Julius Ho
Historical overview of vaccines
Genetic methods in vaccine development
Use influenza as an example for new synthetic bio approaches
Immune response from a non-pathogenic relative of the organism
Smallpox vaccine (1796):
Edward Jenner uses coxpox virus to induce resistance to smallpox http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Edward_Jenner2.jpg
Reduce pathogenicity of virus/bacteria by repeated culturing
TB vaccine (1921):
Discovery of Mycobacterium bovis, a relative of M. tuberculosis
Selection of less-virulent strains over 10+ years http://feww.files.wordpress.com/2008/10/tb.jpg
Kill the actual pathogen but expose immune system to the remnants
Polio vaccine (1952):
Polio virus grown in animal cell line, then inactivated by formalin http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Polio.jpg
Neutralize the toxin produced by pathogens and inject into patient
Tetanus vaccine (1924):
Culturing Clostridium tetani, collecting tetanospasmin toxin and inactivating with formalin http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:CBell1809.jpg
A genetic approach:
Determining the immunogenic portion of a microorganism
Producing subunits without the harmful or replicative portions of pathogen
Hepatitis B vaccine: surface antigen used to be isolated in human blood, transplanted into yeast in 1980s
HPV vaccine: surface antigens produced in yeast, approved 2006 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Hepatitis_B_virus_v2.png
Traditional methods:
Inactivated: Inject eggs with virus, incubate and allow virus to proliferate, apply formalin to “kill”
Attenuated: Expose virus to repeated cold adaption cycles, until it no longer can reproduce in body temp (directed evolution!) http://science.nationalgeographic.com/staticfiles/NGS/Shared/StaticFiles/
Takes around six months to prepare annual vaccine
Only a prediction of the expected strains
Variable quality of egg product
Difficult to control amount of virus
Live-attenuated vaccine is unsuitable in immunocompromised patients
Quan et al. 2010, “Virus-Like Particle Vaccine Protects against
2009 H1N1 Pandemic Influenza Virus in Mice”
The HA and M1 genes were converted to cDNA, PCR amplification, insertion into pFastBac vector
Plasmids placed into a baculovirus, infected into insect cells
Structural proteins aggregate and form empty capsules in supernatant
Western blot to confirm HA and M1 in VLP Electron micrograph of VLP
Mice injected with isolated VLPs
A universal flu vaccine
Adar et al. 2009, “A universal epitope-based influenza vaccine and its efficacy against H5N1”
Insert a variety of flu epitopes on flagellin chassis
Flagellin detectable by TLR5 in innate immune system
Inserting plasmid DNA for immunogenic portions directly into human cells; producing antigens on-site
Easy to synthesize and adapt
Stable storage
Prolonged exposure to immunogen
Most similar expression/structure to actual infection http://www.niaid.nih.gov/news/newsreleases/2005/pages/wnvvaxtrial.aspx
R.J. Drape et al. 2006, “Epidermal DNA vaccine for influenza is immunogenic in humans”
HA coding sequence isolated by RT-PCR, inserted into DNA plasmid
DNA coated on 1-3um gold particles, delivered by gene gun
Problem: Attenuated virus reverting to wild type
Directed mutations
Macadam et al. 2006, “Rational Design of Genetically Stable, Live-
Attenuated Poliovirus Vaccines of All Three Serotypes: Relevance to Poliomyelitis Eradication”
Altering thermodynamic stability of virus domain with point mutations (using splicing segments with RE)
Using knowledge of codon pair bias
Coleman et al. 2008, “Virus Attenuation by Genome-Scale
Changes in Codon Pair Bias”
Preserving AA sequence of P1 structural domain (2643bp), but modifying synonymous codons (500-600 mutations)
Changes in translation
http://discovermagazine.com/2009/jul-aug/27-vaccine-production-horriblyoutdated-3-ways-fix-it http://www.i-sis.org.uk/LASIVCSQ.php
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2820088/ http://www.who.int/biologicals/areas/vaccines/dna/en/index.html