“Change Our Hearts” Ash Wednesday 2008

“Change Our Hearts”
Ash Wednesday 2008
Create for me a clean heart, O God
Let me be like you in all my ways
Give me your strength
Teach me your song
Shelter me in the shadow of your wings
For we are your righteousness
If we die to ourselves
we live through your death
Then we shall be born
again to be blessed in your love
“Change Our Hearts”
Ash Wednesday 2008
Ezekiel 36:24-28
'For I will take you out of the nations;
I will gather you from all the
countries and bring you back into
your own land. I will sprinkle clean
water on you, and you will be
clean; I will cleanse you from all
your impurities and from all your
Ezekiel 36:24-28
I will give you a new heart
and put a new spirit in you; I will
remove from you your heart of
stone and give you a heart of flesh.
And I will put my Spirit in you and
move you to follow my decrees and
be careful to keep my laws.
Ezekiel 36:24-28
You will
live in the land I gave your
forefathers; you will be my people,
and I will be your God.’.
The Word of the Lord.
Thanks be to God.
“Change Our Hearts”
Ash Wednesday 2008
“Turn away
from sin
and believe
“Change Our Hearts”
Ash Wednesday 2008
Lean On Me
Sometimes in our lives we
all have pain
We all have sorrow
But if we are wise
We know that there's
always tomorrow
Lean On Me
Lean on me, when you're
not strong
And I'll be your friend
I'll help you carry on
For it won't be long
'Til I'm gonna need
Somebody to lean on
Lean On Me
Please swallow your pride
If I have things you need
to borrow
For no one can fill those
of your needs
that you don't let show
Please swallow your pride
If I have things you need to borrow
For no one can fill those of your needs
That you don't let show
Lean On Me
Lean on me, when you're
not strong
And I'll be your friend
I'll help you carry on
For it won't be long
‘til I'm gonna need
somebody to lean on
Lean On Me
So just call on me brother,
when you need a hand
We all need somebody to
lean on
I just might have a problem
that you'd understand
We all need somebody to
lean on
Lean On Me
If there is a load you have
to bear
that you can't carry
I'm right up the road
I'll share your load
If you just call me
“Change Our Hearts”
Ash Wednesday 2008