The Research Paper

The Research Paper
Sacred Heart Academy
English Department
Pre-Thesis Statement Writing
Thesis Statement
Topic Outline
Grammar and Style Checklist
Pre-Thesis Statement Writing
Begin with general encyclopedias
for preliminary research to give
you an overview of your topic
Research several articles in
magazines, books, journals, and
the internet
CARRDSS the sources
Decisions, part 1
Determine the significant issues
What are the points view?
Are there many or just a few?
Are there major controversies?
What aspect of the subject do you want
to explore?
Decisions, part 2
Decide how you want to deal with the topic
Have you developed your own point of view?
Do you agree or disagree with your sources?
Has some new or original approach come into
your mind?
Could you apply the information in the
sources in a new way?
What do you think about this topic?
Thesis Statement
This task is to refine your ideas and
develop a thesis which can be proved
or supported by your research
Thesis statements are always written
with a declarative sentence which
can be proved with facts
Chronology: The rise of the Imagist Movement can be traced
over a period of twenty years.
Procedure: Five steps are required to produce liquid oxygen.
Cause/Effect: Economic factors caused deterioration in SinoSoviet relations in 1950.
Problem: Differing Muslim ideologies make Israeli-Palestinian
peace difficult.
Solution: The energy crisis can be solved by solar and nuclear
Comparison: Acupuncture is a better anesthetic than malothane.
Similarity: Television and motion picture writing are similar in
several respects.
Difference: Marriage rites differ among Far Eastern, Middle
Eastern, and Western families.
Relationship: Hemingway’s life experiences influenced his work.
Analysis: Three major issues are related to the crisis in North
Literary Theme: Romantic themes prevail in two major works by
William Wordsworth.
Pro: Kennedy’s handling of the Cuban missile crisis was good
foreign policy.
Con: Four medical theories oppose radical mastectomy in breast
Category: Several ethnic populations in America grew during the
past ten years.
Thesis Checklist
Think the words, “I believe…” just before you
write your thesis statement. This will ensure
that you and your ideas are in the paper.
My thesis statement is:
(I believe)
My thesis statement:
Uses an approach from the previous two slides
 Is not too broad
 Is not too narrow or technical unless required
 Can be proved with the material I have found
 Is scholarly
 Has been approved by my most excellent SHA English
Topic Outline
This task helps you organize the information
you have found to prove your thesis statement
Do not include the introduction or conclusion
Plan at least two subdivisions under each major
heading. If you cannot, your outline is faulty
Subheads should also have at least two
Use the Harvard outline style
Harvard Outline Style
Sample Outline
Thesis statement: Romantic themes prevail in two major works of
William Wordsworth.
I. Romantic themes
A. Return to nature
B. Sympathy with humble
C. Escape from convention
II. Themes in Wordsworth’s works
A. “Tintern Abbey”
1. Samples of return to nature
2. Samples of sympathy with humble
3. Samples of escape from convention
B. “Intimations of Immortality”
1. Samples of return to nature
2. Samples of sympathy with humble
3. Samples of escape from convention
Grammar and Style Checklist
While you will rely heavily on your research
sources, be sure the major thesis and thrust of
your paper is your own.
Write in the third person only, begin with the
first topic sentence in your outline and then the
sentences that prove it.
Quotations should comprise no more than one
fifth of the paper.
Plan to have no more than four citations per
Grammar and Style Checklist
Avoid contractions
Clear topic sentences
Topic sentences
No fragments or runons
Good paragraph
Subjects and verbs
Pronouns and
antecedents agree
No misplaced
Strong verbs and
Language fluent
Varied sentence
Spelling correct
Third person used
Consistent tense used
Plagiarism is the use of another author’s words
or ideas as one’s own.
The protection of intellectual property has long
been a hallmark of the world of words.
Purchase of research papers
Copying/using/borrowing other students’ work
Failure to document sources
 All ideas or the language of others, whether
summarized, paraphrased, or quoted, must be
acknowledged by a citation