Chapter 9 and 10 study guide

Name: _____________________ Date: __________ Period: _____
Social Studies Study Guide for Chapters 9 and 10
Put the letter of the correct answer in the blank.
_____ 1. The first state-chartered university in the United States was
a. Oglethorpe University.
c. Georgia Tech.
b. The University of Georgia.
d. Georgia Military College.
_____ 2. The first way the government of Georgia distributed land was by
a. the headright system.
c. selling it at low prices.
b. the lottery system.
d. selling it to land speculators.
_____ 3. Between 1790 and 1840, the population of Georgia increased __ times.
a. two
c. four
b. three
d. five
_____ 4. The capital of Georgia moved many times in order to
a. stay in the geographic center of the state.
b. stay in the center of the state’s population.
c. keep up with the growth of the state government.
d. improve the capitol building.
_____ 5. The Yazoo Land Fraud is considered to be the worst political scandal in
Georgia history because land speculators
a. sold land that was not theirs to sell.
b. sold for very high prices land they had bought very cheaply.
c. bought available land from the Indians for low prices.
d. bribed members of the General Assembly to sell public land to them for low
_____ 6. The ___ proved to be a natural barrier that forced settler, moving in
covered wagons, southward into Virginia, the Carolinas, and Georgia.
a. Atlantic Ocean
c. Appalachian mountains
b. Mississippi River
d. Cumberland Gap
_____ 7. People who won land in the lottery were known as
a. fortunate drawers.
c. big game winners.
b. lucky lottos.
d. favored winners.
_____ 8. The first north-south transportation routes were
a. rivers.
c. Indian trails.
b. railroads.
d. turnpikes.
_____ 9. How did the state help the steamboat industry?
a. by building a canal from the Oconee River to the Tennessee River.
b. by owning and operating steamboat businesses.
c. by giving tax breaks to steamboat companies.
d. by passing laws to protect river transportation.
_____ 10. In order to build roads, the state government
a. created the Department of Transportation.
b. paid citizens to work on roads one month a year.
c. approved turnpike corporations.
d. levied taxes on horses and wagons.
_____ 11. Which of the following describes the headright system?
a. The head of a family received 200 acres of land plus 50 acres for each of his
family members.
b. Any 21-year-old white male was allowed one chance to draw for land.
c. Each family received 5 acres of land near a city and 50 acres of land in the
d. None of the above.
_____ 12. The first road law of 1775 required
a. all males between the ages of 16 and 60 to work 12 days a year on local roads.
b. a highway department be established.
c. tax dollars be used for road construction.
d. toll roads to be built.
_____ 13. By 1773, the Creeks and Cherokees gave up over 2 million acres of their
a. because the national government ordered all Indians out of Georgia.
b. because they were paid over one million dollars.
c. in order to repay money they owed to white traders.
d. because they wanted to move to less populated areas.
_____ 14. The river that linked the backcountry to the ocean was the
a. Ocmulgee.
c. Savannah.
b. Oconee.
d. Flint.
_____ 15. The development of railroads and steamboats meant
better and cheaper transportation for people and goods.
people could move further west and still get the goods they needed.
cotton grown inland could be delivered to market at a profit.
all of the above.
______ 16. The Cherokee capital was
a. Dahlonega.
b. New Echota.
c. Acorn Bluff.
d. New Etowah.
______ 17. The whites wanted the Creeks removed
a. for their fertile land.
b. for the gold on their land.
c. because they were attacking white settlements.
d. because they wanted control of their waterways.
_____ 18. A creek chief was known as the
a. principal chief.
b. mico.
c. head chief.
d. tribal head.
_____ 19. Most of the Creeks and Cherokees moved to
a. Arkansas.
c. Texas.
b. North Carolina.
d. Oklahoma.
_____ 20. Which Creek tribe supported the United States during the War of
a. Lower Creeks
c. Red Sticks
b. Upper Creeks
d. White Sticks
_____ 21. The Cherokees occupied more land in ____ than in any other state.
a. Alabama
c. Tennessee
b. Georgia
d. North Carolina
_____ 22. European settler who came to America were looking for
a. jobs.
c. gold.
b. religious freedom.
d. land.
_____ 23. The Seminoles were a part of the
a. Upper Creeks.
b. Lower Creeks.
c. Cherokees.
d. Choctaws.
_____ 24. The Trail of Tears involved the
a. Seminoles.
b. Creeks.
c. Cherokees.
d. Chickasaws.
_____ 25. Georgia officials objected to U. S. troops protecting Cherokee lands
from gold miners because
a. the Cherokees had already promised to leave.
b. the Cherokees were taking the miners’ land.
c. the gold belonged to the state.
d. the federal government was interfering in state affairs.
_____ 26. After the Creek War, Creeks could only stay in Georgia if
a. they adopted more of the white man’s ways.
b. they paid for their lands.
c. they abolished their government and nation.
d. they were willing to live among whites.
_____ 27. The Indians that were most influenced by the white man were the
a. Creeks.
c. Seminoles.
b. Cherokees.
d. Choctaws.
_____ 28. Indians believed
a. in squatter’s rights.
b. all land should be inherited.
c. land could be used but never owned.
d. the land they lived on was theirs forever.
_____ 29. Which of the following Indian nations did not live in Georgia?
a. Cherokees
c. Creeks
b. Choctaws
d. Seminoles
_____ 30. The U. S. Supreme Court decided in Worcester v. Georgia that
a. Georgia laws did not apply in the Cherokee nation and the missionaries should
be freed.
b. the missionaries violated Georgia law and should remain in prison until they took
Georgia’s oath.
c. the federal government had no right to interfere in Georgia’s affairs.
d. the Georgia government should repeal its oath.
_____ 31. Most of the lands Georgians got from the Creeks were acquired
a. by winning the Creek wars.
b. through cessions.
c. by purchasing the lands from the Creeks.
d. when the Creeks abandoned them.
_____ 32. Georgia leaders based their decision of not recognizing the Cherokee
government on the fact that
a. Cherokees were not U. S. citizens.
b. Cherokees were not Georgia citizens.
c. Cherokee laws conflicted with Georgia laws.
d. the U. S. Constitution prohibited the creation of a nation within a state.
_____ 33. White Georgians wanted the Seminoles removed from south Georgia and
north Florida because
a. the Georgians wanted the land for farming.
b. the United States wouldn’t take Florida from Spain unless the Seminoles were
c. the Seminoles gave runaway slaves a refuge and allowed them live freely within
their tribe.
d. the Seminoles were attacking new settlers in the area.
______ 34. What is not one of the ways the Cherokees tried to become more
a. They used the English language exclusively.
b. They published their own newspaper.
c. They created a nation and wrote their own constitution.
d. They became farmers, lawyers, and teachers.
_____ 35. The Trail of Tears got its name from the
a. laments of Georgians when the Cherokees left.
b. suffering experienced by the Cherokees in the removal.
c. number of rivers and waterways along the trail.
d. sadness felt by U. S. citizens because of the ordeal.
Essay questions are worth ten points each. Write answers on the back of this page.
A. Explain the Yazoo Land Fraud and its outcome.
B. Describe the Native American concept of land ownership and lineage.