret History of America's Psychic Spies, Dell, 1997, pg
In 1989, Scott claimed that the government probably didn't have a large parapsychology program
(large meaning funding in the millions) apart from occasional application of research in the open
literature by individuals with strong personal interests.
(Jones, C.B. Scott, "Essay Review of Psychic Warfare: Fact of Fiction?," Journal of
Parapsychology, 6/89, pg 147)
This was after he himself was involved in such a program, so he would have known better.
In this essay, he also seems to doubt that the US could carry on a mind-control program (again),
due to the checks and balances of our democratic system.
Jones has attended conferences in the former Soviet Union, where he was in contact with
Christopher Bird (Jones, 1989, pg 144). His foundation is also involved with the research of
Russian scientist Dr. Igor Smirnov.
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Human Potential Foundation: Founder and President
Center For Applied Anomalous Phenomena: Founder
American Society for Psychical Research: On Board of Trustees since 1985. President as
late as 1992.
Parapsychological Association: Associate member since 1984.
MUFON (Mutual UFO Network): appointed Consultant in International Relations in 1989.
Mid-Point: On Board of Advisors. Deals with dolphins. (Jones has a dolphin imprinted on
his business cards.)
R. F. Cross Associates, Ltd.: Research Director
Atlantic University: On board of directors. Unaccredited new-agey college.
Quest Institute: On board of directors. New Age educational institute.
Aviary, codename: Falcon.
(Durant, 1992)
Author of:
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Phoenix in the Labyrinth, Human Potential Foundation. This is a collection of speeches,
and reportedly a lot deals with Psi-Tech.
"Essay Review of Psychic Warfare: Fact of Fiction?", Journal of Parapsychology, 6/89
"...And Paul is Dead", Harper's, 1/91, pg 25. This is a portion of a letter to Defense
Secretary Dick Cheney, which warns Cheney that a speech he gave regarding the Gulf
War may reveal secret code words when played backwards.
"UFOs and New Frontiers: Connecting With The Large Reality"
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Dr. Igor Smirnov
Smirnov gave a series of closed meetings in Northern Virginia, starting on 3/17/93, to the FBI,
CIA, DIA, and ARPA concerning Russian developments with a device that allegedly implanted
thoughts in a subject's mind. The FBI was considering using this device to implant the voice of God
in David Koresh's mind, telling him to surrender.
Other, non-intelligence participants included Dr. Christopher Green and Dr. Richard Nakamura of
the National Institute of Health [I think he may now be the director].
This technology was supposedly used by the Russians against civilians in Afghanistan, and
possibly on the Red Army to prepare them for battle.
The American rights to this technology is owned by a Richmond, Virginia company called
Psycotechnologies Corp. (Defense Electronics, 7/93. Reprinted in Flatland #11)
As of 1994, Smirnov has worked at Moscow's Institute of Psycho-Correction, using subliminal
technology as therapy for drug abusers and others. The Institute has been strapped for cash after
the the fall of the Soviet Union, but it has refused to accept business from the Russian Mafia.
(Elliott, Dorinda and Barry, John, "A Subliminal Dr. Strangelove", Newsweek, 8/22/94, pg 57)
Has done work with the Human Potential Foundation and John Alexander.
Note: I'm not sure how Smirnov's device is supposed to work. Later reports claim it would work
using inaudible, subliminal suggestions (spliced into phone conversations in the case of David
Koresh). The device is definitely supposed to make the subject "hear" voices, as the FBI wanted to
use Charlton Heston as the voice of God. This is definitely a different strategy from other subliminal
techniques, which are designed to produce mere suggestions.
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