Lexis Nexis

Samantha E. Cabral
Douglas & Judith Krupp Library
Bryant University
Fall 2007
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• Email: refdesk@bryant.edu
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Library Contacts
• Colleen Anderson
• Paul Roske
• Laura kohl
• Samantha Cabral
• Maura Keating
What is LexisNexis ?
Subject coverage includes:
 Business
 Legal Research
 News
 People
 Company Dossiers
 Country Analysis
LexisNexis is one of the many electronic
databases (e-resources) that you have access
to. It provides full-text documents from over
6,000 news, business, and legal publications
with a variety of flexible search options.
How to Access LexisNexis
You have access to LexisNexis from within the library, as well
as from your room, or a location off campus.
Simply go to the library homepage:
and select the “Electronic Resources” link on the left hand
side of the page and scroll down to LexisNexis
Business Information
This database covers the following business related information:
¤ Business and Financial News – Business articles from
newspapers, magazines, journals, wires & transcripts
¤ U.S. and International Company Financial Information
– from government or private sources
¤ Industry & Market – News from over 25 industries
¤ Accounting Literature – Accounting journals & literature
¤ SEC Filings & Reports – EDGAR filings, annual & quarterly
reports & proxy statements
¤ Country Profiles/Analysis – Economic, business, and political
risk information
¤ Company Dossiers – Contact and resource information for
companies, including executives, revenue, competitors, and more.
Create comparisons between multiple companies. Find contact and
resource information for companies.
Searching for Business Information
To begin a search for business information select the “Business”
link towards the top of the page underneath the “Search” tab
from the LexisNexis home page. You will be directed to the
following page where you can begin searching.
Searching for Business Information
The “business” section defaults users to the Company Dossier
page. If you are interested in finding information on a specific
company start your search here. You can also navigate
towards other business searches by using the links on the right
hand side of the page.
Searching for a Company Dossier
Locate a comprehensive report on a specific company or
companies under the “Company Dossier” section of
business. Company reports will include some or all of
the following information.
Snapshot – at-a-glance analysis of current information
News - by top publication, topic, or region
Business Information – research and analysis reports, company
Corporate Hierarchy – lists connect parent company to all related
Financial Information – SEC filings, corporate financials and more
Legal Information – U.S. court decisions, jury verdicts, and more
profiles, and competitor product and brand listings
companies in the U.S. and abroad
NOTE: there are options to create custom reports as
well as to compare multiple companies. Reports can
be viewed or printed in PDF, HTML, and exported into Excel sheets.
Company Research
Once in the “Business” section you can use the link on the
right hand side of the page to locate the “Company
Profiles” search page. Type in a company name or ticker
symbol to retrieve the following information:
newswires & press releases
company directories & profiles
business & corporation information
industry directories & profiles
company analyst reports
The results will be displayed by
relevance in the middle portion of
the screen. You have the option
to use the links in the left hand
portion to jump to the specific
reports that you would like to view.
Company Research, continued
To compile a report on companies by total sales, revenue,
location, number of employees, by SIC or NAICS code, or other
specific financial information use the “Dossier create Company
List” link. The search page will look like this:
Use the
boxes to
create a
Searching for Business News
To find business news select the “News” tab from the main
page. Next use the drop down box next to “Select
Sources” to select the Business News Publications. Enter
your search terms, and a specific date range, then
execute your search.
The type of
information covered
in this category are
general business,
management, human
resources and tax
These sources are
international in
Search for SEC filings
To locate SEC filings for one or more companies type in
company name or ticker symbol. You can opt to choose
which SEC forms to search for using the “Select Sources”
drop down box. Finally you can also limit to a specific
date or date range using the “Specify Date” drop down
Searching for Accounting Information
To locate articles, news, or legal information on accounting
information use the “Accounting” link under business.
Simply type in the term you are searching for, i.e.
Sarbanes-Oxley, to locate the information.
*Don’t forget to check off the type of sources you wish to search
through, to help expand or narrow your search. Select one or
all of the sources listed, you will have the option to jump to the
different category of sources in the results screen if you choose
multiple sources.
Use the “i” icon to find out
information on the source
you have selected, like
what type of information
is covered, how frequently
it is updated and more.
Locating Country Profiles
To find reports or information on a specific
country use the first drop down box to select
the country from the list of 190 countries.
Next select the source type for the kind of
information you wish to retrieve.
The sources are:
- Business Opportunities
- Risk Reports
- Economic & Political News
Add any specific terms you want to find within
the report.
Finally specify the date range for the publication
of the report.
Legal Research
This database covers the following legal information:
₪ Law Reviews & News – articles from over 500 publications, news
from over 300 legal newspapers, magazines, and newsletters
₪ Federal & State Cases
₪ Shepard’s Citations – for all U.S. Supreme Court cases back to
₪ Federal & State Codes – Federal regulations from the Federal
Register, Code of Federal Regulations, U.S. Attorney General Opinions,
and Federal Acquisition Regulations and Supplements. Codes for all 50
states and territories, plus constitutions, court rules, and Attorneys
General opinions.
₪ Tax Law – From the IRS bulletin, IRS regulations, ABA Tax Lawyer,
AICOA Tax Adviser, and more
Canadian Court Cases
Canadian Legislation
European Union, Commonwealth, and Foreign Nations
Patents – from 1971 forward, searchable by keyword, patent
number, classification number, lawyer, assignee, inventor, or summary
Legal Research
To begin a search for legal information click “Legal”
link towards the top of the page underneath the
“Search” tab. You will be directed to the following
page where you can begin searching for law
Tip: don’t forget
to use the drop
down boxes to
information in
specific sources,
to limit the year,
or a date range.
Finding Legal News
To find Legal News, go to the News tab.
Select “Legal News Group File” from the “Select Sources”
drop down box.
You will be directed to a new search page where you can
enter in your search terms, as well as select one or all of the
legal news reporting groups.
* Don’t forget to specify
the date range to search
within. The default is
for the previous 3
months only.
Legal Research
To get a federal or state case, or code, tax law
information, or other legal information use the
links to the right hand side of the screen.
Searching for Court Cases
• If you are searching for a specific case enter either the parties
names, or the case number.
• If you are trying to find cases on a particular subject enter in
the search terms.
• Locate cases that have been presided over by a specific Judge,
or represented by certain Counsels or Firms.
• To help narrow results use the “Select Sources” drop down box
to select they type of court, or general area of law you want the
results to appear in.
Sources include:
U.S. Supreme Court Cases - US Courts of Appeals Cases, combined - Armed Forces Court of
Appeals - US Tax Court Cases - US Bankruptcy Court cases - State Court cases - Corporate
Cases (Federal & State) - Ethics cases - Family Law Cases - Insurance - International Law Labor & Employment cases - Mergers & Acquisitions cases - Estate Cases - Federal and State
Trade Cases - Transportation Cases
Federal & State Code Search
Simply enter the subject term(s) that you are searching for
within the Codes.
• To narrow your search use the “Select Sources” drop
down box to select the specific titles you wish to search
For example if you are searching for codes relating to “Banks
and Banking” select that option and the search will be limited
to find the information under this Title 12 section of the United
States Code only.
Tax Law Research
Enter you search terms, or
keywords and then select out
the source or sources that best
suits your research needs. The
Sources to choose from are
listed to the right
The Tax Lawyer
The Tax Adviser
Federal Courts Tax Cases
You may also
searching for your
information under
the “Accounting”
link from the
Business section
of LexisNexis for
Tax Law Review Articles,
The Practical Tax Lawyer
State Courts Tax Cases
Searching for News
LexisNexis contains comprehensive coverage of news
sources, and now includes news from Blogs and other
web publications. To begin a search for news, simply
select the “News” tab at the top of the main screen.
You can also find the Roper Center for Public Opinion
Research reports from this news section.
Searching for News
Once in the news portion of the database enter in
subject or keyword(s) or phrases that you are
searching for.
*Note the default sources searched are “News, All
(English, Full Text)”. Use the Drop down box
to select different news group files, like
Spanish Language News, or Healthcare news,
Don’t forget to specify the date or date range of
the news you are searching for.
General Searching
You can also search for news from the General Search
page. However a news search might retrieve more
relevant information.
From here you can
search for your
information across
multiple areas of the
database, for
example you can
search for
information on any
topic, like Google,
President Bush, or
Global Warming.
that appears in any
of the following
sections; blogs,
news wire services,
and legal.
Searching for People
Another feature of this database is to search for
biographical and news information on specific people.
Types of people covered are:
Persons in Business, Politicians, Lawyers, Judges, Lords,
Members of Parliament, as well as some information
from newspaper biographical features.
How do I…? And other tips
If you are not sure where to start don’t forget to use the
“How do I…?” links in the right hand side of each search
Also, check out the tutorials that are available for more help
understanding the new look of LexisNexis.
Don’t Forget
If you are having difficulty searching this or any
other database please stop by the Reference
Desk and a Librarian will help you with your