
Andre Laliberte
University of Ottawa, School of political studies
Presented at the ILO 4th RDW Conference
Geneva, Swizerland
July 9, 2015
Research design
 Most similar conditions
 Large urbanized area;
 Importance of wealthy middle classes
 Significant number of migrant domestic workers
 Increasing demand for care-givers service since 1990s
 Key differences
 Political and legal regimes/rule of law
 Levels of governments: the focus of this research
 Funding for the research:
 Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada
partnership grant on ‘Gender, Migration, and the Work of
Care in the Asia-Pacific’ (File No: 895-2012-1021), under the
direction of Ito Peng, PI.
Hong Kong special
Shanghai special
1,104 km2
6,340 km2
36,193 km2
7.2 million
24.5 million
23.7 million
Levels of government
 Higher tier of government: greater state capacities
 Taiwan (Republic of China): top tier
 Central level of government, 4 lower levels below
 Sovereignty except for universal recognition at the UN
 Hong Kong special administrative region: hybrid
 One country two systems: large degree of autonomy
 Full responsibility except for defense and foreign affairs
 Shanghai special municipality: second-tier
 Mayor’s power equivalent to that of provincial governor
 Implementation of decisions made at the center
Migrant Domestic workers
in local labor force
 Taiwan (ROC Ministry of Labor, April 2015)
 Foreign (223,072) and local (?) caregivers
 Foreign (+ 577,811)/local workers (11.599m)
 Hong Kong (HKSAR Labor Department, April 2015)
 Foreign (+ 320,000) and local (?) domestic helpers
 Foreign (FDH+SLS?)/ Local (3.907m) workers
 Shanghai
 Domestic helpers, nannies, housekeepers (+ 490,000 (est. 2014,
Insight Magazine))
 Local Migrants from other provinces (39% of Shanghai’s total
population (est. 2010, Shanghai Bureau of Statistics)/local labor
force (Data from Shanghai Human Resources and Social Security unavailable)
Origins of FDW in ROC and HKSAR,
MDW in Shanghai
 Taiwan (MOL, 2015)
 Indonesia
 Philipines
 Others
 Hong Kong (LD, 2015)
 Philipines
 Indonesia
(98 % of total)
 Shanghai: (Shanghai Bureau of Statistics, 2011)
 Anhui 29 %; Jiangsu 17 %; Henan 9 %; Sichuan 7%
 79 % from rural area
Main forms of abuse faced by
domestic workers
 In all cases:
 Vulnerability to employers’ abuse because domestic workers are
excluded from labor legislation: their work is not considered labor
 Brokers, placement agencies ask for fees ‘training’, placement, etc.
 Lack of oversight
 In Taiwan and Hong Kong:
 Live-in requirements leads to lack of privacy, 24 hrs workdays
 Right to choose place of work curtailed by employers
 Taiwan:
 Restrictions on type of employment allowed
 Hong Kong:
 ‘2 weeks rule’: expulsion even if employer was faulty
 Shanghai
 Limited possibility for media to report on cases of abuse
Variety of sources of abuse
 Taiwan and Hong Kong
 Abusive employers
 Placement agencies in sending and receiving countries
 Complicit governments guilty by omission
 Politicians have other priorities and/or populist politicians
 Popular biases against ‘alien’ migrant workers’ morality
 Outright patriarchal attitudes that look down on work
traditionally performed by women
 Shanghai
 Same as above
 Additional difficulty of the obstacles imposed on civil society
All is not lost!
NGOs supporting migrant domestic workers
 Taiwan
 Awakening Foundation, TIWA
 Protestant and Catholic church-based NGO, Garden of Hope
 Hong Kong
 Lawyers offering pro bono services,
 HKCTU and other unions: FADWU, UNIFIL-HK, etc
 Church-related NGO: Open Door, Helpers for Domestic
Helpers, Pathfinders, Mission for Migrant Workers
 Shanghai
 ForNGOs, Little Bird Hotline, Youdao
 GONGOs: YMCA, All-China Federation of Women
Limited success
in attempts at redress in Taiwan
 Civil society initiatives
 Initiatives from churches and related organizations on a
quotidian basis
 Migrant empowerment network in Taiwan (MENT 台灣移工
聯盟): Petition declaring support for legislative protection of
domestic caretakers and house workers
 Weak government response
 Domestic Worker Protection Act promoted in 2003, passed in
Spring of 2015, but in a watered-down version
 ROC MOL last week refusesdto grant pay raise to foreign
domestic workers because their employers offer them housing
 Taiwan’s lack of diplomatic recognition complicates
possibility of reaching agreement with sending countries
Tepid government responses to
attempts at redress in Hong Kong
 Vigorous civil society initiatives
 Importance of litigation
 Militancy of Hong Kong trade unions movements
 Constant activism and emergency relief provided by churches
and affiliated associations
 2015 Roundtables on foreign domestic workers involved NGO,
local and foreign politicians and shamed authorities to act
 Main obstacles caused by the status of the HKSAR
 Limitations imposed by the limitation to the sovereignty of
Hong Kong serve as a convenient excuse for inaction on the
welfare of foreign domestic helper/workers
 Populist politicians who are otherwise unpopular play on
nativist sentiments
Heroic and unheard of
attempts at redress in Shanghai
 A few brave civil society initiatives
 ForNGO: brave initiative but limited resources
 Others have to ceased activities: current context of China is
not conducive to mobilization by grass-root NGO
 Main challenges:
 An oligopolistic group of powerful employment agencies with
official support through a licensing system that coexist with
an unfettered and unregulated market of small agencies
 Blurred boundaries between some NGO and government:
Church-related organizations such as YMCA are part of the
state-sponsored official church and CCP United Front
 Lack of media attention limits popular awareness
Does level of government make a
 A conundrum of comparative politics: dissimilar conditions
that have led to a similar outcome
 Similarities in outcomes that trump differences in level of
government and differences in political regimes
 Similarities of interests among brokers and agencies appear
more determining than political differences
 Similarities in choices made by different governments for an
approach to social policy that favors a minimal welfare state
likely to be a crucial independent variable
 Research strategy will seek to test the latter hypothesis
 Process tracing of the public discourse that seek to naturalize
policies premised on the necessity to deliver care with live-incaregivers, not in publicly-funded institutions