Agenda 1. Bellringer: One thing you’d like to see this year. (5) 2. Class Expectations and Syllabus (15) 3. Lecture: Origins of Psychology, Major Thinkers (20) 4. Who am I? Activity (10) 5. Reaction Time Activity (15) 6. HW: Creating a Psychology Meme (5) Psychology is… The study of behavior and mental processes Behavior = what you do Mental processes=experiences, thoughts, feelings, sensations, and perceptions “Psych” = mind; “ology” = study (Aristotle) History of Psychology Psychology has its roots in philosophy focusing on two major questions: Is there a connection between mind & body? Are Ideas innate or experiential? Socrates – 469-399 B.C. “know thyself” emphasized the importance of selfexamination and personal reflection. Believed the mind was separate from the body, the mind continued to exist after death, and ideas are innate Plato – 428-348 B.C. Supports the ideas of his teacher Socrates Believed in innate ideas; suggested that the brain is the seat of mental processes – supports dualism meaning the mind and body interact . Aristotle 384-322 B.C. Suggested that the soul is not separable from the body and that knowledge (ideas) grow from experience Denied existence of innate ideas; suggested that the heart is the seat of mental processes; supports monism the idea that mind and body are one thing Rene Descartes 1596-1650 Disagreed with Socrates and Plato Wondered how the mind and body communicated Dissected animals and found the fluid in the brain contained animal spirits. Francis Bacon – 1561-1626 One of the founders of modern science, particularly the experimental method John Locke – 1632-1704 Mind at birth is a blank slate or “tabula rasa” upon which experience writes. This helped to form idea of empiricism. Empiricism – view that knowledge comes from experience via the senses and science flourishes through observation and experiment. By late 1800s Psychology emerges as a science Major Themes in Psychology: Nature vs. Nurture (ideas of natural selection) Stability vs. Change Rationality vs. Irrationality Key Figures in the Field of Psychology William Wundt – 1832-1920 1. founder of psychology – campaigned to make psychology an independent discipline from philosophy and physiology 2. 1879 (birth date of psych) – established the first formal laboratory for psychological research at University of Leipzig, Germany – first experiment was Wundt’s attempt to measure “atoms of the mind” 3. used technique called introspection – means to look within/self-reflective/self-examination and reporting what thinking, feeling, sensing at a particular moment Edward Titchener – 1867-1927 - student of Wundt’s who joined Cornell University 1. brought psychology to the U.S. 2. introduced structuralism – a school of thought that focused on the inner workings of the consciousness or the mind’s structural elements. Used introspection. William James – 1842-1910 - Harvard teacher and writer 1. introduced functionalism – a school of thought that focused on how and why the mind works – considered the functions of our thoughts and feelings – how things work 2. wrote Principles of Psychology in 1890 Mary Calkins – student of William James and first female president of the American Psychological Association (1905) Margaret Washburn – first female to receive a Ph.D. in psychology (1931) John Watson – 1878-1958 1. Founder of behaviorism – a science rooted in overt behavior that observers could record and measure - OBSERVATION 2. minimized the importance of heredity – believed that the environment molds the behavior of organisms B.F. Skinner – 1904-1990 - modern behaviorist 1.supported behaviorism 2. studied how behavior is shaped by rewards and punishments or positive and negative outcomes **Watson and Skinner hit of one of basic questions – nature (genetic) vs. nurture (environment and/or experience) Who am I? Started the first psychology experiments, utilized introspection. Believed in a “Blank Slate” In my research, animal spirits inhabit the brain. Introduced the idea of structuralism. Changed the focus of psychology from introspection to observation. First woman to receive a Ph.D in Psychology Looked at punishment vs reward, still utilized in education today. Creating a Psychology Meme