Pursuing ICF Vision Through 5D+CM Program ©fica Questions worth asking • Why do you do the things you do? • What do you do when you gather together? • What do you do when you are dispersed? ICF Programs 2 When you gather together praying ICF Programs Character Skill knowledge Corporate gathering understanding skill development Acts 2:42-47 3 When you gather together • • • • Corporate community worship gathering Skill development Character building Renewing of mind: – Motivations: God’s glory – Agendas: God’s agenda ICF Programs 4 When you gather together Skill development 5D Capabilities & virtues: leading managing organizing discerning transparent trustworthy friendship team work accountable modeling balance humble . . . knowledge understanding Skill ICF Programs Character 5 ICF I Visi Strategi Program CIP O ICF Programs “good Christians” 6 When you disperse Evangelization or Witnessing or Salt and light ICF Programs 7 When you disperse salt and light functions •mastering •maintaining •creating/inventing cultural mandate & great commission CM ICF Programs 8 ICF program: 5D + CM Skill development 5D + CM Capabilities & virtues: leading managing organizing discerning transparent trustworthy friendship team work accountable modeling balance humble . . . knowledge understanding Skill ICF Programs Character 9 ICF program: 5D + CM Dream: Vision – core business strategy & functions programs CI When you gather together When you disperse salt & light local churches focus groups (informal-formal, internet, campus, etc.) permias work NGO special projects ICF capabilities: $$$, IT, organization, networking, developing people ICF Programs 10 ICF VISI O I ICF Programs 11 ICF program: 5D + CM New believer (1 semester) Friend Understand Christian faith. Survey the road to Christian maturity and what it is and what it takes to become a holistic disciple of Christ Christian characters (Gal 2:21,22; I Timotius 3: 1:13; Titus 1:5-9). Godliness and Holiness. Scripture Memorization Quiet time. Participate in SG for new believers. Mengenal ICF is about discipleship, not Saturday service only, and how ICF is organized to achieve its vision Understand what vocation is all about. Understand what witnessing is all about; what the Great Commission is all about (not about hit and run witnessing). Understand what a community believers is all about. Know Christian faith and the cost of being a Christian. Develop a holistic view of being a witness. Develop Christian characters. Develop a discipline lifestyle. Understand the ministry of ICF: its vision, strategy, and program; and the importance of involvement from participants. Materials: clipping from books such as Gorwing in Christ, etc. Books: Lifestyle Discipleship,. New participant (1 semester) Teacher Develop Bible knowledge: Survey of OT and NT; Bible Characters. The 4 Biblical progression: creation, fall, redemption, restoration. The life of Jesus What a servant leadership is all about. Knowing oneself: identifying personal weaknesses and strengths; why am I an Indonesian? Cultivate an accountability partner. Learn how to conduct a meeting: putting agenda together, identifying issues, discussion, creating a consensus, summarizing points, action items, follow-up. What a team-work is all about: attitude of being a team member; focusing on goals, not so much on little things, overcoming conflicts, etc. Survey the issues in society today: American society and Indonesian society. What time mgmt is all about. Pray and discuss about balancing life with accountability partner (study, leisure, ministry, community, private). Understand what church is (universal, institutional, parachurch, etc.) Develop a map of local communities, their profiles, their functions, and space. Bible knowledge. Early understanding of Christian worldview. Understand what a leader’s responsibilities are. Understand the importance of an organization and a teamwork and team dynamic. Develop a sensitivity and an understanding of community and society, and ability to profile them. Develop the right sense of belonging to ICF’s ministry. Books/materials: The pursuit of Godliness, The pursuit of Holiness, etc. Discussion on current issues. Small research paper and presentation in SG and in front of ICF. Required to read light books, interview people (develop a habit of being creative and proactive in looking for info and data.). Always take an opportunity to do mission trip, especially when goes back home. FICA has developed a guidelines of things to do when go home. ICF Programs 12 ICF program: 5D + CM Not-so new participant (1 semester) Teacher Christian doctrines: salvation, trinity, Christology, spiritual gifts, the end time, etc. Biography of leaders: Moses, Paul. (Biblical model). Learn how to speak in public, (at ICF for example). Christian mgmt: Rush Myron Biography: Muchtar Pakpahan. (Indonesian role model) Survey of Indonesian History: precolonialism, colonialism, Indonesia modern, revolution, Old Order, New Order, the rise of Islam fundamentalism, reformation, postreformation. Understand Indonesian family values (Chinese family and others in Indonesia.). Knowledge of basic Christian doctrines. Develop Biblical role models. Knowledge of organization and management. Understand the issue of Indonesia. Understand the issue of Indonesian family. Books/materials: Christian Mgmt, Buruh-hidupku bagimu (lupa judul persisnya, by MP), A Nation in Waiting. Always take an opportunity to do mission trip, especially when goes back home. FICA has developed a guidelines of things to do when go home. Devotional Christian (1 semester) Mentor PA Induktif: Observation, interpretation, applications. (required homework, so to develop skill). Christian apologetics Managing conflicts. Learn how to give presentation. Study on organizational behavior Biography – K.P Yohannan, or William Carey to India. (modern missionary) Survey of Japanese culture (the significance of Samurai, Tokugawa, Meiji.) Survey of Asian values. A short paper on China: from communismculture revolutionTianamen squarechinese capitalism. Skill in studying the Bible. Knowledge and understanding of different value systems in the world Knowledge, understanding, and skill on conflicts, organization, and team work. Devevlop more role models about vocation. Books/materials: PA induktif by Kay Arthur, Howard Hendricks, etc. Universe next door. Third-wave in world mission. William Carey by Mangawaldi. ICF Programs 13 ICF program: 5D + CM Christian worker (3 semesters) Role model Theology of mission. Theology of work. Theology of material possession. God’s picture of family. 7 habits (Covey) The art of public speaking. Christian stewardship. Case Study: analyze ICF as an organization, its core business, its resources, its capabilities, its positioning (perception), SWOT. Biography: Marthin Luther King (The radical theology of involvement) Islam: basic doctrine of Islam, issues about Islam and Christianity, develop friendship with an Indonesian Muslim (via email or other mean), map of Islam ww and Indonesia. Understand Biblical mission principles. Understand the cost of involvement and following Christ. Become contributor in further advancing the ICF ministry. Knowledge on Islam and skill in relating to Muslim. Books/materials: 7 habits by Stephen Covey. The radical theology of involvement. Always take an opportunity to do mission trip, especially when goes back home. FICA has developed a guidelines of things to do when go home. Truth and Social Reform (Mangawaldi) Become a mentor. Master the art of public speaking Involved in developing and sharpening ICF organization. Involved in a focus group ministry, which doesn’t have to be in local ICF, rather could be with other ICFs or other organizations in different places. Develop self map for 5-10 years ahead. Discuss and pray about this with accountability partner. Write a book summary: How then Shall We Live? Indonesian Chinese church: its identity, its philosophy, its power structure. Summer Mission trip in US. Involved with a local ministry outside church (ministry to prisoner, homeless, etc.). Understand the social dimension of Bible, broader than just personal devotion. Develop skill in developing other people. Develop skill in networking. Continue sharpening the ICF ministry as an organization. Start building and envisioning life’s calling. Start putting together one’s picture of this world. Books/materials: Truth and Social Reform by Mangawaldi Always take an opportunity to do mission trip, especially when goes back home. FICA has developed a guidelines of things to do when go home. ICF Programs 14 ICF program: 5D + CM Mature Christian (1 semester) Partner Theology of politic, economy, pluralism. Develop others in ICF to become a mature Christian. The art of public speaking. Involved in developing and sharpening ICF organization. Involved in a focus group ministry, which doesn’t have to be in local ICF, rather could be with other ICFs or other organizations in different places. Keep refining selfmap by doing surveys of field of interest. ICF Programs Study on Indonesia militarism. Study on Post modernism. Study on Javanese culture. Write a paper on globalization, its impact in Indonesia, with all the emerging value systems. Become resources to ICF, and partners to others who are in God’s field. Become clearer of life’s goals and callings. Better knowledge of world and the emerging issues. 15 ICF: I/O I Visi-Core business Strategy/Capabilities Programs: 5D+CM Continuous Improvement Process Mahasiswa/i Integrasi ilmu & iman ICF Programs O Murid utuh: keluarga gereja masyarakat 16 Some Reflective Question The 3 original question: • Why do you do the things you do? • What do you do when you gather together? • What do you do when you are dispersed? ICF Programs 17 Discussion Question When you gather together: • List the things that you do corporately in the ICF and the reason why you do it. • List the things that edify your knowledge and understanding. • List things that train your skill • List the things that build your character. ICF Programs 18 Discussion Question When you disperse: • Why do you do the things you do? • Are you evangelizing, witnessing or being a salt and light? • How do you reflect ICF output when you disperse? ICF Programs 19 Before we move on WHAT WHO WHEN WHERE ICF Programs HOW NOTES/STATUS 20