STATE NAME: Ohio QRIS Program Name Contact for QRIS and person completing this form (if different) Agency that administers the QRIS Service area Pilot Phase Date full program launched Voluntary or part of licensing Website and link to current standards Types of ELD Programs Eligible to participate Total numbers of ELD programs participating and (and % of universe) Number of participating licensed child care centers (and % of universe) Number of participating regulated family child care programs (and % of universe) Number of participating Head Start programs Number of participating public Pre-K programs Other participating programs (please name) Percent of programs at each rating level Rating structure (block, point, hybrid) – has there been a change in the type of structure? Number of levels Length of time rating is valid Is there a maximum length of time providers can stay at a level? Different process used to assess family child care Different process used to assess Head Start, and/or State Pre-K Different process used to assess accredited programs Broad indicator categories Date of last update to standards Licensing compliance included Ratio and group size indicators included Observational tools used Frequency of observational assessment Financial incentives, describe or provide link to details Step Up To Quality (SUTQ) Janene Kehl, ELCG Project Manager, ODJFS, Kelly Smith Ohio Department of Job & Family Services (ODJFS) Statewide May 2005 – November 2006 Statewide implementation began in November 2006 for ODJFS licensed child care centers and Type A Homes (ODJFS licensed family child care home for seven to 12 children). SUTQ is currently undergoing revisions, moving from a three- to a five- star rating system; and from a building block to a hybrid building block and points system in October 2013. Voluntary with timeline for participation outlined for public preschool, publicly funded family child care homes and publicly funded child care centers Current standards: Revised standards: ODJFS licensed child care centers and Type A Homes (seven to 12 children) are eligible to participate. TQRIS expansion timeline: Expanding from a three- to a five- star rating system October 2013 Early Childhood Education (State PK) begin participation October 2013, all programs rated by July 2015 Preschool Special Education begin participation October 2013, all programs rated by July 2017 Subsidized Child Care Centers/Type A Homes voluntary participation with required participation for funding by July 2019 Subsidized Child Care in Small Family Child Care Homes begin participation in July 2014 and all rated by July 2019 1,331 programs rated as of 6/5/13 30% of licensed ODJFS child care centers and Type A Family Child Care Homes are rated 1293 ODJFS licensed centers 97% of rated programs are center based 38 Type A home 3% of rated programs are Type A Homes 378 sites are rated as of June 2013. 72% of Head Start sites are Star Rated. N/A at this time N/A 598 One- Star = 45%, 415 Two-Star = 31%, 318 Three-Star = 24% Current system is a building block. The expansion to a five-star system (October 2013) is a hybrid model with oneto three- star ratings earned with a building block model and additional points available for four- to five- star rated programs. Programs must achieve a minimum of at least one point in each of the four domains and can earn optional extra points for accreditation, lower staff/child ratios and group size. Currently three- star system expanding to five-star system in October 2013. Currently rating is valid for one year. In the expansion to five-star system there is a graduated rating period based on the star rating level. One-star ratings are valid for one year, two- and three- star ratings are valid for two years, and four- and five- star ratings are valid for three years. During the years the program does not receive a renewal visit, an annual report is required to be submitted which will include a report on progress the program is making towards goals outlined in their Continuous Improvement Plan. No Family child care programs have separate standards which are closely aligned to the program standards. The verification process is the same for both family child care and programs. No No Learning and Development Administrative & Leadership Staff Qualifications & Professional Development Family & Community Partnerships Additional points for Accreditation and Staff/Child Ratios Updated standards will go into effect October 2013 Licensing is included as the threshold for entry As additional optional points for four- and five- star ratings Ohio is creating a classroom observation tool which will assess classroom environments and staff/child interactions for programs seeking a three- to five- star ratings Observation assessment at rating renewal verification visit. Quality Achievement Awards for ODJFS licensed programs– current system Quality Achievement Awards – October 2013 will have new award amounts for the five-star system Publicly Funded Child Care programs currently receive additional funding with a star rating Evaluation of the QRIS completed? If available on the website, list link Data System – does your state have one for QRIS? Does it interface with other systems? What other information about the QRIS are you most proud about? (current or working on) Tools, forms or PD/TA for programs specific to CQI Approach (attach or provide link) CQI/QIP Plan Required (if so, share link) Payment Rates and Procedures for Providers of Publicly Funded Child Care can be found at node-id%28179%29 Child Care Chapter 16: Child Care Eligibility, Fraud & Overpayments Rule 5101:2-16-41. These rules will be revised in October 2013 to reflect revised rates based on the new five- star system. Step Up To Quality Research - 2005 – 2007, 2007 – 2009 and 2009 – 2011 QRIS specific data system is available. The current data system interfaces with the ODJFS licensing mainframe system. A new data system is in development and will be implemented October 2013 when Ohio moves from a three- to five- star rating. The new system will continue to interface with the licensing mainframe system and in January 2015 the new data system will be expanded to include a licensing system that will be jointed used by ODJFS and ODE. This new data system will also interface with Ohio Professional Registry that is managed by the Ohio Child Care Resource & Referral Association (OCCRRA). With the revisions of Step Up To Quality which will be implemented in October 2013, the Department of Job and Family Services and the Ohio Department of Education have worked collaboratively, along with other state agencies and key stakeholders, to develop a single set of quality standards that will be used by all early learning and development programs, regardless of setting type. We are excited about the inclusion of all program types, and proud of the accomplishments of our agencies working together to increase quality in Ohio. Professional development and technical assistance are provided to programs seeking to obtain, maintain, or increase their star rating. This is provided by the local Resource and Referral Agencies or by regional State Support Teams. Information can be found at or Programs seeking a two- to five star rating will be required to complete an annual Continuous Improvement Plan. The plan is currently under development and will be available to programs to use with the October 2013 implementation of the revised program standards.