Honors Sophomore Plans

2015 Honors Sophomore Plans
Sept 10- Syllabus, Fire Drill Procedure, SpringBoard (SB) Issue, Class Norms
MLA handout, APA handout + useful information for English class, 1st semester Vocabulary sheet
SB – Unpacked EA 1.1, discussed the definition and how it is the focus of our yearlong class
completed pages 1-5 in SpringBoard
Sept 14- hand out pre-Advanced Placement (AP) Vocabulary sheet
complete page 6 in SB, read pages 8-13
work time for vocabulary due Wednesday
The Color of Water chapters 1-4 due + motif assignment
Sept 16- The Color of Water (COW) question/ discussion; chapters 5-8 due + motif assignment due Friday
Discussed changes to motif assignment, took commentary notes
Shared artifacts from students’ cultures
Read SB 1.3 “Ethic Hash”, discussion and questions
Sept 18- (COW) Chapter 1-8 quiz; ch. 5-8 motifs due
STAR reading level testing in library
Read SB 1.5 “Two Kinds” discuss and complete textbook questions
Sept 22- How did STAR testing go?
Take Narrative Writing Notes
COW chapters 9-12 due today + motifs; quiz
COW chapters 13-16 due Monday; quiz
finish SB 1.5 “Two Kinds”
Start SB 1.6 “Honestly Frida” OPTIC strategy – did not get to
Sept 24- Read 1.8 “HAPA”
Share exemplars
give time to brainstorm ideas; we will write EA 1.1 as a Timed Write (TW) next class
Sept 28- COW quiz on chapters 13-16 due + motifs; we will discuss events in the novel
chapters 17-20 due Friday 10/2
We will write EA 1.1 in class after lunch
Sept 30- Backmap EA 1.2
Complete SB 1.9 and 1.10
Color of Water Socratic seminar prep handout
chapters 17-20 due Friday 10/2- motifs + quiz
Oct 2- Set up Google classroom
chapters 17-20 due TODAY motifs + quiz
1.9 Prompt deconstruction follow-up/practice
SB 1.11 SIFT “My Mother Pieced Quilts”
“Everyday Use” close reading activity
Oct 6- The Color of Water should be finished; motifs typed and due today; Socratic Seminar
final exam + essay next time
Oct 8 – COW final test/Essay
Finish up “Everyday Use”
Oct 13 – check out Ab True @ 10:25
Author Background/Reading schedule/assignment
Phrase vs. clause worksheet
Oct 15 – Ab True/Chinese Cinderella Intro Activity
Grammar wkst. #2 phrase vs. Clause
Read “An Indian Father’s Plea”
Oct 19 – Go through intro /Graphic organizer for EA 1.2 Synthesis Essay
Appositives: Entry task #1
Oct 21 – Appositives ET #2
Go over Graphic Organizer
Review texts in groups
Share intro & body paragraph models
Oct 23 – Appositives: ET #3
last minute questions/concerns
Write EA 1.2 after lunch
HW: Study Academic and Pre-AP vocabulary
Oct 27 – Novel discussion
Backmap EA 2.1
Appositive or Participle wkst.
HW: Study Academic vocab quiz next time
Oct 29 - Academic Vocab quiz
SB 2.3 “Funny in Farsi”
more participles – GUM pg. 64
Share narrative prompts and rubric (EA 2.1)
HW: Pre- AP quiz next week
Nov 2 – Participial Phrase wkst “HS graduates”
SB 2.5-2.6
HW: Read “Kaffir Boy” complete page 102
Nov 4- ½ day
Adjusted reading schedules
Discuss homework assignment
SB 2.9
Nov 6 - ½ day
Nov 11 – Pre-AP vocab quiz
Novel finals
Gerund intro notes
Nov 13- Narrative essay due (EA 2.1)
Tallgrass checkout @ 10:15; assignment (research)/rdg. schedule
“Gerund vs. Participle “Buying a used car”
Backmap EA 2.2
Nov 17 – Tallgrass research due; shared facts/pictures
read from novel/passed back papers
SB 2.13 Michael Fay Justice articles
HW: index cards with fallacies + own example of each of the 5 fallacies
Nov 19 – Tallgrass chapter 2 due
notecards due
Grammar – gerund practice
SB 2.19 Hunger/Justice
Nov 23 – Tallgrass chapter 3 – questions
more gerund practice
**Chromebooks - begin looking at prompts for Argumentative synthesis
Nov 25 – Tallgrass chapter 4 Quiz
Handout Argumentative synthesis assignment/rubric; AS format
Dec 1 – Tallgrass chapter 5-6 due; quiz
Review phrase chart; infinitive vs. gerund
Review AS source packets; complete a position statement note card
Dec 3 - Tallgrass chapter 7 due
Grammar: more gerunds and infinitives
Argumentative: re-work position statements, if necessary
work time for paper
Dec 7 – Tallgrass chapters 8-9 due; Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day
infinitives: GUM pg. 70
Timed write after lunch
Dec 9- chapter 10 due; quiz
infinitives page 71
Backmap unit 4
Drama terminology PPT
Dec 11 – works cited page for argumentative synthesis paper
handout oral commentary assignment EA 4.1
Tallgrass chapter 11 + Epilogue; discussion/ final test
check out The Life of Pi
assigned parts; begin reading The Tragedy Julius Caesar (JC)
Dec 15 – no novel pages due; quiz on chapters 1-8 next class
phrase practice green grammar book page 488 Review C 21-30
review oral commentary speeches from last class; how to cite Shakespeare lesson
reading time
Finished Act 1 of JC
Dec 17- STAR testing in the library
Pi chapters 1-8 quiz; READ OVER BREAK!! Chapters 9-58 Reading Schedule here.
Green grammar pg. 488 Pt. D 31-40
Continue reading Act 2 in JC
Have a safe, and happy holiday break!