Sociology of Training Policies

. – Sociology of Training Policies
Text under revision. Not yet approved by academic staff.
This course is intended to present an analysis of training policies, highlighting the
specific ways in which sociology has contributed to the planning and governance
of educational processes. It will focus particularly on the changes of the social
demand for education-training and on changes to the system which regulates the
provision of education, taking into account policies at local, national and
international level.
Considerations of the following aspects will be developed during the course:
– changes to training scenarios: towards poly-centrism and lifelong learning;
– the “capabilities approach” applied to the analysis of public policies in the
training field, according to human development;
– focus on training in the knowledge society, referring particularly to the
European Union’s political project for learning;
– various thematic points regarding policies for combatting early withdrawal
from school; training policies for foreign nationals; the role of the professional
training and education system; lifelong learning interpreted as a tool for growth
and innovation in business and in the regions.
Compulsory texts
M. COLOMBO, Early school leavers. Dispersione scolastica e politiche per il successo formativo,
Erickson, Trento, 2010.
M. SANTAGATI, Formazione chance di integrazione. Gli adolescenti stranieri nel sistema di
istruzione e fomazione professionale, FrancoAngeli, Milano, 2011.
G. LAZZARINI (ET AL.), Creatività e innovazione in azienda. Elementi per aggredire la crisi, Il Sole 24
ore, Milano, 2014.
The course will be taught through teaching units with materials which will be uploaded
to the Blackboard platform (URL: Along with the compulsory
set texts, the slides will be an integral part of the materials to be studied for the exam.
Furthermore, annotated reading lists will be provided during the course, along with
instructions for the written essay.
The exam consists of an oral discussion on the themes covered during the course. This
will be preceded by a written essay, the topic of which must be agreed upon with the
lecturer. The written essay must be sent by e-mail to the lecturer at least 7 days prior to the
date of the student’s chosen exam session.
Further information can be found on the lecturer's webpage at or on the Faculty notice