Basic Knowledge for Everyone Rhonda Draper So often, young people hear busy soundtracks. When learning to sing, a child needs to hear his or her own voice. That is what gives feedback to the ear and ultimately the brain. Together the brain, ear and voice work to help a child learn to sing in tune. ‘Basic Knowledge’ is developed specifically to help a child by adding music to basic information that is foundational for all children. We intuitively know that humans learn better when content is set to music. The songs on this CD are: Set in a child’s range. (Children’s vocal folds are shorter than adults’. Their range is naturally higher.) Done in an echo style – to give maximum feedback to the child and to help him or her move from one success to the next. Lightly accompanied, if at all. Children need to hear their voices, not the soundtracks! Designed to help a child find and practice his or her singing voice. Smile, breathe, teach, make a difference… Rhonda Draper Aa Bb Ee Hh Ff Ii Ll Oo Jj Pp Ww Dd Gg Mm Ss Vv Cc Kk Nn Qq Tt Xx Zz Rr Uu Yy Big A little a A-a-apple Big N, little n N-n-nail Big B, little b B-b-ball Big O, little o O-o-octopus Big C, little c C-c-candy Big P, little p P-p-pail Big D, little d D-d-doll Big Q, little q Q-q-queen Big E, little e E-e-elephant Big R, little r R-r-ram Big F, little f F-f-fox Big S, little s S-s-sailboat Big G, little g G-g-glasses Big T, little t T-t-tam Big H, little h H-h-hawk Big U, little u U-u-umbrella Big I, little i I-i-igloo Big V, little v V-v-valley Big J, little j J-j-jam Big W, little w W-w-watermelon Big K, little k K-k-kangaroo Big X, little x X-x-x-ray Big L, little l L-l-lamb Big Y, little y Y-y-yak Big M, little m M-m-mitten Biz Z, little z Z-z-zak The Short Vowel Chick Story Listen and learn about the short vowels sounds. Old MacDonald had a Vowel Old MacDonald had a vowel A-E-I-O-U And on his farm he had an ‘A’ A-E-I-O-U With an ‘a-a’ here And an ‘a-a’ there Here an ‘a’, there an ‘a’, Everywhere and ‘a-a’ Old MacDonald had a vowel A-E-I-O-U (and so on…) This preview was brought to you by To view more, purchase the digital download or order the hard copy. Smile, breathe, teach, make a difference…Rhonda Draper