Web Tools for Enrollment Management

Web Tools for Enrollment
Ken Meehan, Research, Fullerton College
Bob Hughes, I.S. NOCCCD
Deborah Ludford, I. S. NOCCCD
Building an Information Community: IT and Research Working Together
Welcome and Introductions - Deborah
History and Development - Deborah
Demonstration of Product – Ken
Technical Aspects of Development – Bob
Questions and Answers – Deborah
History & Development
• Identified a need to track FTES at the campus level
– Fullerton College
– Identifying Essential Information
– Defining the domain
– Specification of Variables
• Meeting with Information Services - 2001
• Hired consultants to work with Information
Services and campus researchers to develop a set of
tools beginning with Current Enrollments
History and Development
• Refinement of Current Enrollment
– Cross-listed sections
– Shared FTEF
– Census enrollment
• Enrollment Projection Report
– Projecting positive attendance
– Choice of appropriate terms
• Five Year Comparison Report
Presentation at Presidents Staff
Demonstration at Deans Council
Annual Updates and New Deans
Development of ER Light
Use by Deans and Chairs
Correction of Contact Hours
Evaluation at End of Term
Current Focus on Maximizing FTES
• Current enrollment Report
• Projected enrollment Report
• Five –Year Comparison Report
• Capturing in Excel and SPSS
• Daily Reporting to President and CIO
Current Enrollment
Current Enrollment
Enrollment Projections
Enrollment Projections
Five-Year Trends
Five-Year Trends
Project Timeline
• April 2003 – project design approved
• July 2003 – Current Enrollment in
• Nov 2003 – Historical trends delivered;
(performance issues needed to be addressed)
• April 2004 – Historical Trends in production
• May 2004 – Projected Enrollment in
Technical Details
• PL/SQL procedures run to populate 3 tables:
– CurrentEnrollment
– FiveYear
– EnrollmentProjection
• JavaServer Pages are used to display the
• PL/SQL functions provide aggregate data
made up of elements within the underlying
Current Enrollment
• Up to 2 weeks of daily enrollment activity is
captured per college, per term
• PL/SQL procedure run automatically on a
nightly basis to populate a single table
• 86 columns, 104,827 rows (3 terms)
• Data captured at the CRN (section) level
Enrollment Projection
• Current term, 2 future terms, and 4 past
terms are captured per college
• PL/SQL procedure run automatically on a
nightly basis to populate a single table
• 86 columns, 20,884 rows
• Data captured at the CRN (section) level
Five Year Comparison
• One row per course for each college and term
is stored following MIS reporting for the prior
• 84 columns, 61,604 rows (29 terms)
• Data captured at the course level
Issue 1 – Attendance Methods
• Handling various attendance methods
(Weekly, Daily, Positive Attendance)
• Aggregate totals needed separate functions
to keep PA courses from being calculated in
• Attendance methods for some courses
changed from term to term
Issue 2 – Cross Listed Courses
• Some cross-listed courses would be entered with
max seats at each CRN:
– Cross List group has 45 seats
• Class 1 has 45 seats
• Class 2 has 45 seats
• Class 3 has 45 seats
• Some cross-listed courses would be entered with
counts unique to each CRN
– Cross List group has 45 seats
• Class 1 has 20 seats
• Class 2 has 15 seats
• Class 3 has 10 seats
Cross List Compromise
• We ended up using the class in the cross-list
group scheduled with the highest number of
• Doesn’t work well when courses cross
Issue 3 – Projection Basis
• Enrollment Projection report uses a ‘projected FTES’
at the class (CRN) level
• Populated by a function based on averages from
previous terms
• Which terms to include?
X number of prior terms?
X number of prior “like” terms?
Exclude “unique” terms due to construction, other issues?
How to project Summer?
Requested Future Enhancements
• Ability to see historical trends alongside
current enrollment
• Display data graphically
• Allow projections to be entered at the CRN
Questions and Answers
Thank You for attending
Enjoy the conference!