FCS 1300-101

Housing and Human Environments

110 LS Dougherty

Fall 2010

TR- 9:30 – 10:45 AM

Course Instructor Contact Information

Dr. Sammie G. Garner

Office: 104-A LS Dougherty

Phone: 262-2663

E-mail: garnersg@appstate.edu

Office hours :

M 2:00 – 5:00 PM

T, R 11:00 – Noon, 1:30 – 2:30 PM

W 9:30 – 10:30 AM

Catalog Description of course:

An introductory study and discussion of the physiological, psychological, social and economic aspects of housing needs as well as the dynamics and components of construction. The exploration of the nature of human interactions within the spatial environment with the application of design elements and principles as well as considering the evolution of interiors through the examination of international and historical changes in housing. Focuses on problem solving for effective use of residential space and resources for varied populations will be included as well as the exploration of the consumer’s energy sources and uses and housing alternatives.


Students will be able to:

1. Demonstrate knowledge related to decisions involving space allocations, space planning, and technological influences on housing and the environment.

2. Apply design elements and principles to create safe, secure, and aesthetic environments for various stages of the life cycle.

3. Compare architectural styles, furniture designs and floor plans to promote customer and community satisfaction.

4. Examine the impact and interaction of living environments and individuals and families.

5. Identify the influences of local, state and federal housing policy issues on the consumer, financial, and legal aspects of the industry.

6. Analyze housing “green” design and products and the effects on human health and well-being and on environmental sustainability.

Textbook: Allen, P., Jones, L., Stimpson, M. (2004). Beginnings of Interior Environments.

Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall.

Assignments #1, #2, and #3

Assignment #1 Choice and analysis of a housing unit planned to meet the user needs of its future occupants. Examine housing alternatives including user needs, space relationships, and housing choice interactions.

Assignment #2 Choice of interior furnishings, surface materials and finishes, for the housing unit and occupants in assignment #1 for one space/room. Examine the impact of both materials function and aesthetic on user satisfaction. Apply the elements and principles of design.

Assignment #3 O ral presentation of a human environments issue or trend (PowerPoint, photos, websites, artifacts recommended)

Tests Two tests and a final comprehensive exam will be given. Refer to study questions for review. Test format includes primarily multiple choice, true/false and analysis/discussion questions. Students should focus their preparation on reviewing class notes, textbook material and assigned supplementary readings.


Attendance & Participation

Project #1 House plan and user needs

Project #2 Room design and user needs

Project #3 Group presentation

Tests #1 and #2

Final exam



10% of course grade





15% each

100 %

93-100 =A

90-92 = A-

87-89= B+

83-86= B

80-82= B-

77-79= C+

73-76= C

70-72= C-

67-69= D+

63-66= D

60-62= D-

Below 60= F


You are expected to attend all class meetings and outside events. This is a seminar course in which attendance and participation are vital. Class attendance and participation accounts for 10% of your final course grade. Participation will be evaluated based on your attendance, engagement in the class, and your substantial contributions to class discussions.

Content, grammar, neatness, organization and creative problem analysis are major grading criteria. All assignments must be typed/word processed. Follow APA writing style. Refer to and follow the Appalachian Student Integrity Code. http://www.studentconduct.appstate.edu/index.php?module=pagemaster&PAGE_user_op=view_ page&PAGE_id=2&MMN_position=3:3

As a community of learners at Appalachian State University, we must create an atmosphere of honesty, fairness, and responsibility, without which we cannot earn the trust and respect of each other. Furthermore, we recognize that academic dishonesty detracts from the value of an

Appalachian degree. Therefore, we shall not tolerate lying, cheating, or stealing in any form and will oppose any instance of academic dishonesty. This course will follow the provisions of the

Academic Integrity Code, which can be found on the Office of Student Conduct Web Site: www.studentconduct.appstate.edu.

Note that work handed in late will be penalized a letter grade for each day late. Integrity violations including plagiarizing are handled according to the Appalachian Academic Integrity code. Refer to http://www.academicaffairs.appstate.edu/academic_integrity_index.htm

Methods of teaching and learning : projects, lecture/discussion, field trips, guest speakers, case study analysis, website review, audiovisual presentations, self-testing, large and small group activities.

SPECIAL NEEDS: If you have a disability for which you are or may be requesting an accommodation, you are encouraged to contact both your instructor and the Office of Disability

Services, 222 D.D. Dougherty,

262-3053/262-3056 (TTY) as early as possible in the term.

" Appalachian State University is committed to making reasonable accommodations for individuals with documented qualifying disabilities in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Those seeking accommodations based on a substantially limiting disability must contact and register with The Office of Disability Services (ODS) at http://www.ods.appstate.edu/ or

828-262-3056. Once registration is complete, individuals will meet with ODS staff to discuss eligibility and appropriate accommodations."

Religious observances : Students who plan to miss class for religious observances must follow the University policy for such events. Refer to http://www.academicaffairs.appstate.edu/resources-forms

“ Students must be allowed a minimum of two excused absences each academic year for religious observances. Students are responsible for requesting excused absences for religious observances required by the faith of a student. Instructors are responsible for complying with this requirement. In classes in which attendance is taken and/or penalties are applied for student absences, instructors must document their compliance with the religious observance policy by tracking student excused absences for religious observances.”

SYLLABUS ADJUSTMENTS : Please be aware that the syllabus for this course is a plan which may be changed over the course of the semester as circumstances warrant.


You are expected to act in a courteous and professional manner in class. Please avoid side conversations, electronic devices such as iPODS, texting, cell phone use, arriving late, leaving early, and eating or drinking in class (unless you are treating the entire class). Water bottles are okay.

Class Topical Outline with assignment due dates


Class Topic

Assignment for Today’s class


Why study housing and interior environments?

Course introduction- syllabus

What is a house?


Understanding interior design

-Read and prepare for discussion – Text, Ch. 1


Universal design

Labor Day Holiday – 9/7

1. Read this on-line article: http://www.aarp.org/families/home_ design/universaldesign/a2004-03-23- whatis_univdesign.html

2. Take this on-line photo/slide tour: http://www.aarpmagazine.org/interactive



History of design (overview)– housing and furnishings

What is the style of house that you family lives in?

What appearance features support your answer?

Review this web site for housing styles: http://architecture.about.com/od/housestyles/tp/housestylesindex.htm


Elements of design

Read and prepare for discussion – Text, Ch. 2


Principles of design

Design judgment

Identify one application of the elements and principles of design that you see applied in designs on campus? (class discussion)



Read and prepare for discussion – Text, Ch. 3

What are the effects of color?



Your participation is encouraged.


Test #1


Construction, systems basics

Read and prepare for discussion – Text, Ch. 4


Lighting and electrical systems basics

Read and prepare for discussion – Text, Ch. 5


Green design, sustainable design

Review these websites: http://www.nahb.org/fileUpload_details.aspx?contentID=62120 http://www.nahb.org/generic.aspx?sectionID=127&g enericContentID=112096


Space planning

Reading house/floor plans

Read and prepare for discussion – Text, Ch. 6, 7


Furniture design, uses, styles

Read and prepare for discussion – Text, Ch. 8

Project #1 due



Read and prepare for discussion – Text, Ch. 8


Textiles in home furnishings

Fall Break, Oct. 21,22

Read and prepare for discussion – Text, Ch. 9


Test #2


Backgrounds - ceilings, walls

Read and prepare for discussion - Text, Ch. 11


Backgrounds – doors, windows, fireplaces

Read and prepare for discussion – Text, Ch. 12


Materials coordination, Backgrounds - flooring

Read and prepare for discussion – Text, Ch. 10


Field study: Lowes Home Center

This is your opportunity to see products used in residential construction and to complete the selection of furnishings for project #2.


Subsidized Housing

Project #2 due.

Thanksgiving Holiday – 11/24-26


Housing costs

Project #2 overview

Group presentation outlines due (assn. #3).

Submit through ASULearn.

11/18, 23, 30

Group Presentations

(assn. #3)

Presentation evaluations (part of class participation grade)


Final class - reflection

Reading Day – 12/7


Final exam – Mon., 9:00 - 11:30 PM

Comprehensive exam – refer to study guide for exam, ASULearn

Note these University exam policies: http://www.registrar.appstate.edu/ calendar/springexampolicy.html