Diversity Technology Project
Stephanie J. Moore
Adelaide A. Shultz
Benjamin I. Towe
Table of Contents
General Diversity
Slides 4-6
Teaching Resources
Slides 7-9
Slides 10-11
Belief System/
Slides 12-16
Slides 17-20
Slides 20-24
Slides 25-29
Slides 30-35
Slides 36-39
Slides 40-43
Sexual Orientation
Slides 44-46
Multicultural Education
Grades 9-12
Diversity Unit
ED 301-02
General Diversity Activities
Go to an Art Museum to view works by
artists from various backgrounds
Have class discussion about oppressions faced
by those who lived during different
times, cultures, classes
Watch Schindler’s List
Discuss cultural, religious, ethnic, racial
prejudices portrayed in movie
General Diversity
Activities (cont.)
Have groups do research and present on
HMOs and how different “isms” are
Have discussion on diversity in the
workplace and how it will effect
students in their future
Have students switch schools with a local
district that has a different culture
General Diversity Websites
General Diversity Resources
The Center for Diversity Education
Teaching Resources Activities
Have students complete a multicultural
word search and discuss terms.
Have students read a book of their choosing
on an “ism” and have them write an essay
on the book and the feelings they
Research genealogy and write a paper on
oppressions faced by our ancestors.
Teaching Resources
Activities (cont.)
Read a biased essay and write critique over
the essay and write about their own opinion
Have students take a biased ability test
and discuss how the test was biased as a
Teaching Resources Websites
Promoting Recognition Of Diversity
American Family Immigration History
Northwest Regional Educational Library
Ageism Activities
Have students interview their grandparents and
ask them about the discrimination they faced
or saw.
Discuss age discrimination in the workplace.
Study insurance costs for teens, seniors,
adults, and ask why they differ.
View movies/TV shows and discuss the age of
people shown.
Have a lesson on politics and age.
Ageism Websites
Types of Age Discrimination
Sheldon Steinhouse
What is Ageism?
To Hell and Back: Ageism in Hollywood
Belief System/Religion Activities
Visit two or more of the following and
discuss major similarities and differences:
 Mosque
 Temple
 orthodox church
Religion Activities Continued
Have a speaker (a rabbi/priest/spiritual
leader) from a different religious
background than that of the houses of
worship visited. Have the speaker discuss
the history of the given religion and the
oppression faced by the practitioners in
different cultures and societies.
Religion Activities Continued
Watch the movie Keeping The Faith and
discuss how the characters were able to be
friends despite religious differences. Ask the
class if they believe it is important for
friends to have similar beliefs.
Religion Activities Continued
Have students do group presentations on
religions that are not common in the United
Have students debate the issue of prayer in
public schools.
Religion Hyperlinks
Virtual Religion Index
Facts About Religious Discrimination
American Civil Liberties Union
Islam World
The Oslo Coalition on Freedom of Religion
or Belief
Classism Activities
Divide the students into two groups (one
group larger than the other). Give one
group lots of money to build a city. Give
the large group little money to build the
same city. Discuss the difficulties that arose
and why there is a difference between
suburbs and ghettos.
Classism Activities
Have students write down what class they
think they belong to and why (religion,
income, belongings, etc). Have a class
discussion on how classes are categorized
and why they are unfair.
Watch the movie Titanic and discuss the
class differences on the boat. How many
poor survived compared to the rich?
Classism Activities
Have students take a field trip to a richer
school and a poorer school. Note the
differences in facilities, treatment, etc.
Divide the class into groups. Give each
group an article relating to class differences.
Have them critique the article and present it
to the class.
Classism Links
Cultural Diversity Classism website
Workforce Development
Classism website
Race and Culture Classism
Classism: the unspoken “ism”
Exceptionalities Activities
Watch the movie Little Man Tate and look
for interactions between Tate and others.
How does Tate’s giftedness isolate him
Take a field trip to a “gifted school” to see
the differences between “normal” education
and education for gifted children.
Exceptionalities Activities
Have students take a “fun” IQ Test. Ask
students about the validity of such testing
and what they believe scores really mean.
Have a discussion of what it mean to be
“gifted.” Should students who excel in
school have more privileges than the
average student?
Exceptionalities Activities
Discuss famous “gifted” people who had
learning disabilities or who were considered
slow. What makes these people gifted?
What does this mean for the average
Exceptionalities Hyperlinks
Centre for Gifted Education
National Association for Gifted Children
Gifted Development Center
Ohio Association for Gifted Children
Supporting Emotional Needs of the Gifted
Disability Diversity Activities
Have one student start a story with a
sentence. No where in the sentence can
they use a word that contains the letter “n”.
The next person says the next sentence and
continues the story. Discuss how thought
processes are slower in some people with
Disabilities Diversity Activities
Give students an illusion picture. Some will
see a cow but most won’t. Act impatient
with the ones who don’t see it. Tell the
whole class what the picture is and discuss
how important it is to have patience with
learning disabled students because they may
not see the same thing as most people.
Disabilities Diversity Activities
Give a few students blindfolds and a few
students huge mittens while other students
have nothing. Write notes on the board
while reading them. Have students take
notes. Compare and contrast the notes kids
“with physical handicaps” took and the
notes others took.
Disabilities Diversity Activities
Have the special educator come and talk
with the students about difficulties students
with disabilities have and address common
Have students prepare their own lesson with
inclusion. Their lesson must accommodate
Disability Diversity Links
Gentle Teaching
Active Inclusion
Inclusion Education
Children’s Special Services
Gender Diversity Activities
Separate students into groups. Give
students several textbooks of different
concentrations and have them look for
gender bias. Then start a classroom
discussion on why these book are/aren’t
Gender Diversity Activities
Have students as a class prepare a bulletin
board to be displayed in the class with
graphics and research data on famous
women throughout
Gender Diversity Activities
Have students interview members of the
opposite sex of varying ages. Ask them
how they dress for work, diet habits,
household chores, etc. Then, as a class,
examine the differences in answers of
members of the opposite sex.
Gender Diversity Activities
Have students bring in magazines from
home and look for domestic product
advertisements (laundry detergent,
bathroom cleaner, etc.) and count how many
men and women are in the ads. Have a
class discussion to analyze the results.
Gender Diversity Activities
Don’t tell students what the lesson is. Give
them descriptions of a job and have them
give the name of the occupation. Use
statistics to see how many answers had
gender bias. For example: What do you
call the person who delivers your mail?
Gender Diversity Links
Gender Equity in the Classroom
Women in the Classroom
Teacher’s Source
Teacher’s Toolbag
Teacher Resource Center
Language Diversity Activities
Visit an advanced foreign language class
and try to understand the lesson. Write a
report on how hard it would be to learn if
you didn’t understand the language.
Have the ESL teacher come and speak with
the class and address struggles and common
myths foreign students have.
Language Diversity Activities
Watch a foreign film with no captions
paying special attention to body language.
Have students write a story correlating to
the movie. Tell them the actual plot.
Compare and contrast the movie to their
Interview a foreign exchange student.
Language Diversity Activities
Look at a map of the world that shows how
many languages are spoken in each country.
Discuss why we have different languages
and if it’s a good or bad thing to have many
different languages.
Language Diversity Websites
Bilingual Education Resources on the
National Clearinghouse for English
Language Acquisition
Lesson Plans and Resources
Game Central Station
Race/Ethnicity Diversity Activities
Have students read books from the same
time period by one white author and one
African American author. Compare and
contrast the two books.
Research a lesser known civil rights
advocate and present to the class in a
creative fashion.
Race/Ethnicity Diversity Activities
Research an American civil rights advocate
that is not African American or Caucasian.
Have students interview someone of a
different race or culture about their
lifestyles and opinions on race relations and
politics. Compare their answers to their
own life.
Race/Ethnicity Diversity Activities
Have a classroom discussion to brainstorm
ways to improve race relation in the United
States. Write to their congressperson about
their ideas.
Race/Ethnicity Diversity Links
Lesson Plans About Race in America
Social Knowledge System Lesson Plans
Diversity Learning
Tolerance Lesson Plans
Awesome Library
Sexual Orientation Activities
Debate gay adoption issue. (If students feel
gay people should not raise children, pose
questions like “Do you believe the child
would be better off without a home?”)
Watch The Laramie Project and have
students write a 2-3 page reaction paper.
Sexual Orientation Activities
Have students do group presentations on
famous gays or lesbians.
Lead class discussion on homophobia.
Have students discuss in small groups
whether they believe violence against gay
people because of their sexual orientation
should be considered a hate crime.
Sexual Orientation Hyperlinks
International Gay and Lesbian Rights Commission
Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network
Ohio State University University- Sexual
University of Toronto- Sexual Orientation
Some Facts Psychologists Know About Sexual
The End