Guidelines - World Health Organization


Introduction to medical equipment inventory management

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Inventory Management | April 13, 2020

Presented By

[Presenter Name]

[Presenter Title]



 Topic placement

 Definition & importance of inventory

 Purpose of inventory management document

 Key Elements

– Types of inventories

– Items included in an inventory

– Data included in an inventory

– Inventory Management

– Inventory as a tool

 Challenges, resources & working group session

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Inventory Management | April 13, 2020

Topic Placement

 Equipment inventory is part of the management cycle of medical equipment

 Inventory starts after procurement or receipt of donations and is the main input to a medical equipment management program

 Inventory is a primary component of a Computerized

Maintenance Management System (CMMS) and assists to organize the maintenance of equipment

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Inventory Management | April 13, 2020


 An inventory is a detailed itemized list of assets held by an organization or institution

– Must be continually maintained and updated to reflect the current status of each asset

– Depending on the nature of the organization and its assets, different details are tracked and updated as changes occur

 Medical equipment inventory is a list of the technology on hand, including details of the type and quantity of equipment and the current operating status

– Accessories, consumables and spare parts inventories are directly correlated with the main medical equipment inventory

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 Equipment inventory is an essential part of an effective health-care technology management (HTM) system and may be used to:

– Develop budgets for capital purchases, maintenance and running costs

– Build and support an effective clinical engineering department

– Support a medical equipment management programme

– Plan the stock of spare parts and consumables

– Support equipment needs assessment

– Record equipment purchase, receipt, retirement and discard

– Support facility risk analysis and mitigation, and emergency and disaster planning

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Inventory Management | April 13, 2020

Purpose of document

 To provide an overview of medical equipment inventory for people working within the health-care field and who wish to understand the topic in greater detail

 To present the different types of inventory and the data included in these inventories

 To illustrate the role of an accurate, detailed inventory in

HTM and the importance in ensuring the inventory provides useful information to support informed decisionmaking throughout the HTM cycle

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Inventory Management | April 13, 2020

Key elements

 Types of inventories

– National, regional, facility

– Medical equipment, consumables, spare parts, workshop tools & test equipment

 Items included in an inventory

– Some facilities may include every piece of equipment

– Facilities may establish inclusion criteria

• Risk assessment (equipment function, physical risk, maintenance requirements, incident history)

• Mission criticality & utilization rates

• Facility needs & usage rates

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Inventory Management | April 13, 2020

Key elements

Data included in an inventory:

 Inventory identification number  Condition/operating status

 Type of equipment/item  Power requirements

 Brief description of item

 Manufacturer

 Operation/service requirements

 Date inventory updated

 Model/part number

 Serial number

 Physical location within facility

 Maintenance service provider

 Purchase supplier

 Other info as needed

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Inventory Management | April 13, 2020

Key elements

 An inventory is effective only when it is comprehensive and accurate

 Inventory is updated whenever there is any change or addition of information and during annual audits and reviews

 Three stages of inventory management:

– Initial data collection

– Information update (due to any change in information)

– Annual audit/review

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Inventory Management | April 13, 2020

Key elements

 Inventory may be paper- or computer-based

– Keeping a paper-based record back-up is good practice

 Once the inventory has been established, it can be a very helpful tool within the clinical engineering department and the health-care facility as a whole

 Inventory can be used as a tool in:

– Forecasting and developing budgets

– Planning and equipping a technical workshop

– Determining required staffing

– Identifying training needs

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Inventory Management | April 13, 2020

Key elements

 Inventory can be used as a tool in (cont’d):

– Managing service contracts

– Running an effective medical equipment management programme

– Planning for spare parts and consumables orders

– Performing needs assessment

– Developing replacement and disposal policies and goals

– Developing purchasing and donations goals

– Performing risk analysis, management and mitigation

– Planning for disasters and emergencies

– Making a case for equipment standardization

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Inventory Management | April 13, 2020


 Change of mindset

– Any change will always be met with resistance

– Collecting and updating data, assigning numbers, organizing paperwork and/or information may be seen as ‘extra work’

– Workers might be unclear on the purpose or benefit of the work

– Staff leading inventory data collection should encourage workers and explain benefits for collecting and maintaining inventory data

 Lack of manpower or time for initial data collection

– Dedicate one person or a certain amount of time each week to inventory data collection

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Inventory Management | April 13, 2020


 Lack of budget

– Inventory may involve extra costs for supplies, such as paper, inventory stickers/labels, computers, files

– Evaluate ‘bare minimum’ vs ‘nice-to-have’

• Ex: printing inventory ID# with market vs. inventory stickers/labels

• Ex: paper-based vs. computer-based inventory system

– In dire need, responsible department should evaluate current budgets and attempt to re-allocate funds or request

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Inventory Management | April 13, 2020


 Determining the inventory identification number system

– Sequential numbering: 1, 2, 3...

• Simplest method

• Does not give any information about the machine

– Coded numbering: identifies unique features of the equipment

• Tells information about the machine

• May be complicated; department must agree on and understand codes

– Barcodes: barcode stickers label each piece of equipment

• Can easily access detailed information about the equipment remotely

• Requires barcode stickers, barcode reader and appropriate software

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 Handling/discarding unused or obsolete equipment discovered during inventory

– When performing initial inventory, equipment that is unused, obsolete or beyond repair may be discovered

– The facility can use this inventory data collection process to

‘clean house’ and remove all such devices

– The disposal process may be complicated and lengthy, but facilities should attempt to push through the process to eliminate hazards and unnecessary clutter

– Donating equipment to local biomedical technician programmes is an excellent way to discard of equipment while supporting healthcare technology programme development

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Inventory Management | April 13, 2020


 Maintaining/updating inventory

– Inventory data collection is fairly easy and straightforward and is probably the simplest step in developing an effective medical equipment management program

– Records must be updated every time there is a change

– A clear process on when and how to update records will simplify the workflow

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Inventory Management | April 13, 2020

Resources available

 ‘How to Manage’ Series for Healthcare Technology, Ziken

International (Health Partners International), 2005

 Clinical Engineering Handbook, J. Dyro, Elsevier

Academic Press, 2004

 Recommended practice for a medical equipment management program . American National Standard


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Inventory Management | April 13, 2020

Working group session

 List examples of types of equipment that could/should be included/excluded in an inventory. Why?

 A list of data included in an inventory was presented

– Why are each of these items important?

– What other data could be included in an inventory and why?

 For your setting, discuss:

– Pros and cons of paper- and computer-based inventory systems

– Which inventory numbering system might be most appropriate?

– How might an inventory be used as a tool?

– Personal experiences with medical equipment inventory End

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Inventory Management | April 13, 2020

WHO Medical Device technical Series

Training module of :

 Introduction to medical equipment inventory management

 Developed by Tania O'Connor

 April 2011

 Global Initiative on Health

Technologies, WHO

 Supported by the Bill & Melinda

Gates Foundation

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 Phone: + 41 22 791 1239

 Fax: +41 22 791 48 36

 Skype: WHOHQGVA1 (then dial 11239)

 Other: (presenters name and email)

Objective: to ensure improved access, quality and use of medical devices.
