TxDOT Internal Audit Report Inventory Management Objective To review district inventory management practices and maintenance to include physical inventory, planning and safeguarding. Opinion Based on the audit scope areas reviewed, control mechanisms are unreliable in addressing risk factors and exposures considered significant relative to impacting operational execution and regulatory compliance. The organization's system of internal controls does not provide reasonable assurance that key goals and objectives will be achieved. Control gap corrections are pervasive and resulting in material negative impacts to the organization. Progress can be made within 2 quarters in addressing the highest risk areas. Overall Engagement Assessment Unsatisafactory Findings Title Control Design Operating Effectiveness Rating Finding 1 Inventory Valuations x x Unsatisfactory Finding 2 Performance Goals x x Unsatisfactory Finding 3 Finding 4 Stock Adjustments Material Movement in System of Record x x x x Unsatisfactory Needs Improvement Finding 5 Finding 6 Inventory Access MSMS Access Control x x x x Needs Improvement Needs Improvement Management concurs with the above findings and prepared management action plans to address deficiencies. Internal Environment The General Services Division (GSD) is the office of primary responsibility for inventory practices and support. They have developed reports for every district and the stock section within each district. These reports are used by local management to monitor the performance of inventory through specific measures, including but not limited to: potential surplus, long supply, inventory accuracy rates and stock adjustment rates. Turnover at the district level has impacted inventory practices by eliminating the independent and oversight roles once provided by accounting personnel. Personnel visited were open to suggestions for improvement. TxDOT Internal Audit – Region / District Inventory Management Summary Results Finding Scope Area 1 Inventory Accuracy, Valuation and Safeguarding 2 Performance Metrics & Root Cause Analysis 3 Inventory Accuracy, Valuation and Safeguarding 4 Inventory Accuracy, Valuation and Safeguarding 5 Inventory Accuracy, Valuation and Safeguarding 6 Inventory Accuracy, Valuation and Safeguarding Evidence Results of a spot count and inventories reviewed resulted in: 174 of 216 (81%) various inventory items had differences in the quantities on hand vs. the expected quantity. Variances totaled $3,088,798 Inventories were not performed periodically as noted: o Quarterly, 18 of 35 (51%) stock sections o Monthly, 13 of 35 (37%) stock sections o Annual, 13 of 105 (12%) physical inventories were not performed or documentation was not available 2 of 42 (5%) annual certifications for physical inventories were submitted without all the inventories in the district having been performed 5 of 140 (4%) stockpiles with a unit measure of “ton” were instead counted by measuring volume in “cubic yards” 4 of 140 (3%) stockpiles were not able to be measured 1 of 35 (3%) stock sections carried inventory not within their control Analysis of Long Supply and Potential Surplus reports generated demonstrates stock sections are not meeting goals: 28 of 35 (80%) stock sections do not meet the long supply goal 22 of 35 (63%) stock sections do not meet the potential surplus 21 of 35 (60%) stock sections were unable to provide documentation to support management of inventory goals As of March 31, 2013, for the 14 districts audited, Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP) comprised 15% of total inventory; 83% of this RAP is considered Long Supply (not to be used in next 12 months) Review for the processing of annual physical inventory discrepancies noted: 52 of 92 (57%) annual physical inventories had discrepancies that were not processed according to policy A review of unapproved material transactions indicates 311 unapproved transactions from October 1, 2012 to April 24, 2013 with a total value of $685,402. In addition material requests, and material issues indicated: 75 of 604 (12%) material issues did not have proper approval 15 of 151 (10%) material requests did not have proper approval One of 35 (3%) stock sections across 14 districts reviewed had keys accessible to all employees for their stockrooms; this section had $817,094 of $5,566,168 (15%) of that district’s total inventory as of March 31, 2013 MSMS was reviewed in 11 of the stock sections 26 of 117 (22%) individuals with “User” access (i.e., create/modify/delete ability) were external to the stock sections reviewed 2 of 21 August 22, 2013 TxDOT Internal Audit – Region / District Inventory Management Audit Scope The audit reviewed the inventory practices of 35 stock sections within 14 districts for the time period ending March 31, 2013. Stock sections for the purpose of this audit are defined as a 300 series stock account located within a district other than the district warehouse. The audit included a review of the following: Issuance and receipt of inventory Performance of regularly scheduled inventories Stock Adjustments Inventory goals o Potential Surplus o Long Supply In addition, a spot inventory was conducted at each stock section. Maintenance sections comprise 81% of TxDOT’s inventory value, the majority of which is roadway items. Inventory reviewed during this engagement represented $12,412,952 of $100,333,661 (12%) total inventory balance statewide of maintenance section stock accounts as of March 31, 2013. The audit team reviewed 35 stock sections in 14 districts across the state. The audit was performed by Alma Alvarez, Julie Atchison, Albert Bourque, Letta Hinton, Keith Laird and Suzy Oviedo (Engagement Lead). The audit was conducted during the period from March 12, 2013 to May 6, 2013. Methodology The methodology(s) used to complete the objectives of this audit included interviews of key personnel, the review of inventory documentation for annual physical inventories, quarterly and monthly spot inventories including the handling of stock adjustments and/or discrepancy counts, performing limited spot inventories, observation of stock and an analyses of sample documentation. Background This report is prepared for the Transportation Commission, TxDOT Administration and Management. The report presents the results of the Inventory Management Audit which was conducted as part of the Fiscal Year 2013 Audit Plan. GSD provides support to TXDOT in many areas, one of which is providing policy, procedure and analysis guidance for consumable inventory and stock management. GSD is also responsible for the Materials and Supply Management System (MSMS), an automated real-time inventory management application. This system currently provides the tools for accountability of materials throughout TxDOT. Beginning in September of 2012, materials issued to the roadway were processed through the Maintenance Management System (MMS) which interfaces with the Materials and Supply Management System and updates stock balances. As of March 31, 2013, there were approximately four hundred stock accounts throughout the state. At the local level, 3 of 21 August 22, 2013 TxDOT Internal Audit – Region / District Inventory Management supervisors are responsible for assuring the accurate recordkeeping of materials received, issued and currently in stock. We conducted this performance audit in accordance with Generally Accepted Government Auditing Standards and in conformance with the International Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain sufficient, appropriate evidence to provide a reasonable basis for our findings and conclusions based on our audit objectives. We believe that the evidence obtained provides a reasonable basis for our findings and conclusions based on our audit objectives. A defined set of control objectives was utilized to focus on operational and regulatory goals for the identified scope areas. Our audit opinion is an assessment of the health of the overall control environment based on (1) the effectiveness of the enterprise risk management activities throughout the audit period and (2) the degree to which the defined control objectives were being met. Our audit opinion is not a guarantee against operational sub-optimization, or regulatory non-compliance, particularly in areas not included in the scope of this audit. Best Practices The San Antonio MSMS Coordinator is going above and beyond his established role and responsibility of monitoring and information/communication by providing an additional packet of charts/graphs and highlighting sections within their district that exceed the long supply and/or potential surplus goals set by GSD. The monthly packet includes a copy of the current long supply report and potential surplus report for each section that are to be monitored for increasing value and to reiterate the goal(s) to be achieved. He further identifies the line items that may be contributing to the high rates so that they can be followed up on. This information is provided to the Maintenance Supervisor, the Business Services Coordinator, the Deputy DE, and the local audit office. In addition, he has put together local procedures to coach new employees and supervisors in the handling of inventory. 4 of 21 August 22, 2013 TxDOT Internal Audit – Region / District Inventory Management Detailed Findings and Management Action Plans (MAP) Finding No. 1: Inventory Valuation Condition Various situations were found during fieldwork which contribute to the risk of an inaccurate recording and subsequent valuation of inventory. These include: Inconsistent measuring of stock piles Non-segregated inventory between stock sections Inventories are not being performed or documented Annual certifications were submitted to substantiate the completion of inventories although some inventories had not been performed Effect/Potential Impact Inaccurate inventory valuation and records increase the risk of misstated financial reports and impact the availability of materials needed to conduct the normal course of business. Criteria & Cause Criteria are established by the General Services Division (GSD) and the Finance Division (FIN). The Materials and Supply Management System (MSMS) User’s Manual, Chapter 1, Section 3 - Accountability and Responsibility o Accountability requires the keeping of accurate records of materials received and issued and of the value of materials currently in stock. o The warehouse manager is responsible for the items and quantities represented on their stock records. Property Management Manual, Chapter 1 and Financial Management Manual, Chapter 2, Section 9 o Physical inventories of all stock items are required at all warehouse stock accounts (300 series) at least once prior to August 31 each fiscal year. The Materials and Supply Management System (MSMS) User’s Manual, Chapter 9, Section 2 – Spot inventories will be conducted o Quarterly by an independent party o The first and third quarterly spot can be waived if the stock section has had three consecutive satisfactory inventories – unsatisfactory is defined as 10% or more of errors on the number of line items counted, regardless of the number of units in error o Monthly by the stock section manager Property Management Manual, Chapter 1, Section 5 and the Materials and Supply Management System (MSMS) User’s Manual, Chapter 9, Section 2 o The District Engineer is responsible for sending a letter to GSD certifying that each annual inventory is complete There is no standard procedure for measuring stock piles or for issuing quantities in volume. Due to the shape and size of some stock piles, measurement was not feasible. 5 of 21 August 22, 2013 TxDOT Internal Audit – Region / District Inventory Management Employees also do not know how to convert cubic yards to tons and/or think the cubic yard measure is close enough, even though this may impact inventory valuation depending on the unit of conversion being used. Inventories not completed were due to a lack of time by the responsible individual or a misunderstanding of where the responsibility for performance resides. Evidence A spot inventory was conducted by the audit staff of at least 5 items valued at over $10,000 within each section’s inventory including 216 inventory items, such as Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP), aggregates, asphalt, limestone, emulsion, signal supplies, signs and herbicides were selected. The spot inventories conducted from April 1 to April 25, 2013, resulted in the following: 174 of 216 (81%) inventory items selected had differences in the quantities on hand versus the expected quantity. Variances in quantity totaled $3,088,798 and consisted of: o $2,550,182 from stockpile inventory • 4 of 140 (3%) stockpiles with an estimated value of $489,000 were not measurable • 5 of 140 (4%) of stockpiles with a unit measure of “ton” were counted instead by measuring volume (or cubic yards) resulting in a $18,555 difference o $538,616 from asphalt, emulsion, concrete barrier, signal supplies, signs/sign supplies, and herbicide inventories Additionally, 1 of the 35 stock sections carries items on their inventory that belongs to another section. These items carry a value of $317,630, which represents 38% of the inventory for the stock section that should not be carrying those items. Within each stock account, the last three physical annual, quarterly, and monthly inventory documents were reviewed. For the 35 stock sections tested, this would equate to 105 total annual inventories, of which, only 92 inventories were supported to substantiate performance. The review of documentation resulted in the following: Annual inventories 13 of 105 (12%) annual physical inventories were not performed or documentation was not provided for review 80 of 92 (87%) annual physical inventories that were substantiated through documentation did not use a “blind count” or the inventory worksheet to count items (i.e., does not have populated inventory counts on the count sheet) Quarterly inventories 18 of 35 (51%) stock sections did not perform quarterly inventories 7 stock sections for those who performed quarterly inventories did not utilize an independent party outside of that stock section to do counts Monthly spot inventories 13 of 35 (37%) stock sections did not perform monthly spot inventories 6 of 21 August 22, 2013 TxDOT Internal Audit – Region / District Inventory Management A total of 42 annual certifications, 3 years for each of the 14 districts reviewed, noted the following: o 2 of 42 (5%) annual certifications for physical inventories were submitted without all the inventories in the district having been performed Management Action Plan (MAP) MAP Owner: Andrew Chavez, Interim Director Support Service Division MAP 1.1 - The Support Service Division will: Create a standardized cost effective stock pile inventory process for TxDOT Define roles, responsibilities and points of contact within the districts and division Conduct a pilot Implement a statewide rollout. Completion Date: March 15, 2014 MAP Owner: Larry Seiler, Purchasing Specialist MAP 1.2 - The Support Service Division will: Discuss with management of the cited district/maintenance section Segregate inventory items according to custodian responsibility Provide written guidance to all districts/maintenance sections Completion Date: September 15, 2013 MAP Owner: Larry Seiler, Purchasing Specialist MAP 1.3 - The Support Service Division will create and deliver stock management training to districts to include: Conducting required inventories according to current MSMS polices Documenting required inventories according to current MSM polices Researching and documenting inventory discrepancies Adjusting inventory balances as required Providing secure access to stock accounts Completion Date: November 15, 2013 7 of 21 August 22, 2013 TxDOT Internal Audit – Region / District Inventory Management MAP Owner: Andrew Chavez, Interim Director Support Service Division MAP 1.4 - The Support Service Division will: Discuss and address with the management of the cited district/maintenance section Ensure all managers know the consequences of violating ethics policy Completion Date: August 15, 2013 MAP Owner: Andrew Chavez, Interim Director Support Service Division MAP 1.5 - The Support Service Division will: Create and fill an Inventory Specialist Position within the Support Services Division to be a central point of contact (POC). Ensure materials management policy adherence rest with each district and is administered by the district engineer. This will be supported by layered POCs for each district and maintenance section. The district POCs will be supported by the SSD Inventory Specialist. Completion Date: March 15, 2014 8 of 21 August 22, 2013 TxDOT Internal Audit – Region / District Inventory Management Finding No. 2: Performance Goals Condition Performance reports made available by the General Services Division (GSD) and Material Supply Management System (MSMS) reports are not being adequately utilized in the management of inventory. Various goals set by GSD for inventory levels are not being consistently met throughout the districts (i.e., salvage materials continue to be collected despite being identified as Long Supply). Effect/Potential Impact Inventory is not being managed efficiently and effectively. This can lead to surplus inventory, including obsolete items and those with an expired shelf life. Stock that is not necessary to conduct TxDOT business in turn increases inventory levels. Inaccurate representation of stock quantities can occur, causing materials to be unavailable when needed and impacting the timeliness of work being completed. Additionally, space is being designated for materials that are not required and employees are managing these unnecessary stock items. Criteria & Cause Criteria are established by GSD and provided for use by the districts: Inventory Management Summary Memo issued October 20, 1995 establishes performance goals o Percent of Potential Surplus (Zero Demand) less than or equal to 5% o Adjustment Rate less than or equal to 5% o Inventory Accuracy Rate greater than or equal to 95% o Percentage of stock exceeding 12 months’ supply less than or equal to 25% MSMS Manual establishes goals for o Turnover ratio of 2.5 or 250% per year (Ch. 5, Section 9, pg. 5-48) o Inventory Accuracy Rate of 95% (Ch. 9, Section 2, pg. 9-5) MSMS Manual requires the designation in writing of the MSMS Coordinator to serve as a liaison with GSD (Ch. 1, Section 14, pg. 1-33) GSD Inventory Summaries o Provide monthly reports broken down by region, district, and stock account o List the Inventory Value, Potential Surplus, Long Supply (with and without RAP) and list the goals for Potential Surplus and Long Supply o List the Adjustment Transaction Percentages and the Inventory Accuracy Rates by stock section The following possible causes have been identified: Limited direction and standardization of procedures o MSMS manual provides mostly application instruction o Policy is distributed across several manuals o GSD has no authority in the district to enforce performance goals o Structure of inventory management is not defined on the district level 9 of 21 August 22, 2013 TxDOT Internal Audit – Region / District Inventory Management o Training not provided or available Perception is that inventory concerns are not a high priority in the districts o Meeting inventory goals is not emphasized o Administration has not been proactive in supporting inventory management Loss of personnel and functions not reassigned during the regionalization effort Policy and directives are outdated o MSMS Manual last updated in 2002 o District SOPs still refer to accounting as the owner of the inventory process Evidence Stock sections are not meeting performance goals established by GSD related to Long Supply and Potential Surplus of inventory: As of March 31, 2013, for the 14 districts audited, Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP) comprised 15% of total inventory ($9.3M of $62.6M); 83% of this RAP is considered Long Supply (not to be used in next 12 months) Analysis of reports generated on the date of fieldwork demonstrates 28 of 35 stock sections did not achieve the long supply goal of 25% of their inventory value 22 of 35 stock sections did not meet the potential surplus (Zero Demand) goal of 5% of their inventory value 21 of 35 stock sections were unable to provide documentation to support management of inventory goals Management Action Plan (MAP) MAP Owner: Andrew Chavez, Interim Director Support Services MAP 2.1 - The Support Service Division will Reorganize and update the MSMS Manual Train district POCs Create standard reporting processes to include what information to report, recipients, format, frequency and delivery method Create best in class performance criteria to include what information to report, recipients, format, frequency and delivery method Completion Date: December 15, 2013 10 of 21 August 22, 2013 TxDOT Internal Audit – Region / District Inventory Management Finding No. 3: Stock Adjustments Condition Root cause analysis and follow-up procedures are not being performed for discrepancies found in inventory counts. These discrepancies also may not be updated as a stock adjustment in the Material & Supply Management System (MSMS). Effect/Potential Impact When stock sections are not processing stock adjustments, performance measures are not reliable or indicative of the current standing. Not following through with stock adjustments leaves inaccurate inventory counts in MSMS. This may initiate spending of additional funds to restock items that are not accurately recorded. In addition, when adjustments are made without root cause analysis being performed, corrective steps to prevent future discrepancies may not be identified. Criteria & Cause The Property Management Manual Chapter 1, Section 5 Stock adjustments will be processed any time a discrepancy is found between the balance recorded in MSMS and the actual physical count in the warehouse An adjustment can reflect either a gain or loss of property Adjustments will be made only after adequate research has been conducted to determine the cause of the overage/shortage Procedures for processing an adjustment using the Adjustment Program, Direct Function IA1, are contained in the MSMS User's Manual, Chapter 9, Physical Inventory The MSMS User’s Manual Chapter 9, Section 5 – Policies states that the Warehouse Manager, in conjunction with the designated team leader: Determines if the count was more or less than the balance shown on the inventory worksheet Determines the dollar value of the overage or shortage Enters the overage or shortage on the original inventory worksheet next to the item in question Chapter 9, Section 6 – Batch Inventory Adjustments RJEJCL 38 2, requires that the user document the reason for the adjustment Many of the stock sections reviewed do not allow for stock adjustments to be made. Sections do not know who is responsible in completing stock adjustments and how they are being monitored. Some sections are misaligned and believe that if they fall within a 5-10% range of their stock item count, no adjustments are needed. Limited training opportunities for personnel in this area are also a concern. Evidence For the 35 stock sections tested, this would equate to 105 total annual inventories, of which, only 92 inventories were supported to substantiate performance. The 92 annual physical inventories were evaluated to determine how discrepancies were handled. 11 of 21 August 22, 2013 TxDOT Internal Audit – Region / District Inventory Management 52 of 92 (57%) annual physical inventories had discrepancies that were not processed according to policy, including: o 21 annual physical inventories with count discrepancies that did not process any stock adjustments including: • inventory overages totaling $44,261 • inventory shortages totaling $172,895 o 20 annual physical inventories did not indicate the cause for adjustment o 11 annual physical inventories had discrepancies in which some (but not all) of the discrepancies were adjusted. The remaining items not adjusted included: • inventory overages totaling $116,332 • inventory shortages totaling $417,942 Management Action Plan (MAP) MAP Owner: Larry Seiler, Purchasing Specialist MAP 3.1 - The Support Service Division will create and deliver stock management training to districts to include: Conducting required inventories according to current MSMS polices Documenting required inventories according to current MSM polices Researching and documenting inventory discrepancies Adjusting inventory balances as required Providing secure access to stock accounts Completion Date: November 15, 2013 12 of 21 August 22, 2013 TxDOT Internal Audit – Region / District Inventory Management Finding No. 4: Material Movement in Systems of Record Condition Personnel are not completing the required data entry in the Maintenance Management System (MMS) or “Compass” to ensure all materials are approved and updated in the Material Supply Maintenance System (MSMS). Reconciliations are also not occurring which is preventing inventory records from being updated. In addition, material transactions to move inventory is processed without the required signatures: Items were issued without a receiver signature Material requests had no approval signature Effect/Potential Impact Inventory records are affected by the untimely processing of work orders. The records will indicate materials are on hand when in fact they have been consumed. This in turn can impact the timeliness of maintenance work and reorder levels. There is a potential for unexplained shortages and a loss of accountability when the required signatures are not obtained. Criteria & Cause Criteria are established by the General Services Division and the Finance Division. The Materials and Supply Management System (MSMS) User’s Manual, Chapter 1, Section 3 - Accountability and Responsibility o Accountability requires the keeping of accurate records of materials received and issued and of the value of materials currently in stock. o Every individual that uses MSMS is responsible for using the system properly. Management is responsible for insuring that subordinates follow MSMS policies and procedures. The warehouse manager is responsible for the items and quantities represented on their stock records. The Property Management Manual, Chapter 1, Section 5 – MSMS Forms o MSMS uses a series of TxDOT forms to document the movement of material in and out of the warehouse and to adjust inventory. o Signatures are required on all forms, either by the person issuing or receiving the material. TxDOT has shifted from MSMS to MMS for the majority of material issues. Personnel responsible for data entry are not following up to ensure all approvals are made and/or any errors are corrected. Work orders are submitted on a daily basis and should be approved the same day or the following day. Until the material card is approved, inventory records are not updated. Evidence A report of unapproved material transactions was provided on May 1, 2013 by the Maintenance Division. The report indicates that 15 of the 35 stock sections sampled 13 of 21 August 22, 2013 TxDOT Internal Audit – Region / District Inventory Management have a total of 311 unapproved material transactions from October 1, 2012 through April 24, 2013, with a total value of $685,402. Upon further review the following was noted: $434,837 of transactions has been unapproved for more than 30 days $591,567 of the total unapproved amounts were in two districts: o Tyler district had $400,956 o San Antonio district had $190,611 232 of 311 (75%) of unapproved material cards are in two districts: o 128 of 311 (41%) unapproved material cards occurring in Pharr o 104 of 311 (33%) unapproved material cards occurring in San Antonio A review of Material Requests and Issues reveal: 75 of 604 (12%) material issues did not have a receiver’s signature 15 of 151 (10%) material requests reviewed had no approval signature Management Action Plan (MAP) MAP Owners: Ricardo Castaneda, P.E., Director of Operations, San Antonio District Michael Schneider, P.E., Director of Operations, Tyler District Pedro R. Alvarez, P.E., Director of Maintenance, Pharr District MAP 4.1 - Schedule the following reports to be emailed to the Office Manager or Stock Clerk on a weekly basis (Monday of each workweek): “Unapproved Material Day Cards” (Current/Previous Pay Period) Report will identify the Material Day Cards that are pending approval. Report will be filtered to display TxDOT Unit, Work Order #, Work Date, Quantity, etc. The Office Manager or Stock Clerk will review the report and initiate approval for pending Material Day Cards. “Material Day Cards with Errors” (Current/Previous Pay Period) Report will identify the approved Material Day Cards with errors. Report will be filtered to display TxDOT Unit, Work Order #, Work Date, Line Message that identifies the error, etc. Discrepancies on Material Day Cards are to be corrected within five (5) working days. Completion Date: July 15, 2013 MAP 4.2 - MMS District Champion to reinforce all Work Orders for previous pay period to be completed by the 4th working day of each month, unless otherwise approved by the District. Work Orders are required to have Labor, Equipment and Material Day Cards approved prior to completion. District Champion to generate “Segment 78 Work Orders – OPEN” Report and coordinate with Maintenance Sections to identify Work Orders that require completion. Completion Date: July 15, 2013 14 of 21 August 22, 2013 TxDOT Internal Audit – Region / District Inventory Management MAP Owner: Andrew Chavez, Interim Director Support Services Division MAP 4.3 - Update MSMS Manual to include requirements for signatures and related authorities. Include MMS issues in future training. Completion Date: October 15, 2013 15 of 21 August 22, 2013 TxDOT Internal Audit – Region / District Inventory Management Finding No. 5: Inventory Access Condition All eleven employees in the Austin Traffic Signal Operations section have access to stockroom keys. The keys are located on a board in the signal shop which does not provide any restricted access to the stockrooms Effect/Potential Impact Inventory levels may indicate materials are on hand in the Materials and Supply Management System (MSMS) when in fact they have been consumed if/when an employee does not properly account for the items. Accuracy of inventory records may be impacted by the limited control of stock. In addition, there is a potential for unexplained shortages, misused/misplaced items and a loss of accountability when all employees have access to stockroom keys. This in turn can impact the timeliness of maintenance work and reorder levels. Criteria & Cause Criteria are established by the General Services Division The Materials and Supply Management System (MSMS) User’s Manual, Chapter 1, Section 3 - Accountability and Responsibility o Accountability requires the keeping of accurate records of materials received and issued and of the value of materials currently in stock. o Every individual that uses MSMS is responsible for using the system properly. Management is responsible for insuring that subordinates follow MSMS policies and procedures. The warehouse manager is responsible for the items and quantities represented on their stock records. The Property Management Manual, Chapter 1, Section 5 – MSMS Forms o MSMS uses a series of TxDOT forms to document the movement of material in and out of the warehouse and to adjust inventory. o Signatures are required on all forms, either by the person issuing or receiving the material. The Financial Management Policy Manual, Chapter 2, Section 9 – Warehouse indicates that warehouse stock is a current asset and all items on hand are included in the accountable records. Also from the United States Government Accountability Office (GAO) - Government Auditing Standards, Revision 2011. June 2013. 6.15c.”… Internal control serves as a defense in safeguarding assets and in preventing and detecting errors; fraud; noncompliance with provisions of laws, regulations, contracts or grant agreements; or abuse. 6.20 “…Controls over the safeguarding of assets and resources include policies and procedures that the audited entity has implemented to reasonably prevent or promptly detect unauthorized acquisition, use, or disposition of assets and resources.” 16 of 21 August 22, 2013 TxDOT Internal Audit – Region / District Inventory Management There is no one dedicated to oversee the issuance of stock at the time of distribution. The keys are accessible to anyone who needs a stock item during the day or during afterhours. Evidence Stockyards and rooms were reviewed for controlled access. Auditors reviewed local processes regarding the safeguarding of stock inventory and how access to stock items was controlled (e.g., locked stockrooms and stockyards, number/location of keys, supervisory control, etc.) One of 35 stock sections across 14 districts had keys accessible to the stockrooms by all section employees. The lone unsecured stock section amounted to: $817,094 of $5,566,168 (15%) of the district’s total inventory value as of March 31, 2013 Included approximately 300 stock items Management Action Plan (MAP) MAP Owner: Imelda Barrett, Director of Transportation Operations, Austin District MAP 5.1 - Keys will be issued to the following people: Signal Shop Stock Account Coordinator, Stock Account Assistant Coordinator, Lead Worker, Signal Shop Supervisor, Transportation Operations Office Manager and the Facilities Maintenance Supervisor. Additionally, a key ring with after-hours keys will be given to each of two traffic signal standby employees before leaving for the day. These keys will be returned the next morning and locked. Access to the key lockbox is limited to the Key Control Coordinator (currently the Lead Worker) and Key Control Assistant Coordinator (currently the Stock Account Coordinator). MAP 5.2 - A log will be established and placed by the door to the stock account area. Stock items will be issued under the guidance of the Stock Account Coordinator, Stock Account Assistant Coordinator, or Lead Worker. If none of those people are present, stock can be issued under the guidance of the Signal Shop Supervisor. Afterhours, stock can be issued by standby personnel. They will complete the MSMS forms and stock log. Information will be confirmed by the Stock Account Coordinator or Stock Account Assistant on the next business day. Completion Date: August 15, 2013 17 of 21 August 22, 2013 TxDOT Internal Audit – Region / District Inventory Management Finding No. 6: MSMS Access Control Condition Any individual with “USER” access for a designated stock section can create, modify or delete any MSMS transaction, including ordering. Employees were identified with having access to MSMS without having a business purpose for it. Effect/Potential Impact There is a possibility for unauthorized transactions, collusion or use of the system for personal gain. Criteria & Cause Criteria are established by the General Services Division and the Finance Division. The Materials and Supply Management System (MSMS) User’s Manual, Chapter 1, Section 3 - Accountability and Responsibility o Accountability requires the keeping of accurate records of materials received and issued and of the value of materials currently in stock. o Every individual that uses MSMS is responsible for using the system properly. Management is responsible for insuring that subordinates follow MSMS policies and procedures. The warehouse manager is responsible for the items and quantities represented on their stock records. Roles and responsibilities have shifted among departments over the last several years. Along with the changes, access and needs have changed. However, access has not been reviewed. Evidence The requisition and purchasing process for roadway materials follows the steps below: Roadway materials are requested through the IM3 function of the Materials & Supply Management System (MSMS). MSMS generates a paper document which requires an approval signature. MSMS generates a Warehouse Request (WR) which is then delivered to a purchaser as a User Request (UR). The UR in the Automated Purchasing System is used to generate a purchase order. Neither MSMS nor APS requires an approval within the system for these orders. Although material needs are identified as part of the One Year Maintenance Plan, and the plan is subject to review and approval by the Area Engineer and District personnel, at the time of order, there is no approval above the individual entering the order including the office manager or the stock clerk. MSMS access was reviewed for 11 stock sections throughout the Atlanta, Dallas, Ft. Worth, Paris and Tyler Districts. A total of 117 employees with “User” access were identified. Of these 117 employees, it was noted that: 26 of 117 (22%) individuals were external employees to the maintenance section in the district they had access to (i.e., accountants, purchasers, business service coordinators and other district personnel). 18 of 21 August 22, 2013 TxDOT Internal Audit – Region / District Inventory Management During testing it was determined that MSMS will update a warehouse request with the purchaser’s name and user id if the purchaser rejects a transaction. The transaction then appears as though the purchaser made the request. This can reflect a conflict of responsibilities. Management Action Plan (MAP) MAP Owner: Andrew Chavez, Interim Director Support Services Division MAP 6.1 - The Support Services Division will Have districts review and list changes to the current MSMS access list SSD will make changes and send confirmations to the users and POCs Completion Date: September 15, 2013 MAP 6.2 - The Support Services Division will create a purchasing control segment with the MSMS training program. Note: Enterprise Resource Plan (ERP) will replace MSMS and APS on September 1, 2014. Completion Date: March 15, 2014 19 of 21 August 22, 2013 TxDOT Internal Audit – Region / District Inventory Management Observations and Recommendations Audit Observation (a): Unidentified TxDOT property It was observed in four of the districts (Abilene, Austin, Houston and San Antonio) that not all sub-locations had signage indicating TxDOT property. Effect/Potential Impact: Unidentified property is open to shrinkage. The stockpiles could be seen as discarded debris or available to the public. Audit Recommendation: Sub-locations should identify stock as TxDOT property with the proper signage. 20 of 21 August 22, 2013 TxDOT Internal Audit – Region / District Inventory Management Summary Results Based on Enterprise Risk Management Framework Closing Comments The results of this audit were discussed with Interim General Services Director by phone and with the Chief Procurement/Deputy Administration Officer in an exit conference held on June 21, 2013. We appreciate the assistance and cooperation received from members of the General Services Division, the Supply Services Division and from district employees contacted during this audit. 21 of 21 August 22, 2013