Running head: EDUCATIONAL SITUATION: TEACHING STUDENTS TO READ Educational Situation: Teaching Students to Read Monica R. Woods University Of Phoenix 1 EDUCATIONAL SITUATION: TEACHING STUDENTS TO READ 2 Abstract This paper discusses the impact of integrating learning theories in teaching children to read. It will describe ways to employ elements of behaviorism, social cognitivism, and constructivism theories to offer a literacy rich classroom environment. One of the most pleasurable moments in life is having the opportunity to teach a child to read. Many of us enter into and/or remain in teaching early education for this reason alone. Teachers involved in the early stages of literacy witness the transformation of children taking the sounds of letters and symbols and producing language that has meaning. Teachers that integrate learning theories recognize the importance of addressing the learning style of the learner and providing meaningful instruction. Literacy is primarily the most vital skill a child can learn in school (Pinnell, 2006). The ability to read opens the door of one’s mind and offers limitless opportunities for children to travel anywhere on earth without leaving their school or home. Children can travel the world simply by learning to master the skill of interpreting visual symbols into sound. EDUCATIONAL SITUATION: TEACHING STUDENTS TO READ 3 Educational Situation: Teaching Students to Read Teacher understanding of how children learn is the foundation of a solid teaching. The quality of learning is diminished if teachers fail to base instruction on integrated learning theory (Pinnell, 2006). Understanding how theory interrelates with curriculum is paramount to developing the reading abilities of children. Such abilities can be difficult and challenging to develop. Teachers must become experts with background knowledge in reading theories and integrate theories into their instruction (Hall, 2009). Behaviorist Reading Instruction According to Gredler (2009) behaviorism makes three basic assumptions about learning. They are 1. Observable behavior, rather than internal mental events or verbal reconstructions of events, should be the focus of study, 2. Behavior should be studied in terms of its simplest elements (specific stimuli and specific responses). 3. Examples of behavioral reactions investigated by the early researchers include reflexes, observable emotional reactions, and motor and verbal responses. The process of learning is behavioral change. A particular response becomes associated with the occurrence of a particular stimulus, and occurs in the presence of that stimulus (p. 37). Behaviorism is based on behavior that is observed and is defined by several agreed upon laws. Behaviorism uses reinforcement techniques that are both positive and negative. Such techniques can be very effective in a classroom of students with identified disorders which include autism, anxiety disorders and other antisocial behavior. The behaviorist teachers use a system of reward or punishment for student behaviors. This would include employing a rewards chart for student progress in learning phonics and saying letters and/or words correctly. It may also include a EDUCATIONAL SITUATION: TEACHING STUDENTS TO READ 4 negative consequence for students who fail to participate or rehearse phonics drills. Behaviorist reading instruction may also include read alouds and oral modeling of pronunciations of letters, words, or sentences, which would require students to repeat after the teacher. Teachers are wise to select book titles that are relative and engaging to appeal to the emotional life of the students. Such emotional reaction is an example of Watson’s conditioning with behaviorism (Gredler, 2009). Gredler states, “an essential step in developing the appreciation of literature, art, science, and other subjects is that of associating students’ early experiences with positive reactions.” (p. 44) Social Cognitive Reading Instruction Social cognitive theory addresses the learning process between stimuli and response as the learner imitates modeled behavior (Gredler, 2009). The assumption of a teacher using the social cognitive approach to reading is that the students’ attitudes towards reading are affected by the student’s self-efficacy. In other words, how the student observes him or her self, or responds to his or her academic performance. Social cognitive teachers give students many opportunities to learn reading by “abstracting information from observing others, make decisions about the behavior to enact” (p. 372). Teachers provide a literacy filled environment and opportunities to acquire symbols to build verbal and visual codes (Gredler, 2009). In the social cognitive classroom, it is imperative for the student to use his or her cognitive processing and decisionmaking skills to be successful. Constructivism Reading Instruction Constructivist view of learning is that children learn by constructing knowledge through adaptation (Keller, 2011). Piaget states that knowledge is not mere memorization as it has the EDUCATIONAL SITUATION: TEACHING STUDENTS TO READ 5 ability to go beyond what one currently knows and understands. The constructivist reading teacher designs the classroom instruction to allow students to make meaning of his or her reading. The classroom is student-centered with activities that are engaging with authentic to meet individual student needs (Gredler, 2009). In the constructivist classroom the teacher shifts from the role of instructor to being the facilitator of learning. According to Gredler, the environment is not restrictive and promotes whole language. Conclusion Finally, teachers need to have a strong understanding of learning theories in order to design and implement effective reading pedagogy. This paper has discussed the impact of integrating behaviorism, social cognitivism, and constructivism in reading curriculum and instruction. According to Pinnell (2006), teachers must have a strong knowledge of theory in order to teach students to read. This knowledge of theory must be applied to and drive the overall goal of the reading instruction. According to Hall (2009), the goal in reading instruction is for teachers to “(a) develop the students’ concepts about print, (b) phonics knowledge, (c) vocabulary knowledge, (d) fluency, and (e) comprehension abilities” (p. 3). Teachers integrating learning theories into their instruction are likely to develop students who are capable of problem solving, decision making, reasoning, and answering abstract questions. EDUCATIONAL SITUATION: TEACHING STUDENTS TO READ 6 References Gredler, M. E. (2008). Learning and instruction: Theory into practice, 6th Edition. [VitalSource Bookshelf version]. Retrieved from Hall, L. (2009, December). Prevalent theories in reading instruction. Learning and Teaching Reading, 1-15. Retrieved from Keller, D. (2011, February). Constructivism. Teaching and Learning Resources, Retrieved from Pinnell, G. S. (2006). Every child a reader: What one teacher can do. Reading Teacher, 60(1), 78-83. doi:10.1598/RT.60.1.9 9.45 10 Possible Points Individual: Educational Situation Feed Forward I can see by this assignments that you are well grounded in how these theories relate to practical applications in a learning environment. Continue to focus on how each of these assignments link from one week to the next. As you prepare to work on your dissertation, the information from this course will fit into any study. Relating information to your overall personal learning process, will help you make better connections to how they apply in whatever field of study you will focus on in your dissertation. Doctoral Paper Grading Rubric Criteria Percents Possible Points Points Earned Depth Of Scholarship 10% 1 0.8 Word count range: 750-1200 0.2 0.2 describes the educational/training scenario in depth 0.2 0.2 includes analysis of scenario based on the different theories and interaction of these theories in about the learning process 0.2 0.2 has at least 3 learning or developmental theories and how they interrelate 0.2 0.2 Comment Assignments should represent the learner’s careful, thoughtful efforts to cover the key elements of the topic thoroughly. Content should go beyond mere description or regurgitation. The work should be thematic and based on an analytical framework of the learner’s choosing. Key Elements You incorporated the course learning based on at least 3 of the learning theories you have been studying the past three weeks and applying those theories into a learning situation, in your reading classes. You failed to include how additional theories could be applied to help improve the instructional EDUCATIONAL SITUATION: TEACHING STUDENTS TO READ shows improvements that could be made by applying other theories 15% 0.2 0 1.5 1.5 Demonstrated originality of thought in the discussion of the application of the theories in a learning environment. 0.75 0.75 Enlarged upon each of the sources' authors’ points of view (at least 3). 0.75 0.75 1.5 1.4 0.75 0.7 0.75 0.7 1.5 1.5 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 1.5 1.5 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 1 0.9 Utilized a strong organizational structure. 0.5 0.45 Covered the facts in a logical and consistent manner. 0.5 0.45 2 1.85 0.7 0.65 0.65 0.55 0.65 0.65 10 9.45 Originality of ideas and research Theoretical and conceptual framework 15% Contributed substantive value to the understanding of the information provided Related the theories and concepts to the evaluation process. 15% Use of literature Supported the assertions of needed changes with peer- reviewed literature. Used appropriate, timely, and adequate literature. Substantive value 15% Contributed substantive value to the understanding of the concepts discussed based on course learning. Presented information in a manner that would convince others of the point of view established. Clarity and logic of presentation Grammar and adherence to APA format 10% 20% Sentences, paragraphs structures and words used add to the organization of the document. Followed all rules governing grammar, spelling, and standard usage of American English. Followed all formatting guidelines of APA 6th ed. Total Score 100% 7 program. The paper demonstrated originality of ideas in the development of this assignment. The example you used certainly did illustrate how learning theories are incorporated in this situation. The information provided established an understanding of the concepts learned through course reading and class discussions. Leaving out improvements needed affected this area as well. Good use of your resources and your own ideas were expanded on sufficiently to demonstrate learning. The information gleaned from this assignment will be useful in all areas of the importance of matching instructional activities to student abilities. Your paper flowed well. The use of subheadings helped create better transitioning from one area to the next. You showed good improvement, but you may need to use the WritePoint Grammerly software several times until you remove the majority of your errors.