Textbook Correlation

The Idaho Adventure
Textbook Correlation to Reporting Topics and State Standards
SE – Student Edition, TG – Teacher Guide, SG – Student Guide
Skill Page – SE end of each chapter
Writing Assessment – TG
Project Assessment – TG
RT1: History
Report Card Performance Standards
4.RT1.PSa Identify the major groups and significant individuals
and their motives in the western expansion and settlement in
Idaho and their impact on American Indians.
4.RT1.PSb Describe the role of the discovery of gold and other
minerals in the settlement of Idaho.
4.RT1.PSc Identify American Indian tribes in Idaho: Coeur
d’Alene, Kootenai, Shoshone-Bannock, Nez Perce, and
Shoshone-Paiute Tribes, current reservation locations.
4.RT1.PSd Identify characteristics of American Indian tribes and
other cultural groups in Idaho.
4.RT1.PSe Identify American Indian cultural materials (artifacts)
and describe their use in everyday life.
Idaho Content Standards
1.1.2 Explain the role of missionaries in the development of
1.2.1 Identify the major groups and significant individuals and
their motives in the western expansion and settlement in Idaho.
1.2.4 Analyze and describe how the westward expansion
impacted the American Indians in Idaho
1.2.2 Describe the role of the discovery of gold and other
minerals in the settlement of Idaho.
1.3.1 Identify American Indian tribes in Idaho: Coeur d’Alene,
Kootenai, Shoshone-Bannock, Nez Perce, and Shoshone-Paiute
Tribes and current reservation boundaries
2.3.2 Discuss the impact of settlement in Idaho on American
Indian tribal lands, such as aboriginal and/or ceded territories,
and the Treaties of 1855 and 1863
1.3.3 Identify characteristics of American Indian tribes and
other cultural groups in Idaho
1.3.4 Compare and contrast how Idaho American Indian life
today differs from the life of these same groups many years
3.1.1 Compare how American Indians and early settlers met
their basic needs of food, shelter and water
1.3.6 Describe American Indian cultural materials and their use
in everyday life.
The Idaho Adventure
Chapter 3 lessons 1,2, Skill Page, Writing Assessment (TG p.
84), Project Assessment (TG p.85)
Chapter 4 lessons 1,2,3,4, Project Assessment (TG p. 119),
Writing Assessment (TG p. 117)
Chapter 5 lessons 1,2,3,4, Project Assessment (TG . 152)
Chapter 6, lessons 1
Chapter 4 lessons 3,4, Technology Activity (TG p. 106), In Your
Own Words (TG p. 106)
Chapter 2 lesson 2, Writing Assessment (TG p. 62), Project
Assessment (TG p. 63), Defend Your Land (SG p. 24)
Chapter 5 lessons 3, 4, Writing Activity (TG p. 145)
Chapter 10 (p. 270)
Chapter 2 lessons 1,2,3, 4, Skill page, Technology Activity (TG p.
Chapter 5 Skill Page
Chapter 2 lessons 1, 2, Social Studies Activity (TG p. 46)
Created June 2012
RT2: Geography
Report Card Performance Standards
4.RT2.PSa Use geographic skills to interpret and analyze maps
4.RT2.PSb Locate on a map of the world the continents,
oceans, landforms, poles, hemispheres, equator, and prime
RT2.PSc Find specific locations on a map of Idaho
4.RT2.PSd Locate the physical regions of Idaho and identify
major natural resources
4.RT2.PSe Identify the geographic features of Idaho and explain
their impact on settlement
Idaho Content Standards
The Idaho Adventure
2.1.1 Use geographic skills to collect, analyze, interpret, and
communicate data.
2.1.2 Show on a map of the world the continents, oceans,
landforms, poles, hemispheres, equator, and prime meridian.
Chapter 1 lessons 2, Skill Page, Social Studies Activity (TG p. 12)
SE- pages 290-297
Chapter 1 lesson 2, Application Activity (TG p. 13)
SE- pages 290-297
2.1.3 Use a number/letter grid to find specific locations on a
map of Idaho.
Chapter 1 lesson 2, Map Activity (TG p. 12)
SE- pages 296-297
Chapter 4 Skill Page
Chapter 1 lesson 3, 4
SE – page 297
Chapter 1 lesson 3, Project Assessment (TG p. 29)
Chapter 7 lesson 2
2.1.4 Describe the physical regions of Idaho and identify major
natural resources.
2.3.1 Analyze past and present settlement patterns in Idaho.
2.3.3 Identify the geographic features of Idaho and explain their
impact on settlement.
RT3: Economics
Report Card Performance Standards
Idaho Content Standards
4.RT3.PSa Explain the concepts of supply, demand and scarcity
3.1.2 Explain the concepts of supply and demand and scarcity.
4.RT3.PSb Explain the concepts of specialization and division of
4.RT3.PSc Identify goods and services in early Idaho
4.RT3.PSd Explain the concept of public and private property
3.1.3 Explain the concepts of specialization and division of
3.1.4 Identify goods and services in early Idaho settlements.
4.RT3.PSe Describe examples of technological innovations in
relation to economic growth in Idaho
3.1.5 Explain the concept of public and private property in the
development of Idaho.
3.2.1 Describe examples of technological innovations in relation
to economic growth in Idaho.
4.RT3.PSf Describe how geographic features of Idaho have
determined the economic base of Idaho’s regions
4.RT3.PSg Define entrepreneurship and identify reasons for
starting a business
4.RT3.PSh Compare and contrast: city/suburb/town,
urban/rural, farm/factory, and agriculture/industry
3.2.2 Describe how geographic features of Idaho have
determined the economic base of Idaho’s regions.
3.4.1 Define entrepreneurship and identify reasons for starting
a business.
2.3.4 Compare and contrast: city/suburb/town, urban/rural,
farm/factory, and agriculture/industry.
The Idaho Adventure
Chapter 9 lesson 1, Writing Assessment (TG p. 249), Social
Studies Activity (TG p. 234)
Chapter 9 lesson 2, Social Studies Activity (TG p. 238)
Chapter 5 lessons 1,2, Social Studies Activity (TG p. 130)
Chapter 7 lessons 1
Chapter 9 lesson 3, Reading Strategy (TG p. 242)
Chapter 5 lesson 2
Chapter 6 lesson 1
Chapter 9 lesson 3, Technology Activity (TG p. 242)
Chapter 1 lesson 3,4
Chapter 9 lesson 3
Chapter 9 lesson 2, Application (TG p. 240)
Chapter 1 lesson 4, Activator (TG p. 19), Literature Link (TG p.
Created June 2012
RT4: Civics and Government
Report Card Performance Standards
4.RT4.PSa Identify the people and groups who make, apply,
and enforce laws in Idaho
4.RT4.PSb Explain that rules and laws can be used to protect
rights, provide benefits, and assign responsibilities
4.RT4.PSc Identify Idaho symbols and explain their significance.
Idaho Content Standards
4.1.1 Identify the people and groups who make, apply, and
enforce laws within state and tribal governments.
1.3.5 Identify how American Indian tribes in Idaho governed
4.1.2 Explain that rules and laws can be used to protect rights,
provide benefits, and assign responsibilities.
4.2.1 Explain the significance of Idaho symbols.
The Idaho Adventure
Chapter 10 lesson 1,2, Skill Page, Art Activity (TG p. 267)
Chapter 2 lesson 4, Application (TG p. 57)
Chapter 10 lesson 3
Chapter 10 lesson 1, Art Activity (TG p. 262)
http://www.sos.idaho.gov/elect/BLUEBOOK.HTM (Chpt.1)
4.RT4.PSd Describe the difference between state and local
governments including their basic functions
4.RT4.PSe Identify the three branches of state government and
explain the major responsibilities of each
4.RT4.PSf Name elected state representatives in the legislative
and executive branches and ways to contact them.
4.2.2 Describe the difference between state, local, and tribal
4.2.3 Identify and explain the basic functions of state and tribal
4.2.4 Identify the three branches of state government and
explain the major responsibilities of each.
4.3.1 Name elected state representatives at the legislative and
executive branches.
4.3.2 Explain ways to contact elected state representatives.
Chapter 10 lesson 1,2, Project Assessment (TG p. 279)
Chapter 10 lesson 2, Reading Activity (TG. P. 262), Writing
Assessment (TG p.277)
Chapter 10 lesson 3
http://www.sos.idaho.gov/elect/BLUEBOOK.HTM (pg. 2,
chapters. 3 &4)
RT5: Global Perspectives
Report Card Performance Standards
Idaho Content Standards
4.RT5.PSa Explain how groups of people from various parts of
the world have contributed to Idaho’s cultural heritage and
impacted the state’s history
5.1.1 Analyze the roles and relationships of diverse groups of
people from various parts of the world who have contributed to
Idaho’s cultural heritage and impacted the state’s history.
1.1.1 Describe ways that cultural groups influenced and
impacted each other.
4.RT5.PSb Identify the challenges experienced by people from
various cultural, racial, minority and religious groups that
settled in Idaho from various parts of the world
5.1.2 Discuss the challenges experienced by people from
various cultural, racial, and religious groups that settled in Idaho
from various parts of the world.
1.2.3 Analyze and describe the immigrant experience in Idaho
5.1.3 Identify Idaho’s role in the global economy.
4.RT5.PSc Identify Idaho’s role in the global economy
The Idaho Adventure
Chapter 2 lessons 1,2,3
Chapter 3 lessons 1,2
Chapter 4 lesson 1,2,4
Chapter 5 lessons 1,2, 4
Chapter 6 lesson 1, Social Studies Activity (TG p. 164)
Chapter 7 lessons 1,2
Chapter 8 lessons 1,2,3, Social Studies Activity (TG p. 216),
Immigrants Bring Culture (SG p. 107)
Chapter 4 lessons 2, 4
Chapter 6 lesson 1,2, Portrait Activity (TG p. 169)
Chapter 7 lesson 2
Chapter 8 lessons 1,2,3
Chapter 9 lesson 3, Project Assessment (TG p. 250), Activator
(TG p. 241) Businesses in Idaho (SG p. 118)
Created June 2012