Grade 5 Content Unit 1 Bend 2

Grade 5 - Unit 1 Title Narrative Craft
Unit 1 Table of Contents
Unit 1 Title Narrative Craft
Unit Essential Questions
Unit Goals and Sub Goals (Task Analysis)
Unit Language (Spanish, Russian, English)
Unit Assessment Checklist
Unit Assessment Rubric
Sample Unit Calendar
Page Number
English, Spanish
Grade 5 - Unit 1 Title Narrative Craft
Grade 5
Content Unit 1 Bend 2: Moving Through the Writing Process: Rehearsing, Drafting, Revising, and
Unit Title:
Narrative Craft
Stage 1
Identify Desired Results
W.5.3.a.e, W.5.4, W.5.5, W.5.8, W.5.10
RL.5.1, RL.5.2, RL.5.5, RL.5.6
listing of standards
incorporated in the SL.5.1, SL.5.4, SL.5.6
L.5.1, L.5.2, L.5.3
(These goals should be
aligned to Essential
(These should be
aligned to the Goals
(aligned to goals)
Good writers develop the elements
of their story though revision.
Los buenos escritores desarrollan los
elementos de su cuento al revisar.
Good writers draw on all they know
about editing.
Los buenos escritores utilizan todo
lo que saben sobre editar.
6 I can draft by writing fast and
Soy capaz de escribir mi borrador al
escribir de prisa.
7 I can engage in large-scale, wholenew-draft revisions, by asking myself
that the story is really about.
Soy capaz de hacer revisiones por
completo al preguntar de qué se
trata realmente la historia.
8 I can revise my narrative by
bringing out the story structure.
Soy capaz de revisar mi narración al
enfocarme en el arco dramático de
12 I can put the final touches on my
writing by using checklists and
charts while I edit.
Soy capaz de poner los toques
finales en mi escrito al utilizar
listas de control y tablas cuando
Good writers use different verb
tenses correctly.
Los buenos escritores utilizan los
tiempos de los verbos
I can use the past perfect tense.
Soy capaz de utilizar el pretérito
I can use the past progressive
Soy capaz de utilizar el pasado
I can use transition words and
phrases to connect elements of my
Soy capaz de utilizar palabras y
Dates of Unit:
Grade 5 - Unit 1 Title Narrative Craft
la historia.
9 I can elaborate on parts of my
story that show meaning by using
writing techniques.
Soy capaz de explicar las partes con
más significado en la historia
usando varias técnicas de escribir.
10 I can bring out the internal story
by using scenes from the past and
Soy capaz de desarrollar la trama
interna al usar escenas del pasado y
11 I can end my stories so that they
tie back to the big meaning of the
Soy capaz de terminar mis cuentos
de tal manera que se relacionan con
el tema principal de la historia.
frases de transición para conectar
los elementos de mi historia.
Grade 5 - Unit 1 Title Narrative Craft
Stage 2
Determine Assessment Evidence Bend 2
Academic Language (What language will students need to sound like experts?)
Academic Language Function(s):
Academic Language Stems:
Easy for Beginners
 Describe people, places, things and events.
 (Who) (What)(Where)
Describir a personas, lugares, cosas y eventos.
(Quién)(Qué) (Cuándo)
I watched dad in the kitchen.
 Use past perfect and past progressive tenses.
Yo miré a Papá en la cocina.
Utilizar los tiempos pretérito, pasado y pasado
Medium for Intermediate
Academic Vocabulary:
Flash Drafting / Redactar de prisa
Story Arc / arco dramático
Internal / interno
Scenes / escenas
Techniques / técnicas
 (Who)(What)(Where)(When)
 I watched dad cleaning the dirty dishes in the kitchen.
Yo miré a Papá lavando los trastes sucios
en la cocina,
Difficult for Advanced and Fluent
 (Who)(What)(Where)(When)(How)
 I watched dad as he plunged his hands in soapy water, cleaning the dirty dishes in
the kitchen sink.
Yo miré a Papá cuando sumergió sus manos en el agua enjabonada, lavando los
trastes sucios en el fregadero.
 Goals Rubric
 Assessment Checklist
Student Name
B = Beginning
D = Developing
P = Proficient
I can use transition words
and phrases to connect
elements of my story.
I can use the past
progressive tense.
I can use the past perfect
I can put the final touches
on my writing by using
checklists and charts while I
I can end my stories so that
they tie back to the big
meaning of the story.
I can bring out the internal
story by using scenes from
the past and future.
I can elaborate on parts of
my story that show meaning
by using writing techniques.
I can revise my narrative by
bringing out the story
I can engage in large-scale,
whole-new-draft revisions,
by asking myself that the
story is really about.
I can draft by writing fast
and furious
Grade 5 - Unit 1 Title Narrative Craft
Unit of Study Assessment Checklist Bend 2
Nombre del estudiante
B = Beginning
D = Developing
P = Proficient
Soy capaz de utilizar
palabras y frases de
transición para conectar los
elementos de mi historia.
Soy capaz de utilizar el
pasado progresivo.
Soy capaz de utilizar el
pretérito perfecto.
Soy capaz de poner los
toques finales en mi escrito
al utilizar listas de control y
tablas cuando edito.
Soy capaz de terminar mis
cuentos de tal manera que
se relacionan con el tema
principal de la historia.
Soy capaz de desarrollar la
trama interna al usar
escenas del pasado y futuro.
Soy capaz de explicar las
partes con más significado
en la historia usando varias
técnicas de escribir.
Soy capaz de revisar mi
narración al enfocarme en
el arco dramático de la
Soy capaz de hacer
revisiones por completo al
preguntar de qué se trata
realmente la historia.
Soy capaz de escribir mi
borrador al escribir de prisa.
Grade 5 - Unit 1 Title Narrative Craft
Lista de control, grado 5, unidad 1, sección 2
Student Name
Punctuation: I used commas to set off introductory
parts of sentences, such as One day at the park, I
went on the slide; I also used commas to show talking
directly to someone, such as Are you mad, Monm?
Spelling: I used what I knew about word families and
spelling rules to help me spell and edit. I used the
word wall and dictionaries when needed.
I varied my sentences to create the pace and tone of
my narrative.
I included precise details and used figurative language
so that readers could picture the setting, characters,
and events. I used some objects or actions as symbols
to bring forth my meaning.
Craft: I showed why characters did what they did by
including their thinking and their responses to what
I slowed down the heart of the story. I made less
important parts shorter an less detailed and blended
storytelling and summary as needed.
Elaboration: I developed characters, setting, and plot
throughout my story, especially the heart of the story.
To do this, I used a blend of description, action,
dialogue, and thinking.
Organization: I used paragraphs to separate different
parts or time of the story and to show when a new
character was speaking. Some parts of the story were
longer and more developed than others.
Ending: I wrote an ending that connected to the main
part of the story. The character said, did, or realized
something at the end that came from what happened
in the story.
I gave readers a sense of closure.
Transitions: I used transitional phrases to show
passage of time in complicated ways, perhaps by
showing things happening at the same time(
Meanwhile, at the same time) or flashback and flashforward (early that morning, three hours later).
Lead: I wrote a beginning in which I not only showed
what was happening and where, but also gave some
clues to what would later become a problem for the
main character.
Overall: I wrote a story of an important moment. It
read like a story, even though it might be a true
Grade 5 - Unit 1 Title Narrative Craft
Narrative Unit Student Checklist, Grade 5
Language Conventions
Nombre del
Puntuación: Utilicé comas para separar oraciones introductorias
tales como Un día en el parque, fui a la resbaladilla; También usé
comas para mostrar que estoy hablando directamente a una
persona, como por ejemplo: ¿Pedro, fuiste al parque? o ¿Fuiste al
parque, Pedro?
Ortografía: Utilicé mi conocimiento sobre las silabas y reglas de
ortografía para deletrear y editar. Use el muro de palabras y el
diccionario cuando fue necesario.
Composición: Mostré por que los personajes hicieron lo que hicieron
al incluir lo que pensaban y como respondieron a lo que pasó.
Adicioné más detalles para resaltar más las partes importantes de la
historia. Las partes menos importantes las hice más cortas y con
menos detalles. También combiné la voz narrativa y el resumen
cuando fue necesario.
Incluí detalles precisos y lenguaje figurativo para que el lector pudiera
imaginar el ambiente, los personajes y los eventos. Utilicé objetos y
acciones como símbolos para dar más significado a mi historia.
Varié las oraciones para crear el ritmo y tono de mi narración.
Elaboración: Desarrollé personajes, ambiente y trama a lo largo de mi
historia, especialmente lo más importante de la historia. Para hacer
esto, use una combinación de descripción, acción, diálogo y
Organización: Utilicé párrafos para separar diferentes partes o
tiempos en la narración y para mostrar cuando un nuevo personaje
estaba hablando. Algunas partes de la historia están más largas y
desarrolladas que otras.
Final: escribí un final relacionado con el tema principal de la
narración. El personaje dijo, hizo o se dio cuenta de algo al final, como
resultado de lo que sucedió en la historia.
Conectores: Usé conectores para mostrar el paso del tiempo en
diferentes formas; por ejemplo para mostrar cosas sucediendo al
mismo tiempo (mientras tanto, al mismo tiempo) o saltos en el
tiempo hacia atrás o hacia el futuro (temprano esa mañana, tres
horas más tarde).
Introducción: Escribí el comienzo el cual no sólo muestra qué está
sucediendo y dónde, sino también da algunas pistas sobre lo que más
tarde será un problema para el personaje principal.
En general: Escribí una narración sobre un momento importante
en mi vida. Suena como un cuento aunque es verdadera.
Grade 5 - Unit 1 Title Narrative Craft
Normas de escritura
Grade 5 - Unit 1 Title Narrative Craft
Unit of Study Assessment Rubric
Unit # - Unit Title…
Learning Target
Language Learning Target
Grade 5 - Unit 1 Title Narrative Craft
Stage 3
Plan Learning Experiences and Instruction
There are about 40 teaching days in Quarter 1. This is a suggested timeline that has incorporated Learning and Language Goals. Please modify and adjust
according to the needs of your students.
Bend 1:
Day 1: Session 1: Starting with
Turning Points
 Learning Goal: I can
think of turning point
moments to come up
with ideas for
personal narratives.
Day 2: Session 1: Continue:
Starting with Turning Points
 Learning Goal: I can
think of turning point
moments to come up
with ideas for
personal narratives.
Day 4: Session 2: Continue:
Dreaming the Dream of the
 Learning Goal: I can
write effective
narratives by reexperiences episodes
before writing.
Day 5: Session 3: Letting
Other Authors’ Words
Awaken Our Own
 Learning Goal: I can
allow another
author’s words to
spark ideas of my
Day 6: Session 3: Continue:
Letting Other Authors’ Words
Awaken Our Own
 Language Goal: I can
use precise adjectives
to describe details.
Day 7: Session 4: Telling the
Story from Inside It
 Learning Goal: I can
tell the story from
inside it.
Day 12: Session 8: Bringing
Forth the Story Arc
 Learning Goal: I can
revise my narrative by
bringing out the story
Day 9: Session 5: Taking Stock
and Setting Goals
 Learning Goal: I can
assess my own
growth and set new
goals by using a
Day 14: Session 9: Elaborating
on Important Parts
 Learning Goal: I can
elaborate on parts of
my story that show
meaning by using
writing techniques.
Bend 2:
Day 10: Session 6: FlashDrafting
 Learning Goal: I can
draft by writing fast
and furious.
Day 11: Session 7: What’s this
Story Really About?
 Learning Goal: I can
engage in large-scale,
revisions, by asking
myself that the story
is really about.
Day 3: Session 2: Dreaming
the Dream of the Story
 Learning Goal: I can
generate story ideas
by thinking of places
that matter to me and
the episodes that
occurred in those
Day 8: Session 4: Continue:
Telling the Story from Inside It
 Language Goal: I can
use prepositional
phrases to describe
where or when things
Day 13: Session 8: Continue:
Bringing Forth the Story Arc
 Learning Goal: I can
revise my narrative by
bringing out the story
10 | P a g e
Day 15: Session 9: Continue:
Elaborating on Important
 Language Goal: I can
use transition words
and phrases to
connect elements of
my story.
Grade 5 - Unit 1 Title Narrative Craft
Day 16: Session 10: Adding
Day 17: Session 10: Continue
Scenes from the Past and
Adding Scenes from the Past
and Future
 Learning Goal: I can
 Language Goal: I can
bring out the internal
use the past
story by using scenes
progressive tense.
from the past and
Bend 3:
Day 22: Session 14: Taking
Day 21: Session 13: Reading
Writing to the Workbench
with a Writer’s Eye
 Learning Goal: I can
 Learning Goal: I can
use my writers’
make my writing
notebook as a place
powerful by
to try new things and
emulating narrative
work hard at the
writing I admire.
writing goals I’ve set
for myself.
Day 26: Session 16: Catching
Day 27: Session 17: Every
the Action or Image that
Character Plays a Role
Produced the Emotion
 Learning Goal: I can
 Learning Goal: I can
further the larger
write those exact
meaning of the story
actions or images to
by making sure every
evoke the same
character has a role
emotions or thoughts
that connects to it.
in readers.
Day 31: Session 19:
Day 32: Session 20: Reading
Aloud Your Writing
 Learning Goal: The
 Learning Goal: I can
teacher can create
celebrate my writing
mini-lesson by
by reading it aloud.
assessing students
writing needs.
11 | P a g e
Day 18: Session 11: Ending
 Learning Goal: I can
end my stories so that
they tie back to the
big meaning of the
Day 19: Session 12: Putting
On the Final Touches
 Learning Goal: I can
put the final touches
on my writing by
using checklists and
charts while I edit.
Day 20: Session 12: Continue:
Putting On the Final Touches
 Language Goal: I can
conjugate both
regular and irregular
verbs in the past
Day 23: Session 15: Stretching
out the Tension
 Learning Goal: I can
structure my stories
by stretching out the
problem, telling it bit
by bit.
Day 24: Session 15: Continue:
Stretching out the Tension
 Language Goal: I can
use transition words
and phrases to
connect elements of
my story.
Day 28: Session 17: Continue:
Every Character Plays a Role
 Language Goal: I can
use precise adjectives
to describe details.
Day 29: Session 18: Editing
 Learning Goal: I can
make my writing
more exact by
learning about
especially commas
from writing I admire.
Day 25: Session 16: Catching
the Action or Image that
Produced the Emotion
 Learning Goal: I can
think about which
actions or images
happened before I
felt or thought
Day 30: Session 18: Continue:
 Learning Goal: I can
make my writing
more exact by
learning about
especially commas
from writing I admire.
Day 33: Session 21: Transferring Learning: Applying Narrative
Writing Skills across the Curriculum
 Learning Goal: I can apply everything I’ve learned
about narrative writing and apply it to other genres
and tasks.
Grade 5 - Unit 1 Title Narrative Craft
There are about 40 teaching days in Quarter 1. This is a suggested timeline that has incorporated Learning and Language Goals. Please modify and adjust
according to the needs of your students.
Bend 1:
Day 1: Session 1: Starting with
Turning Points
 Learning Goal: I can
think of turning point
moments to come up
with ideas for
personal narratives.
Day 2: Session 1: Continue:
Starting with Turning Points
 Learning Goal: I can
think of turning point
moments to come up
with ideas for
personal narratives.
Day 4: Session 2: Continue:
Dreaming the Dream of the
 Learning Goal: I can
write effective
narratives by reexperiences episodes
before writing.
Day 5: Session 3: Letting
Other Authors’ Words
Awaken Our Own
 Learning Goal: I can
allow another
author’s words to
spark ideas of my
Day 6: Session 3: Continue:
Letting Other Authors’ Words
Awaken Our Own
 Language Goal: I can
use precise adjectives
to describe details.
Day 7: Session 4: Telling the
Story from Inside It
 Learning Goal: I can
tell the story from
inside it.
Day 12: Session 8: Bringing
Forth the Story Arc
 Soy capaz de revisar mi
Day 9: Session 5: Taking Stock
and Setting Goals
 Learning Goal: I can
assess my own
growth and set new
goals by using a
Day 14: Session 9: Elaborating
on Important Parts
 Soy capaz de explicar
Bend 2:
Day 10: Session 6: FlashDrafting
 Soy capaz de escribir
Day 11: Session 7: What’s this
Story Really About?
 Soy capaz de hacer
Day 3: Session 2: Dreaming
the Dream of the Story
 Learning Goal: I can
generate story ideas
by thinking of places
that matter to me and
the episodes that
occurred in those
Day 8: Session 4: Continue:
Telling the Story from Inside It
 Language Goal: I can
use prepositional
phrases to describe
where or when things
Day 13: Session 8: Continue:
Bringing Forth the Story Arc
 Soy capaz de revisar mi
revisiones por
completo al preguntar
de qué se trata
realmente la historia.
Day 16: Session 10: Adding
Scenes from the Past and
 Soy capaz de
desarrollar la trama
interna al usar escenas
del pasado y futuro.
12 | P a g e
narración al enfocarme
en el arco dramático
de la historia.
Day 17: Session 10: Continue
Adding Scenes from the Past
and Future
 Soy capaz de utilizar el
pasado progresivo.
narración al enfocarme
en el arco dramático
de la historia.
las partes con más
significado en la
historia usando varias
técnicas de escribir.
Day 18: Session 11: Ending
 Soy capaz de terminar
Day 19: Session 12: Putting
On the Final Touches
 Soy capaz de poner los
mis cuentos de tal
manera que se
relacionan con el tema
principal de la historia.
toques finales en mi
escrito al utilizar listas
de control y tablas
cuando edito.
mi borrador al escribir
de prisa.
Day 15: Session 9: Continue:
Elaborating on Important
 Soy capaz de utilizar
palabras y frases de
transición para
conectar los elementos
de mi historia.
Day 20: Session 12: Continue:
Putting On the Final Touches
 Soy capaz de conjugar
los verbos regulares e
correctamente en el
tiempo pasado.
Grade 5 - Unit 1 Title Narrative Craft
Bend 3:
Day 22: Session 14: Taking
Day 21: Session 13: Reading
Writing to the Workbench
with a Writer’s Eye
 Learning Goal: I can
 Learning Goal: I can
use my writers’
make my writing
notebook as a place
powerful by
to try new things and
emulating narrative
work hard at the
writing I admire.
writing goals I’ve set
for myself.
Day 26: Session 16: Catching
Day 27: Session 17: Every
the Action or Image that
Character Plays a Role
Produced the Emotion
 Learning Goal: I can
 Learning Goal: I can
further the larger
write those exact
meaning of the story
actions or images to
by making sure every
evoke the same
character has a role
emotions or thoughts
that connects to it.
in readers.
Day 31: Session 19:
Day 32: Session 20: Reading
Aloud Your Writing
 Learning Goal: The
 Learning Goal: I can
teacher can create
celebrate my writing
mini-lesson by
by reading it aloud.
assessing students
writing needs.
13 | P a g e
Day 23: Session 15: Stretching
out the Tension
 Learning Goal: I can
structure my stories
by stretching out the
problem, telling it bit
by bit.
Day 24: Session 15: Continue:
Stretching out the Tension
 Language Goal: I can
use transition words
and phrases to
connect elements of
my story.
Day 28: Session 17: Continue:
Every Character Plays a Role
 Language Goal: I can
use precise adjectives
to describe details.
Day 29: Session 18: Editing
 Learning Goal: I can
make my writing
more exact by
learning about
especially commas
from writing I admire.
Day 33: Session 21: Transferring Learning: Applying Narrative
Writing Skills across the Curriculum
 Learning Goal: I can apply everything I’ve learned
about narrative writing and apply it to other genres
and tasks.
Day 25: Session 16: Catching
the Action or Image that
Produced the Emotion
 Learning Goal: I can
think about which
actions or images
happened before I
felt or thought
Day 30: Session 18: Continue:
 Learning Goal: I can
make my writing
more exact by
learning about
especially commas
from writing I admire.