01/15/2013 11/8/12 Administrative/Board of Directors/Meetings

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17-12 ~ Documents ~ Jewish Federation of Central New Jersey
Book #1
Minutes from the Eastern Union County Jewish Council, beginning in Sept, 1962. Topics include: Committee reports and
allocation motions; An October special meeting was made to "determine the present and future role of our council must play
in unifying our Jewish Community on a local, national and international level..." - the minutes discuss following an outline of
the needs and structure of a Council
Names include: Executive Director, Samuel Rosenthal; Officers - Ralph Berkowitz, Harry Lebau, Louis Staub, Albert
Kessler, Dr. Saul Levenson, Mrs. Alvin Stein, Jesse Resnick, and others
Annual meeting minutes; nomination submissions; Letter congratulating the Council on the publication of the Jewish
Community News; YMHA camp scholarships; religious practices in schools; assorted correspondence from agencies;
attendance records; annual report from Samuel Rosenthal discusses the long range ideas of operating the council on a
12-month basis as well as the fiscal obligations, such as the UJA Campaign. Allocation issues with agencies.
Names include: Harry Lebau, Jesse Resnick, Al Kessler, Mike Cohen
Resignation of Dr. Saul Levenson; allocations; UJA Campaign; officers and trustees nominations; update on newspaper
progress; executive director contract; Jewish caseworker needs
Names include: Roger Dean Asch, Irving Chvat, Paul Shapiro, Jesse Resnick, Mrs. S.A. Brailove, Rabbi Teitz
Protest rally on Russian Anti-Semitism; Committee reports; Home for the Aged; allocation updates; civil rights issues;
Founders Committee; Home for the Aged; Telegram to President Lyndon Johnson regarding civil rights issues in Alabama;
Israel Independence Day celebration; UJA Campaign update
Names include: Irving Chvat, Mrs. Morris Brailove, Joseph Weinstein, Morris Krouk, Sam Rosenthal, Norman Glikin, Roger
Dean Asch, Michael Cohen
Young Leadership formation; UJA Campaign; Humane Slaughter bill; allocations; increase in newspaper circulation; no
community affilation with the Council to automatically receive allocations; Committee reports; Jewish Family Service Agency
of Eastern Union County minutes; school prayer; establishment of the Joseph Weinstein Memorial Award
Names include: Irving Chvat, Paul Shapiro, Jesse Resnick, Sam Rosenthal
Home for the Aged fund; UJA Campaign; allocations; American Jewish Congress; Education programs for the youth; Town
and Campus Diner anti-Semetic attack; Possible merger of Plainfield Jewish Communtiy News and the Eastern Union
County Jewish News; progress report on Home for the Aged; Emergency Campaign
Names include: Joel Zimmerman, Paul Shapiro, Sam Rosenthal, Dr. Alvin Hirschberg, Wynn Kent, Sylvia Brailove
Allocations; UJA Campaign; Jewish Home for the Aged; Endowment fund establishment; Jerusalem city council member Mr.
Ramati; Consitution revision to "get a more equal representation of the suburban areas..."; Jewish Family Service Agency of
Eastern Union County, funding for refugees; Retirement plan for employees; Workmen's Circle Home for the Aged in
Elizabeth; Letter from Weinstein Award receipient, Mathilda Brailove; Resolution regarding discrimination of 'Negroes'";
Jewish Welfare Board newsletter; Motion from Marshall Klein to name the organization "THe Central New Jersey Jewish
Federation"; Purchased property in Franklin Township for the Jewish Home for the Aged; Roger Dean Asch resignation
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Administrative/Board of Directors/Meetings: Minutes,
Jewish Federation of Central New Jersey
Administrative/Board of Directors/Meetings: Minutes, 1962-1969
Administrative/Board of Directors/Meetings: Minutes,
Names include: Paul Shapiro, Marshall Klein, Ralph Berkowitz, Mathilda Brailove, Jesse Resnick, Dr. Saul Levinson, Walter
Weinstein, Jacob Esocoff, Helen Natelson,
Allocations; Progress report on Jewish Home for the Aged; UJA Campaign; Camp scholarships; Second Annual Inagural
Dinner on behalf of UJA; Jewish Community News report; General Assembly report; Cammp scholarship needs; Walter
Weinstein receipient of Weinstein Memorial Award
Names include: Paul Shapiro, Fred Sichel, Mrs. Morris Brailove, Irwin Kent, Joseph Resnick, Irwin Stern, Louis Staub,
Joseph Zimmerman, Fred Sichel, Marshall Klein, Lewis Winetsky, Herbert Blaustein, Ralph Berkowitz, Joel Conron, Morton
Gershman, Al Kessler, Irving Chvat, Guest speaker Dr. Jerry Hochbaum, Guests Mitchell Jaffe and Bernard Meltzer, Mona
Book #2
Sam Rosenthal as UJA consultant; UJA Campaign report; Sam Rosental resignation; allocations, Rahway's application into
the Jewish Community Council, Anti-semetism; Need for Rabbinical presence on the board; Executive Director search;
Committee reports; Establishment of a Young Leadership Award; Development of a year-round women's division; Campaign
plans to meet with Yitzak Rabin in Washington, D.C.; UJA dinner with Moshe Dayan; Inter-faith dialogue on Israel plans
Names include: Paul Shapiro, Dr. Eugene Bilenker, Harry Lebau, Joel Conron, Harry Levine, Lewis Winetsky, Milton
Donnenberg, Irving Chvat, Jesse Resnick, Barry Shandler, Paul Sichel
(Summary of Nov. 20, 1972 meeting) The board authorized the Residential Housing Committee; Allocations; Jewish Book
Cataloging project; Jewish Community News granted an award - Minutes are now titled "Union County Jewish Federation"
Names include: Jerome Panzer, Paul Sichel, Stanley Silverman, Herbert Seidel
Committee reports, allocations, Merger with the Jewish Community Council of the Plainfields; Funding for the establishment
of a Jewish Communal Library; "The board voted on and passed all motions necessary to legalizing the new Federation (Note - By October 1973, the name being used became "Jewish Federation of Central New Jersey")
Names include: Sidney Neidich; Stanley Sloane, Paul Shapiro; Harriet Sloane, Rabbi Teitz. Mathilda Brailove, Herbert
Seidel, Joe Wilf, Jerry Staffin
Mission to Israel including meetings with President Katzir and Defense Minister Dayan; Campaign reports; Committee
reports; Women's Seminar, 1974; Demonstration against the PLO speaking at the U.N.;
Names include: Hank Bassuk, Martin Knecht, Toby Goldberger, Dr. Gerald Staffin, Sid Neidich, Stan Silverman, Herb Seidel
Report on the Minister's Mission to Israel; Campaign report; Beneficiary agencies budgets; Work with Metro Federation to
jointly handle Russian immigration; Decision against merger with Metropolitan Jewish News; Opening of the Jewish Home
for the Aged; Senior citizen housing
Names include: Joe Wilf, Toby Goldberger, Elton Kerness, Hank Bassuk, Gerald Staffin. Fred Sichel, Sylvia Brailove,
Barbara Brody, Edythe Zweben, Dave Ravich, Stanley Sloane
Demographics study; Allocations; Emergency Russian Resetttlement Program; Campaign updates; Women's Division
report; Proposed budget; Judaic Studies program at Kean College; Training program for solicitors;
Names include: Marilyn Flanzbaum, Sylvia Brailove, Dave Ravich, Herb Brody, Jerry Panzer, Stanley Sloane, Irene Shapiro,
Elton Kerness, Jerry Staffin
Page 2
Young leadership program update; Women's Division report; Campaign update; Allocations; Budget; Land purchase for
proposed senior housing project
Names include: Sylvia Brailove, Dr. Gerald Staffin, Elton Kerness, Gerald Flanzbaum, Mel Chilewich, Toby Goldberger, Al
Book #3
Young leadership program update; Women's Division report; Campaign update; Allocations; Budget; Land purchase for
proposed senior housing project; Committee reports
Names include: Sylvia Brailove, Dr. Gerald Staffin, Elton Kerness, Gerald Flanzbaum, Mel Chilewich, Toby Goldberger, Al
Goldstein, Alex Banks, Ralph Berkowitz, Joel Zimmerman, Walter Averick, Dave Siegal
Administrative/Board of Directors/Meetings: Minutes,
Jewish Federation of Central New Jersey
Administrative/Board of Directors/Meetings: Minutes, 1977-1980
Sylvia Brailove, Dr. Gerald Staffin, Elton Kerness, Gerald Flanzbaum, Mel
Chilewich, Toby Goldberger, Al Goldstein, Alex Banks, Ralph Berkowitz, Joel
Zimmerman, Walter Averick, Dave Siegal
Committee reports; Allocations; Campaign update; Support for Russian resettlement program; Letter from Senator Harrison
Williams regarding arm sales in the Middle East (which was approved); Merger of 3 "Y" into the Jewish Association of
Centers and Y's (JACY); Guidlines with the State about Jewish holidays
Names include: Dr. Gerry Staffin, Ralph Berkowitz, Sidney Neidich, Joe Indick, Dr. Max Hollander, Burt Lazarow, Alan
Goldstein, Sylvia Brailove, Alfred Gelfand, Joseph Wilf, Manny Pachman
Request by HIAS for participation in resettlement of Ino-Chinese refugees, Solomon Schechter Day School building
purchase in Cranford; Non-kosher restaurant advertising; Committee reports; Discussion with Metrowest Federation about a
joint venture with the Jewish News, Women's Plea for Human Rights for Soviet Jews
Names include: Sylvia Brailove, Gerald Flanzbaum, Emanuel Pachman, David Ravich, Seymour St. Lifer, Betty Seidel, Toby
Goldberger, Rabbi Pinchas Teitz
Committee reports; Allocations; General Assembly report; Worker's Training Institute; Jewish Studies program at Kean
College; Indo-Chinese resettlement assistance; Jewish Community News accepts professional advertising; Soviet
Resettlement program; Discussion with Northern Middlesex about a merger with no results; Legal aid program for seniors at
JFS; By-laws of The Central NJ Jewish Federation Endowment Fund
Names include: Mrs. Daniel Berman, Bernard Bernstein, Ralph Berkowitz, Mathilda Brailove, Sylvia Brailove, Barbara Brody,
Irene Buchner, Herman Cherlow, Marilyn Flanzbaum, Rabbi Elazar Teitz, Joel Zimmerman, Dr. Israel Katz,
Book #4
Committee reports; Allocations; Women's Division; Budget; Burt Lazarow comments; Greater Plainfield Community Council
discuss Jewish community needs; Endowment Fund report; JFS honors Rae Kushner; "Operation Moses"; Kean College
Names include: Sandy Berman, Mathilda Brailove, Bernard Burkoff, Irene Dixon, Rabbi Ronald Hoffberg, Burton Lazarow,
Richard Goldberger, Zygi Wilf, Laurie Flanzbaum, Rabbi Elazar Teitz
Committee reports; Allocations; Women's Division; Budget; Shackamaxon school lease; Board leadership and voting;
Fundraising projects, Jewish Community Center re-organization into two seperate entities; Position paper of the YM-YWHA
of Union County - division of the JCC facilities; Federation office relocation; Executive compensation; Rutgers Hillel;
Chaplaincy Commission
Names include: Gerald Flanzbaum, Steve Reitman, Betty Seidel, Bernard Burkhoff, Burt Lazarow, Jim Shrager, Sylvia
Brailove, Harold Brewster, Rut Brewster, Richard Goldberger, Sygi Wilf, David Mulgrum
Committee reports; Yom Hashoah program; Bid for the Shackamoxon school; Elmora Hebrew Center; Israel/Diaspora
Page 3
Administrative/Board of Directors/Meetings: Minutes,
Jewish Federation of Central New Jersey
Board of Directors
Minutes, 1984-1986
Jewish Federation of Central New Jersey
Administrative/Board of Directors/Meetings: Minutes, 1981-1983
Relations Committee; Campaign Planning Retreat; Funding for the Reform and Conservative Movements in Israel; Rabbi
Jacob Rubenstein; Soviet Jewry; Survey of Central NJ Federation with other Federations; Transportation Planning
Committee establishment; Contribution to the Statue of Liberty/Ellis Island Fund
Names include: Richard Goldberger, Alan Goldstein, Howard Blaustein, Leonard Posnoc, Sol Kramer, Rhoda Rosenbach,
Elaine Ravich, Clara Kramer, Michael Blau, Harold Brewster, Ruth Brewster, Leonard Goldman, Bernard Burkoff, David
Book #5
Commmittee Reports; Allocations; Budget; JCRC's Israel Task Force; Camp Noam; JCC support; Freedom Seder in
Washington, D.C.; Camp Noam; Outreach office in Watchung; National Conference on Soviet Jewry; JCC Martine Ave.
property; Gala in honor of Mathilda Brailove
Administrative/Board of Directors/Meetings: Minutes,
Jewish Federation of Central New Jersey
Administrative/Board of Directors/Meetings: Minutes
Names include: Alex Banks, Lou Beckerman, Joseph Bier, Mathilda Brailove, Ruth Brewster, Bernard Burkoff, Gerald
Cantor, Richard Goldberger, Toby Goldberger, Ed Leibowitz, Mindy Leibowitz, Diana Cohen, Steve Siegal, NJ State
Senator, John Russo; Jim Shrager, Sol Kramer, Rabbi Elazar Teitz, Alan Rubin, Eileen Fink, Joe Wilf
UJA Campaign; Committee Reports; Allocations; Pinchas Zuckerman, Refusenicks, Camp Noam sale; Anti-semetism in
Wachtung; Inter-faith study mission to Israel; "Y" senior housing; Elmora Hebrew School; Super Spectacular with Mort Sahl;
Names include: Lou Beckerman, Sandy Berman, Robyn Bier, Mathlida Brailove, Harold Brewster, Ruth Brewster, Elaine
Buechler, Bernard Burkoff, Gerry Cantor, Carol Cohen, Gerry Flanzbaum, Ina Rae Fox, Joe Fox, Neil Fox, Rae Kushner,
Dave Mulgrum, Burton Lazarow, Alan Rubin, Jim Shrager, Joel Zimmerman, Tova Shull, Steve Siegel, Rebecca Glass,
Joseph Bier, Cynthia Hollander
Book #6
Administrative/Board of Directors/Meetings: Minutes, 1989
Administrative/Board of Directors/Meetings: Minutes, 1990
Committee reports; Allocations; Budgets; Soviet emigration; Anti-semetism; Kadima; Young Leadership series; Project
Renewal swimming pool; $5 Million Dollar Campaign; Suite Solicitations program; Washington Mission; Mission to Israel and
Morocco; Y fundraising drive; YM-YWHA of Union County fundraising campaign;
Names include: Joseph Bier, Robyn Bier, Phillys Buchsbaum, Elaine Buechler, Carol Cohen, Richard Goldberger, Judy
Gottleib, Cynthia Hollander, David Mulgrum, Edward Leibowitz, Alan Rubin, Lois Ruderman, Saul Seltzer, Sylvia Seltzer,
Burton Lazarow, Diana Cohen, Murray Pantirer, Leonard Posnock,
Book #7
Jewish Federation of Central New Jersey
Committee reports; Allocations; YM-YWHA issues; Operation Exodus; Campaign updates; Senior housing to be built on the Administrative/Board of Directors/Meetings: Minutes, 1990
Y property; Soviet Resettlement; Credit and construction loan funding from bank; Talmud Torah program for emigre children;
Federation building construction report; Israeli Task Force; Soviet Resettlelment Policy Commission; Suburban Services
report; Territorial issues with Somerset and MetroWest Federation; Solomon Schechter Day School; Central NJ Federation
and Somerset Federation solicitation overlap issues
Names include: Murray Pantirer, Joseph Bier, Robyn Bier, Abraham Borenstein, Gerald Cantor, Joel Confino, Gerald
Flanzbaum, Sandy Gelfond, Bryan Fox, Burton Lazarow, Sarah Lachs, Alan Rubin, Leonard Posnock, Eleanor Rubin
Book #8
Administrative/Board of Directors/Meetings: Minutes, 1991
Jewish Federation of Central New Jersey
Campaign reports; Committee reports; Allocations; Kehilla Mission; Arbitration with Somerset and MetroWest Federations to Administrative/Board of Directors/Meetings: Minutes, 1991
settle territorial issues; Outreach; Washington Mission; Soviet Resettlement policy changes; Adoption of Tallinn in Estonia;
Ethiopian Rescue Special Fund; 32 Soviet families settled in the Central NJ area; Memo of Understanding with Central,
Somerset and MetroWest Federations;
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Administrative/Board of Directors/Meetings: Minutes, 1992
Names include: Louis Beckerman, Joseph Bier, Avi Borenstein, Laura Cohen, Alfred Gelfond, Sandy Gelfond, Jill Kopelman,
Robert Kkuchner, Edward Leibowitz, Betty Seidel, Sylvia Seltzer, Rona Wexler, Charles Winetsky, Burton Lazarow, Diana
Cohen, Howard Gases, Debi Freelander
Book #1
Committee reports; General Assembly updates; Allocations; Endowment Foundation establishes the Alan Goldstein
Institute; Surburban Branch offices in Warren; Budget reports; Charlotte Disaster Fund; Federation fiscal responsibility; 21st
Century Fund Club; Leonard Jeffries visit to Kean College; Rhoda Rosenbach Memorial Fund; Increased programming in
suburban areas; Arbitrator decision RE: Suburban area of MetroWest
Jewish Federation of Central New Jersey
Administrative/Board of Directors/Meetings: Minutes, 1992
Names include: Reed Altholtz, Leon Baukh, Eugene Bilenker, Gerald Cantor, Harold Cohen, Estelle Edelson, Slise
Feldman, Alfred Gelfond, Claire Gottleib, Judy Gottleib, Milton Gottleib, Rabbi Mrodechai Kanelsky, Richard Knoller, Edward
Leibowitz, Michael Margolin, Rona Wexler, Mark Wilf, Judy Wilf, Burton Lazarow, Gary Arnowitx, Debi Golden, Sam Halpern
Book #2
Committee reports; Allocations; Budgets; Merger with Somerset Federation; Wilf Foundation; Leonard Jeffries; Khalid
Muhammad; Stanley Stone approval; CRC's Black-Jewish Dialogue report; Rally/Walk for Local Hunger; Tribute to Burt
Lazarow; NJCRAC - German/Jewish Dialogue;
Administrative/Board of Directors/Meetings: Minutes, 1993
Jewish Federation of Central New Jersey
Administrative/Board of Directors/Meetings: Minutes, 1993
Names include: Reed Altholz, Allen Barkin, Robyn Bier, Eugene Bilenker, Lynne Brotman, David Brotman, Gerry Cantor,
Laura Cohen, Estelle Edelson, Arthur Fliegleman, Alf Gelfond, Sandy Gelfond, Claire Gottlieb, Milton Gottlieb, Robert
Kuchner, Ed Leibowitz, David Mulgrum, Len Posnock, Alan Rubin, Mark Wilf, Luis Fleischman, Howard Gases, Charles
Book #3
Committee reports; Allocations; Campaign update; Loan to the YM-YWHA of Union; JCC epansion project; JCC Marketing
survey; NJCRAC report; Jerusalem Conference of Mayors; Missions; "Flight to Freedom;" Louis Farrakahan; Equitable
Collective Responsibility for Domestic Resettlement
Administrative/Board of Directors/Meetings: Minutes, 1994
Jewish Federation of Central New Jersey
Administrative/Board of Directors/Meetings: Minutes, 1994
Names include: Allen Barkin, Leon Baukh, Joe Bier, David Brotman, Rabbi Samuel Rosenberg, Toby Goldberger, Gary
Goldner, Judy Gottlieb, Sol Kramer, Zygi Wilf, Stanley Stone, Jerald Flanzbaum, Richard Samuel
Book #4
Committee Reports; Allocations; Rally at Madison Square Garden; Endowment Report; Federation Awareness Month; Dr.
Martin Luther King Jr. Presentation at Kean; CJF-UJA-UIA Merger Discussion; Elimination of Public Relations director
position; Allocation process/Federation contribution; Jewish Community Campus construction; Donor "Honor Roll"; Israel
Experience Initiative; Suburban Branch name change to Somerset Division; Y repayment
Administrative/Board of Directors/Meetings: Minutes, 1995
Jewish Federation of Central New Jersey
Administrative/Board of Directors/Meetings: Minutes, 1995
Names include: Julain Barnett, Leon Baukh, Martin Bearg, Lynne Brotman, Gerald Cantor, Amy Cooper, Luis Fleishman,
Alfred Gelfond, Clara Kramer, Sol Kramer, David Mulgrum; Stanely Stone, Mark Wilf, Zygi Wilf, Joel Zimmerman, Milton and
Claire Gottlieb,
Book #5
Committee reports; Allocations; Campaign updates; Soviet Resettlement; CJF General Assembly; Zhitomir Berdichov
Chesed Shlomo Project; March of the Living report; Joint Chaplaincy program of MetroWest; Special Israel Scholarship
Fund; JCC property in Scotch Plains
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Administrative/Board of Directors/Meetings: Minutes, 1996
Jewish Federation of Centreal New Jersey
Administrative/Board of Directors/Meetings: Minutes, 1996
Administrative/Board of Directors/Meetings: Minutes, 1997
Names include: Julian Barnett, Eugene Bilenker, Gerald Cantor, Laura Cohen, Estelle Edelson, Marilyn Flanzbaum, Alf
Gelfond, Sandy Gelfond, Len Glass, Claire Gottlieb, Milton Gottlieb, Larry Lerner, Michael Margolin, David Mulgrum, Eleanor
Rubin, Michael Simon, Amy Cooper, Stanely Stone, Sol Kramer
Book #6
Committee reports; Allocations; Endowment updates; Report of the CJF Assembly; Israel at 50 plans; Gubenatorial forum;
Kean College update; Strategic Planning and demographic survey; Guest: Christopher Miele; NJ/Israel Chamber of
Commerce; Conference on Racism and Bigotry; Proposal to establish a new local Jewish community newspaper with the
MetroWest Jewish News - NJJN; Budget report; Harry Feldston room at the Plainfield JCC; New Federation offices; Martin
Luther King Jr. Celebration;
Jewish Federation of Central New Jersey
Administrative/Board of Directors/Meetings: Minutes, 1997
New Jersey Jewish News
Names include: Allen Barkin, Louis Beckerman, Mindy Rosen Berman, Laura Cohen, Amy Cooper, Elise Feldman, Gerald
Flanzbaum, Marilyn Flanzbaum, Luis Fleishman, Laura Fleeishman, Alfred Gelfond, Sondra Gelfond, Cynthia Lieb, Michael
Margolin, David Mulgrum, Jayne Roth, Alan Rubin, Eleanor Rubin, Stanley Stone, Joseph Wilf, Joel Zimmerman; Glen
Frank; Stanley Stone;
Book #7
Committee reports; UIA updates; Jewish Community News Committee update - staff changes; Report on proposed site for
Federation offices; FIJEL allocation denial; Jewish Community New mixed marriage policy; Federation President's meeting
regarding financing of Central NJ Jewish Home for the Aged; Presentation about JEC's need for expansion in Westfield by
Rabbi Teitz; Allocation approvals; Finance Committee recommendations
Names include: Ralph Berkowitz, Sylvia Brailove, Mathilda Brailove, Toby Goldberger, Alan Goldstein, Burt Lazarow, Fred
Sichel, Jerry Tarlowe, Gerald Flanzbaum, Joseph Wilf
Funding proposal for Central NJ Jewish Home for the Aged; Campain report; Kean College Jewish Studies program;
Meeting with MetroWest Federation regarding support of JEC, Kean College, Jewish War Vets programs, etc.; Project
Renewal program, Report on the merger of the three "Y"s into Jewish Association of Centers and Ys (JACY); Hillel
Foundation at Rutgers fundraising effort
Names include: Ralph Berkowitz; Sylvia Brailove; Mathilda Brailove; Irene Buchner, Toby Goldberger, Alan Goldstein, Burt
Lazarow, Sid Neidich, Manny Pachman, Murray Pantirer, Dave Ravich, Fred Sichel, Dr. Gerald Staffin, Jerry Tarlowe,
Seymour St. Lifer, Nelson Wolf
Committee reports; Allocations; Joint effort of 3 Federations to support Central NJ Jewish Home for the Aged; High School
sub-committee scholarship criteria; Eastern Union County YM-YWHA allocation revision; Indo/Chinese resettlement
program; Services to Jewish Senior Adults; Newspaper Guidelines;
Names include: Mathilda Brailove, Sylvia Brailove, Gerald Flanzbaum, Alfred Gelfand, Morris Gillet, Toby Goldberger, Alan
Goldstein, Burton Lazarow, Manny Pachman, James Schrager, Joseph Wilf
Committee Reports; Allocations; Central NJ Jewish Home for the Aged deficit issues; Union County Board of Rabbis
concern about reduction in support of the Youth to Israel scholarships; Jewish Agency meeting in Israel; Jewish Identity
Task Force survey; President Award to Alan Goldstein; Consideration of meging the Jewish Community News with the
Jewish News of MetroWest; Guidelines for allocations; Restaurant advertising in the newspaper; Procedures for operation of
philanthropic funds
Names include: Sylvia Brailove, Mathilda Brailove, Gerald Flanzbaum, Alfred Gelfand, Morris Gillet, Toby Goldberger, Alan
Goldstein, Burton Lazarow, Murray Pantirer, David Ravich, Seymour St. Lifer, Betty Seidel, Joseph Wilf, Diana Cohen ,
Michael Ostroff, Lois Schlar
Page 6
Administrative/Executive Committee/Meetings: Minutes,
Jewish Federation of Central New Jersey
Administrative/Executive Committee/Meetings: Minutes
Book #8
Committee reports; Allocations; Ministers and Rabbis meeting, interfaith dialogue; Central NJ Jewish Home for the Aged allocation; Jewish Community News budget; JACY debt issue; HIAS request to resettle Ethiopians; Motion to terminate
operation of the Jewish Community News; Mathilda Brailove as honorary lifetime executive committee member; Soviet
Resettlement Program; JACY fundraising program; Constitutional amendments and revisions related to JACY
Administrative/Executive Committee/Meetings: Minutes,
Jewish Federation of Central New Jersey
Administrative/Executive Committee/Meetings: Minutes, 1981-1983
Names include: Sylvia Brailove, Marilyn Flanzbaum, Sandy Gelfond, Butch Gillet, Toby Goldberger, Alan Goldstein, Burt
Lazarow, Manny Pachman, Murray Pantirer, George Pogosky, Fred Sichel, David Tannenbaum, Diana Cohen, Hillel Korin,
Mike Ostroff, Tina Begleiter
Committee reports; Allocations; Campaign updates; JACY - Lease for Shackamaxon School; Jewish Horizon - non-kosher
restaurant issues; Mathilda Brailove's lifetime board membership; Hillel Korin (Campaign Director) resignation; Women's
Division activities report; Development of the Holocaust Resource Center at Kean College; Closing of the Plainfield J.C.C.
Names include: Sylvia Brailove, Norma Fuerst, Alfred Gelfond, David Kabakow, Burton Lazarow, Manny Pachman, Dr.
George Pogosky, Richard Samuel, David Tennenbaum, Alan Goldstein, Seymour St. Lifer, Barbara Ostroff, Tom Forgash,
Joseph Indick, Joseph Wilf, Hillel Korin, Seth Buchwald, Sharon Malakoff, Marvin Layman, Penny Margolies, Al Gelfand,
Harold Brewster, Dr. Robert Fuhrman, Max Rosenbach, Jim Schrager
Summer Day program for Seniors; UJA balance; Possibility of establishing a nursing home adjacent to the EUC Y;
Orthodox/Reform relations (Temple Emanu-el); Decrease in Camp Noam membership; Allocation updates; Allocations for
college classes for seniors; Human Services Policy Committee report; Suggestion to allocate 10% of the campaign to
Jewish education; Federation offfice re-location
Names include: Sylvia Brailove; Bernard Burkhoff, Alfred Gelfond; Burton Lazarow; Manny Pachman; Murray Pantirer;
Marvin Share; David Tannenbaum, Mathilda Brailove, Alan Goldstein, Dr. George Pogosky, James Shrager, Jeri Berenson,
Gerald Flanzbaum, Tom Forgash, Sandy Gelfond, Marsha Bronstein, Seth Buchwald, Diana Cohen, Louis Ornstein
Book #9
Campaign reports; Allocation updates; Committee reports; Synagogue Relations Committee "Together with Israel Parade;"
Jewish Divorce (GET Law); Guest speaker, Arthur Goldberg; Project Renewal update; Consideration of building new
Federation offices; Change in policy to expidite collections; Constitution and By-laws of JFCNJ; Constitution and By-laws of
The Jewish Federation of Central NJ; Operation Moses - Ethiopian Jewish resettlement; Report of David Ravich's visit to
Names include: Bernard Burkoff, Jerome Eckenthal. Gerald Flanzbaum, Marilyn Flanzbaum, Tom Forgash, Alfred Gelfond,
Sandy Gelfond, Richard Goldberger, Toby Goldberger, Alan Goldstein, Burton Lazarow, Gildie Moore, Manny Pachman,
Murray Pantirer, Marvin Share, David Tennenbaum, Mathilda Brailove, Louis Ornstein
Committee reports; Allocations; Campaign updates; Cable TV proposal for taping of shows of community activities; New
Constitution; Housing board to provide living arrangements for elderly Jews in the community; Alan Goldstein named as the
recipient of the Joseph Weinstein Award; Bernard Burkoff named as the recipient of the President's Award; Rabbi Samber
recognized for 25 years of service and leadership
Names include: Bernard Burkoff, Gerald Flanzbaum, Richard Golberger, Alan Goldstein, Jim Shrager, Mathilda Brailove,
Alex Banks, Jerome Eckenthal, Marilyn Flanzbaum, Robert Fuhrman, David Tannenbaum, Tom Forgash, Joseph Fox,
Judith Kronick, George Pogosky, Seymour St. Lifer, Burton Lazarow, Diana Cohen, Lou Ornstein, Howard Gases, Steve
Reitman, Steve Siegel, Mitchell Ackerson, Laurie Flanzbaum, Tova Shull, Rena Schwartz
Committee reports; Allocations; Campaign updates;JFS requested greater funding for the Homemaker Services Program;
Housing Committee's repor of possible use of land adjacent to the Union County YM-YWHA complex; JCC and YM-YWHA
Page 7
Administrative/Executive Committee/Meetings: Minutes,
Jewish Federation of Central New Jersey
Administrative/Executive Committee/Meetings: Minutes, 1984-1986
issues; Discussion of conflicts between Orthodox and Reform communities; Community Award to NCJW of Elizabeth; Bar
Mitzvah Anniversary of JFCNJ, Founders Fund; Solomon Schechter Day School purchases building in West Orange, NJ;
Elmora Hebrew Center financial difficulty; Proposals continue for Housing for Senior Citizens on YM-YWHA property;
Proposal to locate the Federation offices in front of the JCC building on Martine Ave. in Scotch Plains, NJ;
Recommendations to employ a Director of Public Relations; Discussions about funding programs of the Reform and
Conservative movements in Israel
Names include: Mathilda Brailove, Phillis Buchsbaum, Bernard Burkoff, Charles Feldman, Gerald Flanzbaum, Tom Forgash,
Richard Goldberger, Alan Goldstein, David Golush, Sanford Halberstader, Sol Kramer, Judith Kronick, David Mulgrum,
Barbara Ostroff, Geroge Pogosky, Jim Shrager, Burton Lazarow, Diana Cohen, Howard Gases, Steve Reitman, Steve
Siegal, Tova Shull, Lauren Morris
Book #10
Committee reports; Campaign updates; Allocations; Discussion related to the seperation of JCC and YM-YWHA agencies;
Sale of Camp Noam; Planned missions to Israel; David Mulgrum recipient of the President's award; Leonard Posnock
recipient of the Joseph Weinstein Award; JFS recipient of the Community Award; Izzy Yacker recipient of the Voluneteer
Award; Rabbi Elvin Kose given special recognition
Administrative/Executive Committee/Meetings: Minutes,
Jewish Federation of Central New Jersey
Administrative/Executive Committee/Meetings: Minutes, 1987-1988
Names include: Phyllis Buchsbaum, Bernard Burkhoff, Gerald Flanzbaum, Marilyn Flanzbaum, Tom Forgash, Robert
Fuhrman, Al Gelfand, Sandy Gelfond, Larry Goldberger, Richard Goldberger, Alan Goldstein, David Golush, Sanford
Halberstadter, Sol Kramer, Judith Kronick, Barbara Ostroff, Leonard Posnock, Elaine Ravich, Alan Rubin, Jim Shrager,
Joseph Wilf, Zugi Wilf, Burt Lazarow, Diana Cohen, Hoard Gases, Steve Reitman, Steve Siegel, Bruce Bobbins, Harold
Brewster, Bryan Fox, Richard Corman
Committee reports; Allocations; Campaign updates; 14th Annual Women's Shackamaxon Country Club Day; Conflicts
between Central and Somerset Federations regarding solicitations; 40th Anniversary planning; Mountain Jewish Community
Center alliance with Somerset Federation; Establishment of the Israeli Task Force on Tourism
Names include: Harold Cohen, Estelle Edelson, Tom Forgash, Bob Fuhrman, Alf Gelfond, Sandy Gelfond, Richard
Goldberger, Cynthia Hollander, Sol Kramer, Judi Kronick, Edward Leibowitz, Dave Mulgrum, Murray Pantirer, Len Posnock,
Rhoda Rosenbach, Jim Shrager, Rabbi Elazar Teitz, Zygi Wilf, Burt Lazarow, Diana Cohen, Howard Gases, Steve Siegel
Book #1
Administrative/Executive Committee/Meetings: Minutes,
Jewish Federation of Central NJ
Administrative/Executive Committee/Meetings: Minutes, 1989-1991
Committee reports; Allocations; Campaign updates; Internal budget status; Soviet Resettlement funding; Sol Kramer
receipient of Joseph Weinstein Award; Richard Goldberger receipient of President's Award; Temple Emanu-el receipient of
Community Award; Elise Feldman receipent of Volunteer Award; Suburban development issues; Issues related to the
nursery school program and facilities in Eastern and Northwestern Somerset and Hunterdon Counties; Passage to Freedom
Campaign; Soviet Resettlement assisting JFS with providing a Coordinator; Assistance request for the community of
Charleston follwoing the effects of Hurricane Hugo
Names include: Fred Abrams, Joseph Bier, Gerald Cantor, Harold Cohen, Estelle Edelson, Neil Fox, Mildred Goldberger,
Alan Goldstein, Judy Gottlieb, Milton Gottlieb, Cynthia Hollander, Edward Leibowitz, David Mulgrum, Murray Pantirer,
Leonard Posnock, Jim Shrager, Rabbi Elazar Teitz, Burton Lazarow, Diana Cohen, Howard Gases, Steve Siegel, Nancy
Kislin, Rebecca Glass, Tova Shull, Debra Greenberg, Donna Hendel, Steve Pachtinger, Janis Blenden
Committee reports; Allocations; UJA Campaign updates; Correspondence from Jerry Waldor of MetroWest Federation and
its recommendation to cease some activitiy in Springfield; Allocation increase freeze; Wilf Day Care Center dedication in
Kadima; President's award receipient Jim Shrager; Volunteer Award receipient Betty Kaplan; Community Award receipient
Physicians of New Jersey; Young Leadership Award receipient Jody and Perla Levy; Weinstein Memorial Award not
presented; Jewish Horizon and Federation's public relations needs; Donations for Soviet families
Page 8
Names include: Joseph Bier, Gerald Cantor, Gerald Flanzbaum, Marilyn Flanzbaum, Neil Fox, Alfred Gelfand, Mildred
Goldberger, Toby Goldberger, Milton Gottlieb, Cynthia Hollander, Edward Leibowitz, David Mulgrum, Murray Pantirer, Alan
Rubin, Richard Samuel, Jim Shrager, Rabbi Elazar Teitz, Joseph Wilf, Zygi Wilf, Burton Lazarow, Diana Cohen, Howard
Gases, Nancy Kislin, Luis Fleishman, Gary Anowitz, Karen Zeff, Joel Weinberger
Committee reports; Allocations; UJA Campaign; Collective Responsibility Program for Soviet Resettlement; Agreement with
MetroWest Federation - Central to give up claim to Springfield and MetroWest to give up claim to "Western Corridor" and
other territorial issues discussed
Names include: Joseph Bier, Avi Borenstein, Gerald Cantor, Estelle Edelson, Gerald Flanzbaum, Alfred Gelfond, Sandy
Gelfond, Toby Goldberger, Alan Goldstein, David Kopelman, David Mulgrum, Murray Pantirer, Leonard Posnock, Alan
Rubin, Geri Samuel, Richard Samuel, Jim Shrager, Burton Lazarow, Diana Cohen, Howard Gases, Melissa Weintrob,
Louise Pantirer, Robyin Bier, Bruce Bier
Book #2
Committee reports; Allocations, UJA Campaign updates; Establishment of the Rhoda Rosenbach Fund; Executive
Committee role redefined; Alan Goldstein Institute to Develop Yound Jewish Leaders in Central New Jersey; Participation in
a "Hunger Awareness" program; Hurricane Andrew assistance; Allocation to Central NJ Jewish Home for the Aged;
Committee to explore possible merger tiwh the Jewish Federation of Somerset, Hunterdon and Warren Counties
Administrative/Executive Committee/Meetings: Minutes,
Jewish Federation of Central NJ
Administrative/Executive Committee/Meetings: Minutes, 1992-1993
Names include: Joseph Bier, Gerald Cantor, Estelle Edelson, Saul Fenichel, Marilyn Flanzbaum, Alfred Gelfond, Toby
Goldberger, Alan Goldstein, David Koppleman, Ed Leibowitz, David Mulgrum, Leonard Posnock, Geri Samuel, Richard
Samuel, Rabbi Elazar Teitz, Joseph Wilf, Burt Lazarow, Diana Cohen
Commitee reports; Allocations; UJA Campaign reports; Washington Mission report; Somerset/Central NJ exploration;
Executive Director search; Continutation of the Wquitable Collective Responsibility Policy; Robert Fridson receipient of the
Weinstein Award; Gerald Cantor receipient of the President's Award; Hunger Coalition of the JCRC receipient of the
Community Award; Ronald Fields receipient of the Volunteer Award; Yocheved Koplowitz receipient of Staff Recognition
Award; Creation of committee to review policy on delinquent donors; Establishment of a task force to review a 12-month
campaign; Review of committees and their roles; Report on activities of state association; Status of the Jewish Horizon;
Update on talks with Somerset Federation; Proposal for funds for Solomon Schechter Israel program
Names include: Joseph Bier, Robyn Bier, Gerald Cantor, Saul Fenichel, Gerald Flanzbaum, Marilyn Flanzbaum, Alf Gelfond,
Sandy Gelfond, David Kopelman,
Jill Kopelman, Len Posnock, Mark Wilf, Zygi Wilf, Milt Gottleib, Burt Lazarow, Diana Cohen; Heidi Weinberg, Alan Rubin,
Stanley Stone
Book #3
Administrative/Executive Committee/Meetings: Minutes,
Jewish Federation of Central NJ
Administrative/Executive Committee/Meetings: Minutes, 1994-1995
Committee reports; Allocations; UJA Campaign updates; Status of 1994; Operation Exodus; Report on Washington, D.C.
Mission and Super Sunday Campaign; Report on discussions for Federation/JCC expansion; Proposal for suburban office;
CJF request for speical grant for Jewish University students; Report on leadership retreat; Report on "Y" oversight
commitee; CJF General Assembly report; Formation of Jerusalem 3,000 Commitee commemorating the 3,000th
Anniversary; Scotch Plains approval of JCC expansion
Names include: Joseph Bier, Gerald Cantor, Gerald Flanzbaum, Marilyn Flanzbaum, Alf Gelfond, Sandy Gelfond, David
Kopelman, Jill Kopelman, David Mulgrum, Alan Rubin, Geri Samuel, Richard Samuel, Joseph Wilf, Mark Wilf, Zygi Wilf,
Stanley Stone, Sol Kramer, David Brotman, Saul Fenichel
Suburban Branch name change to Somerset Division; Bergen County Federation news report of lack of financial control;
Report on mission to Kiev and Israel; Communal Planning report; New campus groundbreaking; Community honor roll;
Joseph Bier receipient of the President's Award; Wendy Rosenberg receipient of the Volunteer Award; JDC, Jewish Agency
and Kiev Vad receipient of the Community Recognition Award; Cutbacks in Federal programs; Ethics Policy review;
Page 9
Proposal for new Somerset regional offices
Names include: Joseph Bier, David Brotman, Laura Cohen, Gerald Cantor, Estelle Edelson, Saul Fenichel, Gerry
Flanzbaum, Marilyn Flanzbaum, Alfred Gelfond, Judy Gottleib, Jill Kopelman, Sol Kramer, Eleanor Rubin, Cindy Samuel,
Geri Samuel, Richard Samuel. Mark Wilf, Zygi WIlf, Stanley Stone, Howard Gases, Amy Cooper
Book #4
Committee reports; Allocations; UJA Campaign updates; Recommendation of Soviet Resettlement Budget; Anatol Hiller
receipient of the Joseph Weinstein Award; YM-YWHA of Union receipient of the Community Recognition Award; Holly and
Ken Simon receipients of the Yong Leadership Award; Leon Baukh receipient of the Volunteer Award; Rabbi Shawn Zell
receipient of the Rabbinic Award; Establishment of Communal Welfare program; Status of sale of adjacent property owned
byt the YM-YWHA of Union; Plans for a strategic planning and marketing study; Federation awareness month; Report on
Partnership 2000; Request for purchase of new computers; CJF/UJA Merger
Administrative/Executive Committee/Meetings: Minutes,
Jewish Federation of Central NJ
Administrative/Executive Committee/Meetings: Minutes, 1996
Names include: Joseph Bier, David Brotman, Laura Cohen, Gerald Flanzbaum, Marilyn Flanzbaum, Alfred Gelfond, Jill
Kopelman, David Mulgrum, Eleanor Rubin, Rabbi Samuel Rosenberg, Stanley Stone, Howard Gases
Book #5
Committee reports, Allocations, UJA Campaign updates; Discussion of CJF proposal on Somerset; Remarks from Moti Brill
and Chaim Stern representing Partnership 200 community of Arad/Tamar; Report on the NJ State Association Jewish
Federations; Additional subsidy for UJA leadership cabinet mission; Endowment reports; Approval of Jewih News/Horizon
subscription payments; Coordination of fundraising events and calendar among Federation and beneficiary agencies;
Approval of Israel experience committee; NJ Mega Mission to Israel; Ben Gurion Mission; Visit to Zhitomer; Israel
independence day program; Request for assistance from the Estoina Jewish communtiy
Administrative/Executive Committee/Meetings: Minutes,
Jewish Federation of Central NJ
Administrative/Executive Committee/Meetings: Minutes, 1998
Names include: Joseph Bier, Amy Cooper, Gerry Flanzbaum, Marilyn Flanzbaum, Sondra Gelfond, Toby Goldberger, Judy
Gottleib, Richard Knoller, Robert Kuchner, David Mulgrum, Eleanor Rubin, Kenneth Simon, Stanley Stone, Zygi Wilf
Book #6
Administrative/Executive Committee/Meetings: Minutes,
Jewish Federation of Central NJ
Administrative/Executive Committee/Meetings: Minutes, 1999
Committee reports; Allocations; UJA Camaign updates; Proposal to allocate additional campaign funds; Status of talks with
Somerset Federation; Subsidy for missions overseas; Audit status; ALD Anniversary; Strategic Planning; Mission 2000
update; Report on P2K budget process; GA Report; Request to participate in the MetroWest Jewish Heritage Concert
Names include: Amy Cooper, Marilyn Flanzbaum, Alfred Gelfond, Sandy Gelfond, Toby Goldberger, Richard Knoller,
Solomon Kramer, Robert Kuchner, Lawrence Lerner, David Mulgrum, Jayne Roth, Eleanor Rubin, Michael Simon, Stanley
Stone, Cathy Tabak, Rona Wexler, Zygmunt Wilf
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